MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep #105: Midlife Magic: Overcome Obstacles and Be Proud of your Magnificent Life


After half a life of conditioning we have some unique challenges to overcome as women navigating this stage in life. Today we dive into what might be stopping your from stepping into your purpose and ways we can start to make changes, small changes now to get lit up and forge a path ahead that we can be proud.

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VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you but you don't know how to uncover it? The Heartsing Podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host Addie, B aka Slayer a Noma Slayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams,

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self-discovery and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Hart Singers, Addie B here, also known as Slayer, your hostess of the mostess. And today I'm inspired to talk to you about creating a second half of our lives that is even more epic than the first was what stops us from doing something that truly lights us up.

I wanna get into that a little bit and as always, it's my mission with this podcast to inspire you into some new thought, some new action, give you some little nugget to carry on your way that makes your life better in some way, shape or form. And I am currently in the process. Oh my gosh, you guys, I'm so in the weeds.

I am doing all the things right now to get ready for our MEfirst guide experience next weekend. And you guys, this is my jam. This is what I'm made to do. I love to do it and always leading up to it as I'm getting better at doing the event that's like second nature now, but it's all these things leading up to it.

And I see myself getting in a lot of these things we're gonna talk about today, all of this past conditioning that has been throughout my life and that I've chosen to step into, to overcome. And I can tell you though, like so today I was in the Starbucks drive through getting my coffee and I was like, I was thinking, Oh man,

I wonder like what it'd be like to be a barista. It looks like they have fun, like they're just kicking. I have fun at work, right? But it's just me and they just get to make coffee. I'm over here like trying to think of new creative ideas and implementing them and trying new softwares I've never tried. And I just laughed because I know I will never go back to something that I don't have this epic feeling on the other side of it.

And I wanna share this with you because I think this relates to things more than just a career. It relates to our weight loss, it relates to so many changes in our life in this midlife stage. Most of us are in, I would gather, if you're listening to the podcast, men and women alike, we are in this place where we're kind of in a bit of no man's land.

And so I wanna talk about that and inspire us to move through it and make this next half even more epic than we could ever dream of. And look, I'm not saying like you're not happy enough right now or that I wasn't happy back when, you know, I was even like what I call the ball of misery. I mean, overall I considered myself a pretty happy person,

happy life, healthy, great job, the whole house that I'm of my dreams on the ocean there and family, friends, all of those things. And it was like I had gathered the things right and the people in my life, but it still was just, it wasn't ever like enough. I was missing that something else. And, but now I just live with such purpose.

And even when it's hard, I know that I won't ever go back to that. Something that doesn't have doesn't push me to grow into something else. And I think we can get stuck in a spot. We can get stuck in a place where we don't take action or we're constantly making the wrong choices that keep taking us down that path toward what I call pray at,

right? We have pray, Andre, pray of the path that is your quick sexy dopamine hits that feed, that reward, the brain, the wants, all your netflixing, food, booze, wine, all those quick rewards that take us down the path of less health takes us towards disease, death, all of those things. And the path of Shia,

which is a longer term fix that has greater rewards, that takes us on the path of self enlightenment, but it's often not as sexy to make that decision in the moment, right? That's the go into the gym instead of the bar. That's that decision. So we're gonna dig in. Now, I've identified a few problems that are specific to us here at this midlife stage and really throughout your life,

but we're, I'm gonna relate them a lot to where we are at this stage because of my experience and also to my experience, which is what I do here on the podcast and also why you will probably hear about the MEfirst Guide experience as I'm going through this podcast. And I do not mean it to be a constant advertisement in your ear. I really,

really don't. I want you to gather as much information as you can from here to go forth and take action regardless. Stay at the end though. And I will talk at the very end of that episode after I close it out about the experience next weekend. So if you are curious, interested, you can come and learn more and take part in that.

But as I'm talking about it throughout, I'm just gonna mention some tools that I've gathered along the way that are part of the process. So it may sneak in as I don't script. I show up with my heart and my soul in alignment to talk to to you today. Oh, that reminds me, I didn't pull a card. Let's pull a card together.

Okay, I've got my deck here. I'm shuffling. And then I promise you I will get to the problems of creating the epic amazing midlife you want and how you can start taking action and frigging do it. But okay, let me channel my inner power. I like to get my heart and my head in alignment. I actually feel my shocks light up.

And then I say, okay, spirit guides. Okay, universe, show me what is going to guide us on this podcast today. What do myself and whoever's listening out there, what is it we need to know? What truth can you speak to us? Ah, this one's all shiny and sticking out. Ooh, the asana card is flipped upside down.

This is so interesting you guys. This was my card for ever, I think last year. And Asana, which, okay, here we go. I'm already talking about the MEfirst guide experience because I was really inspired to do the entire experience based on the eight limbs of yoga, like weaving that throughout in the eight limbs being not the as, just the asana practice.

Asana is one limb of yoga. So Asim asana means posture or pose, and that is the physical act of yoga that we all think about yoga. But there's seven other limbs that the yogi pot potentially left us with that are a path into yourself enlightenment. And I realized as I was learning about these limbs, oh my God, this is what I created.

This is why I couldn't use anyone else's planner, any other tools to show people how to get to this path inside. Because I was being guided to create this system that could help people where we are in this stage, in this world and this life. Now dive into these eight different paths. It's so fun because it comes from all different angles and it's tiny little steps in different places.

And so Asana is one of those things. And for me, this has been huge and has been calling for me to get my yoga teacher training done. I am an avid yoga practice practitioner and I'm actually going to guide a V I P experience at camp, a very gentle yin practice to help bring those beginners in, but more to marry the creating of the pose to the space within.

And that's what the physical practice can often teach us, especially when we practice yin, which is where you hold a pose for a really long time and you allow yourself to really settle in. And it's done in a lot of stillness, which we don't experience a lot in our lives. We have to create that space of stillness. Okay, I feel like this card's taken us off on a total squirrel,

but what would it be at the Heartsing podcast without a squirrel or two? Okay, so I'm looking at the yoga definition for you guys because I drew this reverse, which makes total sense because I have, I talked about last week how my CFA was out balance my dosha, my dosha type in the being out balance. That's a real earthy dosha kind of just when it's out of balance,

you'll feel really heavy, lethargic, tired, and I haven't been getting my physical activity in. I've been sitting here at this computer doing these things and I know better you guys, I know better. I wrote the guide on this and it's still a constant practice for me to get better and better at showing up for myself MEfirst before I dive into giving my everything else to the rest of the world.

And I am still work in progress for it. I know it's the path, you know? So here's what the card is telling us. So this is for me and you, whoever needed to hear this, it's time to take it to your mat. The mind has been in control for far too long. It will never answer the question of your soul's calling to talk to the spirit you must talk to.

Its home, the body, the solutions are not outside yourself. They're in this very temple. You abide in through movement and breath, you create space between inhales and exhales to discover your truth. The mind will tell you stories until the end of time. The body cannot. It's if it's been a while since you've done a sauna yoga practice, consider this is a request from the spirit reminding you to come back home to yourself.

Okay, universe, I frigging get it. I'll go to my yoga class tonight. That is so funny. But also goes so well with this podcast and everything going on because why I call this a spiritual weight loss quest or journey is because I think through this path of the body, through the path, not just in doing yoga poses, okay, take that out of it for a second.

But through the path of your body that has wired in, I think it was Dr. Joe Desi heard say it when I was doing some of his work, that your emotions were addicted to these emotions. So even these negative emotions were addicted to even more because that's where your brain wants to go and your body knows the emotions. So it goes there,

it's like a groove set. Like we talk about creating habits in the brain, the thoughts having thought patterns and grooves and all of the little wires connected together up there. Well, you have an emotional attachment to that thought in your body. And you have all of these thoughts subliminally, you know, on the, on the DA DL down in your body,

running through this automated system telling you how you're feeling and what you're gonna do. And so often we don't even know why we're feeling, why am I feeling lethargic? Why am I outta balance? Why am I this? And when we don't question question it, when we just try to solve it with a pill or solve it with watching more Netflix or eating more things or drinking more things,

when we don't look for a solution inside of ourselves and we're constantly seeking outside, then we're never truly solving the problem. And that my friends is the problem, right? And therefore the spiritual weight loss quest and the appropriateness also of the this Asana card and those emotions being in the body, because I identified three major problems for us here, specific to us here in this midlife stage.

But I think they applied just overall to society. But just kind of looking specifically from our lens, I'm sure there are many more problems that we can come up with, but I wanna talk about these, these 50 years of conditioning, right? Wherever you are in that spectrum of having that programmed into our bodies and the last 30 years, maybe more,

maybe your entire life of caring for other people, of putting other people first, of being that person in constant service, but not of service to yourself first. And then of course the security, right? This is a problem in many ways because a lot of times we don't need the security we think we need, but we're scared to step out of it.

But also that fear that comes up will stop you from dreaming. And the stopping from dreaming I think is possibly the biggest problem. So maybe I should just call that you stop dreaming. So we've got 50 years of conditioning, putting everyone else first and not knowing how to dream or stopping dreaming. And this is why I teach what I teach because like I can't tell you how many women that even when we think we dream or we do vision boards,

we don't take that time and invest it in ourselves to really sit and do that work. We spend more time planning a vacation, planning our kids, going to college, planning for them than we do, thinking about where do I wanna be? What do I wanna create in the next 50 years? And then as soon as you start dreaming, your brain starts to come in and tell you,

Oh nope, you can't do that. You got put that money in their retirement fund. Nope. You can't do that. You're paying off the house. Nope. You can't do that. You've got college tuition to pay. Do you see what happens? So your dream, your inner I am, when we get you to that space where you're saying,

I'm gonna let go, I'm going to dream big, and you do and you start to see this vision and you start to like feel this tingle of excitement in you, and then that scared brain comes in with that scarcity thinking and and says, Oh, nope, you can't do that. You gotta pay that bill. Nope, you can't do that.

That doesn't look, that's not appropriate according to society. Nope. You can't do that. All of those things will keep you doing the same thing over and over and will keep you where you're at. So we practice this, right? And this is part, this podcast in particular is really good mind prep for those of you come into the event. So I'm gonna make sure you guys all listen to it and hopefully you're picking something up even if you can't make it,

because this part, you guys letting yourself go into a dream, into a vision. And if you haven't done vision work, if you haven't practiced doing a vision before, I have a podcast on here called One Minute That will change your life. Just starting to practice, creating a vision for yourself, creating a reality that brings up a feeling of joy,

wonder, awe in your body. Because we remember, we wanna reprogram that emotional set that is gravitating toward that negative emotion. Because guess what that brings you? That just brings you more the same shit. You don't want that, right? You want this big epic, ah, wonder on the other side of it. But in the path there, there is the stepping into fear,

there is the discomfort because it is new and your brain is wired to get your rewards, to keep you safe, all of those things. And that brings me to, you know, there's three, let's talk first about this, 50 years of conditioning, okay? Because so many of us, right? We sat off on this next new weight loss quest or we found this new thing,

Oh this is it, I got it, This is, this is my ticket, right? And we're just not patient with ourselves, you guys, we've spent 50 years building up, we have beliefs that you don't even know are in there that are causing you these emotions or causing you to act in a certain way, such as many of you have the thought in you,

I can't lose weight. Like you really, really believe. That is true. And as long as you believe that is true, guess what? You are not going to lose weight. So how do you start to rewire that? How do you start to get to that place? And it's in this practice of, oh my gosh, what if I could of starting to dare to believe and then learning how to also rewire your thoughts to notice in the moment to become more of the observer,

to actually be able to see what it is you're doing. So what are some ways you can do this? We do this every day in the MEfirst guide planner, right? Like, so it's, Hey, what'll get in my way today? What kind of thoughts am I having? Am I feeling, how can I rewire it and look, not every day do I do every single part of the planner,

right? It can sound like a lot, but I can tell you this, the more days I show up and the more I practice on rewiring my brain, the better and better I am at it. And we think we can just do it on the fly. We think we can. You guys, yeah, it's amazing what'll come out in pen and paper,

let me tell you. Or even talking through if you go to a life coach or something like that. But even they will send you off with homework to work on your thoughts, right? So you have all this conditioning society, like what is really true? To start questioning that instead of just accepting your life as reality as it is now to start to challenge yourself to say,

Hey, what if, what if? What if you could let go of those scarcity thoughts coming in as you're dreaming big? Because you don't know that big dream vision, even though you might not see like your husband and your kids right there, doesn't mean they're not there. Your soul's just painting the picture for you to gravitate you toward that thing you desire and you have no idea what it will look like on the other side.

If there's one thing I've learned on this quest, you guys is I have a vision, I have a dream, and the path is absolutely the one I was supposed to be on every single time and I can look back and see it, but it didn't come through the way I was supposed to. And I'm gonna give you an example of this that came up for me recently.

I was listening back to my podcast on the heroines journey because I'm gonna redo the Ultra Ego course to make it the heroin's journey for many reasons. That's another episode, another day. But I was listening back and it was when I was headed off to write my book, which yes is still not written. And I had all kinds of feelings come up about that.

You guys like, Oh my gosh, I still haven't written the book. People are probably listening to this. Like, oh, she's a failure, she's in, she's no good. She hasn't written her book yet, right? All of those thoughts started coming in like they were, and I immediately saw them and I was like, No, no,

no, I am like the book is still a goal. The book will still get there. Just like 1 62 is still a goal. And I will get there the time you guys, like we have this thing with time and we create time. Time isn't linear, right? It's this concept like we can't really grasp. So we set a timeline on our goals so that we're moving forward toward them so that we have a specific and something measurable to move towards.

So it puts us into action because without a timeline, many of us would not take action on many things or not have a schedule to do things, so on and so forth. So not hitting that book goal, it not being done. But I look back, you guys and I had so many lessons, the universe set me up. I was getting all the signs,

this is right to do the book, right? To do the book. And when I didn't really coming up against myself, am I just procrastinating? Am I not doing this just because it's hard or because it's not right, right now? And did I get the lessons I needed out of that time before I finished that goal of writing the book? And I think absolutely I did.

And it's coming back around full circle. But I had to finish this part of the journey I'm on now, this part of finishing the MEfirst guide, like completing it. I've shown myself over and over my, in my life that I can start things, I can start to create epic beautiful things and then not finish. And so this is a huge deal for me to be able to have this system in place for all the women coming behind us and coming in next that need help getting outside of themselves,

getting inside themselves, I should say. But shedding that ego self and finding that path inside from a place of, dude, I don't, I have no frigging idea what you're talking about going to, Oh my god, I'm a light warrior, right? Like I'm here in service to other people. I'm becoming a meditation instructor. I can tell you all these women in my group that you've heard on these past episodes,

101 0 1 that are doing these things, there's no way any of us set out on this journey and thought, Oh, I'm gonna go be a spiritual leader. I'm gonna be a meditation instructor. We have farthest things from our mind, man, we were like corporate America, you know? It wasn't even like a, a, a thought until we got still and listened and and started to listen to what made our souls happy.

And and the path is so different for each person. So fascinating. Okay, so where was I? That's the problem with not scripting you guys, right? Like, it's like you get going and I know I'm like, I'm like, I'm feeling the fire. I'm in it, I'm in it. So hopefully you're out there laughing along with me.

But so the 50 years of conditioning and rewiring your thoughts, having some processes in place for yourself are starting to question just that simple act of you starting to question things can set you on a different trajectory. And then of course we get to this MEfirst part where you have been literally dreaming for others your entire life. And I think this transformation happened for me in my mid forties a little bit early because I still have a 13 year old,

but I got separated from her during, you know, my mom being sick, me being over here and me staying here. So it was almost like I empty nested early and I went through this transformation of, okay, I'm taking care of everyone. All the things I could hardly even keep my eyes on the ball to oh my God, what has happened with my life?

Like where am I? Where am I going? I'm like to this being, this floating balloon not anchored to anything. And it was really interesting to look back on all of it now and just see how, oh, thank God I got up you guys and thank, thank God for bringing me meditation. Like seriously saved my frigging life and thank thanks for bringing me here to you,

you know, like for allowing me to live this life that, oh, I'm gonna get all teared up now. Wow. I feel like I had no idea that was coming. There's so much emotion in this for me. But so that act of, you know, oh my gosh, I'm not here like running around doing the day to day. And it doesn't mean you can't put yourself first with all the things going on because that's why I have the Young Jedi,

Jamie Steelman bought sharing her journey because she has no space, no time, she's got a very busy full life with the kids working from home, everything going on, right? And and, and she's figuring it out. She's doing it. And it looks different for each of us at each of these stages in our lives. And just because of our experiences and our lives in general,

depending on your job, you know, you could be someone that, like when I was corporate Addie, I always work in 50, 60 hour week sometimes, you know, I like to say 80, but let's say I wasn't a lawyer, right? Unless you call the happy hours with the clients work, possibly, okay? So dreaming and learning to put yourself first,

this is possibly one of the hardest things I see for women to do. And yes, gen women in particular because, and this is really fascinating you guys. I was listening to this book, Why We Can't Sleep, It's a, a book about Gen Xers and how we grew up and this era we lived in where yeah, women were in the workforce and we were starting to come up,

but then we're also shown all these images of the woman going and kicking ass at work, like nine to five Dolly Parton stuff, right? And then coming home and having dinner and this romantic dinner and being all sexy at night, right? We were doing all of those things where the men didn't, didn't change their lives at all, right? They have the same life,

they come home and enjoy the sexy wife and the sexy dinner out on the table. And these are the images that were painted. And I thought, oh my gosh, isn't that so true? And we have this, I can do everything. I can be it all. I can be every single thing to every single other person and where is me in there,

you know? And so flipping this switch to allowing yourself the time for you to just be with yourself, to not have to do something for someone else, there's so much guilt for so many of us, and I coach so many people through this, like it's okay to take that time to put yourself first, to take that time to take care of yourself.

What is the first thing you will reschedule your gym appointments, your massage? Oh, I don't really need to do that. No I don't. You don't really need to do your meditation. You put that crap on your calendar, like not crap. You put that magic on your calendar like it's a doctor's appointment and you show up for it because then you show up for yourself.

And that's when my life really started to switch and what I'm going through right now, figuring out how to show up for myself when I'm in high creation mode, when I'm creating these fantastic things I love to do and put into the world and working longer hours, but knowing where my energy and source really comes from and leaning into that more than the actual doing of the things.

Oh my gosh, you guys, that's a whole nother balance, right? And that's a whole nother belief deep down in there that I'm working to rewire. I'm working my new thought, which is I'm so free. So this process of every morning I say I'm so free and I feel it in my body and I see my future vision and I can get lit up most days.

Some days it's really hard, like I don't feel free at all when I started. And then I say, okay, what thoughts are coming up? And I let those thoughts come up and I'm working on that thought specifically because I wanna overcome this, this feeling or these deep seated beliefs I have that I have to work so hard to be successful, right?

Like I have to leave my blood on the table. You know, we were also shown that as Gen Xers, right? And we were shown we were left to take care of everything for ourselves. And that what she say, she said, We're always waiting for the shoe to drop. She was like, you know, remember when they wield the TVs in our classrooms and they showed the SPAC shuttle going up and we're all sitting there watching and it blows up,

right? Like think about the, the impact of that on us. I mean now the kids are just living with technology, but you know, it's like everything we were shown during that time just waiting for the shoe to drop. Like what's next? What's next and how that's kind of programmed. And I thought, wow, that's kind of true. You know,

all we we're always looking for that next thing that is the bottom's gonna drop out of it. And how do we change that belief to believing that we live in love, that we create love, that we create the abundant, joyful universe we get to live in. And so that brings me to the dreaming part, you guys, because if there's anything I can leave you with today on today's podcast,

I want it to be this, I want you to unleash your dream demonn. Like this is single most biggest thing you can do. And I was telling someone, I'm like, you know, know what was really interesting? I started working on my dream and my vision again, feeling a little stale with it. I couldn't figure out why. You know,

I had this, I could see my mountain house in the zero edge pool and this very minimalist white background, all of this stuff. But when I saw my vision this time, I saw it being more at like resorts or like a shared community somewhere. I'm like around other people, like I'm going to the pool and I'm creating, I have my own beautiful,

gorgeous space with my own, my own stuff too. But I also have that kind of like I experience at, you know, when I'm with Marriot, Beaver Creek or she's got this place down in Mexico, I bet it's kind of like that, you know, where you're just in these environments where I can share space if I choose to, and I cannot share space if I choose to.

So I guess I'm saying I wanna move to retirement community. Oh my god, the stuff I come up for talk out on this podcast. Yeah. Or I'm gonna live at resorts the rest of my life, I guess. I don't know. We'll see what shakes out with that. But another nugget I wanna leave you with or a few things here,

and I know there's been a lot in this podcast, so hopefully there's been some little nugget for you. And then I will talk about the MEfirst guide experience afterwards. So stick, stick around if you wanna hear more about that. But I had heard Brooke Castillo talk about this in a podcast Eon Z ago, you guys. And every time I go to do something for myself,

I think about this, about where I am investing for myself. And she broke it down really great. She was like, you have your three most important assets, okay? And you're gonna think it's your house and it's not. It's your brain, it's your time and then your money. So I thought that was brilliant because honestly you guys, you know,

everything could get blown off the face of the, I mean I'm even gonna say that, but you know, like whatever could happen to whatever. But what is in your brain, what you've chosen to invest input in your brain, whether, whether it's through books or classes or you know, I don't know, scripture, wherever you want to get your information from to expand your knowledge base cuz your knowledge is power.

If you gather this brain power, you can go off and do anything anywhere, then you're not afraid of the economy, you're not afraid of these things happening because you know you have, you are confident in yourself and you're investing in your number one asset, your brain, the information that is in there and something that's gonna move you to that next level.

Then she said time and I was like, oh man, I don't know, that might be number one. I don't, I don't know. But I guess what is time? If you're not improving your brain and you're not making use of your time, right? Like time is one of your most valuable assets because what can you create with it and what can you do with it?

And then you start to expand your definition of time and you could really blow that nugget outta the water too, right? And then money being valuable because why? Because money can buy you time and brain information. That is why my friends, because think about it. Like I talk about my mom at the end with the two walls of things like when you're at the end,

what is it that truly mattered? What is it that you're putting forth into the world that at the end you are going to be like, hell yeah, look at what I frigging did when I was 50. What about we can be like that 80 year old fashioned designer. Or maybe you lose the 50 pounds, you're the healthiest you've ever been at 50.

Maybe you've, you're going off like my aunt married a bike, the continent of Africa, you know, maybe you're going to be 47, lose 130 pounds, leave corporate America, buy the rv, travel the country and podcast is some badass witches and bitches and warlocks, forget. I gotta add those. Jens in there. I got talked to about that Johnny,

that one's for you buddy. Okay, so we're in in that what comes up when you go to step into this big dream, and this is a process I take you through at the event, right? Going into this big dream and then we put it into action, we see all the obstacles coming up, but I wanna leave you the listener, especially if you're listening back later on this some tips on this because overcoming your fear,

overcoming how to step into that fear, right? Of doing something new, of allowing yourself to dream without the censorship coming in, right? To learn, to reframe your mind, you know, to begin to see your thoughts and think how could I think that thought differently to bring me a different result? It's really that simple, right? Sit down and make a list on one side of all the things you think you need to not think or release and make a list on the other side of all the things you think you need to think are released to make it happen or believe to make it happen.

And then start practicing 'em. It can be that simple. You don't have to make big epic changes all the time to see big epic changes in your life, right? I think we have that expectation again that 50 years of conditioning. What if you condition in the next 20 yourself into this, this epic being right? Like we, we so often will put this timeframe on things.

Nope, I'll give you two months Slayer, if I'm not a new person in two months I'm out. Well first of all, you'll be a new person in two days if I get my hands on you, but just kidding, it'll take you a little bit longer to reprogram stuff. But you will start to believe once I get my hooks in you,

I promise you that. So practicing new thoughts and behaviors, practicing them, you guys like showing up for yourself and this is where all the habit work comes into play and just making small, tiny changes. Just one little change. I don't want you to go out and do the a hundred things I mentioned on this podcast. I want you to pick one.

Either you work on your vision and your dream or you work on the thought you decide, but let it be small and let it be something. Even if it's that little, just thinking, oh you know what? I don't need to think that. Or that little awareness of oh I'm seeing myself do that. I see that. Okay you guys, I am going to leave you there with that.

So cut yourself some slack. You've had 50 years of conditioning, it's gonna take a little bit longer to recondition, but don't cut yourself so much that you're not taking action at all and that you're letting your brain just go to the rewards and the hiding. We need to step into this fear, invest in you, invest in your brain, your time,

all of those things put into you, put into you first. That's your value in life. And speaking of MEfirst, it's your time, right? It's your time to put yourself first and figure this out and allow yourself to enjoy the journey to en to allow yourself to enjoy it, to release such attachment to time and to the outcome. Allowing the universe to deliver it and bring it to us after we get that dream,

after we get that vision, hey, gimme your two days next weekend and I will show you exactly how to do that. But meanwhile you guys, I'm gonna wrap up the podcast rate here, stay on after the outro if you wanna hear more about the MEfirst Guide event. So until next week, you badass midlife, amazing witches and bitches. Let's go forth and make the next 50 even more epic than the first Slayer out.

Stick around to hear about the MEfirst Guide experience. Okay you guys that stayed around to hear about the MEfirst Guide event, give me two days and I will give you back the belief in yourself, that fire in your gut and the path to keep going no matter what. And I know that sounds like a big promise, but this weekend does deliver and I am so sure about it.

If you don't agree with me, I'm just gonna give you your money back. So here's what's gonna go down. First of all, the MEfirst Guide weekend experience is one of those decisions that that will change the trajectory of your life. So listen up here for two more minutes. Most of you know me, but just for those of you that might have just found the podcast,

I'm Addie Beal, founder and creator of the MEfirst Guide and Sisterhood of Badass Witches and Bitches in case you can catch onto that. And I like to have fun. My core values are love, adventure, inspiration. You'll see this in everything I create. Having lost over a hundred pounds myself, becoming a Chopra meditation instructor, leaving corporate America, creating the life of my dreams and also inspiring,

inspiring hundreds of other women on a similar path. I am uniquely qualified to be your guide and I'm not just an ordinary guide, I'm a spiritual weight loss guide. What that means is I help take you on a journey inside yourself to uncover the magic within and the system I've created helps you do this daily, which ultimately leads you to a naturally healthier life.

You're living. Women come for the weight loss and we have plenty of that, but they stay for the magic. They find that something more that you know is out there that's waiting for you at this point in our lives where we're questioning what it's all really about. What? What is this about our lives, our job, our relationship? Yes, weight loss.

Why am I here? And how many of us say, look, I know what to eat, I know what to do, why can't I do it? What the F is wrong with me? That too was me four years ago, over 130 pounds heavier work in my ass off in corporate Air America. And you see like many of you guys out there,

I've been on struggle my entire life trying to be healthier, get that thinner body so I look good. And as I got older just to really feel good and I mean I had all the things right, I should be happy I had the beach house six figure job. I strive for the great kids friends, what the heck? Why wasn't I happy?

All I could think to seek was the weight loss because this had been the goal. I hadn't been able to reach where I felt like I hadn't been successful. And when I set out on my quest this time coming from a place where I'd given up on doing it myself, I didn't think I could anymore. And I went to a weight loss surgery clinic and I had to wait six months,

thank goodness. And during that time I was still seeking and it led me down a path that brought me right here to you now without having to have that surgery and losing the 130 pounds. And since that time I've helped inspire hundreds of women on their weight loss turn something more quest and I can't wait to share these tools with you. As I started trying to teach new women coming into our group how to put themselves first,

make it happen to the MEfirst guide took shape and I tried to use the tools from all over the place and finally I just created my own tool to help guide it's really the best of the best kind of Slayer eyes a little bit. I couldn't even like tell you where most of it came from at this point because it just morphed into other learning and combined with other thoughts in my head and has become its own thing.

And this weekend is a culmination of all of these methods that I take you from a place of apathy to being excited about life and you'll have the tools to carry it out beyond this weekend. And you guys, this isn't hard work, this is fun. You'll be empowered on creating the second half of your life however you want it. And if you're not sure you remember how to dream for yourself,

that's very common. And I'm really good at helping you get started again. And I believe this process and in your ability to do it so completely that my guarantee to you is if you show up and do this process and you don't feel inspired on the path, I'll refund your money. Totally. So you see you have nothing to lose and I priced it at a point that's so accessible to everybody.

It might even just seem too good to be true, but it's not. It's everything and more I like to over deliver but it's also my mission to inspire a million women. And I want you in that group, I want this to be so great of an opportunity that not only do you go all in on you but you convince your friends to do it too.

You're just like, we gotta check this crazy checkout. I like there's part of you that might be thinking, Yeah but I don't do the work. That's the problem, right? I sign up for all these things and I don't do it. I saw this over and over again, which is why I teach the way I do now. And there those of you out there that show up on your own and do the work and you want it fast and now and I got you two sister cuz neither of you guys are alone,

we're just all different types of learners and I created this event for all types. You can show up and get the work done together and all you need to do is be there and you will do it and make it happen. Block the time, even post event, you block the time it works just as well in the replays. I have people reach out all the time,

Hey, I went through the replays, I love it. How do I get in? You know, and I don't like my time wasted you guys and I won't waste yours. And you'll have an agenda that will outline to get it done, critical sessions. And I give you guidance on the replays of what's essential for those of you that like to get in and out as fast as possible and don't like the group interaction,

you can just experience it to fit your lifestyle. So let's talk about time itself. Two days from seven to one, you'll leave with the long term vision plans, action items, new process to believe 90 goals so much more you guys. It's it. It might sound overwhelming if I listen at all, but I promise you it isn't. It is easy to do,

easy to follow. And if you have any doubt that you can go through this process, I promise you, you can. I have designed this for each and every one of you out there and all of that in just 10 hours you guys. Unless if you wanna skip any of the extra fun stuff and like listening to our special gas Renee Spears channel,

our spirit guides or learn to tap and release with life coach and Uplifter as cinch and guide Ginny Viel. How fun, right? And speaking of time, you know, always talking about time. Did you, we we talked about vacation time actually in this episode, you know, and investing your time. How much is it worth you and what are you telling yourself when you say you don't have time to sit and dream and plan for yourself?

If you've been doing the same thing over and over again, this is your thing to do to change it. We do this in the group over and over again and it's effective every single time. It will work for you. You just show up. Don't let time be your excuse, I won't waste yours. It's action packed. We get it done.

And you won't leave with needing to do the work, you'll leave with it done, set up and ready for you to slay the next 90 days. You've heard that saying we are a habits and you can't keep doing the same things and expect different results. And I'm gonna help show you how to do different things and actually make them happen. I recently took a poll in our sisterhood how many new habits women have created.

The average was five or more with some of us old timers at 10 or more. And listen, I'm not gonna, I don't know what other groups can say that and I'm not gonna blow smoke up your ass. You aren't gonna create new five new habits this weekend. In fact, I'm not gonna let you. But you will by the end of the year,

have four new habits and be living an entirely different life. If you just take a chance on me and you and I got your sister hop in and get your seat. I can't wait to see that fire lit inside of you cuz she's in you just waiting for you to make the time and space. And listen, you are the heroin of this story.

I've got the container ready for your creation. You just put a vote on you and join the event. Your magic awaits you. And this event only happens once a corner and my future plans are not to open it outside the MEfirst guide course I'm creating. So in other words, it's gonna be the last time you can experience this for this price point and jump on it.

You guys, I promise it, you won't regret it if it's not enough hearing it from me. There are testimonies here you can listen and to their transformative transformations on the Heartsing podcast, episodes 101 0 1. Everything from weight loss to career changes all from women just like me and you. So you guys, let's do this. Let's light this beat up. I can't wait to see you in there.

And the parties already started by the time you are hearing this, we have opened the Facebook group. We are playing bingo. We are pre-game if you will. Like we're, we're all out in the parking lot getting ready for the big show to get on, you know. So come on in, enjoy us, enjoy the fun. And even if you can't make it in person in the weekend,

I promise you it is worth the value you're gonna get. And you can partake in that Facebook group. You can dive in and out of the sessions if you have any questions or problems navigating anything can always just reach out to me, okay? Right now you're probably like, all right, all right, Slayer, I'm in. Let's just do it already.

I've been listening, I'm ready. I know you are, woman, I've been waiting for you. So this is what you do. You go to the website that yours truly is going to attempt to link below this episode for you. Some podcast players I noticed, do the links, some don't. If you don't see a link easy to go to,

go to Addie Yes, I've got some rebranding news coming. You could also go to Namaslayer dot com, they're both still active. And the link will be there to get you to the page to sign up for the event. And immediately after you sign up for that event, you will receive access to the website hub for the event, which is where all the replays are contained,

the bonuses, some extra fund stuff I put in there for you. And also to the Facebook group where we are actively pre-gaming awaiting your arrival into the innermost sanctum of the MEfirst Guide experience. So without further ado, get your butts over that website, get signed up. And this is the only way also that you can get your hands on the MEfirst Guide Planner,

is through going through this experience. Because I'm not in the business to just sell a planner. I use the planner as a foundation to help you on your continued path and your continued journey. And it works over and over again and it's my pleasure to show you how. So get on in there and let's have some fun. I can't wait to see you.

So look for that link and get on over. We've only got a few days. Shop will close next Thursday, but I've got some bonuses coming up between now and then. So get on in there. The event is October 1st and it's gonna close the Thursday before, so don't wait too long. Get on it cuz you might forget and then you'll be sad.

And then I'll be sad and we don't like to be sad around here. All right, I'm out Slayer.