MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep 111: How to Easily Start Manifesting Whatever You Want: Renee Spears and Addie on Love, Money and Big Dreaming


Renee is a spirit guide channeler and spiritual mentor and is currently manifesting love! Slayer is all in on her $1,000,000 goal and the two talk about how they are going about this. The weight loss quest, career change--all of it is THE SAME STUFF! Say WHAT? That next little nugget on your quest might just be in this episode!

Find Renee at and book a Spirit Guide session, or join her in finding the love of your life!
Listen to the Abundology Podcast for weekly energy updates!

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VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you but you don't know how to uncover it? The Heartsing Podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host Addie, B aka Slayer of Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams,

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self-discovery. And I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Hart Singers, I have a fun podcast for you here today. Renee and I decided to get together because she is manifesting like crazy love and I am manifesting a abundance of money. But you know, abundance of all things through gratitude and energy,

and of course weight loss comes in here because that's my frame of reference. And Renee is an abundance guide basically. So a lot of that comes into play. And the funny thing is, it's just all the same stuff you guys like this learning to create when you're truly transforming and becoming who it is you're meant to be. And when you start listening to that inner knowing and your your inner message,

you have to become this magnificent self that you already are, of course. But you know, as we step into our purpose and into what we're here for and open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities and the magic and the surprises of the universe. So listen in and Renee is a spiritual advisor, spirit guide, channeler, a business mentor and also one of mine.

I really enjoy going to see Renee and a lot of the MEfirst sisterhood does. She's a great compliment to our MEfirst guide process, like the planning and living with intention. It all really flows well together and in the process, Renee and I have become really good friends and just having so much fun always. I also did a little sneak episode on her later that I'll error at a later date,

but I got to interrogate her. She had no idea. It was really fun. I got some good stuff you guys, so I'll play that one coming up in the future. But have a listen in for the love and the money or, or the love of money or love and money and weight loss, like whatever you're here for. All the same big things.

So let's dive in and have a listen to Renee and I having a little chat. Have a great Week. Hello everybody and welcome to Theology podcast and the Heartsing podcast. I am here with my friend, one of my favorite people on on the planet Addie be, and she is the host of the Heartsing podcast and a coup, I dunno, when it was last year,

I guess we did a podcast where we both recorded it and posted it separately. So we're doing that again because we're both starting something new and these are big new things for us. Addie welcome and I wanna skip right into this. You're manifesting a million dollars. I know that Sounds crazy when you say it out loud, it's still like I just saying it,

keep saying it as much as possible to make it my reality now, you know? And thank you for such a beautiful intro. You of course are one of my favorite people on the planet, which is why you're such and such a key part of this abundance journey I'm on. And I've been working on this with you for well over a year. I can't believe I'm sitting here saying to you,

I'm gonna create a million dollars now, you know, and watching you what you are going to manifest next. Very exciting. Are you gonna tell everyone That too? I am. I am manifesting love. I am finding the one. So I have been single over a decade, like a long, long time. So I am finally ready to take that step and find a partner.

This is so exciting. I know. And I was thinking, I'm like, I know I'm gonna get on this podcast and I already told you I don't have time for love Renee, and I'm gonna leave this and I'm gonna be like gonna manifest love with you because like if I wanna manifest love with anybody, it's going to be with you. Right?

That would be so fun. Just, it just sounds like so much fun, but so is making money too. And I'm like, okay, stay in your lane, Addie, stay in your lane. But yeah, so I'm so, So we're both starting these big, big things, big new things. And I know there are people out there similar to us that wanna attract money,

love maybe a new job, buy a house, all the big things and people just don't know where to start. So where have you started Addie? Well, and you didn't say the big one, which is where I started from me, which is the weight loss, which has was like my portal into really this manifestation world because I created it through my future self,

through like coming from that aspect versus all the diets and all of those things. It was a totally spiritual journey. So that is like my portal into, and now it's about money, which is like when, when that came outta my plan and my guides this quarter, I was like, what? You know, like, cuz I was like, no,

you've gotta stay focused on this goal until you're like all the way there. It was like, nope, now it's time to shift it, shift it into the money and in this, because I, I'm like 20 pounds away you guys, I've lost 130 pounds through creating my next, next future self, right? And so they're like, all the signs are in your quest for this million dollars.

You will, that last 20 just is like, that is just part of me having to step fully into this next version. I was playing a little small because I've done a lot of growing and it's like this is gonna force me into that the last buffering moments I have left, right? Like the, when I'm in flow and creating, I'm not eating,

you know? And so, so things like that. I think they go so much more hand in hand than we think Renee, right? Yes. So yeah, so that's, that's why I'm here. I mean, I'm curious for you, after 10 years of being single, why love now? Well, you know, I have said, oh,

I'd love to meet somebody in the past, but half-assed, let's be real. You know, I love that. But also I love sleeping in the middle of my king size bed. I love my single life. It's wonderful. And there was something about when I moved to Montana, I knew my person was in Montana and I wanted to give myself a year to establish my life.

I didn't wanna jump into somebody else's life, but now I have friends, now I have my fly fishing, you know, now I have my dog playgroup, all that fun stuff. And it just maybe true for two, it's just intuitively the time. Hmm. Yes, yes. Yeah. And yeah, and that's how I know it's not like intuitively my time for love,

which is why I was curious about how you knew after all this time being single myself, you know, and being so happy right where I'm at that I'm like on the love, right? The money excites me and it's like getting excited. Like I used to be excited about that weight loss goal. You know, I would get excited thinking about that version of me that could just walk by food and it not be like a national event.

I must have those french fries on the table or whatever, you know, like those kind of things. So yeah, this is, well this is going to be so interesting watching us do this parallel journeys and yet seemingly so separate you guys, but totally the same thing. Yeah, Exactly. So where, so I know you were doing your planning at one of your camps and you do your planning session quarterly,

which I love to show up and do my little Mini readings at those. Is that where this idea intuitively came to you? Or, You know, honestly, yes, but it started to brew actually last year. But how you said like it wasn't right or vibration, like I, I wasn't all in on it, right? Like I wrote, I was gonna make a million dollars in my business and I actually went and joined like Brooke Castillo's,

a life coach school cuz she had this created a million dollars and it just, I, and I know I was coaching with you at the time and it, it felt hard. It felt like I wasn't, like, I was excited about the idea, but I was confused and conflicted, you know? And this time like doing all the big dreaming we do at my event,

in my planning camp and all of that, it started to rise again. But yet I had this little voice in the back of my, oh no, you're not to your weight loss goal. Yeah. You still got, you know, the nuggets are in the 1 62. Well, I take myself in because I'm leading the process. I don't like do the work with everybody at the time,

you know, because I'm like energetically sharing in my space. So I take myself off to a resort, I go to this resort and I make myself sit there for five hours and I dream and I let it come and I like sit there and flow and I just let it come through me. And when I left that five hours with myself of dreaming and creating and plotting and planning,

I was like, oh my God, I'm gonna create a million dollars from energy. From energy. Like, that's amazing, right? Like to prove to myself doing less is more like less in the aspect of I'm going to spend more of my 3D time in energy in working on gratitude and working on meditation techniques in working on creating from this, this field of energy.

You know? So did I, did I answer your question? Yes. What did you, what about you? Well, you know, it has been on my mind for a while. And for me, the start of any of my manifesting anything that happens in my life is the commitment to myself. Like that is the thing. So I wasn't fully committed to myself and I don't let myself down.

I don't break promises to myself. So if I'm gonna do this, I gotta get all in. I have to be all in committed to myself that I am doing that. And I hadn't been there up until now. Yeah. So yeah, that's where I start of like, I, I am doing this and I say this often to my clients because there's a lot of,

I hope, I hope I meet somebody and then there's, I'm meeting somebody two different energies and I had to get myself from, I hope I meet somebody to I am meeting somebody with that commitment. Yeah. So what does that commitment look like for you? Cause I know how it shows up in my world for me, like with my, you know,

me and my intentional and my planning and like that whole process I created, so I know like how I show up. What does it look like for you when you made that shift? What starts to happen differently? Well, I feel more alive and you can, I think peop anybody listening to this can see that both of us are lit up. Yeah.

Like I, you know, I, life is, I have a great life as you know, fabulous life. You do. And, and you know, what was the next thing? What was the next thing? And this just happened to be it. And so there, you know, there's something about, oh, reaching the place where you wanna be.

Yeah. And then what? So I have reached, reached the place where I wanted to be. I love it here. I love my job. I love all, you know, all the things. And now what I wanna feel alive, I wanna create my life for the rest of my life. Yes, yes, yes. And you know what's so funny is as I was sitting here thinking and manifesting,

I, I looked around and like, I'm working on being grateful for everything now too, right? And so my little rv, if you guys are just listening in for the first time, what I manifested and created last time was leaving corporate America, buying an rv, traveling the country. Like this was my dream. And then it became less shiny,

right? And like, just like you're talking about, it was like a seeking for that next, what's gonna lighten me? What's gonna, you know, be that thing that like lights my fire again. I think so many of the women I work with are always looking for this. Like, what is that thing that is going to light my fire?

Right? Like, how, and so I know I, I've started to take people through this process of, you know, the dreaming and the visioning and like, because we don't remember how to dream, you know, you're part of that plan. Like when people are ready, I'm like, okay, you need to go see Renee, right? Not that you're listeners out there,

like you just dive in. But like, sometimes people that will make it to me are like, you know, okay, what's like, they don't even seek help outside themselves. So that concept is new. So I guess my question in here for you is like, how, how do you go through that? Oh God, I lost my, I lost my train of thought.

Renee, did you know where I was going with that At all? Let me read your mind. Yes, I know you totally Hear all. So I have to say, once I'm committed, I'm doing it. It's, it's in my mind it's done deal. So then I'm approaching it from the end, right? This is done deal. I've met the person,

I've met my guy. So I'm going to do every single thing that I know that works for me to align my energy with that, that end goal. So, and there's with dating, you know, with finding love, there's many ways you can do that. There is the online app way, anytime you're putting energy out, you're, you know,

you're, you're shifting, you're shifting over into that different vibe. That is not my way. I'm aware of that. I'm, I'm not an online app person, but you know what I do wanna do? I wanna use visualizing, meditation, affirmations, fun shui, crystals, you name it. All of that stuff. And so that's where my plan starts.

And I also know doing it with a group of people really amps up that energy. So if I'm gonna be successful, which I am cuz I've committed it to myself, then I'm gonna give myself all the tools and do all the things, things that I need to, to align my energy with that end goal. So yeah, it's so funny. We're so parallel.

Like I wrote, okay, what are all the things I'm doing? And you know, you and I talk a lot, but we don't talk about logistics of like this type of stuff. You guys really, like, I just come and dump on Renee and say, what are my guys saying? And we're like, right about bing, about boom.

But like same, same type of thing, right? Like I was like, I don't wanna, because I could attack a million dollars creating from making all the things right? Like you, you with dating, you can go pick a nap. I can go like learn how to build a better funnel or like join another, like all of these things that I've already honestly been doing,

like to educate myself for like what I do in my business or I could create from energy, which sounds a hell lot more fun to me, right? Isn't it? Yes. Yes. And I just kept proving to myself like, money, money will just come. And so the more I started showing myself that, you know, I've been an entrepreneur out here with really like the skin off my back when I came out here,

right? Like, I mean it was, you know, I'm, I'm a jumper, right? Like I'll, I'll jump, I'll admit that. But it was like also done with a lot more intention this time. And since I've been working with you on my abundance and money mindset, it was really about creating intentionally. Cuz you'd say, oh that's great,

Addie, you can manifest free trips all over the place, all of this stuff. Why don't you try manifesting the money? You know? I was like, oh yeah, oh yeah, the money. Yeah. Yeah. So the, the idea of creating from this energy, so I'm doing these things. I started the money journal, like we have learned in your classes and with your 28 days of money,

which I know you generously put out there on YouTube, people can go do that for free, right? Yep. And then I started a group also, right? So I started my little abundant circle and we're kicking off the magic this month where it's already so, so much fun. I am like, I left this place of feeling like a big turd this morning,

like literally like a big piece of shit. And I left my gratitude practice and then MEfirst practice, like just ready to set the world on fire, you know? And then I'm doing my journaling, my magic page is meditation nature and just forcing myself, you know, old corporate Addie, cuz you've got old corporate Renee too old corporate Addie wants to sit down and do all the work,

right? Like, like get in there. Which is why I felt like, like crap this morning because I started to get into the social before I took care of my, my thing. So my promise to myself, Renee, is that I am doing these things every day, even if I don't, if it doesn't happen until one, for some reason I'm like forcing myself to go and I know this,

which is why I created the MEfirst, like MEfirst in the morning, you know? So when you're looking for love, oh my gosh, like, this is so fun, right? Like, so you're not doing a dating app. So like where do you go, you know, like I, I'm going to law of attraction, abundance books, stuff like that.

Like what, what does That look like? It's the same thing. It's, I'm, we are using the group that of women that I'm doing this with, and there'll be eight of us so we can like manifest, you know, amp our power up, but we're using the book calling in the one, and it, it's a seven week program,

so to speak. And each day of the week, there's a different activity to do in there. Some of it are, some of the things are affirmations, some of the things are, you know, looking at patterns in your relationships. Some of the things are visualizations every day. There's some type of activity to do. And then of course I'm mixing in,

you know, some of the things that I know too into the whole mix. Yeah. But it's a, it's daily and as we know that that energy and that person, that million dollar Addie already exists, right? We're just a, the, the Renee who has found the one already exists. We're just matching up our energy to that, that version of ourselves,

right? And so that's what this work is for me, is just to, to shift my energy over there. Yeah. And, and that does take some effort and energy and time to do that now. Not really. If we were master ultra masters at doing this, we could do it like that, but we're not, we're human. So we get to have the fun journey of getting ourselves there.

And that to me is the being alive part. Yes, yes, yes. And that's the part that takes us through, like when I, and of course the book, the magic that I'm doing is, that's a daily process too, right? So every day you're like doing a different activity. And what I do love that, how it's different,

it's kind of surprising along the way, right? Like, I'm gonna repeat it with this group, but I'm, I'm like so excited. I feel like I could repeat it like all year. And there's certain things that I think I'll pick up and take, and I imagine might be with the, with the book, with the activities you guys are gonna do,

you're gonna find ones that sing to you and like you find really work for you. But you only do that through trying, right? And that I think is my message to everybody out there that like, you don't know what you want or you don't know, like what lights your fire. Like, you gotta start trying different things, you know, like where do you think,

where do you think is the best place for people to start that I think maybe admitting to ourselves what we really want. Yes. You know, because we do, all of us have those limiting beliefs. They popped up for me. You know, I've had two great loves in my life. Maybe it's not in the stars that I have a third,

you know, the limiting beliefs are there, let's be real. Or you know, maybe I'm always gonna weigh 220 pounds, maybe I'm always gonna be living paycheck to paycheck. But you know what, if we really go deep f that I can find love the third time, you know, we can weigh whatever our goal weight is, we can make a million dollars.

It's just being brave enough, I think brave enough to admit that we want it. And then being able to be able to, to commit to it and shift, Right? And to, and to be able to make that space to shift, right? Like if we're like to, to see those limiting beliefs. I'm at the point now, like my spare guides,

so kindly told me a couple weeks ago that to just whack all that shit. They were like, you see a limiting believe you just, and I'm like, I'm like, oh, nope, whackamole, right? Like, so, but it took a lot of practice to get to that point where I can whackamole it took a lot of awareness. It's taken a lot of writing and coaching and awareness of self and like a,

a desire. Like, once I spoke and said I want a million dollars and I'm telling the I'm, I'm telling the world I'm gonna create this, I don't ask me why that's my number. I really don't know. But it excites me, right? Like I was like, you know what, I'm really gonna do this. And it was a shift from that time,

last time, right? And so I think I'm ready now for those limiting beliefs around money. And then we have, like you're saying, the limiting beliefs around, you know, the weight or, you know, seeing those things come up and it's that rewiring process and learning. So when you're starting like really increasing that awareness of self, for me meditation,

Renee, I really think if I hadn't found meditation first, you and I wouldn't even be having this conversation, you know, like, honestly, which is why I teach it now, you know? And because it's just, I think so key. Like I just wanna take every just sit still, dude, sit still with yourself because the answer of what you want Now,

isn't that the truth about the busyness keeping you from being present, even considering that these are options that you have in your life. Yeah. You can't even, mine can't even get there unless you sit still and be Yeah, yeah. I see so many people, you know, that are so caught up in all the doing. And I, like,

I see myself okay talking about myself here, right? Like, so we get so caught up in the doing that, it's like when in the stillness is the answer is there. Like even this morning, for example, I'm gonna give you guys a quick example of this. Before I went off to do my gratitude practice and made myself go to the coffee shop,

it was, you know, wanting to do all the things and you know, not taken, and I was gonna fix the hubs and do all of this stuff. Meanwhile, I go off, I be still, I do my gratitude, I think about something else. I get connected to my true self. And the answer was so much easier. Oh,

just put it all in the one you already have. Like technically, like, it just like the solutions came to me so much easier. And that's a gift from the universe, that's a, a gift from my connection to myself and my taking my time. But it takes so much self-discipline, you know, like at the beginning, especially to train yourself to go do those things for yourself first because your,

your mind that is in the masculine energy of the world that we were, we, we both were in, in the business world, right? And probably good portion of you guys listening out there in this world of do, do, do, do, do is what brings you success. Where the answers being such a quick, like you're talking about that energy and the vibration.

Like if I can just dial into that vibration, the universe is gonna bring it to you and surprise you. Yes. And you know, I found myself, I know we've talked about this before, but it applies now. I found myself because, and I'm gonna say I am a lazy person and I mean that in a positive way, you know,

I like a slow, I love a slow life. I love living like that. And so for me, keeping myself in the flow with like my morning spiritual practice, my evening spiritual practice, it saves me so much time because all I gotta do is be, and I intuitively get the answers so I don't have to spend four hours researching the pros and cons of what something is.

I just know. Yes, Yes, Yes. And it's like, and I think when you first start doing this, you guys, it's, it feels counterintuitive because we've spent 50 years of our lives doing it the other way. Yes. And so it's like giving yourself time to retrain all those old limiting beliefs in the mind. And it's like, I think that's where we get frustrated because everything's the quick pill,

you know? Oh, you know, like back to, I don't know why Fen came to mind, but I remember this diet pill back in like, Oh, I remember that pill. Yes. That Was like killing people eventually, but like, you know, it was like, you take this pill and it was basically speed, you know, like,

it was like prescription speed. You take this pill and you get thin, like we want the get thin fast, we want the get rich fast. The, you know, like, which is great, but there's that process of allowing yourself to oh, just be, be connected to yourself and it will come to you. What you even want to even move back.

I dunno. Well, part of this that I love when I love the feeling of feeling alive. Like, oh, I, there's something I want and I'm gonna get it. I love that. What the part that I really like though is the journey. So we so often, you know, focus on when we get the million dollars, when I meet the dude,

you know, that being the thing Uhuh, I'm so excited about doing this with a group of women that I'm sure are gonna become super great friends for me, I'm, I'm excited about learning things about myself, whackamole my limiting beliefs, you know, and growing as a person already, just since I have made this commitment to myself, I cannot believe the love that has shown up.

I randomly have been getting presents in the mail and they're all like heart things or love things. A heart crystal, little love box, you know, randomly, it's randomly, you know? Right, right, right. Yes. Randomly you get, you put out there, you give love, you get love, right? You give money, you get money,

or you give gratitude, you receive abundance and whatever that symbol of abundance is back to you, you know, abundance of love, abundance of money, abundance of, you know, and what I'm finding with the, the abundance is also my weight loss journey. Like, I feel more satisfied just in my body. I'm not, I'm not wanting to eat.

It's having that effect in that area too. You know, like all of those things coming together and Yes. Not doing it alone. You said, you know, doing it with the group, which is how I, how I did the weight loss and how I'm doing the money. So I've manifested, I haven't told you this yet, I increased,

I, I increased my income last month by 62%. Way to go. I know. And I'm like, I didn't launch. I'm like, what did I do? I'm like, oh, I stayed in gratitude. Right? Like, literally you guys, and like, it's just like, you know, Renee's out, Renee knows like, people can't even find me to give me money,

right? Like, and she's like, would you put a button open a portal? I'm like, ok, I'm open portals. But like, I'm like, I've just been like giving and receiving and being in this vibration of this energy and, and the goal itself just gives me something to think about, to bring up those limiting beliefs, really in truth,

like, because the, the goal itself is, you know, it could be 500,000, it could be two. Like, it's kind of like, that number itself is a little irrelevant, you know, when it's, it's just about the energy. I mean, I wanted to show also, it excites me because like weight loss, it's something I can show.

I'm like a number, you know, which is exciting. It's like I can show I'm gonna fail, like how many failures to a million dollars, right? Right. Or how quickly can I dial into that frequency and limit my amount of failures are needed, right? Like I start, I'm gonna start a failure counting book because that gets exciting every time,

every date you go on that doesn't work. You're just one date closer to the next, to the guy coming, right? Yeah. Like, or what, whatever that next step is. Well, and if my commitment to myself is I'm finding the one I, I'm not gonna fail. So I'm gonna gonna do every possible thing to succeed. And the number one thing would be how do I amp up my energy?

I do it with a group of people. That's just simple. The more people you have focusing on is the same goal, the more powerful you are. So easy peasy starting a group, but mine starts in about a week, you know, there'll be eight of us. So I'm excited about that. And we'll be going through that book each day doing a different thing,

a visualization, a meditation. I know there's a couple affirmations that I'm already in love with. You know, I'm open to receiving all the love in the universe. I'm open to giving all the love in the universe, looking at those limiting beliefs that we have and then enjoying the journey. You know, it's that whole dorky thing that it's not the,

it's not the, you know, the destination, it's the journey. You know that whole Yes, Yes. It's so true. I find it interesting. You don't think you're gonna fail at anything though. Tell me about that. Because when you commit to yourself that you're going to do something, I don't let myself down. Yeah. But I mean,

there's gonna be things that don't work. So maybe we have a different definition. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I spend a lot of time retraining people's brains around failing is good. Like failing is what gets you to that, to that thing. It doesn't work. You try something different, it doesn't, right. Like if that's not the activity or that's not how you didn't dial into the frequency that time.

I'm gonna shift something in my energy, I'm gonna shift something in how I show up in the world. So just trying something different. So maybe we need different language for you around, I don't think, I don't think that is failing. I think of that as just part of the process, Right? But so many people will give up when they don't get that result they want.

Yeah. Right. Like, because they won't keep showing up because the scale is up a number or I didn't hit my money goal. Right. And so even though I'm showing up and I'm committed, right? Like I'm, and I'm going all in and, but my belief isn't quite where my wanting is yet. And, and that's okay too, right?

But like to dial into that, it's like, God, I think it was Gay Hendricks I heard say about the airplane and we, I might have told, I don't know, I hope I didn't talk about on your podcast about this already, but he talks about taking the plane from Maui to LA and it being on autopilot and it's constant readjustment, you know,

like it's never flying in a straight line. It's always like readjusting itself. And that's how our journeys are when we're even manifesting something, you know, I'm like, okay, that doesn't keep me in the vibration. I'm going to change and do something, do this thing over here that makes my heart sing, right? Like I'm gonna go to the mountain instead of to kickboxing or you know,

like, like what those things are for you. And because you haven't yet manifested, you know, it's like the unknown. Like he's not here yet, so you're probably gonna go on some dates, maybe you might not, but you might go on some dates that don't work and Renee's like, that's not happening. I'm not even putting it in the universe.

But that, it doesn't mean it's a, it's a failure. That's just part of the journey and it's part of something you enjoy. Maybe you meet a person that doesn't end up being the one that ends up being like your best friend in another way, right? Right. Like totally. Or the universe brings you that piece of the puzzle cuz his best friend is like,

what? Whatever, right? But there's a lot of people out there that I think would maybe coin that. Like, oh, okay, I'm giving up, right? Like, Yeah, I would never think of it like that. I would just think of it as like, oh, well that didn't work. Let me try this. So I,

you know, and that's why I love the process, the magic book you're doing, and then the calling in the one book that I'm doing, because some of the things really resonate with me. They are my things, the other things, okay, that's not my thing. I don't think of myself. It's a failure or me failing at the activity.

It's just not my activity. Right? So this, both of what we're really doing here, Addie, is learning ourselves on a deep, learning about ourselves on a deeper level. That's really what this is ha is Doing. Isn't that what like all goal achievement is about, right? Like it's taken it to that, to that deeper level. Yeah.

Yeah. Totally. Well I for one now look forward to my failures and I call 'em failures because I just wanna like normalize my language around that for the people I work with, Renee, which is a different group than might be listening, you know? But anyhow, what I wanted to ask you about love. So you're doing for the love of money and you've got your group,

and so you guys will be meeting and sharing energy space around finding, finding love, right? So everyone in the group is going to be seeking their partner, right? Right. Yeah. Okay, listen, I'm change language since we're on language finding their partner. So, and curious with that maybe like if they're already in a relationship that isn't like they wanna,

I don't know, I've set really clear intentions about who is coming to this group. So if you're listening and you feel like, oh, this is my group, then that is an intention I set for you, but people that are serious about this, that this is the time. So if you're in another relationship right now, this is not the group for you,

you know, that you needed some time for yourself to make a commitment. I don't, I don't think the right way to start the next relationship would be to immediately while the one you're still in, jump into another one that doesn't feel like a healthy way to do it. Who am I to say? But I don't know. Oh, I meant,

and I meant that's really funny. But like, I meant, I meant like maybe bettering their current relationship, but This is not, that's not that, It's not that. It's totally like bringing in new love. Yeah. Calling in one. Yes. I'm so excited. Oh my god. Okay, so seven weeks. So like, we don't,

I know time doesn't work linearly, linearly, but like, do you, I mean, what, what do you think that's gonna, like I put a date on mine, right? Like I'm gonna make a million dollars in a year. Like just because like you, you know, a date on a, on a on a dream becomes a goal,

right? Like, like, and it gives me something to move toward. Do you have like a timeline? Are you I don't have a timeline and I, I'm well aware of that and I've thought about that a lot. Do I want one by Valentine's Day? Do I want by my birthday? And you know what, I'm just in it. I'm in it for whatever the divine timing brings me.

Yes. So if it takes a year, it takes a year. Honestly, I'm pretty good at manifesting shit, So I know you are. So I think it'll probably be sooner than that. You know what is really cool about doing it with a group of people too is when somebody in the group finds their one, that means the rest of us are just that much closer.

You know, because we're all vibing at that same energy. So if they find one, they're one that means my one, it's just right around the corner, you know? Oh God. Yeah. That's so exciting. It's really interesting to do that with, with love. Yeah. You know, like finding a partner. I love that in the power of the group together,

you know? Yeah. So yeah, we're, we're just getting started in my group too, like with the, with abundance. And it's been really interesting to see some of the resistance to some of us picking a number. And I had wrestled with it myself, like that daring when we talked about daring to say what we want, like what would you truly want?

And I think I had landed in law of attraction or somewhere in there where, where Abraham was saying, you humans basically, right? Like, I'm gonna slay eyes it, but you don't say what you want because you don't think you can have it, right? Like, you don't think you can have it, or you would say what you want.

Like what is that number you would say, if I could have however much money I want, you don't freaking say it because you think you can't have it. And I'm like, so like we're all having these conversations and they'll start it like 250,000 and like Young Jedi now she's up to like 17 million or something, you know? And I'm like, yes.

Like what would it be that would, like, if you could say it, it's like, okay, people setting a weight loss goal, kind of the same thing. They'll pick a number that is safe because they don't dare to think they could get to that dream number because they failed over and over again trying to get there and don't believe in themselves enough.

Like, like clearly you do about, about love and everything. And I do about the million, I know I'm getting to a million dollars, you know what I mean? And listen, I'm not gonna say it's not gonna happen in a year, but if it takes me longer, I'm not like crying about it. Look, I'm so, so happy that it's taken me four years to lose 130 pounds.

I wouldn't change a single frigging minute of it. Would you change a minute of it if you're sitting there listening, like whatever that big goal is. Like if when you get there, it's just like keeping it in sight and keeping moving toward it, you know? Yeah, Yeah. And look at us, look how I don't remember the last time I felt so alive.

Yes. You know? And that isn't that what it's really about here is this like, this feeling like, what's the universe gonna bring me today? What magic love package is gonna show up today? You know? Am I meeting him today? Yes. I got one sitting in the coffee shop, I'm sitting there kinda like, I hadn't started the,

the practice today was being thankful for, I shouldn't like air this one here, but like, so anyhow, I, I'm like sitting there in gratitude and Millie's dad calls me and is like one of my things that manifesting is seeing Mili six, six times a year. He's like, well you can add another time. We're coming in March. And I'm like,

oh yeah buddy, look. Just sitting there in gratitude. I got another one, another time, I'm, I'm getting to see my little one, you know, like just sitting. I like surprises all over. Trip to Hawaii. I'm going again, I'm going for my 50th birthday, November 29, I'll be there over Thanksgiving. I'm like, where do I wanna be?

Wanna be squeezing Mili? And it's like, the universe just keeps, like, when I'm in this, this vibe, like you said, what what's gonna come today? Yeah. And we have to keep in mind, whenever you're raising your vibe, it's not just about, you're not just raising your money vibe, you're raising your whole vibe. So everything increases,

everything grows. Same with love. I make more money. I'm making more money now that I'm attracting love. I'll take it all day long. Poor me love and money. This is really interesting to ask you. Are you seeing, I, you might have alluded to this earlier, but I'm feeling this really calling to clean my space and get ready to move and like all of that stuff,

it's like deep, right? Like what does that show up like with, for love? Similar, you know, I, that's actually, I spent yesterday cleaning my house, cleaning my closet. I need to make space for the person to have clothes. So I felt good getting rid of things to make space for the new person. Wow. And a toothbrush drawer.

Oh yeah. I haven't got to the toothbrush drawer yet. That's this week. That's S that's exciting. Yeah. It's very exciting. Well, let's wrap this up. I I, let me give you my words of wisdom to people and then you give me yours. So mine would be, be brave enough to admit to yourself what you really want,

what your, your heart really wants. And then once you do that, commit to yourself, commit it to yourself. I am doing this. And then get your plan in place. What are all the ways that you are going to shift your energy from where you are now? To what, to where you need to be when you achieve that goal?

When you achieve the, the thing. So yeah. Yeah. Multiple. You do many, many ways. So many ways. Choose the ways that light you up. Dating app not, doesn't light me up. Visualizing and fun and crystals lights me up. Yeah. I'm a big believer in, in all of what you just said, it's almost hard for me to uniquely say my own other than I will say this if like,

you don't even know where to begin on it. That's really what I do, right? Like, because like, and Renee and I talk about this all the time. We work in tandem so much because I help women dream again is what I really, I call myself a future self guide. Now, I don't know if I told you my new title Renee,

but Oh, I love it. Future self guide, love future Self Guide because I'm, I, I am really good at helping people dream and visualize and stuff like that. And, and to me, when you say visualization, I think that stops people from even you don't know what you want. If you're out there listening and you're like, oh,

but I don't know what I want. This is where it starts, is with the vision, with the daring to dream. And so, and we don't know how to dream anymore. We've spent 50 years of our lives dreaming for everybody else. And so you forget how to dream for yourself. And so many of us don't even know how to make a plan.

We'll plan, we'll spend all year planning for vacation, but not for our lives, right? And so I can help you with that part of it. If you're sitting there like, and you're an overwhelmed, just go to Addie Be like, be all like, be all you can be. Renee, A D d i. I know,

I know. Listen cuz I mean that's what I'm on this planet for, I think is to help people that were like me and like wherever you're at in your quest, for me it was a 300 pound ball of misery. But if you don't know how to dream, you don't know how to say what you want. I got you sister. Right?

Like, and then when you're ready to hear the right and seek the love, right? Like Renee, I, I just dunno what to say. I don't know if those were words of wisdom you guys, other than dream get up and, and play big, dream small, right? Like, oh, I wanna, well I'm not gonna belittle anyone's dreams out there,

but trust me, like if you're not feeling lit up like this, you just gotta dream bigger. That's all. There we go. If you're, yeah, if you're not lit up like this dream bigger s Too much energy and you're like, alright, I gotta get off this pod, just dream bigger, which is a, that's all. I will put a link to Addie website,

Addie and the show notes also to my, it's called Women's Power Circle calling in the one. So I will put a link to that if you're interested in that. And also my website and the show notes too. Thank you so much Addie. I, I love talking with you. Our conversations are always fabulous. Thank you Renee. And if you're listening on my podcast,

I will put the same in the show notes for Renee so you can get in touch. And you guys, we didn't talk about it, but Renee is also a spirit guide, channeler, and she is mine and it's just magic when you get to meet with Renee. So you can also do that with her. So I check the show notes for all of that,

you guys. All right, thanks Renee. Thank you. Bye.