Fit As A Fiddle

A Sad Mom Is Not A Bad Mom: Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Dr. Sneha Gazi Season 1 Episode 5

The car seat comes with a 20-page manual. So why don’t babies come with a manual too? If you feel confused, alone, sad, or anxious during pregnancy and/or after your baby arrives, don’t think you are a bad mom. If you are in a dark place and you didn’t wake up like a goddess in silk sheets, knowing exactly what to do or feeling a bond with your baby immediately, don’t be alarmed. Many women experience Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) and too often mothers don’t seek help because they feel like they did something wrong. Paige Bellenbaum, a social worker and the founding director of The Motherhood Center in NYC, breaks down the issues around maternal mental health in this country and beyond.

Once she began to heal from her own PMAD which began 14 years ago, Paige became committed to fighting for education, screening and treatment for postpartum depression so that no more women would have to suffer silently. Paige has been an outspoken advocate on the issue of postpartum depression, and uses her own story as a tool for change. She has appeared on the Today Show, NPR, PBS Newshour and in Fortune, The New York Times, Women’s Health Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, In Style and several other media outlets. Connect with her and The Motherhood Center at