Heartsing Podcast | Future Self | Meditation | Weight Loss by Namaslayer

Ep 116 How Tapping (EFT) Can Help Make Change Comfortable and Easy

December 09, 2022 Slayer
Heartsing Podcast | Future Self | Meditation | Weight Loss by Namaslayer
Ep 116 How Tapping (EFT) Can Help Make Change Comfortable and Easy
Show Notes Transcript

Addie B is diving into the EFT process and adding Tapping to her arsenol of tools for transformation. In this epidode: 

  • How EFT was brought to me in the Universe and Why (hello Spirit Guides)!
  • Where it fits in the Transformation Process with Meditation and Life Coaching thought work
  • Understanding Tapping on a deeper level: how to get specific and make it work for you

You can do the work with me! Join here: https://slayer.clickfunnels.com/abudance
Witches & Bitches Abundance Circle (WBAC), where we take the self help off the shelf and get it DONE. I'm sharing my experience, guiding it and we are transforming! You are welcome to come take action! Let's light this B up!!!

Meditation Course info and more at AddieBeall.com

Get started on your future self today, no since delaying your greatness one moment longer. ;) xo Addie B


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Heart singers. I just wanted to let you know real quick a couple of ways you can take action this week and step into doing. I have a free intro to meditation on Sunday. You can grab a seat for, and we are also open in the Witches and Bitches abundance circle. I know great name W B A C. You can find more info and you'll hear me talk about it a bit in the podcast this week.

So Addie beal.com or look in your show notes and head on over. I would love to see you this weekend or in the group. Enjoy the podcast. Do you know that there is something magical inside of you but you don't know how to uncover it? The Heartsing Podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up.

I'm your host Addie, B A K a, Slayer of Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams, I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self-discovery and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Hart singers, you badass witches and bitches.

Welcome back to the pod, Addie Beal here. And today we are going to talk about this new nugget that came from the windows the universe has been opening and how I think it's gonna go on my game changers list and why I'm letting you know about it right now while I'm going through the process. And actually while you can jump in and do it with me too if you want,

it's still, it's like going on right now or you could do the replays even later. But just, I have to always share when I'm passionate in the moment. And this is one of those. So here we go. I'm gonna share with you how I think the tapping solution is really gonna help us transform our lives even more. So here we go.

My spirit guides brought me to this work. So, you know, that's fun if spirit guides are involved because a couple of months ago what happened, I went to my spirit guide session after I had set, set my new goal, which my new goal you guys, I was scared it wasn't a weight loss goal anymore, right? I set this big money goal,

this big impossible money goal and it was a full body. Yes, from when I did my work, I do my whole visioning work, the stuff I lead in the MEfirst group and I went off and I had done it myself and I had this full body yes, that I needed to pursue this new goal. And I was really resistant because I didn't wanna change from my weight loss goal.

Again. I'm like, no, my nuggets are in getting to this healthiest, highest self of mine. And so, but the, the, my guides were like, no, you're gonna uncover this in your quest for the money. So I'm like, this is so interesting to me. Cuz even just saying that in the quest for the money, I had so much self-judgment come up about that like,

oh, you can't be doing good work in the world and you're out being all greedy and on this quest for money, right? Like those limiting beliefs need to be whacka mold Because the truth is the more money I make, the more good I put in the world, more the more value I'm putting out there. So it's like starting to uncover those.

But what has happened, okay, so if you're just new to the podcast, I'm sharing through my experience with you all the good nuggets I'm finding on my journey of self-discovery and giving you tips, tricks, inspiration to go do this yourself. And so it started with my weight loss question still is, by the way, I'm about 37 hours in on our fasting challenge right now.

Might be a little more, we are doing them in the Heartsing podcast community. If you're not in there yet, jump in. We periodically do fasting challenges together and I feel so much better than I was before this fast. Not just in my body but emotionally, physically, all, all of it, right? My, my spiritual connection is even stronger.

Again, I had just let the sugar in when I was out in Hawaii and then I, and I don't know, I do this cuz I love being fat adapted cuz I'm so much more in control of my life and I can go have fun and not have flour and sugar and I know it's possible. Don't ask me why I do it. I don't know.

It's cuz I like to come here and have to tell you how I'm getting back on, on being fat adapted, being like feeling good with my body. It's just so much easier. I don't have to do all the mind management if I'm just eating clean cuz then I don't care then I'm just fueling my body and I'm, and I'm getting healthier and fitter.

Okay? So that was a squirrel. That's also something you get to know here on the podcast, right? Where is she going with this? We are going to limiting beliefs because it's all tied together because my spirit guides were like, yes, no, this is full on the path you need to go. And I, and it was like take people with you.

So I started this abundance circle, which by the way is an open group where I am sharing my journey and I am doing the work I'm leading and guiding the work essentially cuz that's kind of what I just do anyway. I can't help myself. I started it saying I wasn't gonna do that and I am. So you know, that's just how it goes.

But like this is where we're getting it done, right? Like we're showing up to do the work. And so as I'm leading and sharing, doing this work, which of course makes me do it even harder, right? Because the te the teacher becomes the student is what happens. So I like to put myself in situations where I'm also kind of guiding and leading and teaching things.

So anyhow, you guys, so in this abundance circle we're doing the tapping solution this month and we just finished the magic. So I came off this month of like just full of gratitude and living in love and joy and all this for November and then I came back here in December after my birthday and all of that just turned 50 by the way, if you're just catching that fifties are already fabulous.

But I got back and I just felt all the things come crashing in. Okay? So just like you all have right now possibly too, right? Like you've got the holiday stuff, I've got Mili coming out, I need to move, I'm gonna move the rig cuz we're gonna go up north and enjoy the holidays up north a little bit. I know cuz we're crazy like that.

But you know, get outta Phoenix for a little bit and then I'm headed off to Kelly's river house January and February and I need to find storage, I need to put things up, I gotta pack, I gotta move my things. I'm finishing up the meditation modules, which is also out and also rocking. I've got meditation students going through, I'm doing free intros to meditation.

I mean need I go on, you don't need my whole list, right? But you see how it's all just swimming in there and I know all the tools. Listen, I teach all the tools, right? So I'm like, just sit and do the tools Addie that I'm gonna tell you is this not always that simple, right? And you know this because you,

you have these thoughts too about why can't I just sit and you know, figure out how to get all this done? And so I do brain dumps in a calendar and but am I really, you know, am I really showing up for it or am I avoiding it? And so much of it is me being in this place of letting, allowing the thoughts to spin and not processing the emotions.

And this, this journey, this path, this tapping solution book was brought to me at this time in this moment because of what I'm experiencing and understanding how this piece of the puzzle is fitting in with being able to help and show people how to reach their highest self. So for me as a guide, that starts with introducing people to meditation to where you can become that observer of yourself quicker.

Because when you meditate, that's what, that's one of the big benefits, right? You become this greater observer. It's easier for you to watch yourself in the moment when you have a meditation practice. Your brain is trained, you're more connected with your true self. And so having that skill and then being able to see your thoughts and reframe your thoughts.

So we get to the life coaching type work, right? Where you know, I can see I have this thought, I'm in complete, total utter overwhelm and all that makes me feel is more overwhelm, which causes me to go hide under a blanket and do nothing, right? So I could just take my time and reframe that thought to, oh I,

I know how to remove this feeling. I have power over this feeling. I can go calendar and have everything in order and I will be able to come out the other side on top. And that would make me feel empowered. And then I would go do my calendar. This is how it goes, right? And I also do magic morning pages,

which clear the mind as well. So I'm getting thoughts out there. I do new thought belief work, right? Like I know you guys are like oh my god, Addie, but right, there's a lot of thoughts. You have 60 to 80,000 thoughts a day I want to transform. So when I learned this, I started just doing as much of it as I could and seeing what would work for me,

what wouldn't, what is working for other people? It, it can always be a combination. And I float in and out of stuff all the time you guys like I don't think you have to have one practice and you stick to that practice because it worked well for this amount of time for the rest of your life. And in fact James Clear and Atomic Habits tells us this about habits.

You will hit a plateau with your habit. And I see this with meditation a lot I think where we're doing our 20 minutes twice a day and then you hit a spot where you're just like, you're a meditator, you're doing it, you figured out how to make it a habit, but then it gets a little less shiny and it, it shows your performance will actually drop off.

And this is like high performance athletes, all kinds of stuff like that. Like you have to create a next little challenge for yourself to reinspire and reinvigorate yourself toward that habit you really want in your life. So my meditation practice has totally morphed from the mantra-based meditation, which I teach and instruct because I think it's like such a great way for people to start to learn to focus their mind.

It just hands down I think is why I was able to learn it this time and why I teach that method. And I think expanding from there, which I'm getting to the tapping cuz that's where this is all coming together. Isn't it so exciting? I know. So, so we've got the meditation, you become the observer, then we've got the thought work where you're getting all the thoughts out,

you're seeing the thoughts, you got all the thoughts, right? And you're just trying to move toward a goal and uncover these thoughts that are stopping you or uncover thoughts that are causing you to do things like eat the, why did I decide that was a good idea to eat the flower and sugar and I can reframe the thought all of that. Or am I emotionally eating habit eating all kinds of things,

right? So we can look at the thoughts, we can be life coaches, we can self-coach, get coaches, which is so powerful you guys, if you don't do mind work, if you don't reframe your thoughts every day, if you don't get them out of your head, they are in there swimming just like the whole first five minutes of the podcast where I was like rambling off my to-do list to you,

right? I just wanted you to give you the pressure and that feeling of overwhelm that is is like underlying there and what this tapping can do for you. So then we have all of that, but you still have this, you have this emotional vibration that is connected to everything. And this goes in with the law of attraction work as well, right?

So I'm looking to create from energy, from this future, self vibration from who I want to be. So I visualize her every morning I see her, I, I see my home in the high rise overlooking with the mountains and the big windows in the clear space. And I'm seeing this next home as in much detail as I can. Can I see the location,

I shop it all the time. I can get my heart chakra in my head like lit up seeing it and feel the joy, awe, and wonder of oh my god I did it right? And so I work this vision and this thought every day and then I sit, sit with and I say, okay, how are you really feeling? And what comes up?

And then I let those thoughts come up and then I re rewire 'em because those thoughts are leading me to my limiting beliefs, right? That that show me why I am not there yet. I mean and the more I can be in this vibration of that future self, the more I'm going to get there. And it's an emotion, it's a gratitude.

Aw joy wonder. It's the emotion that drives us there. It's the emotion that keeps us in the vibration of creating what it is we're bringing into our lives. Cuz the universe will bring it to you. It's not gonna look how you think. We don't stand that vibration so I can go work harder, right? You stand that vibration cuz the universe is gonna bring those nuggets right to your door.

If you're in that vibration enough, you could be gifted it. I mean crazier things have happened, right? So the more we can practice being there and so our sensible minds would say, okay, well if I need to practice being there and I wanna stay positive, then why would I wanna go to the negative and why would I wanna focus there?

But the truth is it's underlying, it's a running river under there of these beliefs. And so in this tapping solution, he's got, one of his friends did this, it's not even his, his thing, this is the tapping solution by Nick Orner Orner, I think that's how you say his name. And in this tapping tree that one of his friends had done in the bot,

in the roots, you, you put limit the beliefs in your life that you were brought up with like my limiting money beliefs, right? That oh money doesn't grow on trees, you have to work so hard to make money. You know, rich people are evil, right? Like how much are we showing that in movies alone? And I don't really think that,

you know, I have rich people in my family, I know they're not evil and I love them, but it's like it's such this underlying thing that like I can't be wealthy and be full of love and giving love to the world. Of course you can. And I know this intellectually, but it's hardwired in there somewhere. Somewhere, right? Because I'll see myself react to certain things or say things and I'm like,

oh my gosh, where is that? And it came up with food when I did this tree. So in the roots of the tree, you put your, you put your limiting beliefs and then in the trunk of the tree are the events and then the branches leading out are the emotions. And then your, the outside of it, the leaves are all your symptoms.

This is where you're overweight, where you're drinking, where you've got, you know, these are our symptoms. We're showing high blood pressure, lack of money, what whatever the thing is, the symptom that you're showing in the world that is ultimately stemming from these roots. And so as you tap, and this is why I think this is such a powerful nugget,

listen you guys, if you're listening to this in real time, we're doing this right now in the abundance circle. If you come in later, you'll have access to all back replays of me sharing and going through this book with you. You know, you have access to all the videos and everything. But anyhow, I, that's beside the point. The point is everybody's gotta like learn this tapping business.

You know how I am when I find something new. But here is why, because all of these other things we're doing are great. Like meditation will actually reverse the fight or flight, which is exactly what tapping does. So meditation does this amazing thing that reverses your fight or flight completely will take your body back to a state of homeostasis. And it has great spiritual benefits,

it has so many benefits. I can't even like touch on all of that right now. But tapping it is something that you can do it quick and easy on the go anywhere you are when you're feeling any kind of emotion, it's not as deep of a spiritual connection, right? I'm not gonna like go to the places I I go with that stillness inside of myself when I'm in meditation.

They're totally, they're different even though they both reverse the fight or flight response. And so what tapping does, because you have, you have meridian lines that run all throughout your body and they run down two sides of your body. So when you see tapping, and you might have seen it before, this is where people are tapping on their karate chop on their head and then they tap above their eye,

their eyebrow and then the corner of the eye under the eye, under the nose, under the lip collarbone, under the arm and top of the head. So that's the thing with tapping. And you only have to do one side of your body because the meridian points all have the same endpoint. Well what happens is they're all connected to different various parts of your body and there's been so much science now that has shown how this will come and cure like different areas of your body.

And we're talking about physical pain, emotional pain, all kinds of stuff. So the, the scientists back in the day are the doctors that came up with this stuff. They put together this sequence that hits all the meridian points just like if you were to go to acupuncture. But this is kind of considered acupressure, which has a ton of studies about it which show that by doing this you will reverse the the fight or flight response in your body.

And so the brilliance with the tapping is now that I'm learning more about it and I'm understanding how to use it for me and how to tailor it to me that I can tap on that specific issue, that specific limiting re belief and whack-a-mole, it just like my spirit guides told me to do, right? They said you get those limiting beliefs and whack-a-mole it,

I'm like, here's my whack-a-mole nugget. Renee, Renee is my spirit guide, mentor, coach. I'm like, here is my whack-a-mole nugget, right? Like I am whack-a-mole literally by tapping these meridian points on my body. And it is. So each day this week as I've been and you heard all the stuff I've been spinning in, right? And haven't even been able to figure out how to get it on my calendar because I really have to make the decision on when and where I'm moving the RV for all of that to really happen.

And so as I just need to do make that decision as soon as I said that I'm doing it as soon as I get off this podcast you guys. But so as I'm sitting there tapping and I realize I no longer have this heightened sense of emotion with these feelings I'm having about the overwhelm. And so then I start tapping on and we're not even like,

we're like on chapter two of the book right now. So I haven't even like gotten into the part where we're rewiring the manifest. Maybe it's gonna be the podcast for the next couple of weeks. I don't know. You know, I tend to talk about what's what I'm seeing in my clients and what's coming up and I'm seeing a lot of thought work,

just a lot of negativity, negative thoughts about ourselves coming up in more conversations I'm having with my clients. I feel like I'm having a lot of conversations about us watching how we're talking to ourselves and maybe I've just had a heightened sense of awareness around myself for that lately and it's helping me see it in others. That's usually how it is, right? You see what you need to see.

Anyhow, you guys, I wanted to bring this into your awareness because I think if you, if you know about, you might also see tapping out there as E F T. So if you know about tapping or you've seen tapping or you've experienced a little bit, my friend Ginny came in and did it at our event at our camp. So if you came to our,

one of my events, you might have seen and done that. And in her group a wonderful playground, she does some tapping in there and leads it and guides it. And I can't wait to bring this into my work with my clients too because I think another thing that there's, and I'm just starting to understand how to use this in a directed manner because it doesn't change your memory about the thing,

right? Like it doesn't change your memory or it doesn't, it can't change the situation. If you ever find something that can change a past you don't want, you let me know. But typically that's still there, right? But what it does change is your emotional response to it. It lets your body know your body is safe, it it takes care of this thing called the amygdala and like neutralizes the emotion so you can,

and it gives you the scale to start with. So you can start at like I'm a 10 and overwhelmed freaking out and then I can through the tapping rounds, I can fe I check in with my body and I see where it lessens and really I've done tapping, I've done videos I've done, but for me, like really learning and understanding the process and how it works so I can come share it with you to inspire you to figure out how it works for yourself and leave you maybe a little nugget to get excited about this and maybe dig into it a little more yourself.

What I'm finding fascinating about what I'm learning right now and that I didn't understand about tapping before I've even done these first few chapters was how directive it can be. Like how specific you wanna make it specific for you. So I've done a lot of general tapping and I did notice, oh I feel better. But my big takeaway so far has been, oh my gosh you guys,

I'm gonna be able to rewire who I am and you know I love this, right? Dr. Joe Dispenza's work does this. I do this work with the future self-creation. We, you know, Dr. Joel will do this thing and a part of the course he teaches and this is kind of like an advanced meditation course you guys. And he does this thing where you write down all these things your past self is and all the things your future self is.

And I do something very similar to a lot of people do, right? Like it's, we're understanding we need to rewire this because it's an underlying story you have going on under there all this past self. Like what don't you wanna believe about yourself and what do you wanna believe? So you had into meditation releasing what you no longer wanna believe and embracing what you do wanna believe.

So he's doing the same process with meditation. Well we're doing this thing with tapping. So we're going through and we're uncovering limiting beliefs, emotions. And the other beauty about this and this emotional tapping tree they have in here is that you could tap at any entry point. So you can tap about a symptom, you could tap about overeating, you could tap about that situation that's going on.

You could tap about the emotion, you could tap about an event. You could tap about the limiting belief if you were able to get there. And this brings me back to think about some of Debbie Ford's work when I did the dark Side of Light Chasers. And every time I do this book you guys, cuz I'll lead in in groups and you hear me talk about it on the podcast a lot,

but I find more shadows and oh my God, I found more shadows and limiting beliefs doing this tree. I'm like, is it ever gonna end? And the answer was like, no Addie, it's never going to end. It's going to be a constant in life. But you know what, I'm not afraid to look at 'em anymore. Don't be afraid to look at that stuff that's holding you back from changing you guys.

Cuz this is how we do it. We look at it, bring up the negative, look at it and like the tapping solution dude says, he's like, we don't dwell on the negative. We are focusing as you're tapping, you focus, you do rounds going through the negative where you say, even though I'm extremely stressed and overwhelmed, I completely and utterly love myself or whatever it is,

I still have to look cuz I don't know it that well. And then as you go around, you're tapping these negative things and it feels like opposite of law of attraction E right? But what's happening is it's neutralizing your body to that experience you're having like because your body is getting the signal that it's calm while you're talking about this negative experience. And so your body no longer associates it with the big ass dinosaur coming to chase you down because it's calm,

because you've calmed it through your physiologies, through this tapping these meridian, these energy points because we don't need to be chasing tigers anymore, right? Or running from them or whatever. Okay, you guys I know. So just to recap because I, why I think this is going is such a nugget on the path to transformation is because it helps to process the emotion.

We don't have a lot of ways that we're learning to process emotion in this world and to have a tool that helps move that emotion through your body. I've done some life coaching stuff that I had learned at Life Coach school in the self coaching scholars, watching people process emotions and how you feel it in your body and notice where it is and what's the emotion and move it through your body.

This makes it so simple that you can sit and you know you're hitting every point in your body. I think it's still, that's still a powerful practice to get in tune with where emotions are in your body and naming them and and getting really acquainted with yourself in that level. So you can identify, oh I'm, I'm experiencing anxiety or whatever it is,

but like to be able to think of this, if you're going to stress eat something and you're like, and, and you can make yourself feel safe, oh just talking through what you're going to do as you're tapping and you can neutralize that emotion for yourself, problem solved another. It's just another great tool in your arsenal and when you can learn to understand it for you and for your symptoms,

your events, your life beliefs, because yours will be different than mine, right? We can tap on general things, but if you want to affect true transformation faster, do the tapping. And you know what, I was talking to Jennifer Pound one of our primordial sound meditation instructors because we're building out the meditation group and people are going through right now and I'm like,

you know, I really wanna bring some more things in here and we're adding in some guided meditations, but I'm like tapping is going to be in and a part of that too. And you guys, I just have to tell you every time I pick up a nugget because I really feel like this book is also going to be a game changer. And I know you might feel like you hear me say that about everything,

but it's just cuz I pick really good stuff to do and I do it. But I gotta tell you, I think that this, this is gonna be up there probably with like the big leap dark side of the light chasers, like that kind of work, like understanding this work on that level because it's adding the body in with all of this stuff and in the next chapter we haven't even got to,

he talks about the upper limit problem basically. So I'm really excited to get to that one and we're probably gonna have more on that next week. So I hope this helps inspire you and also lets you know you're not alone and this feeling of overwhelm and it's this, this getting back up over and over again you guys to move through these spaces to allow ourselves to feel the fear,

to walk with fear as we step into new versions of ourselves because change will feel uncomfortable. Just think if you can add this tool to your life to make yourself feel more comfortable, you know, like why not? Like just sit and tap on your body for a little bit. It's so worth looking into. But if you're anything like me, it so helps to have the knowledge.

So if you're not someone that's really good at sitting and doing the work yourself, jump in our abundance circle. It's a monthly group. You can come, you can jump in and jump out. You'll find more information at Addie be.com. You can also always just reach out, message me. I've got the free intro to meditation going jump in. I would love to do this with you.

We are making frigging change happen. It's your time my friends. Let's do this. Let's not wait till the new year, right? Like let's do this now. All right, witches and bitches. Ooh, it's 11, 11 over here. Everyone make a wish. Okay, I got it. I will see you lighter later next week. My weight watcher teacher used to say that,

I don't even know where that came from. She was like, she was my favorite back in like 2005. She would say, okay, I'll see you guys lighter in later next week. And I'd be like, Woohoo. And then I'd go off and eat a bunch of crap and then I would eat no points the day before weigh-in so I could like maneuver the scale.

That's how that went. I had the concept of fasting, I just didn't understand what I was doing. All right, which is ambitious until next week. Go off and look at those thoughts, take a look at him, maybe look up a EFT tapping. Brad Yates is someone who keeps coming up over and over. He's on YouTube and he's got some tapping.

I might just throw something up once I get good. I'll let you guys know. All right. If you enjoyed this, let me know if you didn't. Don't. No, I'm just kidding. See you next week. Witches and bitches. Slayer out.