Crispy Coated Robots

CRISPY COATED ROBOTS #87 - Best Dream Sequence + Best School Lunch Entrees

October 26, 2021 Jim Kovacik - George Wright Padgett - Joseph Johnson Season 3 Episode 87

Are you ever going to text me?

Episode 87:  “That great Italian dish… Corn”

 Jim, Joseph, and George discuss the best dream sequences/hallucination in film & TV and reminisce about school lunch entrées.

Other moments of note:

·        What is the darkest scene on the Brady Brunch that actually involves manslaughter? 
·        What are the ingredients of George’s pre-gig Subway® sandwich?
·        Joseph relays the frozen horror he encountered in a school freezer when he was a college sophomore.   
·        Jim catalogues the 16 Dream Sequences of Gilligan’s Island 
·        What did George eat every day for an entire school year when he was in the 7th grade?