Crispy Coated Robots

CRISPY COATED ROBOTS #77 - Best 'Rewatchable' Movies and Top 5 Nuts

Jim Kovacik - George Wright Padgett Season 2 Episode 77

Are you ever going to text me?

Episode 77: “Look at the size of Bruce Willis’ Fred Flintstone-Sized feet!”

In what the guys classify as ‘The Re-Watchable Episode’ Jim and George list their favorite films in 5 categories:

·        Comedy

·        Drama

·        Sci-fi/Horror

·        Romantic Comedy

·        Action

Also, what are their top 5 nuts?

As a self-proclaimed non-sci fi fan, why did Jim as a young boy find the character of Nova in The Planet of the Apes so intriguing?

George gets all philosophical about  feather symbolism of one of Jim’s selections.

And what of the future’s insidious plan to intentionally inject humanity with nut allergies and weaponized common nuts?