The Optimal Aging Podcast

Built to Grow, Including Fitness over 50: Gym Owner and Entrepreneur Tim Lyons Knows the Power of Marketing

Jay Croft Episode 40

Tim Lyons is a fitness entrepreneur on the move. He opened his own gym in Scottsdale, Arizona, then started coaching other gym owners on how to succeed. He wrote a book called Good to Grow and hosts a podcast with the same name. And, as if all that’s not enough, he’s a frequent speaker at conferences and even produces his own Growth Summits, including one that’s coming up this fall in Nashville.

I’ve known Tim for a couple of years now, and I’m always struck by how helpful and open he is. I know this graciousness is part of the reason for his success, too.

But I’d never spent a great deal of time talking with him, or learning his story — how a former football player, and still a devoted fan, discovered his marketing talents and parlayed them into this array of business enterprises. He also knows the value of the over-50 demographic, which we discuss — as well as the importance of content that speaks effectively to them.

Sometimes I hear from young men who want to learn to write better and to promote their own personal brand. I’m always happy to help. And Tim Lyons is someone who’s done it. Here’s my talk with Tim.

Timed Highlights

5:10 -- Finding the right business model for his gym
9:00 -- You grow when you surround yourself with the right people
14:00 -- You can always make money, but time slips away
17:00 -- Why would anyone want to listen to me?
20:40 -- Why systems are so important
26:50 -- If you don't communicate, what do you expect to happen?
35:25 -- Addressing the "older" market
49:30 -- Three Things I Like This Week

Tim Lyons Website

FitPro Growth Summit

Naamly -- Support our advertiser, who helps you keep in touch with your members

Spelling Bee

The Criterion Channel

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