Fit As A Fiddle

The Gut: Nutrition Advice for IBS, IBD & PCOS

November 26, 2020 Dr. Sneha Gazi Season 2 Episode 17

It’s Thanksgiving! And with lots of yummy food can come lots of gut issues. Outside of the holiday season, chances are either you or someone you know experiences bowel or hormonal issues that may be hindering their quality of life regularly. Today we have top notch advice from Lauren Minchen, a registered dietitian for over 7 years, who breaks down some very important information for us. She discusses food intolerances, how to restore the integrity of your gut, what various supplements do for your body, and how mental health plays a role in all of this. Lauren educates us on 3 great anti-inflammatory supplements and how to reduce the severity of bowel issues to make your life easier. 

Lauren became a Registered Dietitian largely because of her love for all things health and wellness. She struggled with an eating disorder in middle and high school, only to move through it and discover that she had a form of Multiple Sclerosis in her early 20s. Understanding how nutrition works and how food impacts the human body revolutionized how she approached her own lifestyle. She earned her RD credential and a Masters in Public Health Nutrition from Hunter College and opened her private practice doors shortly thereafter. She loves working with clients who are seeking a balanced, sustainable lifestyle with healthy food. Her specialties include digestive illnesses and autoimmune conditions.

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