Crispy Coated Robots

CRISPY COATED ROBOTS #60 - Most Reliable Supporting Actor and Top Hair Product

Jim Kovacik - George Wright Padgett Season 2 Episode 60

Are you ever going to text me?

Episode 60: “When is a hair product NOT a hair product?”

The boys discuss who are the greatest secondary character actors in Hollywood, as they debate which of the two of them is the supporting actor of the CCR podcast.

Surprisingly, the more controversial topic develops around what is/is not a hair product. 

Jim: “Where would we be without the hairdryer?”
George: “Well, our hair would be wet.”

Jim: “Who doesn’t use a hairdryer or a brush?”
 George: “Bald guys.”
 Jim: “Okay.”

Learn which product turned Jim’s hair red once.
And the guys stumble upon an online community devoted to the use of Pomade:

 It’s an unprecedented episode in which there are no overlapping entries in either category.