MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep #106: Behind the Scenes Event Slayer: Creation Mode


I'm going to be honest here--I have NO IDEA what I said in this episode other than I was on a creation high leading up to this weekends event I'm hosting and I had to share with you. 
I hope there's some inspiration in my download for you! 

Let's light this B up!!

VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Hey heart singers. I wanted to catch you before you head into that episode. I know everybody is always looking for a way to jump in and get started and actually take action. And I've got two things coming up that you can jump in right now. And you know those goals, whether it's freedom from food, more abundance, joy, happiness in your life,

pursuing those things. First up, we have a free fasting challenge in the Heartsing podcast community, which was key on my path of freedom from food. And I'm sharing all my favorite resources and you will have access to that eternally. So I'll hop in there. The second is my abundance circles. Now I'm on this quest to make a million dollars after I've lost the hundred 30 pounds and created the business,

all of that. Now we're gonna make a million dollars and I'm taking you with me. Head over to Addie and you can get more information there. Enjoy the episode. Do you know that there is something magical inside of you but you don't know how to uncover it? The Heartsing Podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up.

I'm your host Addie, B aka Slayer Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams, I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self-discovery. And I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Hey, heart singers. Addie Beal here, Slayer of Namaslayer.

It's 10 o'clock here on Wednesday night, and this is the week leading up to our 90 day planning session, our big MEfirst weekend event. And no, this isn't a podcast to talk about the event, but rather my personal life and the aspect leading up to it and all things surrounding that, it hit me. I'm like, Oh my gosh, it's Wednesday and I need to do a podcast and I'm doing all these things.

And I thought, you know, let's just go talk to the heart singers about when we get in this state of doing all the things and how we focus on putting ourselves first. And I gotta say, I'm pretty proud of myself right now for, I feel this energy, this energy of just creating. I can feel it like pumping and coursing through me to where I wanna stay up.

Like one morning I stayed up till 4:00 AM creating stuff. It's even like my cards. I'm pulling you guys out of my deck when I do my spiritual reflection in the morning and I pull from my yogic path deck and I ask the cards, I'm like, All right, what are you showing me today? And they've all been around like Brahma and Sheva Shiva and like creation and co-creating,

like allowing it to flow. And then I'm going through this space from creation, like into sustenance. And then you go into sustenance to dissolution. It's like this way we evolve through life, right? We create and then we, we see what's coming on the other side of that creation. And right now I'm at this point where all of the roads of everything I've been creating is coming together and it's merging.

It's like hitting this big climax. It's like all crashing together, like the crust of a wave and I can see it and I can feel it. And yet there's a part of me that is like, like wanting the end path to get here sooner, right? Like that big end victory that big. I reached the goal, I reached the summit,

and yet I know it's the journey. I know that it's right here and right now. That is the amazing joy and the amazing part of the quest is this becoming and how much fun I'm getting to have. So my oldest daughter, Mini Slayer aka, well AKA Lexi other way around probably right? She became Mini Slayer along the time I became Slayer.

Like we literally call each other that I'm like, Oh my God, we're crazy. Anyhow, they are working with me now. And it's just so much fun and such joy to just dare to dream big and create together and think about this life of freedom we can create. You know, we're putting these tools out there that can help women around the world create a MEfirst,

a life experience beyond their expectations for themselves while we're creating that for ourselves. Do you see how that's working? That's just mind blowing to me. And I can see all of these pieces coming together, but you guys have gotta tell you like it's scary. It's scary as hell, right? It's like everything is on the line, everything is out there.

Like you're just free balling it, like just swinging to and fro. That's such a lovely visual ad. This is what you get when I'm recording a podcast off the cuff this late at night. Like normally I'm in bed at eight, but I did two habit stacking training master classes today and oh my gosh, so much fun. And it just got me even more excited for this weekend because I just feel so in my element when I'm sharing these things that I know are helping change other's lives.

And you know, my ego likes it too. My ego likes to be on stage, likes to be sharing and teaching and that's part of what I was created or came in this world to have so that I would seek out this purpose, right? And so I can like see all of that so clearly now, but starting at this place, oh geez,

what else can I even tell you guys about this week? So it's been like really watching, having an eyeball on that overwhelm and not even really getting my normal habit stacked done, but doing the things on that day that I feel are most important to serve me to my highest self and so I can serve other people. So today that meant getting my meditation in.

I got my morning meditation in and then I just got to work yesterday. It was a walk in the meditation and day before it was magic page's walk meditation, right? Like working these things in. But it's not all or nothing. And that's a big part of what I think the value, like our group and what we talk about here on the podcast is you guys about it not having to be all or nothing.

Just because I'm not doing my full, every habit that I know is a part of who I am now doesn't mean I am not that person that does it. It means I get up tomorrow and I do what I need to do to serve me and I do what is going to make my day better for that day. And it's now because I'm at this point with my habits that I'm able to do that and I'm able to have that flexibility.

So it's again, like with the planning, the more of a plan I have, the more direction I have, the more spontaneity in my life I have, the more adventure I create. Because I have intention in a plan. I know that just sounded totally backwards did in that, oh, what am I trying to say here? Now I'm getting tired so I think I'm gonna pause this and go to bed.

Maybe I'll pick it up tomorrow and see if this is even worth airing or not. I just felt like talking and thought I would share that with you guys, that it's just really been a high energy week and I feel in the vibration, I feel in sync with creation. And also I have noticed though, that like I overate tonight and I just stuffed myself and honestly I was just tired and I should have just turned it off.

Should have just slept, you know, should have just shut it down or started winding down a different way. And I didn't. I distracted myself and watched a show with a Mini and and ate, ate some yogurt dessert that I wasn't hungry for. I was already full from dinner that I had like two servings of. So noticing things like that, like letting some of those old habits come in to where they aren't,

where I'm more intentional, where my plan is more detailed and you guys, it's in that awareness that I continue to move toward that, that future self, that that end game. That's never gonna be the end game cuz she's just gonna keep moving, right? Like the line is just gonna keep moving cuz I'm gonna get there and I'm gonna have another idea,

right? I'm gonna have another goal to get to. So in this becoming this future self and becoming this next version of me and these last 20 pounds, 25 now who knows after what I ate today, but whatever it is, I know in this last little path back home that there's so many lessons for me to learn right here and I'm seeing it all this week because I know just in this example of this one,

I'm gonna say little event, but it's not, nothing's ever little to me, but I mean it, we didn't do a huge launch, it really just been talking about it for a week and put sharing out there in social media and the links and talking to you guys about this experience and because I don't think I'm gonna do it outside the sisterhood again,

that'll be something we do internally because I'm working on some other things, another course and the meditation kind of going that direction with it. So it'll probably be the last time that I do this, this weekend event outside the group and I really wanna start doing some retreats, other things like that. So anyhow, doing just this short runway leading up, it hasn't been like this big drawn out thing,

but we've learned so much this week. So it's another thing to remember is you're moving towards your goals that like, even though I feel like maybe I haven't made as much progress as I would like to have seen or I didn't learn things as quickly or I didn't get things out there as early as I wanted to or the emails weren't right or all the things,

I'm still making progress. I'm still daring to step into something I don't know in something unknown and the possibility of failure and that I may fail, I may fail at all of this and fall flat on my face, but you know what, that's worth a hundred times over me not trying at all, me being miserable in what I was doing day to day because I was too scared to bet on my myself to say,

you know what, what if, what if I do try this? And what if I learn and I, and I fail, we're gonna fail. All success comes from failure. So just reminding myself that, right? If I fail, if I fall flat on my face, like we had what the first presentation today, if anyone was in the master masterclass earlier today,

this is Wednesday, September 28th. So if you're listening and you were in that class, I did, I decided I like ripped the presentation apart because I had done it a couple years ago and it was really fascinating you guys because the Young Jedi was my example on there and she, she was not the young Jedi, I had hardly even really knew her at that point.

Now he used her as an example for setting up habits cuz she had literally just started. So it was so cool to see that I had forgotten it was in there and I went back and got a follow up from her, you know, I said, Oh I need a follow up cuz you were my example in there. We set up her closet with her habits stack so she could make a habit.

And so now she did a little recap video and she's like, yeah, made eight new habits in that time. So it's been a year and a half, she's made eight new habits. I mean she's a totally different person, 50 pounds less. She gets up, she journals, she plans, she has intention, she has big goals, she's like completely changed her relationships,

all of these things, right? So that was really fun to see. But what happened was I realized that I've changed so much and what I've created has changed so much. Like the quality of what I'm producing now is on another level and my design capability, all of that. So of course I get tearing up the presentation, tear it up, and I get over here to Lexi's house because we're doing the webinar together and I,

and Lexi's like, oh my God. She's like, I was really worried mom, you're like, I thought it was like gonna fall apart. She's like, I couldn't even tell. And I'm like, yeah, okay. I think it's kinda always like that because I like I will create up until the very last minute, I will be tweaking slides,

I'll be changing verbiage, I will be, and every time I go in to do a presentation, even my meditation presentations, which I've done, I've taught about 60 people now at least. And I've given that presentation probably 20 times. And every time I do it, I tweak it. Every time I do it, I change it and I make it better.

Like I'm always seeking to improve or I get new ideas and when I get new ideas I have to merge that together and expand it and share more, right? And that like make it easier to understand or maybe I'm connecting it to different things to understand it. So that was all super cool and I know I'm just kind of rambling here with you guys and I hope it's a little fun for you to hear behind the scenes a little bit too.

I know a lot of you that follow me are in the process of creating your own businesses and daring to step out onto your own. So hopefully this is relevant to you too because I want you to know like that fear has been like lurking in there like, oh my gosh, what if nobody signs up for my thing? What if nobody likes what I create?

And here's the thing, I get the presentation, I just tell myself, look, Addie, no matter what it's gonna be okay. Like whoever's on that video watching you is just, you're gonna go in with love, they're gonna love you anyway if you jack something up. So what big deal you screwed up and you fix it next time. I used to worry about things being so perfect all the time back in corporate Addie days.

And I remember one of the leaders said to me, You know, we were at this event and you just said you just care too much, you just care too much. And I couldn't understand. I'm like, what does it mean? I care too much? Of course I care too much. I want it to just be right. I don't want it to be so difficult for my people and how to do it.

And I just, it hit me like as I started to learn how to focus on what was truly important and what to let go of that I didn't need to focus on those things. I just need to let 'em go. And the big schema things, it just didn't matter and that I needed to not care about that so much. And that just,

I remember how much it affronted me and it really bothered me and it ended up being one of my biggest learning lessons. You care too much, stop caring so much and it was right. I needed to be caring about me, I needed to be caring about me going to do my meditation in the room instead of worrying about if the spreadsheet looked perfect.

Quite honestly, how many of you guys are out there right now worried about showing up for your bosses and everybody else in your life but yourself? That's what I was caring too much about. And to this day, I remember I told them that, I said, You know how much that meant to me when you said that said, it really was a pivotal moment for me in thinking it just stuck with me.

I care too much. And it wasn't that I was caring about the right things, I wasn't caring about what was truly important, my health, my quest, my family, me, you know, taking care of the things that were truly important. And so as I was putting together the habit stacking thing to go off on another little tangent here, but I was going through the habits and really getting into looking at all of the habits that the women in the MEfirst sisterhood have created.

And I thought, oh my god, you know what? We have this culture where like almost everyone that responded to the poll, and we have some newer members that are still in the beginning of their habit making progress, but 85% of the sisterhood reported having five new habits or five habits that they have created since implementing MEfirst or more. And like where else can you say that?

That you've created five new habits that serve your highest self and you're in a community of people that are actively doing that same thing and that it is okay for you to not be perfect with them. That it's not our goal to be perfect with them. And we're not, No one's even saying what habits it needs to be. You pick your own habit.

It's like just this wonderful community vibration of stepping away from perfect and working towards our highest self. Like from scientific, you know, some people are going to like, they're biohackers, we've got fasters, we've got no BS members, we've got, you know, people following doctor's orders for diets. We've got people not even worried about their diet, building their businesses.

It's the foundation of putting ourselves first. That is the thread and it's the foundation of creating our future selves of daring a dream big and step into this fear and step into the unknown and wake up in the morning and say, who do I dare to be today? What is my intention as I go forward to today? And can I chi like dial in to that higher self that is seeking something more that I know I'm here to serve and I know I'm here for something more.

And when I went to a space, I went this morning and I just went into my meditation and you know, I didn't meditate very long and I just said, how can I let me serve today? How can I serve? You know, and I just felt the connection, the energy connection where my heart chakra lights, my crown chakra lights and I felt the love and I felt the connection to all of you,

to just everyone in everything. And I know I'm creating from a space of love and joy and when I don't feel that, when I'm creating something and I feel the opposite, I feel the anxiety pangs. What I used to talk about when I lived in Hawaii where I was like in this place of just, this was back in like 20 16, 20 15, like around there,

my job had gotten really stressful personally, you know, here I was in this beautiful house on the ocean and this great job, all the things, right? You guys have heard me talk about that before and getting these anxiety pains is what I call 'em. But now I know it's just my no muscle. It's my, it's my intuition saying no.

And as soon as I feel that, like literally you guys, if I, I'll be scrolling Facebook sometimes horsing around and I'll be okay, I won't get the pang, you know? And then all of a sudden it's like I get that pang and I'm like, okay, it's over. I put the phone down, right? I'm done. I'm getting it talking to you right now.

It doesn't even like me talking about it. Okay, we're going back to the light talk. So that's been a real, just amazing to be able to listen to my heart and to be able to follow what direction I'm supposed to be going by. Just my intuition, just by having this complete faith in knowing because I am doing everything I'm doing a pure of heart,

a pure of service of like just a pure desire to help. There's nothing that makes me happier, nothing than helping other people that are on this quest and seeing that aha or seeing the transformations happen. And as they become their own hero, as they become their own heroin I should say. And as they take charge and they step into the fear, there's nothing that lights me up more than that.

And to know that when I'm in that space that I'm helping create that and put that energy out there that can help someone else get that energy that's game over for me. And that's not gonna be your thing that lights you up, right? What is going to be your thing that lights you up? And it might be some form of that. I think we're all light workers in some aspect,

right? We're all here to serve the higher good and to figure out what that highest purpose is. Whatever you wanna call it. Like the whole answer to the why the hell am I here, what am I doing? What's this life about? That is what I'm talking about, right? Is it to just wake up and go to work and pay taxes and make dinners?

And is that the purpose? What is the overall purpose of life? Well I didn't really mean to get that deep with this podcast. Okay, I guys, I'm so tired, but I wanted to make sure I did get a podcast to you this week and just share what, where I'm at with my journey and my quest and with weight loss in general and all the little nuggets I'm picking up and learning about myself else along on this path.

And it is, it is so rewarding when I get out the other side of creating something and it's rewarding doing it when I have this energy where I can literally stay up to four in the morning and I'm like, I'm not tired. Like it's like I'm fueled and I'm powered from somewhere other than within me. It's pure energy and it's a vibration that I know I'm just doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing.

You know, it's like I don't even feel tired and I can just keep going forever. It's just like an amazing, I try to make myself go sleep and you know, I sit down and I do my meditation, but my meditation's even different. It's more active than it what it normally is. It's like I'm just fired on a different level when I'm creating at this level.

And I know when it comes, I just grab it because it comes in cycles and I think it comes in cycles for all of us. And because it has to right into that whole creation, to sustenance, to dissolution, you know, and then it's gonna dissolve. That dissolution is gonna dissolve and then another creation's gonna come out. And I'm finishing this one.

I'm actually finishing, You guys normally finish things. I was listening to this archetype podcast on, oh, I listen to this check on Chill and Prosper. She's a money mindset. She has this money mindset thing around abundance. I just, she cracks me up and she wrote this book, Chill and Prosper Australian Woman. She's funny. So anyhow, she did this archetype thing and you do the your money archetype.

And I'm a maverick of course, which means basically you're just the risk taker or you're the balls to the wall, like all of that stuff, you're like the rebel, like whatever you tell me to do, I'm doing the opposite. All of those things that can very well not serve you and we don't wanna finish like we like to do a lot of things,

start them and not necessarily finish them. And we don't wanna stay with one thing or get stuck with one thing, which is exactly why I ended up creating what I did because I didn't wanna be, I always said pigeonholed. I didn't wanna be talking about the same thing over and over again. Although I find I can talk over and over again about certain things like habits,

meditation, magic pages, all of those things. Planning I can talk about over and over again, Tum Blue in the face. It really doesn't bother me. But I wanted to create something that was really a foundation for me to be, to explore life in. And for me to be able to share here on the podcast about different topics in my sisterhood about different topics.

I wanted to create something that could be a vessel for me to grow within. And that meant everyone else could grow within. And that meant all of us could go and do this thing and be on different pages, we could be in different groups here and there. We could be exploring different things and still be part of this container because I didn't wanna let go of these women as I was growing in a different direction.

But I wanted to explore that direction too. So this is what I've created, this MEfirst guide planner. And now that I'm, I'm just smiling, I'm so proud of myself, you guys. And I know that might sound like ego maniac a little bit or something, but it really, it just it, I'm just proud of myself for frigging listening,

for listening because I feel no ego at all when I say that. When I say I'm so proud of having created this because I truly know it was a co-creation. I know that I was following exactly what I was supposed to create and put into this world like from my heart. You know, there were so many times when it just would've been easier to do this other thing,

to go this other way and just go be like every other coach and just set up this coaching, whatever, right? And it was just like, no you, you have to do this, you have to be on this path, you have to. I'm like why are always taking the hard way at, right? Like why? Why you always gotta write your own path.

But it, but it is and it's because I start listening to the Zaps, into the heart sink and it's like, follow your Heartsing. What is making you happy? What can you create that can help yourself that you wanna do for you? But it can also help and support so many other people while they're on this quest. And I just think I've done it and it's so exciting.

So now it's just putting all of these little pieces together and that's the part we're in now from now until the end of the year. And I'm gonna cry cuz it's just, it's all coming together you guys and you guys that have been here with me, most of you listen to this podcast I know have been with me since the beginning, since I started sharing my journey in 2018 online and Facebook.

And I came out and I said, I'm coming out of the weight loss closet, I'm gonna share my journey here, right? And I was there at 270 pounds and just thought in no way. And how could it be possible that would be sitting here talking to you today, even near 180, right? Like that was like, if you would've told me back then that I'd be two 20 even,

I'd be like, hell yeah baby, I'm hot at two 20 and I am, Let me tell you, hell, let's be real. I'm hot at two 60. Just kidding. Okay, ego, step back, step back. So Eddie, how you guys, I'm just like really overwhelmed. I can see it all coming and I want you to know,

because I want you to hear me as I go through this because I've got, I have known since I let the pen flow since I started doing Magic pages way back one and I just let it flow and it would tell me, add is so much bigger than you can even imagine. You haven't even touched the surface on how big it is. And you know,

my guides like when they would write to me then it's been a while since we've written, you know, it was myel was what they would call themselves and just like literally take over my pen and go on this tangent about me being a spiritual leader and I'd be like, hell no, I'm not a spiritual leader. Screw that. And like it was like this whole like anger thing and I was confused about spirituality and God and religion.

I didn't understand the difference. There's a bunch of podcasts on here that explain how I dove into that and my understanding that spirituality is totally different. Well, not totally different, that you can be spiritual and be religious and you can be religious and not spiritual or you can be either or, right? And so I like to consider myself spiritual where it's like that focus on the inside,

the religious part is the rules. So of course I don't like the rules, right? Like I'm the rebel. I don't want anyone telling me. And there's a lot of patriarchy in there, right? I'm sure we all know that. So, okay, back to just creating your future and allowing yourself to dream big because it's all coming together here.

And listen to me, if I fail, if this all, if everything I'm creating completely flops on its face and nobody likes it but me and my hundred slave sisters, MEfirst sisters, you guys know who you are. My the solid core. But there's more coming. So all of you that are to come, all of you that were before are by my side.

All of us, you guys like all of us, there's so much more. And it's like this quest we're on is us removing ourselves. Like just getting out of our own way, removing our ego so we can create what we're meant to create. And oh my gosh, that feels hard so many times it's stepping into so much fear, into so much unknown,

even allowing ourselves to dream into the unknown, right? Like seems like merely just crazy sometimes. Okay, now I know I'm blabbing and I'm rambling on. So I'm gonna wrap this up. I'm gonna get some sleep and just, I'm just gonna publish this this week because I'm beyond tired and I hope my heart is touching your heart and you're feeling me and hearing me.

And I hope to see you this weekend. If you're coming to the MEfirst Guide experience, it closes on Friday. So if you're listening to this real time, get in there, hop in there, you can always email me, add Addie beal. If you have any questions or wanna know anything about anything, I'm here for you and I will see you all over the place.

Thanks so much for listening and supporting and just be in my badass witches and bitches by my side and all the warlocks out there. Shout out. All right guys, light in love. Have a great rest of your weekend and I will talk to you next. Slayer, Witches and Bitches don't go anywhere yet. This is a reminder to head over to Addie,

A D D I E b all B E A L, and get your information for the free fasting challenge. We start the fasting timers on the 27th, but we are doing some fast leading up and some other cool stuff. You're gonna wanna jump in and at the very least get the resources and just kind of g gather some knowledge through hanging out and listening.

Even if you're just fasting curious or you're a fasting guru, jump in on this. It's fun, it's free, and why not? So that's one thing. And the other is Addie's Abundant Circle. Listen, if you wanna be on this quest, you wanna do the magic with me, jump on in. I'm talking about a little bit more about the magic in this week's episode.

October 22nd. October 21st. So if you're not listening real time, you might wanna hop into that one. Have a listen and see if you wanna find out more about Addie's Abundant Circle, or again, hat over to Addie I hope to see you on the inside. All right, let's light it up. Witches and bitches slay out again.