The Optimal Aging Podcast

Does your fitness business have a crisis communications plan? Here's why and how to start, with communications expert Cindy Miller

Jay Croft Episode 22
A year ago, were you anticipating a crisis to hit your business? You couldn’t have expected what happened, of course -- a pandemic messing up everything, including your business and the fitness of people everywhere.

We all learned the hard way. But Covid-19 will not be the only crisis to affect your business, unfortunately. And as part of your preparations, you need to create a crisis communications plan now.

Because something else will happen. Something always does. Whether it’s a rogue employee, a natural disaster, or a local utility mishap, all kinds of emergencies can affect your business. Customers, employees and others will need your leadership and communications.

Cindy Miller is a veteran communications consultant, PR agency owner, and former newspaper editor in metro Atlanta. Her agency, Cindy Miller Communications in Marietta, Georgia, specializes in helping businesses prepare for trouble.

On this episode of the Optimal Aging podcast, Cindy shares her insight into crisis communications and, at the end of the conversation, she directs you to a powerful (and free) online resource to help get you started.

Plus, as always -- Three Things I Like This Week.

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