Fitness facts and coffee chats

How to Get a Six Pack

Adam Knutson and Trevor Bridges Season 1 Episode 1

What is at the top of nearly every fitness wish list? 

Visible abdominal muscles, better known as the elusive, six pack. 

Working out isn't just about vanity and aesthetics. Perhaps you started working out to move without pain, decrease fatigue, increase bone mineral density, or to get stronger. These are goals that we should all be chasing, but at the end of the day, you're going to put in a good amount of effort to achieve these goals. Wouldn't it be nice to have a little something to show for the effort? 

We believe so and we believe you can achieve all the aforementioned goals AND get your six pack, but you're going to have to work for it. 

This episode, Adam and I will unravel the not-so-secret, secrets to winning the battle of the bulge.  

Listen to the podcast, apply our combined knowledge to your daily life, and watch great things happen to your body and mind. 

Listen to the podcast, do nothing, and you get to continue telling yourself the lie that you really don't want to get that lean anyway.