Crispy Coated Robots

CRISPY COATED ROBOTS #72 - Top Scarlett Johansson Films and Best Discoverers/Explorers

Jim Kovacik - George Wright Padgett Season 2 Episode 72

Are you ever going to text me?

Episode 72: ‘And curse Sir Walter Raleigh, he was such a stupid get!’

Jim and George discuss their favorite Scarlett Johansson movies and reflect upon the exploits of various discoverers/explorers.

Which podcast host has the highest IQ?

Also discussed is the lesser known voyage  made by Vasco da Gama to Cape Cod, Massachusetts for some sport fishing.

Episode Confessional:  George is forced to admit that he either has never listened to Neil Young’s "CORTEZ THE KILLER" (about Hernán Cortés) or didn’t understand the lyrics meaning. Jim gleefully offers ad nauseam impersonations of Neil Young singing the tune.

If that wasn’t enough of an episode, Jim also relays the various injuries of famous explorers and conquistadors .

ENHANCEMENT:  “Cortez the Killer” by Neil Young