Super Life

Fact Based Nutrition with Michael Greger | What Science Says About Dieting

Your Super's Michael Kuech and Kristel de Groot Season 3 Episode 13

Today we talk to Michael Herschel Greger while he walks on his treadmill, who is an American physician, author, and professional speaker on public health issues, best known for his advocacy of a whole-food, plant-based diet, and his opposition to animal-derived food products. Having been in the health game for an extended period of time, Michael has a lot of wisdom to share with us and we ask him all kinds of questions, such as what he thinks about dieting. Evidence based dieting is the best way to go with permanent changes to dietary habits. Otherwise people will just go back to where they started. We talk about the current way animals are raised for food and the risks it poses, such as creating a breeding ground for the spread of disease and sickness. 
Getting started on this journey 0:36 
Cancer patients and survival 4:59 
What is hindering people from adopting these teachings, and food ideas 7:32 
His viewpoint on diet 10:13 
Why it’s not about the calories 13:04 
The risk of the current way we raise animals for food 15:19 
Foods for immune properties 20:10 23:46 
Rapid fire questions 26:57 
“Diets don’t work by definition because going on a diet implies at some point you gotta go off the diet, and permanent weight loss requires permanent dietary change. Healthier habits just have to become a way of life. And if they’re gonna be life long, you want to lead to a long life, but thankfully the single best diet for weight loss just so happens to be the safest, cheapest way to eat for the longest healthiest life and that is a diet centered around whole plant foods.” 10:41