A Joy To Be Me

Get more in flow with castor oil packs

May 07, 2022 Lydia Joy Episode 120

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Considering that many woman come to me with issues relating to their cycle or digestion (bloating-feeling sluggish and even moody) I tend to have a few go-to’s that I rely on.

By using castor oil packs, the flow of lymph is increased throughout the body. This helps to speed the removal of toxins surrounding the cells and to reduce the size of swollen lymph nodes
If you feel any kind of internal stagnation : it’s time to support your lymph. So often we want to go straight DETOX but we skip the lymph -we live in a sitting society that no longer moves in the ways we once would if we were more connected to nature

In this episode I share why castor oil and how to do the packs: who can benefit from them and so much more! Be prepared to learn and then take action! 

Find my online dispensary and learn more about how you and I can work together over on my website:   lydiajoy.me