MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep #102: Slayer from the Tub, Thoughts on Manifesting: 4 Easy Steps to your Dreams! Weight Loss, Adventure Life, RV's, Mansions and More!


Hear how Slayer left Corporate America and is now living a life of Adventure on the road. Then hear her next dreams and the steps she's taking NOW.
Rub-a-dub-dub it’s Slayer in a tub! For real though…she’s recording from a bathtub at The River House by Kelly, one of her friends retreat centers that has gotten her manifesting juices flowing.
Tune in as Slayer shares the 4 keys to creating the future of your dreams and how she has done it, step by step. Plot along with her your own path as you get ideas and get inspired on how to manifest your own future creations, whether it’s that illusive weight loss goal, freedom, a relationship…whatever you desire! 


VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you, but you don't know how to uncover it. The Heartsing podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host, Addie B AKA Slayer of Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams.

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self discovery. And I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Well, that stuff, which is in bitches, I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm actually recording the podcast from the bathtub at Kelly's river house. So if you've been following me on social media, you might know I'm away on this little creator's retreat that my friend invited me to her magnificent house that is also going to host some intimate coaching,

retreats and events. So I came to check it out and had the most magical experience that I extended the stay myself. And I've been here for a week and I'm just, you know, I never really cared about a bathtub as much as when I moved into RV life. I'm telling you, like, you move into an RV for a couple of years,

you guys, and you appreciate about Tableau. Like you never have, like, I used to not care. So now I can't get out of it. And it's my last day. And I wanted to get this podcast to you because I'm fired up about it because it's part of what has gotten reignited in me this week. And part of what I teach in the MEfirst guide process,

part of what we do. But sometimes I feel like I don't get down into the house of what I really need to do to manifest it because I'm trying to stay out of the house cause I'm trying to be. So that gets all complicated. So I'm going to talk through this here with you guys and see if we can't come out the other side of this podcast with an intention and a plan for me,

I'm going to share the four steps I've really been thinking about and identified. And I'm sure there's tons of stuff out there. I don't know. This is just kind of something I've been writing about and whipping together and inputs, of course, from lots of different sources are in my head now. Like where are they come from? I don't always know.

I'm sure Renee with the abundance energy podcast has a big impact on this episode as it is about living in the now and the joy. And when I go and I talk to Renee and my spirit guides and all of that, it's usually, so I stay out of my house that are causing me negative feeling, right? So how do we take action live in the now and cultivate that emotion that brings us to that final end game,

because that's what manifesting is. It's creating that vibration now for that thing you want, or that being you want to be, let's take your future skinny self. You want to feel like future self now, right? Where you're at, whether you're 300 pounds, 400 pounds, 150 pounds wherever you are and whatever your health goal is, you want to start feeling that now.

And that's all fine and dandy, right? All the gurus tell us this. And we're like, okay, how, how do I move my ego out of the way? How do I do this? And this is part of the reason I created the MEfirst guide system was because I was doing it. I was figuring out how to create my future self take action and trying to help to show others.

So I'm going to break it down for you with my example of how I got into my nomadic living, which was my dream, right? When I set out and it shifted. So we're going to end with what it's shifting to and how I'm going to manifest this next version so that you can watch along with me and see it happen and do it for yourself.

Okay. Four key steps that I have came to the first one being, and funny enough, they go in a lot, not funny enough. I mean, of course they go right long with my tagline, believe become and be it's exactly what you need to do to create whatever outcome you want in your life. How do we go about that? So we create first,

the dream and the vision. If you don't know where you want to go. And I don't mean just like, yeah, I want to lose a hundred pounds. Okay. That's great. What does that mean to you? What does it look like? How do you feel when you're a hundred pounds? Like you need to develop this dream and this vision and you guys,

this is what I'm really good at helping you guys do that. You know, I am. And if you're listening and you haven't jumped in yet, jump in, I can help you build that dream envision. Although I just hope guide you to build it, right? That's half the battle is creating that definition of, you know, what, what does it really look like when I'm at that end game?

And then we need to create that emotion for you now. And this is the thing, this is why we have a MEfirst am habit stack. This is why we do all the things we do in the sisterhood to stay in that emotion as much as possible, because it's inevitable our egos going to pull us back out until like, I like to say,

I, you know, I'm some Yogi levitating over the grand canyon. And then after I've got that, that emotion cultivated, I'm letting it go. And I heard someone say this recently, you might get water playback as I'm splashing her out of the tub. Oh my gosh. Hopefully the audio is going to be decent on this. But bear with me.

You guys literally bear. Just kidding. There's a live of me in the Heartsing podcast community on Facebook and the bathtub. If they don't take it down, you can go check that out. If you're interested seriously, you couldn't see anything, but my big mug up in your face, so, okay, you're going to now let it go. So first we're creating the dream and the vision.

Then we're creating the emotion. Now, then we're letting it go. And you're like, this is what I've worked on for three. How do I let it go? How do I just surrender? How do I give myself over? I trust, I believe. And I just keep stepping forward. And every time it appears, I build that trust more and more.

It's like the four CS for yourself, stepping into the capability and then into confident confidence. Right? First you have to have that courage to get through that fear of doing something that is so foreign to you. We're taught. We have to go out and get a, get a, get it to make it happen. And now you're telling your brain,

you know what? We're just going to dream it and let it go. And you know, and take action from there. I'm going to get to that part because that's going to be critical watching your windows. But you know, your brain's like no frayed, not that is not what we've been taught. It's like, forget that Slayer. So you have to overcome that stuff.

And this is where becoming the observer of your thoughts and understanding that you are seeing those thoughts. You can affect your thoughts. You can make different decisions. Meditation helps with this mind work helps with this life. Coaching helps with this. All of these things help you become a better observer of yourself, become the detective of your life, the scientist, if you will.

So how do you stay in this vibration of letting it go? And I, and I heard this person say a cat, God, I can't remember who it was, but they said, it's a wanting, not a needing. And I love that. Think about that with your relationships, right? Think about when you chase that guy in high school and you were like this big meaty chick,

and of course he didn't want you, right? Because you were coming off all needy and stuff. Well, the universe is that same way. Just like that, dude, you're chasing her chick or, you know, whatever your preference is, you are in the space of being needy instead of just wanting and desiring it. Think about that shift in yourself.

When you are going for your goal, are you looking to lose a hundred pounds for example, because you need to, because the doctor told you to, cause your family told you to, because society told you to, or is it because you want it because you desire it. And what does it look like when you get there? And to remember,

it's the journey of the getting there. And I know we hear this and we're all like, Nope, give me the thing now. But I am telling you 130 pounds later, actually taking off in the RV, living my adventures for a couple of years and continue to do so. It's absolutely the journey and refocusing my mind continually to help embrace. It has been a big part of that process.

So the being and in this watching for your doors and your windows or both, or one or the other take your pick, the universe is putting in front of you over and over again. When you do this, when you desire something, you will have little nuggets dropped all over and it's up to you to see and grab those nuggets. It's up to you to open your heart,

open your mind to the universe and say, you know what? This is what I want. These are some things I think I could do to get what I want I have, because we do want to take action. The universe is going to take your action as a sign. You really desire it. So I also think that there is a part of us that needs to make a move,

right? Because you guys know I'm all about action, right? But this is how you make it happen. But how do you be an action and not be in the house of it in, by that? I mean, where it's like, I have to do this, I'm choosing to do this. I'm desiring to do this different energy vibe. How do we go about doing that in knowing when you're getting the right vibe,

Hey, continue on, do this, do that versus now it's the wrong path. Stop what you're doing. Should we continue on? Because it feels hard and it's just because you don't know how to do it yet. And on the other side of you learning how to do it, it's going to be magical or does it feel really hard? And is it just not the right time?

Because it's not meant to be for you. And I think many of us get caught up in the difference of these. I'm going to use light seeker as an example here. I'm sure she won't mind. Well, you're white secret. I'm not even going to tell you. You're just in the podcast here. Paula was on the hundredth episode of the podcast that she has been going to the Chopra center and we've been close for,

you know, working together, hanging out together, coaching all of that stuff for a couple of years now, I don't know. I would say so when Paula first sat down to do her first PowerPoint and presentation, it was torture. Like she said, she was like, there's no way. This is the right path for me. I'm not supposed to do this.

I'm just supposed to quit all of this. And we would talk through that, work through that. And she went through a lot of stuff personally that she was working on and she pushed through. And so last week we had our call and she's working on a presentation to finalize her meditation certificate. And she says, she goes, well, I'm just enjoying the process of making the presentation.

And I was like, okay, stop the press. Who am I talking to right now? I'm like, look at that. Look at that shift. You did it once. It was hard, but you did it. And now you're gaining some competence and capability as you go until you're just rocking it. You guys just be mindful of that. On the other side of that hard thing can be joy can be flow,

can be easiness, can be something you actually like to do notice for yourself. Hey, is this just, cause I don't know how to do this, or I consider this really hard or is this really like, all the universe is throwing up all the, all the big turns in the way? What is it? Yeah, you're getting raw and real flare today.

Maybe I should record naked more often. TMI, TMI as always. The fun is now. Okay. So that's what we're going to, and I got thinking about this. I'm like, all right, I know I'm manifesting this next version of me. And I just was writing this morning and writing and I thought, you know what? I'm going to write out how I manifested my RV dream life.

Even though I've talked about that on here multiple times and I've written, but it's been a while since I've reflected back on that. And so I wrote out just kind of an outline of what I did to make sure that these steps were valid, right? Like, yeah, that is actually what I did and what I've seen other people do. And what's been proven over and over in front of my face now.

And then I'm going to set up steps for me to create this next version. What's it going to look like? Let's go back first. So the first one, the dream, I remember clear as day I was on a live, just bullshitting with all you guys out there on Facebook, hanging out with me. And I was like, you know what?

You guys, what would be really cool is I could be like adventure, mom. I could get an RV. I could work on the road and I could come around and do little workshops and light out you witches and bitches up. And we're all laughing. Yeah, that'd be awesome. What a dream. And then I got thinking about it, man.

I love camping. I started to see myself working by the campfire, the freedom of my life to not be tied to a nine to five. I could create this job around wanting to create these experiences. I could see myself hiking and swimming in the, in the lakes and the oceans and just being, and allowing myself freedom. So I start to visualize this,

see it. And it's becoming like, I was feeling it now. And I thought, okay, well, what if I did do this? What if this was pot? Okay, it's possible. Somewhere in the universe. People have done this before. I am not like making some unicorn thing up. People have left their jobs and gone off and created jobs and move around the country all the time.

So why can't I people have become multimillionaires instantly. Why can I, people have lost 130 pounds? Why can't I, why can't you? What is it? That thing that would seem super cool to you. That's where this came from. Right? That'd be cool. This whole life I've created that allows me to sit here in a bathtub and record a podcast for you while at my friend's glorious river house,

hanging out for a week, having the best time freedom. What does it look like to you? What does that feeling of odd joy, freedom look like to you? So that's what mine was back with the RV. So let's get into kind of the house of it, right? Because first up we have the step of the dream and the vision and creating the emotion.

So I started creating this motion. Wow. This would be really cool. I'm seeing it. I'm doing vision boards. I'm talking to you guys about it online. I'm doing video about it, all of that stuff. Just like I did with my weight loss, same thing, same thing I did with my weight loss, talking about my future self.

What would slay or do how it Slayer E how would she show up for that? And then I started to feel it, of course, right now it did all those things. I started to go to her RV a lot straight, you know, they have those big RV events and I'm like, I got my friends, Aaron and Jay who have been such a big support for me,

not just in that RV thing, but the universe started to bring people into my life. And I was like, Hey, you guys want to go RV shop with me. And they were key in to helping me. They're like, yeah, that's cool. We love that. And they were thinking about getting an Airstream and I'm like, all right,

cool, Aaron and I are going around looking at RVs and we're talking about, and she just believed in me so much too. This is why I talk about your believing mirror as being so important. I had all you guys wrote me on, I had Aaron saying how, yeah, you could do this. I know you. And I was like,

yeah, I can do this. All right. What would it look like? And so, but then also in the letting it go. And so I did let it go. There was a part of my brain that was like, this is super cool, but I'm not really like, how can I really do this? Right. And I just kept stepping forward and thought this it'd be super cool.

Like I just wanted it. It was awesome. It was fun. Every time I like thought about it, did something. I'd watch these YouTube videos with this creativity, RV chick. If you're thinking of being a full-time nomad person, check her out, she's got a wealth of information. Start getting down this path. And something even more magical happened.

I started creating the freedom, right? Where was at, I was creating the freedom with my job already. I had healed my relationship with my boss, with my existence there, to where I was really liking my job. When I left. In fact, I ended up staying on for a few months after I gave my notice. And if you would have told me that would have happened when I started this journey,

I would have said, oh, hell no. I mean, I was like, my job is causing my misery. You know, it was total victim mentality, but also the job was really tough and stressful. I was making it tough and stressful. Although I gotta tell you, I still didn't like budget season, but it was so much better.

Once I had figured all of this stuff out, right where I was at and started to have these emotions now, and then looking for your doors and your windows for the universe to open you guys. I was like, well, I can't ever afford this. Like, there's no way, like, what would it look like? Right. Financing started to come my way,

people in my life to support the dream. My ex-husband's supporting the dream and me being over here and Millie over there in that working out and her getting excited about our adventures, all of it just started to come together from my energy, from my excitement around it. So I was like, okay, this works. That's exactly what happened. Think of all those little things I did though.

And this is why in the MEfirst guide, when we dream big, when we have those big visions that we take the time to sit and break it down into, well, what if I did do that? What would it look like? Even, even if you think you're never going to take that action, the act of you writing it down is letting the universe know,

Hey, I want this. I don't need this thing. Your need list. You probably already mostly have your need list. Keeps you in scarcity mode. It keeps you, I got to have this thing instead of, I want to go there. I'm choosing to go there, different vibration. You guys watch those thoughts inside yourself. They make a difference.

So the dream you might've heard me talk about, I've got the vision of the zero edge pool on the mountain and I've got my studio creating. And I'm like, you know what? I want a home office sooner, rather than later, I love my dream vision. I just can't even imagine how I start going about, maybe I'll go to big open homes for these like million dollar mansion houses,

but then I'm thinking, oh, I gotta drive out there and do all that stuff. And what if it's not, you're near a yoga studio. What if that's more important? I get writing about this dream and I'm like, okay, what's really important. I want to be able to be near walk close to like a gym and a spa type place.

Maybe that I can get like the red light therapy, the cryotherapy, I want to yoga studio. That's like super woo. I want to get into some condolini stuff. And that makes me think of my friend, Deb that opened. I know like her type of yoga studio want to go check that out. I want a newer building or rent out somewhere that it's just clean.

Simple. I don't want a bunch of stuff, you know, and I've pretty much after living in 26 square foot rig a lot of stuff anymore. You know what I mean? You guys, and then I want space to create, I want office space that isn't in my bedroom across from the stove. That was great when that was my dream, the adventure of it.

And I have those pictures. I have those moments. I had that magic of got my laptop by the fire, you know, and it doesn't mean that's not going to happen again, but it'll be not all part of my life. If anyone wants to talk about our being after let me know, it was just a lot more work, especially by myself.

Then my lifestyle really works for it was great. And the ventures we had were great, but I'm ready for space to create. I'm getting all the signs from the universe. It's time is now. Like, I need to bring what I've created now that it's all done to more and more women so I can help more and more women do this. Same thing,

lose 130 pounds and travel in an RV around the country or whatever your thing is. I realized I just really need somewhere. That's peaceful, easy to create space for us to work and an office. And really that's what I've had here at Kelly's river house. Like, no one's here, but the two of us have places huge. So kind of have my lay of the land and walking back and forth.

I've got all these different, like little locations I can go to in separation of the creation area. So I'm like, that's really, truly my desire right now. Right? When I got down to really writing and being able to see and like make it tangible so well, what if that did happen? You know, what would I do? I guess I go,

I think there's this area. I know. I love to live in the Biltmore area. Maybe I'd go down there and to our apartments home, see what's going on down there. Just get an idea to where the gym over there. I've got a friend, who's got a membership at this lifetime fitness. That's amazing with like pool spa, all that stuff.

You know, why not go to her? And I'm going to hit Pamela say, Hey, you know that pass, you were talking about, let me come hang out with you. Right. And then tried some shared office spaces. I see like Mini Slayer is coming to work with me. But I also see myself maybe like having office space that isn't in the home.

Although I really liked that too. But having like a shared space, we can go to just cause I kinda missed people, but that might probably isn't going to be necessary. Cause I'm gonna, I want to start doing more in person events and stuff. So haircut and wardrobe for my filming because my office space is going to be all set up. What does that look like?

What type of gear do I need? Start researching that. Do I Excel or keep the RV? I'd love to keep the RV. So when I have the mansion, how's that going to have some hookups? And I can like, Hey, have a slayers RV, creative experience. I think that'd be fun, right? Like the vintage Slayer RV.

So, but I thought I'd check it out. Do I sell her? I keep it. How much are storage units? If I decide to keep it, is that something I want to even mess with and check the market? If I return it or sell it back to the dealer, you know, really getting a strong financial person in my life,

like to get all the financial records started together, business legal advice, things like that. I really need to take that next step. I've been in creation mode. And I know that part of honoring my money and loving my money is going to bring more of it to me because it's going to know it's taken care of and how much do I need?

Right. Like Renee and I, when I, when I talked to her, you know, I'll be like, yeah, I just said universe, I need a few thousand bucks. And all of a sudden I got like a few thousand bucks, right? Like she's like, Addie, why didn't you say you wanted 10,000 bucks? I was like,

oh yeah. But for me in my mind, you guys, it's the things I see myself doing it. Often these experiences will come to me like going to beaver Creek last week, coming here to the river house, going to Hawaii last year, they'll come to me free or at very little expense for, you know, whatever is going on for the universe to bring it to me and yet manifesting the bigger thing.

So for me, I know it's about getting myself in that frequency of being in the place with the things, but how do you exist now when you're there, anyhow, getting all of that together with the honoring my money and the legal aspects, right? So then we get to the part about I'm wanting it. Not needing it. Do you see the difference?

Like I'm wanting that that'll be super cool. I'm going to go start doing these things and I'm going to just be me. I'm going to meditate. Of course, I'm going to release my vision into meditation, but mostly I'm going to work on staying excited and having fun now because how fun is this? How fun is it to just sit here and talk to you about this next version of my dream?

And next time I talk to you, it'll be even bigger. Something will be added in and we'll have more details and I'm going to start fleshing this out. And when we do our planning, we do our quarterly planning together. The MEfirst guide experience, that'll be open in October. If you guys are listening to this real time, I'm going to have that open really soon.

And when I do that process, I will make an even more detailed list and take even more time to flush out each area, financial, personal health, and wellness, all of those things. And you see how they're kind of all in my vision already. Oh, I want my yoga studio, my spa there. And like, this was my dream ideal life.

And you know, what's going to start to happen. It's going to start to take shape sooner rather than later, the doors and the windows are going to start appearing. That's the part you guys, I want you to really start looking. I think often we don't walk through a door because we let that brain come in. That says, oh, you can't afford that.

You got to wait too. You're skinny. You're, you're too quiet. You're not meant to share your story. You know, I'm not going to do it now. I'll do it later. I do that until I've lost 50 pounds. I can't even dare to dream or dare to imagine. How do you know I had like, when you see your brain,

go to stop you from possible greatness. Every moment is a decision. Like we learn from the king of death and the pre and Trey, a story. Every moment is a decision down the path of prayer that leads you to death and destruction, fatty foods, wine smoking too much, Netflix, too much working. All of those things lead you down.

Ultimately the road to worse health Sreya decisions, lead you to a better version of yourself. They lead you towards your higher self. So making those decisions as you see your doors and your windows come up. If you repeatedly see something in your newsfeed for meditation and you didn't even breathe a word of it to the universe, someone was trying to tell you something somewhere.

You know what I mean? That's what happened to me. That's how this whole thing started. That's how you're listening to me right now. Talk to you from a bathtub. It's because I followed a door, the universe slammed in my face over and over again. It was like, you are going to go to learn this meditation thing. And it was a lot of things that led into that.

But same thing, it was like just starting to trust and believe. And I can tell you this. I've always known I was going to be okay. And I've always known I was going to be abundant. I've just had this knowing, I believe places in the middle of the night and just know I'll be okay that I'll, you know, get a job and all that.

In fact, my mom was like that. I packed in the middle of the night when I was like 19. I told her I was doing laundry. I had left college to take care of my dad, long story, but I didn't want anyone to stop me. So I didn't tell them cause they would've stopped me. They would've told me that it wasn't the smart thing to do that I needed money that I needed all this and that.

And I just knew I was going to be okay. And funny enough, that's exactly what my mom said. They were friends would say to her, well, aren't you worried about yourself? No, she'll be okay. God's taking care of her. So it Doris said, right? Like I've always had that knowing and that trusted that I'm going to be okay.

And now it's just learning to open my heart to trust it more and more. And that's really the letting go. The surrender, like trusting my body to my soul. That I'm safe, that I'm taking care of that. It's all. Okay. And I can let go and allow the universe to deliver what I want, what I need, what I want.

Right. Different vibration. So why you got to have those base shakras like in alignment so that your, your energy feels like you have your needs met. And that's part of going through the process. The MEfirst we go through about writing out our thoughts, you know, doing meditation, walking, like doing things to take care of yourself before you step into the rest of your day so that you are set in this vibration now for future,

you know, but you are her already. So you're going to feel no different. I feel no different right now than I did when I started, when I was sitting online. Do you guys say, and Hey, what have I got an RV and travel the country. I feel the exact same way. Hey, what if I just ditch the RV and got like a high rise apartment and oh,

it'd be next to a spa. And all these places I go walk to or whatever that next dream is. What if, what if indeed it recap the four things you're going to want to do. Okay. First up you want to really get your dream and your vision dialed in, see those details and you can hear how I wrote them out. Write it out,

see it, and then write it and create the emotion for yourself. Now allow yourself to think what if, what if I did do this crazy awesome thing? What if I did lose 130 pounds? How would I feel in my body? Close your eyes, see it, feel it, get the details and then let it go. Let the universe know you want it,

but you don't need it because you got everything you need right now. You are whole and complete. And you act as if right now, and that's the being we watch for the doors and the windows while we're being, while we're existing in the now and being we're in alignment with who we truly are. And that comes through learning to overcome some of your limiting beliefs.

Of course, like all that kind of stuff is going to come up. And that my friends is why the journey is where it's at, because all of those things are going to come up. As you head out on your quest, it's what all us humans are here for to head to that quest to the highest self. And that comes through you figuring out what you desire and what you want.

So dream big, create emotion. Now, let it go. Want it, not need it. And B act as if take action, show the universe, what you truly want. Do you want an RV life start watching RV, YouTube videos. Do you want to be a thinner, healthier version of yourself? What does health look like to you?

I've got one of my sisters in the hood right now, working on this. And we're like, what is the difference between your health quest and your weight loss quest? Why does a health quest give you positive vibrations and your weight loss quest is not. And it came down to feelings of restriction for, and I'm like, and that is the problem.

Most of us out there are coming from restriction because of all the diet mentality. You know what, that's another podcast episode. I'm going to edit that out and, or maybe I'll leave it there. I'll just tease you for next week. Let's talk about that next week about changing your mindset from it being a negative. When you talk about a weight loss quest to that,

be in a positive thing, because it's a health quest shifting that verbiage within your mind in your body. That's what we'll work on next week. Meanwhile, I want you guys to be some manifesting mofos and whenever, however, you're watching this, I'm sure I will have some way for you to come join us in what we're doing. Just go over to the website.

You'll find links here in the podcast had into the Facebook Heartsing podcast community. If you're real time and get on, get some emails from me. So you know what's going on. All right. My loves. Please reach out any time with any questions or anything like that. It's super fun to chat with you guys in here and see what you're manifesting.

Just like we heard in that last two episodes from the amazing which is in bitches of the me for sisterhood and the heart singers from the podcast community. I love all you guys and I can't thank you enough for listening to me, proud alone from the bathtub and just being along on this ride with me, like how much freaking fun are we getting to have?

Oh my God. I can't wait to see what new magical sisters come in my world this year. I'm looking forward to it. All right, until next week, flare up.