MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep 114: Astounding Dream Big Belief in Action at the Life Coach Weekend Event


Do you believe in yourself? How much?  When you go to your future self, are you all in on that version? Get inspired to do just that in this episode. Dream bigger than you thought was possible and learn to take action! The MEfirst Sisters attend the Life Coach LIVE Weekend Event in Phoenix AZ and Slayer is astounding by the massive action her sisters are taking, and what nuggets the Universe had in store for her at the event...which were not at all what she thought it was going to be. Day 3 brought a "HOLY CRAP!" A-ha Moment.

VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you but you don't know how to uncover it? The Heartsing Podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host Addie, B aka Slayer of Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams,

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self-discovery and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Welcome heart singers, I'm Addie, be a future self guide meditation instructor in here to fire you up. Today I'm going to share some inspiration from my weekend with you at the Life Coach School live event, which had so many big ahas and kind of started out a little flat for me.

And then, oh my gosh, like I, I always know I'm where I'm supposed to be for some reason. And sometimes I think I get impatient waiting for my nuggets to appear. And so I have to talk myself down the ledge. Like just be still. Let it come, let it be easy. So the first part of this episode, I recorded in the car on the way to day three and I have to tell you something,

epically magic happened on day three, but I want you to listen to the first part and kind of how I was feeling about the event and the takeaways. I'm gonna share some of the inspiration and some of the tools I picked up a little bit too as I share my story with you. But such big reveals and for yes, myself personally, but also so many of the women I had the pleasure of being in the company with over the weekend.

If you don't know what the Life Coach School is, it is a school that certifies life coaches obviously. But Brooke Castillo runs the school and she has a podcast, Karine Crabtree if you follow her, which is how I got introduced to the circle. Karin spoke at this event and she was epic. I'm like, oh my gosh, I forgot how much I just love Karin.

Like she brought the room to her to their knees with just how real she is and just how authentic and open with her heart. Really, really an inspirational woman. And so, you know, this is the life coach school. It's been part of my quest on the path. You know, I started with meditation and then I found Karen and some other life coaches that have helped along my path,

which has also been very spiritual with me. There's been learning from Chopra Center and meditation, all just all kinds of things and I'm, I'm always kind of that way. I'm your, your jack of all trades learner, which I think we all are. I am going to let you dive into this episode, but hang in for the after because oh my gosh,

I had my mind blown on Sunday morning and just tears and joy and gratitude and an understanding of exactly why I was supposed to be there. And then I had my spirit guide meeting yesterday and some other magical stuff. So I will fill you in and leave you with some inspiration and some thoughts for yourself to head into this season. Whatever season you're listening to this,

you can't ever think about your future self too much about what, what it is right inside of you. That's your greatness to just be waiting to be unlocked. And when you get still and you ask and you just listen and you keep your eyes open, the universe will bring your nuggets, develop that vision, start to develop the belief in yourself and you'll make it happen.

So let's get inspired. And on this first segment, I am in my car, so just kind of deal with the audio. It'll clean up in the second section. Here we go. Oh man, I am full body chill. Download you right now. You guys like just on fire and welcome to the Heartsick podcast. I was like, you know,

I just have to record this for you. I am in the car on the way to the Life Coach live event in Arizona here and there's a bunch of my MEfirst sisters here with me. Shout out girls. Paula is actually going to do the Life Coach certification. You've heard me talk about her before Light Seeker. She is also already a Chopra certified meditation instructor and health coach.

So I am so excited to bring the spirituality, the mind wor like all of it crashes together with the MEfirst guide and meditation and it's just my path has just felt so clear from it being unclear there at the event. And I really thought I was going to step into this event. For those of you that don't know, I am not certified at the Life coach.

A lot of people think I've gone and done that. And just full transparency, I am not formal coach training is a nominal and I know I would grow and honestly I expected to show up to this event and be like, oh my God, I gotta go do this. And I have to tell you I have nothing. And when I say nothing,

I mean that resonance in my body that is now my knowing that I know what path to take. And this has happened through me connecting with my highest self and what my mission is here to help other women connect with this. It is through this process that I help do this. And it became so clear to me just that the path that I've created really in,

in my mind has to involve the meditation somewhere at some point. It doesn't mean if you're listening to this and you don't wanna meditate or you don't have any desire to, that you wouldn't maybe come into it another way. I think half the people I've taught to meditate at this point have thought that and now they think it's the best thing since Slice brought.

So maybe we should do a podcast episode on that. Like you come in and you start with the planning and then move through it. So I've really been like, how do I incorporate all of this? I've spent the last three years figuring this out, like what helps women go from add to how, yeah, let's light it up. That's been my work.

That's been, that's my life's purpose. Like to be able to create a system because that's what I used to do to help other people do what I did and have this feeling as I'm sitting in this big event where, you know, we're future self dreaming and doing all of that, which is fantastic you guys. I mean I, you know, I lead that.

I love it. I do it all the time myself as I'm sitting there and just like at times going inside myself and allowing the truth that's already within me to speak and thinking what a gift it is that I have the ability to do this and that each of us has this ability to do it. And when I can help you get connected with this higher self and it comes through not only learning to meditate you guys,

it comes through learning to put yourself first in your life through yes, the mind work too. It's a piece of the puzzle and it's why each day in the MEfirst Guide I work on rewiring my new thought to my next goal to this next version of myself, which if you're following along is now the abundance goal. So after losing the 120 pounds and I still get on that scale every Sunday on Facebook because first of all I like to talk to everybody,

but it's part of my life now and I'm still like have my eye on these last 20 and I know that through this abundance goal that is coming, right? So, oh, what do I wanna share here with you? There's just so much amazing stuff this weekend and I shared a little bit in the live on Facebook on my way in. But it's like this knowing inside you guys,

this resonance from within you that the truth is already right in there. The answers are already inside. So I asked my cards today as I do, you know like for inspiration, yesterday's inspiration was a reverse karma card, which is, is hey, the universe is sending you a sign, you're going the wrong direction literally. And my card deck, I used Saara rose's yogic path deck,

my card deck doesn't have a lot of kind of negative cards if you will. And that one's kind of like, eh, you're going there. There's no other way to interpret that other than wrong direction. And I was already not feeling any energy around it, which is the sign that it's for me, it's not the right direction because I would get lit up in my body.

And when I say that you guys, it almost feels like goosebumps, but it's on a different level and the energy will go all the way up to my crown. And when we're speaking the, the truth of what's to come, it's here right now actually. Anyhow, you guys, this power of your intuition that we have been taught to shove down,

right? That women's intuition that you know, oh you have to make decisions based on logic based on this, based on that. You know, if I were to make decisions based on the numbers, I would be going and doing the training all day long, right? And the look, I'm not discounting Paul is going to do the training and I think it's absolutely a hundred percent where she should be like she is lit up about it.

It is her path. And it could be your path too. You need to find out, you need to seek for yourself and look for your answers. But she knows this is our path. She is, she's gonna have no regrets about that decision. She's all in, right? I know it's not mine. And that causes me to say, okay,

where is my path? So that's what I did, right? So I asked the carts this morning, how do I receive the messages today? Because I've been getting all these amazing downloads at the event and I'm like, I want more of that. I want more of that magic. I wanna know, I wanna know what's coming. So I asked,

I'm like, how do I get, you know, how do I get more of this? And I pulled the cards Spa, I think it is, it's not spa, which is self-study. And so in this card it literally says to go inside yourself, all the answers are right there. It's basically how I'm interpreting this card for me today heading to this event was because I was kind of like,

I wanna be there, I wanna be present, I wanna be engaged, I wanna learn and I wanna enjoy. What can I do that when I feel like I'm not learning, like when I feel like I know my answers, I'm writing down, I'm cashing out, I'm not, I'm just, and I'm trying to be present and I realize these are all thoughts and I see that so that I'm coaching myself,

like something's wrong, but my body is just like, I know my emotional body is just not engaged. And I'm like, does that mean something is wrong with me? And it's like, no, no, no Addie, we're giving you this opportunity to go and be with your people and see what that is like, that feeling of team and to be still still enough to hear these answers.

And I've, I've been given these three days to do nothing but sit and contemplate because I'm in my own head most of the time, right? As a lot of us are, I was really engaged for I would say 80% of it, which I think is pretty good. And then the other 20 I'm in my head allowing myself to go in that space of stillness.

And so it was just that permission if you will, that sign that hey, exactly where he is supposed to be babe had this overwhelming sense as I was heading to the event, you know, my old corporate America days when I led teams and you know, when I go meet my managers somewhere and I just always loved that it was my favorite, favorite part of what I did.

And as I was heading to meet my sisters, I'm like, oh my God, that's what we are. I created a team, another team, which is what I love to do. And yeah, I'm kinda the captain of the team cuz I put stuff together, we all contribute, we are all part of the overall success of everything. I'm nothing without them and they wouldn't all know each other without me.

And it's just like such, I'm gonna cry. It's just so freaking amazing, right? If I had not gone to that intro to meditation course five years ago, none of this, like, you think about that you guys, those little decisions you make in life, like that was a small decision. It was a free little course. I went in person and sat in because that was pre covid.

We didn't have all the, you know, all the zooms going on that we do now. I went in person to this place when the guy told me, Hey I, I was in such a state, you know? And he said, if you do this twice a day for the next year, you won't be the same. I was like,

sit on my ass twice a day for a next year. I'm like, bring it on buddy. Right? So I did, and it really led to this soul awakening and to this awakening of my feminine self, which is what our intuition, that part of us is that listening to your heart, you guys, your heart and your gut that are so connected and that know the truth,

they know the answers. So when you have that gut feeling, that is your body telling you that is your soul speaking to you. You know? So how do you re define that? How do you tune into that more and more? And look, I didn't wake up like this. If, if I were to hear heard myself right now four years ago,

I would be like, shut that beat off man. Who's that crazy wacko? I'm not even kidding you guys. I might have listened to me though. I still listen to myself sometimes and yeah that could sound arrogant, but like that's what bur will do for you too. She lets you know that no, it's not arrogance to think you're amazing. Arrogance means you think you're better than other people.

And I, I definitely don't think that you guys, I know greatness is already there. I already see it. I am your believing mirror. That was another thing that was so clear to me that like us having this sisterhood, us having this bond, there was so many women that I could tell when they were getting coached were just in a really lonely space with their journey.

And so I told my crew that was there, I'm like, you guys don't discount because they're all in a small group together. I'm like, don't discount this bond you have together this sisterhood and our whole group in general. I guess they're not all in that, that group actually if I think about it. But I'm like, don't discount this bond we have because we're,

we have people to believe in us. We, we don't have to wait to get coached by Brooke Castillo or for our weekly coaching call. You have a group of women that are believing right back at you. And this is why the community part of it is so important too. Something I'm like really keeping my eye on as we grow and as we expand and everyone's stepping into different aspects of what this team looks like,

it's so freaking exciting. I just can't stand it. Oh my gosh. But I'm also headed off to Hawaii on Friday for my birthday 50th to squeeze Mili. If you're, if you don't know, Mili is my youngest, my 13 year old who lives in Hawaii with her dad. That's a whole story you'll have to hear on another podcast or something.

But no, so my goal for the next year, one of my big financial goals was to see Mili six times a year. And so I'm manifesting that you guys and part of me doing that was this trip to Hawaii coming outta me doing the magic, the gratitude practice. And so I'll be there Friday, which is normally podcast day and then I think I have a surprise podcast for you next week cuz I think Renee's,

I'm not supposed to know, but I saw the post, it's hard to, it's hard to like post in in my group and me not know what's going on but that was cute. So I think she's gonna put together a birthday episode for me, which is also great cuz I get a week delay on the beach unless I get some download I gotta like come inspire you with,

listen, what I want you to take from this podcast, from me sharing all of this from me sharing my experience is that the answers are right within you. My sister, we spent all this time looking outside of ourselves looking, seeking for the next diet, for the next training, for the next, you know, education. And even my cards said today,

why don't you stop and just in the knowledge for a hot second Slayer and just listen to the truth that's right within you. You have everything you need to know. And you might be listening to this thinking that's not true for me. I don't know as much as you Addie I don't, guys, I promise you get still and start listening to her and she's gonna guide you to these,

to the knowledge you should be seeking to the knowledge you you wanna be seeking and to your path. Like if it feels wrong, it is wrong. There's a difference between the wrong and the hard and learning to define that for yourself. Like what is the wrong path? Like I have no energy around it, it's not something I should be doing or I am gonna have negative energy around it and what is just hard and I'm resisting doing because I don't know how to do it or I'm not inspired to do it,

to look at those things. I have had a lot of really good stuff come out of the event. So perhaps I will update us on on that, but I gotta get in there right now. All right, thanks for listening you guys. Oh my gosh, there's magic coming. I'm so happy you guys are here on this ride with me. Heart singers.

Here we go. Let's light it up. Well I was definitely right and there is definitely magic that was in store for me at the event on Sunday and welcome back heart singers. It is Thanksgiving as I'm recording this to for you. So first up, I am so grateful for each and every one of you for watching or listening, whatever it is you're catching this on.

I really, really appreciate it because without you, without my believing mirrors out there listening, I, I don't know how much I'd be stepping into this. This is so much a part of my future self and part of how I share with the world, what I say I'm going to do and becoming it ahead of time and starting to believe. And today's episode is just all about that,

right? About that belief and daring to think we can be something different than we are, that we can tap into this greatness right within us. And if you are catching this little segment over on YouTube, hi, welcome. And I am in a little ski cap and my cheetahs print jacket pretending I'm at the Macy's Day parade. No, not really.

I just ran to get my coffee this morning. I was like, what the heck? I'm just gonna record. Here we go. And if you're just joining in here, I'm a future self guide meditation instructor. I created this process called the MEfirst Guide. We have a planner, I have this whole process, the course I'm putting together, I've launched it quite a few times.

I've been testing it, creating it for the past few years on my sisters in the MEfirst sisterhood. And it is proving over and over again to guide us to this place where we're daring to step into alternate futures for ourselves and creating that future. And it's through going through this process of creating a vision, dreaming big, creating the habits around it. Like how do we create those habits?

How do we actually change? Because you are your habits, right? Like it's one idea. We have these lofty dreams, we get all excited, we come to these conferences and we're like, wow. Yeah. But then the taking action of it, so many of us like get stuck there. We get, and a lot of that is mind management and a lot of it can go back to how you're showing up in your world and especially in the weight loss world,

how you're showing up for, you know, taking care of your body, mind, and soul is so key on this quest. And I'm sharing this with you again now that I'm here back on the episode, if you're listening over on YouTube, there was a first part of this episode where I shared how I was feeling leading into the event and just kind of like looking for the reason why am I here?

What's my nugget? What's like, why'd the universe say go to this event? And you know, she even said at the beginning that she created this event for people that weren't aware of, you know, really the thought model and the process. And it was really creative for people at that level. And I've done a lot, so much of the work and I've taught the work,

I've taught how to reframe thoughts and I did so much of this in self-coaching scholars. And I'm not saying that I don't have more to learn because I always think I have more to learn. So the other part of me sitting there thinking, why am I not learning more? What's going, what's going on? Am I being stubborn? Am I not like,

so I'm like analyzing myself like that. So there's a point to me telling you all this again, I get to the event on sun on today, on Sunday, and I pull in and I'm like all excited to just go and love and be present. I did my gratitude practice my heart's in a good space. I'm just like bring on the magic,

right? So I go in and I go and I sit in our row and there were four of us there and one of 'em is a life coach already Stia. She, she has her certification and she's stepping into this part of her business. And most of these guys are in a small group I coach together too. And so they've been doing this work for year,

a couple years now, right? They've been doing, and I know you wanna hear this happens overnight that you step into your greatness overnight. I think you start to get excited overnight. That's the first part of the process is we get you to, to the space where, oh my gosh, what if I don't have to be restricted by my current circumstances,

by my current reality? And that's where, wait, why we create the vision, why we create alter egos, why I do so much work there. So I don't think it's enough to go show up one time and just think about it and then you're gonna go off and take action. We need a process, right? So I had to make a process,

therefore the MEfirst guide, so these guys have been doing the work, right? They've been doing the guide, doing the process, doing the starting to dream big, starting to expand themselves. And so I'm sitting next to Paula to give you a reference and I, you know, and she had already signed up for the life coach school the day before and I knew she was going to exactly,

it's perfectly where she's supposed to be. You know, she's always been like so interested and wanted to do that. And then we're there with Amy and Jamie Sunfire and the Young Jedi in our group. Those are their alter ego names, right? That's, that especially is helpful to have when you don't dare to dream for yourself yet you make this alter ego so that you can go beyond limitations.

It's like you're mixing fantasy with reality type thing. You know, like super, we have superpowers, our alter egos, right? Like I'm, I'm shooting like vi like high vibes from my hands, right? Like energy now I know, I used to see that actually now that I'm thinking about that, I used to see the energy, like I'd,

I'd tell everyone I'd shoot love from my hands and that's before I even understood heart coherence and energy healing. Like the stuff that Dr. Joe is like really teaching and sh proving in science, right? So, so I get there and then Jamie and Amy leave and they're like, we'll be right back. And I'm like, okay. And they're like gone forever.

And so sta comes over and she busts the, she busts the, their little secret what they're off doing and she goes, do you know what they're doing? And like I had talked to Jamie in the car the night before and we really talked through like what it was gonna look like for her. We call her the Young Jedi because she stepped up when I needed some help and said,

yeah, I wanna be the apprentice. And then we got to the point where I'm like, look, your only job is to lose weight. Just go and share how you're doing this journey because she has so much going on in her world, like with the kids and the husband and the job and two jobs, all of these things. I'm like,

you just go show everybody how you're doing this and how you're getting up over and over and what, what you're going to become. Because I want people to see that process. So the young Jedi's there, we are talking in the car the night before on the way out to dinner and we're talking about her coaching and she really wanted, she was interested in the cert certification but that it just wasn't in the cards for her.

She just couldn't financially make that happen. And so we were talking about other ways she's gonna show up differently in the sisterhood and she's gonna take over coaching a small group that I, I haven't been running that has been a different small group and she's gonna start taking over that group and that her training, like how can she start to help train the MEfirst process like those things because she really enjoyed training in her other job.

As we're digging into your future self, what are the things you liked from your past? What are those things you like to do? Where's your zone of genius? And so she knows she really likes to do these things and so we're talking, we're getting all excited, we're just excited and we're grateful for everything we had right already. So we get there and this other sister helps Jamie find a way to make this happen and also goes and makes it happen for herself.

So they both and they go and sign up for life coach training and I am just like blown away. I I just like when they got back, I was overcome with emotion and I had recorded a segment of this and I lost it because I guess we were meant for me to be recording this on Thanksgiving in my little beanie cap on YouTube. I don't know.

So I I, I look down when they get back to their seats and I'm, of course I already know because Stia had overheard she told me, right? They didn't know I was gonna know. So I knew and they came back in their little jackets and their thing and, and I, I just looked and I just grabbed 'em and I just like hugged them so hard and I just like,

I looked down at one point and I looked and I've got Paula, Amy, Jamie and and Stasia were all sitting there in a row and I looked down and I was just overwhelmed you guys. I just started like the tears started welling up and I thought there that was, this is my magic nugget. I had to be there, I had to be there because like honestly if they weren't there,

I don't think I would've gone to day three because I was headed out of town. I had all the, listen, it's fun to go but I'm like, if I'm sitting somewhere and being engaged somewhere, I wanna like for eight hours. Like I wanna, I wanna know, I'm like I have so many things I'm doing right now that I could be learning and like really moving through,

but I knew I had to be present and be here and I looked down and I'm like, this is exactly why. That's exactly why I had to be here because I had to witness them stepping into their greatness. Them daring to believe beyond belief of this is a huge investment you guys. This is like, you wanna talk about putting money where your mouth is like this is like going live on Facebook when you're 280 pounds and telling the world you're gonna lose weight,

right? This is the money equivalent of that. This is like telling your families I believe in myself so much, I'm gonna make this huge life coaching investment in myself because I believe in my own greatness that this money will be a drop in the bucket when I'm done and not because this is all, listen, I'm not, oh my gosh you guys,

how do I even like explain from there like the magnitude of the impact of this? And I needed to see that because you know what, I wasn't owning, I wasn't owning that I was helping all these women step into their greatness. That without me they would not have had this path to put themselves first to get still. They probably wouldn't have learned meditation,

they wouldn't have been doing a plan each day. They wouldn't have been dreaming each quarter, they wouldn't have been doing the plans, doing the processes. Literally all you have to do is show up and we do the process. It's you that has to believe in you. It's you that has to show up and do the work that helps you get to this place to where you believe in yourself so hard,

you invest $20,000 in yourself that you don't have. That is epic. And this isn't, this isn't, oh they invested this money and oh they're prob probably not gonna get back. Is that where your brain goes like, oh I would never do that if I didn't, if I didn't have the money, if I didn't have the money. Or like I didn't know if you knew if your future self said if you do this,

your life will forever change. Like where are you not making that investment in yourself that says, I believe in me so hard that I will do whatever it takes to get up over and over again and that's why you don't invest cuz you don't believe you will get up over and over again. And I see it over and over again. I'm like, I just want you to believe so hard and show up for yourself,

right? Like how do we put ourselves first and stop putting everyone else first? Like because it's in that, it's in that taking the time for yourself and creating the greatness for yourself from within you that you become the inspiration for your family. You're not serving your family with the sword, falling on the sword anymore. You're serving them by leading them, by showing them with love,

by supporting them through your greatness. And it's like, I, this happened to me. Do you know how hard it was for me to and and say you know what? I need to do this for me and know that my youngest child in Hawaii is right where she's supposed to be. That was, I did so much mind work around that I can't even tell you guys.

And you know like honestly if my body wasn't physically repellent to Hawaii for whatever reason, I probably would've been back there. I think the universe was like, you know what we're gonna give Addie eczema that like flares up in Hawaii so bad. She thinks she can't ever live there because then we're gonna like make sure she gets on this path. Like what all what if,

what if I chose all these paths? What if I chose I, I know I did, right? Like it shows this this life where I've always sought late weight loss, that it's my passion because my father was overweight died when he was 45 from obesity. I mean that's the cause, right? He was so heavy you guys like as the size of my dad's just been my passion my entire life,

which helped me uncover this which leads to the passion now. And I look at these guys uncovering their passion and you know what else came over me was this sense of relief of you don't have to do it alone, you don't have to do it alone. And the universe is bringing people into my circle that are helping me, are supporting me on my quest to step into this preacher.

So this came up owning that I'm this preacher Paula that I was talking about is also a Chopra certified coach. And she is starting to go through this process where she guides you to uncover your purpose. It's super cool when she's doing this coaching you're gonna wanna get it. I do so much of this with the future self dreaming so fun and can bring so much clarity to do it with a coach.

So she guides you through uncovering what your purpose statement is. Mine is, I am a preacher who follows her heart authentically sharing her truth to inspire women on their path to their authentic self. I had to look up preacher because I have this aversion to that world because word because of, I think I'm gonna say the word patriarchy here that we see in so much in organized religion in that for some reason I,

I connect that word but, but when I did this life visioning work with Paula, preacher came out like that. That is who I am because it's about me speaking, it's about me sharing. It always has bad. So I had to look up preacher to make sure I'm okay using this word because it kept being a trigger. And it came up in another place where my friend Kelly that has the river house where I'll be doing retreats this upcoming year has said this is a place for the preachers and the,

and the and the teachers and the, and like I forget what all she said. It was like I was like well we need to change that word preacher. That was my first thought. And I thought why? It was like when I was resistant to my spirit, like when as I write and I write my magic pages, this flow will come out of me.

And back when I started allowing the flow to happen, it wrote that I'm a spiritual leader and I'm like well that's F and crazy, I'm not that. And I got like really angry and I spent, if you've been following me for any length of time, I spent the first two like really discounting that whole part of myself that like this part, this life force energy that I'm connected to this universe that I could even say that is God as well.

And you know that to use those words simultaneously because it's said something more, it said something greater and when you touch it, it's like that label for it had so many different beliefs around it in my head. So it's taken me a long time to get there. So therefore this preacher thing. And so I had to look it up and it said one who in Inate Kate's,

I had to look that shit up too cause I'm like what the hell's that mean? And so it said teach with persistent instruction, which is very much my thing, right? And one who exort ex exalts something earnestly or officiously. So that means to teach why in the dictionary they have to use words, you have to also go up and look up.

I don't know. But so anyhow, I had to go look this shit up and basically I teach an attitude or idea or habit by persistent instruction. Like yeah that's it. When I asked my friends, this is another thing you can do, ask your friends what, what do they think you know your attributes are, what do they think those things about you?

And my friend Karen had come back and said that it was my ability to really motivate and inspire people into action that she thought was my superpower. And I'm like, oh, you mean like coercing you guys to sneak outta the house and go party at midnight? You mean like that? Always, always up to the shenanigans. And yes I'm pretty good at twisting arms,

which everybody knows because I just, it's like when I got fired up about if you believe in yourself enough you will make that happen. And then we just work on that belief, right? Like I don't yet believe fully that I am creating a million dollars because if I did I'd already have the million dollars. So every single day I work on that thought I created a million dollar,

I've, I'm creating a million dollars, I've created a million dollars, right? And I sit with it in my body and I say, okay, how's that feel? And most days I can get myself excited about it, I can see the vision but then I let the little self doubt stuff come up and this is part of the MEfirst guide. So every single day we're doing this work and you get three your thoughts,

three or four thoughts out and then I rewrite them every day from my millionaire Addie standpoint. And then I write a future self letter every single day. And I'm gonna tell you by the end of this year I will be a completely different person. I will rewired so much of my brain but also my soul because I'm connecting with that part of me each and every day because I'm getting still in meditation,

I'm letting the messages come, I'm getting more and more connected because I'm practicing because I'm showing up for me. And I don't say this to brow beat you if you're not showing up for yourself. Because in the sisterhood we are all about stepping away from perfect. You are not only allowed to fail, you're expected to fail. The only thing that matters is that you get back up again and it doesn't even matter when you get up back up or how you get back up,

just that you f and get back up. So if you are hearing this message and you're thinking, oh I could never be like Amy or Jamie or Paula Oria, I could never go do something like that shit. Stia manifested this stuff. We were on a group call and I said, what is that thing that you're just scared to say you would wanna do?

And she almost couldn't say it. We were on this live Zoom call and she said I would be a life coach. And she was like, she was like scared shitless saying this is a couple years ago. Next thing I know I haven't seen Station in a while. I'm like what's going on? Well her fiance gifted her the life coach school and so she was off like life coach schooling.

And I'm like, cause she dared to say it. And this is something that Brooke said in at the Life Coach school live event. There's a few things I wanted to share with you as takeaways that I loved how she frames it And you know so much like Brooke will have these nuggets in these moments for you that will help you really shift your perception.

You know who else was there was Corrine Crabtree with no Bs who was one of my, she was the original. How I got into any of this mind work was through Corrin in her speech. You guys, she was the best. She brought the place to their knees. She was so inspirational and just so engaging. She's so raw, real, she's up there crying the whole time and she can't cuss.

So that was hilarious cuz if you know Karin, she's cussing all over the place. But I was just like, I forgot how much I love this woman. Like I just am so inspired by her. She's just fantastic on like just an emotional connection level with people. I, I truly think, and for women that need to lose their weight and just can't even imagine how to get up,

right? She's like, she helps you get those tennis shoes on and get out the door, right? Like I will help you create that future self dream big and like move through your spiritual process, right? When you're ready to do the frigging work and show up for yourself, I've got the process for you. You know, and I've got meditation I can teach you.

I've got those things I can, I can and this was what I needed to see was to own that. I know I can help you. Are you open to helping you? Are you ready to show up and sit your but in a chair and listen and do the work? And this is why we do the work together because most of us won't show up for it.

We'll buy the courses, we'll do all the things and that's why I do get it done workshops. That's why we do in-person planning. That's why we do, you know, and like I automate some of it so you can go back and catch replays but as much as you can get there in person, you wanna show up, you wanna make this like it's a doctor's appointment for yourself because why is yourself help not a doctor's appointment for yourself?

Why are you not putting that first? So when Brooke said this, because everybody says they don't know their purpose and she was like, you do know everybody knows that's what do you think that's something extraordinary is she says that extraordinary not your purpose, right? Because I maybe people get too overwhelmed with that, but what do you think your gift is that to give the world if you were to,

and then she says, when you say you don't know, well if you were to guess, what would you guess? So all of you sitting out there listening or watching right now that are saying you don't know, what would you guess, what would you guess that would be for you? Just keep asking yourself that. Write about it. What would you guess?

Cuz you do know, you know what interests you, you just don't dare to say it yet. You don't dare to think you could be that great and I promise you you can. And so to sit there and be present as I see these women daring to go all F and in on themselves all in, right? And there's no buyer's remorse in that aisle.

There's no nothing because they know they have the tools to get up over and over again and that when they're going to get up over and over again and they're gonna fail on the way and they know that too. And they're willing, they're willing to experience that failure, they're willing to experience that emotion because they know on the other side of it they're gonna feel even greater than they already do from coming as far as they already have.

Which is epic. All of them. Paul's lost 50 pounds, Jamie's lost 50 pounds. But more importantly, Amy has, she's like running a fitness empire, not God empire. She, she got a fitness, she wanted to be a personal trainer. She got the whole, she got a group, she got a business handed to her. Really,

really like some manifesting creative mo foes up in here. CIA started coaching people. Paula is already a certified meditation instructor, health coach. She never ever thought when I first started coaching with Paula, Paula, I know, I know I've got your permission here girl. Right? She was just dealing with so much anxiety. I know she couldn't even imagine being here.

We'll have Paula come tell you about that someday. About the like she could imagine it though. I tell you what she could imagine with the life coaching because it's always interest her, she just never thought she could do it. That she could be the one helping you maybe overcome your anxiety, find your, your purpose statement. Look Paul, you helped me get my purpose statement right?

I, I think I wasn't really clear. I write about these things and I get it but to own I'm the preacher and to be okay with it because it doesn't mean I'm some white priest dude. Cause clearly I'm not. If you're watching this on YouTube you're like yeah, no shit chick. Okay. So for me the other big nugget was really understanding,

not understanding. I think I already had the knowing but the shift I've had this year where I keep expecting myself to run outta energy but I'm not. And it's because my desire and my belief are catching, are catching up and my energy is starting to match that. You know, before it was like I would have to go through so much recovery period in between like getting my belief to catch up to where that dream is,

right? Like cuz I can dream that is not a problem my friends I can dream. I even wrote in there, it was like what are you not dreaming of? I'm like oh shit really? Can I go even bigger? And it was like of course you can Addie and it already is you guys setting this million dollar goal for myself is already pushing me beyond the limits and also keeping an eye on my weight loss goal because I'm not letting go of that be right.

Keeping an eye on that, weighing in every week on Facebook, still showing up and sharing that future version of me and my healthiest self brings me to my highest self. Which helps me create so much value for you. Which helps me create these systems that can help you go from, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know how to show up,

I don't know how to, and to give you a system to be able to show up with and a sisterhood to support you in the process. Like it's forcing me to think bigger, to be able to help more people that just think I can't, I can't even imagine to be like Paula, like I've got so much anxiety. I can't even imagine being a life to coaching people a year and a half,

two years from now and to be certified and a meditation instructor. I know that blows your mind more than any other rest of 'em. And now she's teaching meditation where like when I was first twisting arms for people to go to meditation, I couldn't yet teach it. I was sending everyone to TM cuz I didn't yet have, I wasn't teaching from Chopra yet.

So I would send everyone there and I remember because of like some blocks with like religion and stuff at being such a big deal for her. And so like to overcome all these beliefs that are wired in us that are mostly not true you guys, they're just stories we tell ourselves. They're things society has taught us. What if being a perfect wonderful mother doesn't look like I have to be up my child's butt 24 7.

What if I can be the coolest, best, most amazing mother across the ocean? What would it look like? That's what I asked myself. What would it look like if I did that? Okay, I've gotta stop paddling on. I like to keep my podcast short and I just have so much to share and I had the part I had recorded.

I mean I was just bawling. I want you guys to know because I am so proud of these women and myself and starting to own that, own that pride. And you know I really liked so much about Brooke, what she helps you do is embrace your amazingness, embrace your extraordinary that it's okay, right? Like we're, I'm not arrogant because I know you are also extraordinary that you have all this greatness within you that you are f and awesome.

I know that to be true. So in that I can't also be arrogant because arrogant people think they're better than other people. We don't. So when I say I'm great, I'm fabulous, I'm saying it so you believe you are too cuz I'm showing you that you can do this. These guys are showing you. And so this relief because I wasn't feeling this call to life coaching and I haven't,

I haven't, I coach you guys and I will, but I coach from here like straight up how you're hearing me now I do some mind work and stuff, but I'm kind of a ballbuster, right? Like my clients, when we weight loss coach, it's a, it's a whole nother journey, right? We're gonna get, we're gonna get you you there.

We're gonna rewire those habits. We're gonna, but we're gonna uncover that future self too. We're gonna like really create her. Like that's where I'm kind of focused on helping you create and find out what that magic is within. Because I truly believe that the weight will come and I do a lot of nutrition and and food. Like we look at the food and stuff like that.

Oh my god, like the young Jedi who never ate a vegetable in her life and like I was like where is the salad? It was like a pile ranch. I'm like where is the lettuce? And now she's eating all kinds of vegetables and taking care of herself and from going on the focus to taking care of our body, to losing weight, to becoming this spiritual light warrior and now a life coach.

I'm just telling you you guys, it's like you don't know what your path will be and your path is gonna look different. All of us have a different path. The system, it's you know, it's the same habits, you know all successful people do. Why we've be able been able to do it is because we have a community that's doing it.

And you have a process that guides you through not just the mind work but the soul work and the food work. It's all in one. Because I was like, it was all over the place. I did have like 20 different planners. I don't know about you but I don't want 20 different things I gotta follow every day. I can't do that,

right? So I'm a digital calendar and I've got the MEfirst guide and it takes me to my inner I am every single day and is doing the same for these witches and bitches. And I was like, this is my sign, this is why I'm here, that it's full circle completion. I don't have to do this, this part of it. I'm gonna have a fleet of warriors that understand the MEfirst process and they understand how important these other things are in addition to the mind work.

And they're gonna be able to help you coach your mind while understanding and helping you keep an eye on your habits and your spirituality and all of those things. Because at some point they will all come into play and freaking amazing man. So that's my takeaway from the life coach school live weekend. And this was much longer than I had anticipated. So my apologies for that.

I really, I need to not apologize for that. It was all meant to be. I'm gonna stop that over here. I'm gonna delete that part. We're gonna edit that shit out. YouTube, I'm probably not. If you made it this far, congratulations. If you made it this far, you just love my shit and you subs subscribe and like this cuz if you made it this far and you don't like this shit,

what the hell's wrong with you? Okay, happy Thanksgiving. I'm really, really the most grateful person on the planet. I think I really am. Life doesn't get much better and I'm off to Hawaii tomorrow to squeeze my babe. And we're surprising her at the airport. Her dad is in on the Secret and we are, he's picking me up and she thinks she's going to pick up someone,

a friend that's coming in and they're going to Maui the next day. So she's got her suitcase packed. But she's like all disappointed cuz she thought they were leaving tomorrow, but they're gonna pick me up. So it's like, oh my god, she has no idea. I can't wait. Okay, so I'll be sure to do a live on Facebook for that.

Check me out at Namaslayer, I'm gonna try to like sneak up. Maybe I'll do it on Addie. Beal. Follow me on all the channels. All right, I love you, all my wishes and bitches. Let's go slay another December and 2023 is our, let's take her down. Love you guys.