Super Life

What to Expect When Starting a Detox | Navigating the Symptoms

Your Super's Michael Kuech and Kristel de Groot Season 3 Episode 6

In this episode we discuss what you can expect when beginning your detox and how you can avoid the issues you may run into when doing so. On day 1 you might feel really motivated, but also run into some routine things like snacks you’re used to eating and know you shouldn’t. On Day 2 you’ll find it may be the hardest day as you might start feeling the side effects of changing your diet, which can include feeling congested, tired, or head ache. Make sure you’re hydrated and moving your body/exercising in order to combat these symptoms. On day 3 many will start feeling amazing while others might feel about the same as 2, but on day 4 you’ll start feeling really good and light/healthy. Day 5 will be building on day 4’s amazing feelings and you’ll want to keep going. You’ll experience many positive feelings and changes in your body, which even includes being able to sleep better at night. 

  • Day one 0:53
  • Day two 3:05
  • Day three and four 6:00
  • Day five 7:55
  • The routine following the detox 9:29
  • Tell the people around you 13:29
  • The last thing 16:37

“What I would love everyone to do after the detox is to really take a moment to reflect on those five days and make a decision on what are the habits in the detox that you wanna keep… I want you to write that down and commit to that.” 9:33