Nid's Nidra

Metta Compassion Yoga Nidra

Nids Nidra Episode 38

This yoga nidra is a blend of two Buddhist loving-kindness practices - Metta meditation is where we wish others good, and Tonglen is when we give and receive compassion.  This practice blends both. 

To bring a deeper connection to compassion there is also a heart-light breath and the opposite sensations of kindness and meanness. 

These practices have scientific evidence for their effectiveness on:

  • Improved self-compassion
  • A deeper sense of calm and reduced stress
  • More nurturing relationships
  • Reduced physical pain
  • An enhanced connection to others, nature and life

A longer version is available for those ready to send love to a challenging person and themself. Please contact me 

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Please be aware that some practices can bring up deep fears and you may need to seek professional support. You can reach out to me if you need guidance.

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Much love and light,

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