Free Spirit Academy Podcast

Choosing Food Values Over Food Rules | Adina Pearson

Rande Moss / Adina Pearson Season 1 Episode 21

 What I love about Adina's work is that she presents intuitive eating with such a beautiful perspective. There's food freedom but there's ALSO supportive structure and there's a huge honoring of our individuality and the various areas that might need extra care as we're embarking on letting go of strict rules and really learning to trust ourselves.
 In this episode we talk about orthorexia, why ideas about moderation might not serve us, thin privilege, food addiction, emotional eating, binge eating, self-care, and cultivating a safe structure at home for children to explore freedom, fluctuations and preferences.
 We talk about veganism gone wrong and veganism when it's a natural intuitive lifestyle. We talk about intuitive eating as freedom and intuitive eating when it gets turned into another set of diet rules to rebel from. Ultimately we're talking about self-connection and self-trust.
 I hope you enjoy this conversation.
 Links mentioned:

Adina's website

Adina's Instagram

Adina's Facebook

Marika Tomkins Episode 2

Ellyn Satter Institute

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

Free Spirit Academy website.

Free Spirit Academy courses.

Free Spirit Academy Facebook group.