Nid's Nidra

Mirror Reflections Yoga Nidra

Nid Ra Episode 46

This is a practice of self-development to discover your truth. A great practice to use throughout your path and continually return to an unveil 'the next truth'.

A universal truth is that everything lies in the truth of who you are. 
Everything that we each experience is a reflection of our inner world. 
The way to see your own truth is via your reflections. 
Use this practice to reveal what is your self-development practice for now. 
Never be afraid of what you see, accept it, welcome it with love, and dance with it both in the shadows and light. 

See the truth that you are a beautiful miracle. Offer your best self and know it by seeing it in your reflection.

If you enjoy this practice please share it with others or write a review to help others know the benefits it brought you. 

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Please be aware that some practices can bring up deep fears and you may need to seek professional support. You can reach out to me if you need guidance.

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Much love and light,

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