A Joy To Be Me

Client testimonial: The most energy I've had in my life!

Lydia Joy Episode 119

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Over the years I've worked with a lot of women (and now more men) to help unravel their health concerns. One of the biggest things I've noticed is that it's really hard for women to put themselves and their health first. And I'm on a mission to shift that paradigm.

Your health is your greatest asset and gift. It's no one else's job to take care of your physical health. Only you can do that. Sure other people can encourage you, but no one can do it for you.

I learned the hard way and didn't put my health first for a long time as an adult. I wasn't really modeled how. I grew up on processed food just like you probably did. Once I finally learned better, I to make the choice to do better. So when my health finally did come crashing down, I finally took heed and started putting my health first.

I hope I can help others not wait that long. You can do so much NOW to prevent your health from crashing, but only if you put your health first. Stop making it a backburner priority and put it on the front burner. You have to take personal responsibility, get educated and start implementing changes so you can feel your best.

I've shared about this countless times and countless ways here on my blog. If you need some support on this today, so you can get to putting yourself and your health first; this post I wrote on restoring your health one day at a time.

Helping others to embody personal responsibility and prioritize their health is at the core of my client work. It's the work I had to do for myself and have to keep doing for myself, as well as model to my kids.

In this episode I share an example with you of a woman who also learned how to put her health first, and how to get the support she needed to make a much deeper shift than she could on her own. 

Learn more about how you and I can work together:

  • Book an initial health breakthrough session HERE
  • Learn more about my REMINERALIZE program  : HERE 
  • Learn more about getting started with HTMA : HERE 
  • Learn more about the HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart : HERE

Find me on Instagram : @ Lydiajoy.me OR @ holisticmineralbalancing
Find me on Telegram: A Joy To Be Me

If you are interested in becoming a client and have questions, reach out by emailing me: