The Optimal Aging Podcast

How to Get Gym Customers Back after the Covid-19 Pandemic, from Three People Who Are Doing It

April 06, 2021 Jay Croft Episode 26

Where are we in the fight against the pandemic?

It seems like things are improving, doesn’t it? 

This week, I invited three fitness professionals from around the country onto the Optimal Aging podcast to discuss this particular moment in time — from their own perspectives — just for a quick pulse-check. 

Two are longtime owners of successful fitness facilities that cater to the over-50 market - Detric Smith of Results Performance Training in Virginia; and Aimee Sinopoli of Cutting Edge Fitness Center in Massachusetts. The third is a business coach for gyms all across America, Justin Hanover of  Fitness Revolution.

They’re seeing people coming back — including those in the"older" demographic. And, in our conversation, they share the challenges and successes they’re facing now as they continue to adapt, communicate and thrive. 

Key Moments

4:20 -- How their businesses are doing right now
9:30 -- Changing their communications to keep people updated
14:00 -- 'Now is not the time to ease up on the gas... There's a lot of opportunity'
21:20 -- Being aggressive on more than just re-engaging current clients
23:10 -- You have to share your information
30:25 -- Creating other revenue streams within your business
39:15 -- 'The amount of Lysol I've been inhaling is insane'
41:47 -- Three Things I Like This Week: SNL skit, "Hooked" on junk food, National Poetry Month


Detric Smith, Results Performance Training
Aimee Sinopoli, Cutting Edge Fitness Center
Justin Hanover, Fitness Revolution

SNL’s “Boomers Got the Vax” skit
“Hooked” by Michael Moss
National Poetry Month

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