Crispy Coated Robots

CRISPY COATED ROBOTS #53 - Best Prison Break Movies & Top 5 Snack Chips

Jim Kovacik - George Wright Padgett Season 2 Episode 53

Are you ever going to text me?

Episode 53: “Hostages will not be negotiated for beyond this point.”

Jim & George  tackle the Top 5 Prison Break movies of all time, while trying to secure an endorsement deal from the Sun Chip corporation.

George confesses his fantasy dream job of Cheetos taster while Jim recalls his first experience of an authentic Texas Frito pie.

Which two Sylvester Stallone escape movies are disqualified from the list because both hosts were unclear on the episode criteria?

The show closes out with their disastrous attempt at pairing the ‘right’ chip selection with the ‘proper’ prison escape film.