Crispy Coated Robots

CRISPY COATED ROBOTS #84 - Movies Under 47 Hours & Top 5 Kitchen Utensils

Jim Kovacik - George Wright Padgett - Joseph Johnson Season 3 Episode 84

Are you ever going to text me?

Episode 84:  ‘Really George, you need a gavel?’  
Bet it all on Black 17 for this one folks: Jim, George, and Nebulor/Joseph explore movies whose plot timelines have a duration of 47 hours or less. Also debated is what are the top kitchen utensils. 

Other Points of Interest:

·        How did visiting the Pope at the Vatican get Joseph and Jim in hot water? 

·        What did George try to force actor Danny Aiello to say to Jim’s brother? 

·        Joseph finally opens up about his grandmother’s (Mamaw Johnson) glook glook measurement systems. 

·        What in the world is happening in Nederland, Texas in which prepubescent girls are lathered up with mayonnaise and shoved into a carwash for the viewing enjoyment of local Dairy Queen patrons???

·        Why did George get himself thrown high school detention?

And even clocking in at an hour and twelve minutes, the episode is still shorter than a Jason Robards’ movie death scene.