Fit As A Fiddle

Mental Health in Urban Youth

Dr. Sneha Gazi Season 2 Episode 11

As of 2018, 55% of our total world population live in cities. Studies show that living in urban environments increases the risk for psychosis, anxiety disorders, and depression due to reasons like social isolation, poverty, and discrimination. In fact, over 90% of Gen Z said they have experienced some degree of physical or mental stress. However, globally, there aren’t as many resources for urban youth to seek help for the unique challenges they face. In today’s episode, we have our youngest guest, Gina Geshlider, a NYC-raised 21-year-old, who talks to us about her platform called Citwellbeing. Gina discusses how wellness services like massage and acupuncture are prevalent throughout the cities, but are usually inaccessible to people her age because they are too expensive. Gina shares with us the impact of increased drug use, violence, social media, and technology in NYC youth, and how we can take steps to overcome the stressors that Gen Z face. 

Gina is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and the founder of Citywellbeing, a wellness platform that caters to Gen-Z. After struggling with her own mental health she began learning to take optimal care of herself in order to flourish and grow. Her mission is to support her fellow young people who have grown up in urban settings to navigate their wellness. She strives to share what has helped her, and at the same time provide a platform that amplifies other's experiences.