MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep 108: Fear and Millionaire Mindset Tools


VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Hey heart singers. I wanted to catch you before you head into that episode. I know everybody is always looking for a way to jump in and get started and actually take action. And I've got two things coming up that you can jump in right now. And you know those goals, whether it's freedom from food, more abundance, joy, happiness in your life,

pursuing those things. First up, we have a free fasting challenge in the Heartsing podcast community, which was key on my path of freedom from food. And I'm sharing all my favorite resources and you will have access to that eternally. So I'll hop in there. The second is my abundance circles. Now I'm on this quest to make a million dollars after I've lost the hundred 30 pounds and created the business,

all of that. Now we're gonna make a million dollars and I'm taking you with me. Head over to Addie and you can get more information there. Enjoy the episode. Do you know that there is something magical inside of you but you don't know how to uncover it? The Heartsing Podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up.

I'm your host Addie, B aka Slayer Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams, I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self-discovery and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Here we go. Witches and bitches. It's time to create Millionaire Addie.

I know, I know. If you missed last week's Heartsing podcast, I talked about the shift of my goal from my primary goal being weight loss and into this new goal that has me fired up and I'm using all of the same tools, some that I've created that have guided me on this path to be able to lose 130 pounds, leave corporate America,

create my own business, buy an rv, travel the country, and I'm coming at you live from the Adventure rv. I'm in Phoenix, Arizona right now. I am currently manifesting home roots again. So I'm working through that process and a whole bunch of things are coming into motion as I'm setting this new goal in motion. And we're really early in the process.

Were about one weekend last week my spirit guides told me to bring some witches and bitches along on the ride with me. So that is going to be coming soon opportunity for you guys to jump in and do this with me because just like I lost 130 pounds, and this is how the MEfirst sisterhood even started, was that I started sharing my weight loss journey live on Facebook because I said,

Self future, self, right? Talking my future self here. And I said, If you knew you were gonna lose 130 pounds, that you could actually be in this like 162 pound body, what would you do right now? And the answer was so clear. It was like, I will go and start telling everyone now. So when I asked my future self,

I'm like, Okay, future self millionaire, right? We're we're, we gotta come up with a better name for her than that. But so we ask Millionaire Addie, how does she show up differently? What is she doing? And it's like, well, she's gonna tell people on more, more mediums, right? She's gonna do her YouTube channel.

She's going to actually get up and put her red lips on. I've decided that's Millionaire Addie's thing. Red lips doesn't matter. Like really what I'm wearing or what my hair looks like, there's just gonna be red lips, okay? So you're gonna see 'em everywhere. I think that's due to my Aunt Mary, but that, that's another story. Okay?

So what has come up this week? My God, so much stuff. Today's podcast, I wanna share with you the mindset tools. I've come up with these six tools and how I came up with them, why I came up with them, how they're going to help me move through this process of becoming millionaire Addie within the next year that we are going to see all of these steps go into motion.

And how do I know it's gonna happen? Because I'm not gonna stop until it happens. I'm gonna get up over and over again just like you do with any other goal, with the weight loss goal, all of that. But overcoming the past self, the old self that is programmed to stay playing it safe, keep playing it small, keep just like doing the norm and creating this new self daring to dream beyond where I've drummed before.

And this is what I think I'm so good at helping people do, right? And so, oh my gosh, so much did I tell you guys? So I came up with this, I am almost done with it. It's a free visioning Mini course that you guys will be able to start to create your own visions. And those of you that have come to the MEfirst Guide Experience Camp,

you're familiar with this process, but I'm adding in some extra tools. So you guys are even gonna wanna do this and you'll be happy to have those tools at your disposal. So that will be in process in place within the next week. And then I'm also going to be sharing my journey and creating an inner circle for you guys that wanna do this with me.

Like be up close and personal and go through not just once a week podcast for inspiration, but more daily inspiration, book clubs, vision boarding, like getting in the details like that, the MEfirst guide that is guiding me through this process of getting there. That's another experience altogether. And I know I can get overwhelming. Just listen to me. I'm overwhelming myself talking about it and I know I got this big,

if you're watching me on YouTube, I got this big dorky mic, but it's kind of cool. It kind of makes me feel like Speaker Addie's coming out. You know what I'm saying? If you guys could see me on the podcast, I'm like doing a chicken walk dance, which is like a hot frigging mess up in here. I'm just gonna post this.

I want you to know it's just gonna be out there. So if you get more of a kick watching me make fun of myself in person, then head over to YouTube to the Addie Be channel, the Addie Beal channel. Oh my God you guys, I can't believe I'm doing this, but this is how this stuff happens. Okay? So I sit down and I do the MEfirst Guide process.

This vision comes out that I told you guys about on the podcast last week about, no, you're to go for this million dollar goal. Like the I don't ask me why it's a million dollars either. That's my number, Okay? So I'm like, all right, you know, and I've, I've like written this goal down before, but I never publicly wrote this goal down,

if you will. Like when you know you're going somewhere, when you dare to tell the world I'm going there, you're going there. And it doesn't matter how many times I have to get up and I have to fall on my face to show you guys, and I wanna take as many of you guys with me as wanna go, you wanna make a million dollars?

Join me cuz I am gonna fail and get up over and over again until I get there. And I'm gonna use the foundation of the MEfirst guide, which is the process I sat and did last week, right? So I created my vision, I brainstormed and I couldn't believe I came out with this million dollar goal. I said I was never gonna go away from my weight loss goal again until I'm there because I know there's lessons in getting there this time it was so clear to me and I was just told over and over that my lessons are yes in getting there.

But my getting there is now in the pursuit of this goal. Somehow I just listen now you guys, I don't know, I just listen to my inner knowing, my inner guide and tune into that energy within me and I follow. And that's what I've been doing for the past three years. Sometimes in a ball of, you know what on this magic,

I call it my magic carpet here in the rv, right? This beautiful oriental rug I have here. And I just, and it's like real silk and it just feels so good. But there's so many times I've been in child's pose with little prayer hands over my head saying, Show me what am I supposed to do? And really following that guidance and allowing it to be uncomfortable this week has been so freaking uncomfortable.

You guys, I woke up this morning with a ball of coal in my gut is the best way to explain it. Of like pure fear of what the hell am I doing? Like how are you going to even show up? You didn't show up yesterday. I had all of these thoughts going on immediately you guys. And it's this process I do each day that takes me out the other side of it.

And I think we all create our own processes, but there are certain things that all people that move from fear and step into that unknown and step into that next version of yourself will do. And this is part of what we practice in the MEfirst sisterhood, is creating these habits so that in these habits of what we do and how we show up each day,

that is what helps you step into the unknown and into that next version of yourself and into that creation. Cause we don't just wake up and we're like, Okay, now I can, I'm gonna be million dollar Addie tomorrow, right? Like there's a big difference between what Millionaire Addie does and what 300 pound corporate Addie that you know, pre RV life even did.

Like I had to shed so much of that old past self, which I'm still working on, which I'm gonna share with my mindset tools with you right now. And part of why all of these things are so important. So part of this process we do each quarter where we get the vision, remember I have that vision course out for you guys that really want you all to go do that.

So watch my social channels. If you're not signed up for my email yet, go to Addie, I have a spot on there, you can get signed up for it and do this vision process. Because in this process you start to see her, you start to allow yourself to dream beyond where you've gone before. And then we say okay, and then we make a mind map of the main goal.

So I've got my million dollar goal and a making a mind map of it, right? And in that mind map I'm saying, okay, what tools do I need? What lessons do I need to learn? What could get in my way? And I keep saying what could get in my way over and over again. And then I get to the mindset tools page.

And so I've got this whole mind map of things brainstormed out and I get to the mindset tools page and this is where I'm thinking ahead of time with my spar smart brain that has decided that this goal is the goal and I'm fired up about it, right? Like when I make this goal, just like every time you guys get out of there and you made your main goal,

you're all fired up, then it's the daily action that actually sees you through. It doesn't have to be perfect, but the more times you show up for those daily actions. So part of this process that I made in the mindset tools area, we're thinking ahead of time. There's six things that I brainstormed that could get in my way of achieving this,

this big impossible goal I have. And they're all me, right? They're all to do with me. There's no victim mode over here. But it's this realization because when I'm in the thick of it, like this morning when I have a lump of coal in my gut and I'm sitting there and I'm doing my plan and I'm like, I can't even think what would get in my way because everything,

everything's in my way. It's just all horrible. I go to my mindset tools page and I say, Look, I've already thought of all these things ahead of time and these are the ways I'm gonna overcome it. So make my plan for the day and then I look and I say, okay, I've got my plan. I know what's coming up.

I know what I need to show up for or what I want to show up for, not that what I need to, what I'm choosing, choosing to show up for and what could stop me. And then I look at these mindset tools and I brainstorm and I put on my calendar ways throughout the day that these aren't going to get the best of me today.

Okay? So I wanna share with you guys what these are for me and they're going to be different for all of us. And these have evolved as my goal has evolved, as I've evolved as so many things have changed in my life and my world. Now you'll see they're more energy based, like knowing the more I stay in this energy of gratitude,

love these high vibration emotions, the more I'm gonna get myself there. You know? But when I started it was like perfectionism and I listen, I still have that stuff on there too, but you know, it was all full of more tasky and habit based things like getting sleep and mindful eating, things like that that were more related to that goal if you will.

So I'm gonna share my abundance mindset tools here with you. And the first one is abundance mindset. How many limiting beliefs do I have around money? I can't even tell you guys. And part of the process I did at with the MEfirst guide this time was write down all the thoughts your past self has and all the thoughts your new self has. And I'm telling you,

I had like two pages of limiting money, belief thoughts like money doesn't grow on trees, all these little things that we say, right? Like oh the rich just keep getting richer and the poor get poorer. Or you know, all of these things that have real negative feelings around money and rewiring those and okay, how does future self think about money?

I love money. Money loves me. Money is beautiful, money is a currency of abundance. Money is good with money. I can even do more good. I can put more into the world, I'm gonna reach more people. Those are the thoughts of abundant millionaire Addie, right? The millions of dollars is the symbol. And it has been really interesting cuz I write my goals each day.

Now they're part of the process you guys. That's why you gotta come do the process. Don't worry, I'm working on opening that in the course. But so in this process we're writing the goals every day and when I'm writing the money goals now I'm like oh my gosh, this is like writing my scale goals. Like writing the weight down and the weight not meaning anything about me.

It's just a number. The money is just a number. It doesn't mean anything about me, right? It's just a measurement of where I'm going and how abundantly I'm living my life and how where can I adjust myself so that more abundance flows. You know, it doesn't have anything to do with me being a good or a bad person, right? So abundance mindset.

So I've got my Renee Sessions book. You guys know I see Renee Spears, a spirit guy, channel channeler and spiritual and business mentor. I've got got my sessions with her booked. I've been listening to Denise Duffel Thomas who I love. She has a book called Chill and Prosper. She does, she has a program called Money Bootcamp, which I haven't done.

I really been trip podcasts in her books. I haven't gone in there but I really enjoy her. And then I told you guys last week, I found that law of attraction changed my life. This British chick that I forget love, she cracks me up. Listen, you think if you guys think I cus don't go to her channel if you don't like that,

okay? Because it's like the B word, every other sentence and there's FBOs. But I just like she gets away with it with that accent. I think she's just amazing, you know? And then so she has some affirmations and subliminals I'm gonna download. This is the kind of inside stuff that if you guys come and go on my inner journey with me on the inner quest,

I'll be sharing with you. I have a tendency to overshare. So, but there's some people that like that, that really wanna see everything I'm doing to get there, right? I would wanna see that I would be part of someone's inner quest to achieve some goals. So if you wanna do that with me, watch like I'm saying it, this is how I get it done by next week,

I will have those options available for you. They'll be different tiered levels of how you can participate, how much Slayer you want. Oh if you're new to the channel, my old future self name was Slayer. So now my future self name, gosh, maybe I need a new name you guys next episode we'll come up with that. I, I don't know about Millionaire Addie,

maybe it's Mattie or something like that. But I mean I'm still gonna be Slayer, right? Be and that came from, I'm slaying some goals left and right. You guys might have to watch this on YouTube. I don't know. Okay, so gratitude was the other one. Like I know I need to stay in this vibration of gratitude. Gratitude is a vibration of abundance.

So that is an obstacle that if I'm out of gratitude, if I'm not currently grateful, if I'm feeling victim of a bill or taxes or just in a negative energy and not being grateful for my small space right now, that I know I'm manifesting a larger space home roots again that to just love my magical little RV that has given me two years of adventure and freedom without having the roots that I've loved and how grateful I am really shifting my mind around that this week.

And then so doing this book The Magic, which will be the first book I book club and we're gonna start November 1st. Look at me putting that out there. This is how I get shit done. So if you wanna, if you wanna figure out how to make yourself get shit done, have a podcast and tell people you're gonna do it, go live and tell people I'm gonna do this then.

And even if nobody shows up for it, I'm still gonna have it ready, right? Because I said I was gonna do it. I'm telling you I'm going to to do it. Okay? So I lo am loving this book The Magic and each day you do a different gratitude practice and it accumulates and this is part of what got that lump outta my stomach this morning.

I'm on day six and today is really cool. We go, you pretend you have a money manager, okay? So this money manager is following you around all day, picking up all the little things you're grateful for about your job. Like at your at your work. No matter what your work is, you can always find something you're grateful for. Whether it's a coworker that's kind or a client that came in that was wonderful.

Or for me being able to just whip up a light like this and record and have this is fun for me, right? Like I'm so grateful that this is fun that I enjoy this, that I get to be in my zog, my zone of genius at work, right? What can you be grateful for? And so going through this process each day of increasing your gratitude and writing,

there's a whole bunch more that goes into it, but I wanna spoil it cause it's so fun if you haven't done it before. And I want you to do it with me if you haven't done it cuz I'll have like a little book club here. So, okay, so gratitude, staying that vibration. So some days if I'm not immediately, like this morning wasn't really feeling the gratitude,

right? And so, but I'm doing this book The Magic and I know that's gonna, and it got me there before I even got to my plan, I was already high vibing in the gratitude vibes because I did my gratitude practice first thing in the morning and then the other. So that's too abundance mindset and gratitude. And then the other one is social media that can get in my way of achieving goals because I can get in scrolling just like everybody else,

right? I have really learned to be intentional with my social media but also batching my social media as an entrepreneur instead of like, I like to be really in the moment with things. And I don't wanna stop that because I know that's part of what I think is part of my magic, right? But I do want to have some more specific content to help everybody to share what I'm sharing.

That is maybe I sit at one time and get it done because that is going to be a more productive use of my time and my energy. Because sometimes if I get my energy in that space where I'm in there too much, I can get distracted and it's like the other day I took like 40 minutes and I made this real and Instagram lost it and I was like,

okay, that's a sign S layer. That is a sign that you need to be doing something else. You know, like just move, let it go. I just took it as a sign as that wasn't meant to be out there. And it's also not the method I'm meant to create this, these tools, okay? So social media being the other.

So I'm really careful to schedule that and when I know it's gonna be an issue through my day, if I have more free time in my day that I put it literally on my calendar, social media break, social media break, the other big one you guys, number four for me and actually is probably number one procrastination. And in here is also wrapped up perfectionism,

right? They go hand in hand. So often when I'm procrastinating it's because I don't know how to do something. I haven't done it yet. I haven't really formally made a decent YouTube video and put it up. And this one probably won't be either. It's probably going up like this. I'm stepping away from perfect and just getting it done and focusing on my time that I'm honoring my time for myself and I'm blocking time.

So we know we have a good 90 minutes, maybe two hours of focus time in the morning for me is when it is. And to take that time and really focus on that one big project I'm gonna get done and allow myself to bomb things I haven't been using. I have a little bomb box in the planner to remind us all. Like not everything has to get done.

Everything on that to-do list and how empowered you get when you bomb things. And this comes from John Hoff's book The Finish or Finish not, I think it's just called Finish. But he's also got a podcast. So I've got him in my mindset tools, Listen to act Hoff's podcast, right? Listen to the book. Like these are things I've thought of ahead of time.

People that I know I can go listen to put in my ear in the morning and get my mind right? Maybe the life coach school too on some of this. She has some really good stuff about getting things done and getting outta your own way. When I put those kind of things in my ear, it helps motivate and push me forward in the morning and every day I almost need something a little different.

And this is why learning is a little checkbox in the MEfirst guide. And it's something if you look up habits of highly successful people, spit it out. Slayer, whoa, that's hard to say. Habits of highly successful people, they all take time to learn. You know what else I, I looked at this this week. They all take time to think.

And that is something I've learned to do a lot of in the last couple of years is just think literally. Just sit there and let yourself think. You guys so powerful. That's kind of what the visioning process can be. Allowing yourself to just dream, think, say what if they all think, Imagine that. If you can change your life just by being still in thinking,

how about being still in meditating? Right? So the other thing that can get in my way is past self. Like all of those past thoughts, past actions of who I was, my past habits, my past thoughts, the the vision meditation I do with Dr. Joe Dispenza's got a good one about taking your past self and rewiring to your future self.

And so I do that and I add in watching these actions. Like if I see myself buffering with food or wanting to drink again, I know it's the discomfort of stepping into this something new for me. Usually into this, this fear will come up and it wants to stop me. It wants to keep me playing small. It doesn't want me to be YouTube famous.

Yeah, we'll see. So you know, it wants to keep me playing right where I am. So pushing through that. So noticing pass self and just being like watch that be all day long. Sister, I see you pass self. Mm, we are future self, we are millionaire Addie today. How does she show up? Get those red lips on,

just get it going. Get the ring light up and whip it out. Whip it out. Baby. That doesn't sound good. I'm gonna have to write this X, aren't I? Okay, corporate Addie energy is the other one. So this could sound a lot like past self, but they're different to me. Corporate Addie energy is my pit of fire,

energy, my pit, dosha, iveta, dosha, right? This is the energy that can get me so fired up. It's amazing energy. It's the energy that can keep me creating until the wee hours of the morning. And I need her sometimes, but I don't need the crash on the other side of her. Although I, God, I gotta tell you guys,

I haven't been crashing. Like I feel like my energy management is so good lately that even like after camp, I haven't crashed yet. It's almost like I'm waiting for the crash. There's no crash. I'm like, maybe I've just surpassed that and now I have these tools and doing yoga and so I've added in energy play because if any, if there's any other pit is out there,

we like to play, we like to have fun, we like to explore. I'm also like the maverick, the rebel, depending on what personality thing you do, right? So I like to continuously mix up my energy work, my meditation. And that's all part of moving away from corporate Addie because corporate Addie created from do do doing millionaire Addie creates from energy she creates from connection of herself in her future self right here and right now.

And it's such a difference in tactic about going on versus the do list. Still have a to-do list. But I also know that if I just dial into that frequency, into that energy, I understand so much more about energy and how the universe works now that if I just dial into the energy, it could be here tomorrow, right? All I need to do is find that frequency of million dollar Addie and she'll be here just like your frequency of maybe it's 1 62 Addie,

maybe it's weight loss for you or whatever that big goal is that's lighting your fire right now, What is that? And you wanna go all in on that goal. You guys notice how these go. These mindset tools will affect my weight as well because if I'm not eating past self emotions, if I'm not drinking them, if I'm not netflixing them, then what?

Then I won't be acting and I won't be eating. I'm using those as like tr like to notice now when I'm not living in alignment with that future self vibration. So in essence, it's all the same stuff, right? So I'm gonna recap my mindset tools for you, but I'm telling you these have changed as my weight loss has changed. And this is why when I do the MEfirst guide experience,

cuz I'm so passionate about weight loss and that has not changed, right? That will not change. But also, you know, like my spirit guide said last week and I played for you guys, right? It was like I'm here to show and I wasn't fired up about showing that anymore. I've already, I was already through it, right? So I wanna show you how we use this process for how it can also work to move you toward a million dollars to move you towards starting your business.

Just like episode 100 of the Heartsing podcast. You hear like eight women in there in our group that have started doing other epic things in their lives when we all started at weight loss. Yeah, they're losing weight. But we almost forget to talk about that because now it's like I'm becoming a meditation teacher, I'm starting a business, I'm, I left my brick and mortar job,

bought a bus and I'm gonna travel the country and sing and I'm gonna like become a personal trainer, right? Amy? And she get, listen to this sun fire in our group, you guys, she is like my little vision queen. I call her and she had this vision of she was gonna run a dog rescue on the beach and there's always fitness involved and she,

that's always been something she really loves is her bootcamp in the morning. Somehow out of this whole vision fitness personal trainer comes up as well. So she starts like kind of shifting her goal into that, even though she's still got this future vision going on, there's dogs in a beach in there somewhere for this woman in the future coming up, right? But she gets handed over this past week,

a personal training business from her, from her bootcamp group. I mean it's just like the manifesting is incredible and it comes through the energy, the vision, you deciding what you wanna create in a life and allowing the universe to surprise you. And I can't wait to see what surprises the universe has for me. This is going to be nuts you guys,

and I hope you're like in on this. Ride with me. Tag me all over social, let me know you are, share this with people. It's time we start doing that. I haven't really been like share my shit, right? Like I guess you're, maybe you're not supposed to ask or something, but I don't know. I like to know like people need to know,

people need to come do this with us and get like abundant with us and hit their goals, lose their weight, learn to put themselves first, right? Over and over again. Why the hell not? We need like every badass witchy bee out there on this quest with us. So anyhow, I know it was a little side rant, Okay, Heartsing podcast,

tune in. If you miss the big reveal last week, that could be interesting. But next week I will have more and more ways for you to be able to participate with me. Look at, there's my commitment right there. Oh, sometimes current self hates it when future self gets the mic because she's always making these promises. And then guess what current self has to do,

current self shows up for it, current self figures out how to make it happen no matter what. And that's how I move forward into it, right? And learning to also honor myself in my time and how I wanna show up. I think this is why it wasn't ready for you guys this week, is I don't wanna, I've been a classic over deliverer and that's another money mindset issue,

right? Like I, I feel like it's not a value if I don't provide over and above what you're expecting and all that does, you guys is overwhelm people completely, utterly overwhelm people. So I'm like, how do I wanna show up with my time? And that can be of the most value to you guys that wanna do it too, without slipping everyone into overwhelm,

including myself and honoring my energy so I don't slip into past self corporate Addie energy. How does New Addie do this? Right? Oh my God, we're gonna have so much fun. I don't know if that looked too good, if you saw that on YouTube. Okay, YouTube, I will be better next time cuz that's always my goal to get better.

And I will see you later. Later richer. Okay? Witches and bitches. Until next week, I will see you and we'll talk about some ways you can get on this train with me. I'm excited to see if you guys wanna dive in or if you're just enjoying the weekly listen and there'll be more Love you guys, Which isn't bitches don't go anywhere yet.

This is a reminder to head over to Addie, A D D I E b all B E A L, and get your information for the free fasting challenge. We start the fasting timers on the 27th, but we are doing some fast leading up and some other cool stuff. You're gonna wanna jump in and at the very least get the resources and just kind of g gather some knowledge through hanging out and listening.

Even if you're just fasting curious or you're a fasting guru, jump in on this. It's fun, it's free, and why not? So that's one thing. And the other is Addie's Abundance Circle. Listen, if you wanna be on this quest, you wanna do the magic with me, jump on in. I'm talking about a little bit more about the magic in this week's episode.

October 22nd. October 21st. So if you're not listening real time, you might wanna hop into that one. Have a listen and see if you wanna find out more about Addie's Abundant Circle or again, hat over to Addie I hope to see you on the inside. All right, let's light it up. Witches and bitches Slayer out again.