Crispy Coated Robots

CRISPY COATED ROBOTS #93 - Top 5 Movie Musicals and Best Sports Equipment

December 07, 2021 Jim Kovacik - George Wright Padgett - Joseph Johnson Season 3 Episode 93

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Episode 93:  “Where’s my damned putter?”   

The guys debate their all-time favorite movie musicals in hopes of their entries making the canister being sent to the future. The second topic discussion covers the best sporting equipment.

·        Which podcast host did Jim infuriate to the point they threw a golf club at him?

·        Who named their family rabbit "Shipoopi"?

·        Pop Quiz: What are the 5 types of golf clubs?

·        Why are the guys so excited about  a Hot Lunch?

·        Jim’s ‘dance belt’ horror

·        Less Marbles: All this fuss over a loaf of bread?

·        “The elliptical machine is basically a bike that failed.”

·        Which sports equipment item does Jim keep in his vehicle to persuade people when the conversation gets a little heated?