MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep. #9: Future Self Alter Ego Creation


Creating an alter ego can help make creating from your future self easier and also lead to identity-based change that is transformational. Addie B, aka "Slayer" shares about her creation of Slayer and how the process has helped herself and so many others create the vision for their future. Throughout she shares tools and concepts that will help you reach the next level of creation.
To get your FREE Magic Worksheet: 100 Dreams
Create your very own Alter Ego with Slayer's guidance in full future self "Slayer" super hero mode and use the code "future" to receive a 50% discount for being a Heartsing Podcast listener--pass it to your friends!

VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Future Self & Alter Ego

Hi you are listening to episode 9 of the Heartsing Podcast. Today we are going to dive into creating life from our future selves and creating alter egos! I’m Addie B here, also known by my Alter Ego name, Slayer. I’m recording this on New Year’s Eve of 2020. 

I could not think of a better topic to start a new year off with than talking about creating from our Future because it’s in this that you will start to create the life of your dreams and transform on an identity-based level, where true change comes from! 

Learning this skill is another game changer on the transformation path. Today my goal is to leave you with some tools you can use now, resources and even a special podcast listener discount code to creating the Namaslayer Alter Ego course should you decide to take this to the next level. 

Let’s dig in!

As I created Slayer, my alter ego to help me envision my future, I started to see massive results. She became my guide, my future self and ultimately, I became her and I’m constantly redeveloping her. I then started to teach other people this concept. 

Where I noticed many of us get hung up with the “future self” concept is that often we hit this stage in life where we have stopped dreaming for ourselves and we have so many limiting beliefs we have built up and buried we can’t even imagine what it would look like, and in order to change we need to have new thoughts. 

If everything we create in the world is from our thoughts, then it makes sense if we want change, we need some new thoughts. But what thoughts do we need? How do we get to this point? 

In the Law of Attraction, Abraham tells us that the reason it seems that we have reached a plateau in our lives is because we stop looking to the future for what we can create and think because we have achieved these things, we set out to get that we should be happy. 

And yet the happy isn’t in the GOAL it’s in who we become, it’s in the seeking of joy, bliss, of exploring. 

In mid-life we have had enough time to be with our “things”, and then we distracted for many years, taking care of other people, tending to our jobs, increasing our bad habits that help us buffer our emotions. 

I spent years doing this—putting everyone and everything before me. In the process, I was experiencing all kinds of emotions I didn’t know how to deal with so I ate them and drank them. I didn’t know that this was my soul in there screaming for me to listen. 

Well, she wasn’t going to let that happen—

It took my ball of misery –you can hear more about that story in episode 1, but let’s just say I finally had hit the proverbial wall and it could have gone one of two ways…. I could have continued down the path I was on, rapidly gaining weight. 50 pounds in a year and was on track for more on my already overweight body. It wasn’t just the weight though—I was just uncomfortable in my skin and was so frustrated that I didn’t know where to even start any more. I knew there was something wrong inside, but I didn’t know what to do. All I knew was to seek the weight loss that had eluded me.

I had spent my lifetime trying to lose weight and find health and felt like I just kept failing…how could I get back up again? 

And yet I did. Thank goodness. 

You guys, you never know when that time you get up might be the decision you make that changes the trajectory of your life. 

I didn’t yet know about the light that was right within me. 

I always laughed that off to religious Hooey-, but once I discovered it, it because my mission to help others that may be in their ball of misery do the same. 

You mean this was right within me all along? 

So, how the heck does creating an Alter Ego and building a life from your future self and get you to the light within that ultimately will guide you to a life full of joy and love? 

Deepak Chopra tells us in the 7 Spiritual Laws of success that the past and future both exist in our imagination. Only what happens now is real and eternal. That this now is awareness. 

This is why learning to be present is so powerful. 

So how do we create from our future and yet live in the NOW? 

On this episode I’m going to share with you some concepts that can help you on this path of creating your future and share with you a couple of my favorite tools, and I’ll put a link in the show notes where you can get a copy for yourself too. 

First up, let’s talk about the path of creating an Alter Ego. I created Slayer for myself as I was on my weight loss journey and started discovering future self-work—this concept of creating from our future. Of daring to dream and imagine WHAT IF.

 As I was answering questions from my future self, I realized that I didn’t yet even know what that was…I needed to build her. To create her. 

So I began to create the most badass version of an alter ego I could. 

My name came from “slaying goals” left and right. 

Then I started to assign attributes to her. Not just her physical appearance but also her internal compass—what drove her, what was she compelled to fight for, what things did she like to learn? 

I created an entire vision around her and even have an action figure (it’s black widow if you must know). She travels with me and is a physical reminder of this badass future self-version of me. 

I did a lot of self-discovery during this phase. Dreaming again is key. I don’t know about you, but somewhere along the way I stopped. I started dreaming for my kids, my employees, everyone but myself. 

Around this time, I was introduced to The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and this book was influential on my transformation. In this book she outlines the Magic Morning Pages, going on artist’s dates—which I call everyday adventures now. The book is full of self-discovery.

The exercises took me back to unlock my inner child, the one that found joy in so many things before they got shut down by either well-meaning adults, or not so well-meaning peers sometimes or just by how we are told to behave in society in general. 

I was always too loud, too much. 

I was told to be quiet a lot. 

I remember even at work one time in my 20’s I was working at a corporate office for a property management company and I was creating a policies and procedure manual. I was stuck in a room at a computer all day designing and creating, which part of me loved, but I was also missing human contact. 

When someone would come see me or chat, I guess I laughed a lot or something (imagine that 😉. 

I got called into the President’s office where he said that my behavior was not fitting of the office and he could hear me through the walls. OOPS! 

And, while it probably wasn’t for the environment, it stuck with me for so long. Having to tapper down who I was. I always liked being on site at properties more—where I had more freedom to have fun and be loud 😉

What were you told you are too much of? Or too little? Do you know? Have you taken time to reflect?

What if you let that LOUD and crazy out? 

What if I started to sing from mountain tops and share my story with the world? 

Why had I stopped dreaming? What things did I want to do that I gave up on because someone told me I wasn’t good enough? 

You can do this one exercise right now that is one of my favorites! 

Let’s say you were reborn in this world again and you got to pick 5 careers, anything in the world. 

Remember, you are being reborn so there are no restrictions—what would you chose? 

This will be very telling if you truly release judgement and answer from your deepest place. 

At the time I did this I was a Regional Property Manager for a large corporation and while I loved so much about my job, I spent about 1/3 of the time tortured by doing things outside of my zone of genius. 

I still have these notes in the margin where I wrote these 5 careers down: Author, Yoga Teacher, Motivational Speaker, TV personality/newscaster, camp owner/instructor

LOL! Well look at that! I am a speaker, I’m an online personality, I’m getting certified in Meditation instruction, I run an online Sisterhood that feels to me like summer camp and I can’t wait for COVID-19 to lift so we can get back to retreats!

Just look what I had created in a couple of short years of creating Slayer and releasing myself from restriction of dreaming, and then asking WHAT if? 

In that time, I started an online business, have coached and helped other women to creating their alter egos and make transformational change. Created two online courses, bought an RV, left corporate America and traveled the country living out one of my dreams while making adventures with my daughters—and making everyday adventures myself. I am going becoming a certified meditation instructor…and so much more! It’s been amazing!

What can YOU create this year? 

I want to share with you one of my favorite exercises that I first did about 20 years ago and I know was responsible in part for my living in Hawaii with my beach house. Looking back, I wish I would have done one every year—maybe I could have avoided my ball of misery had I kept dreaming! 

Now I do it multiple times each year and everyone that does this has an awakening of sorts!

I’ll put a link in the show notes for you to get a copy of 100 dreams so you can see mine and do the exercise yourself. It’s key to your future self-creation—and it will start your dream incubator going! 

You set aside 30 minutes of uninterrupted time and brainstorm 100 dreams you want—include things you have now that you want and future things. There are no limits. It’s important when you do this when you see your brain restricting you that you write the crazy things down—these are the things you want to get to. 

Most people will struggle the 1st time to get 100 dreams so don’t worry if that’s the case for you. That’s perfectly normal. You will get better and better at dreaming once you start practicing. Like anything else, practicing makes us more capable and leads to confidence. 

You can do it! Give it a try! Let me know what you think! 

This exercise is always eye opening for people! Just the act of writing your dreams down starts to put them in motion. We had one woman in our group that crossed off 50 items in 2019! 

As we start to dare to dream again,  

We can start to find our inner compass—where our heart’s desires are. 

This is where we want to build our Alter Ego from—that pace that many of us don’t dare to go ourselves, mainly because we have been conditioned to have such a fear of failure that we don’t want to even think about what might be possible because we have an entire past of failures lined up that didn’t make us feel good so we want to avoid this. Or we think that little voice in there is “crazy”

That’s the one you want—that voice! 

That fear that is conditioned in us—partially biologically because our brains want to keep us from trying new things and getting scared, but because we are taught that failure is bad—that we should follow the paths laid out for us—everything that has been done already. The path of the roles that have been created in our world. 

But what IF you create new roles? If you create beyond what you are TOLD is possible? 

If you start to create a world in which YOU want to live in? 

What would that look like? 

As you start to ask yourself these questions, you create your Alter Ego. I like to direct my clients to make them over the top fictional. I created an entire self-guided course that helps you do this too, because in doing this, you start to identify what you personally gravitate too from an objective view point. 

You are not tied to the outcome nor are you judging yourself for what you are creating—the more badass she is, the better! Bring it on! Who would your alter ego be? 

A superhero? Witch? Goddess? 

Mine has evolved this last round doing this into a supernatural being. She is of the earth and air and flows through space. She is Namaslayer, the light warrior. Slayer, my current me was straight up superhero with a sword an everything! Infect, if you do this course, you get full slayer in leather and a sword! Bahahaha…it’s over at Namaslayer if you want to check it out! 

As you release attachment to the outcome you start to live with intention. 

Deepak shares the Law of Intention and Desire with us and says it so perfectly.  

Intention is a future focus without attachment to the outcome. 

Attention is what we give present moment awareness. It’s in this awareness of the now that we are creating. 

When we have the intention in mind and release it, and allow it to work, the law of the universe—that like attracts like starts to move into motion. We draw to us that intention laid forth in our future self.

We start to bring toward us more of what our Alter Ego is. As we ask intentionally each day, “What would Slayer do?” and increase that to each moment, we start to BECOME. 

We start to exist in the now.

So, how do we do this? You start to dream first. In creating the alter ego who is that person you would admire most in the world—what are her values? Is she trustworthy, full of integrity? Fun? Adventurous? 

The beauty in the process is that not one of us would build the same alter ego. There are infinite possibilities of creation and it’s in this dipping into the field of infinite possibilities by listening to our inner guide that we start to find our joy, our purpose. That which lights us up!

Entering the field of Pure potentiality, where we can create from what is unknown to us. 

This is the magic of learning to meditation, or get still. It’s in this place we go when we are still with ourselves that we meet up with that part of us. We can plant the seeds of desire in this field. As you become in alignment—your personality with your soul, as you come in to your authentic power. It’s in this space you will see solutions start to appear right Infront of you. Synchronicities, which were always there, are suddenly apparent to you and there to guide you on the path. They start to appear one after the other. 

So, learning to be still is a great first step and then we need to allow ourselves to dream again, to become the observer, increase our awareness of our inner selves and this translates to knowing our bodies, minds and souls on a more intimate level. 

It’s in this awareness that we start to make decisions that move us toward better health and more joy. 

As we become more conscious and take responsibility, understanding that we do create our worlds and we can absolutely create whatever we want. 

That all that is stopping us is US. 

This is why having your alter ego, a vision so clear that it’s an intention you are releasing into the field. I like to create a superhero or supernatural being just because it really helps me push the limits. For example, Slayer’s superpower power is shooting heartsing from her hands. She saves the world from obesity and booze by infusing the world around her with pure joy, bliss, heartsing. 

Slayer knows when she needs to recover as well and has a process. She is fit and healthy, but not without her own story of tragedy. As all heroes have that part of their journey as well. 

Her road is full of failures, but she doesn’t give up. She knows that on her path she just needs to keep rising. It is up to her, and her alone to save her world. 

This is the process of being the co-creator. It’s in this unity with the Universe and all things that we create. 

And, well, It’s FUN to make an alter ego. 

When I set out on this leg of my journey, I committed to my core values of Fun, Adventure, Inspiration, Authenticity, and Innovation. So, I got some leather pants and a sword and created an entire myth and adventure for my alter ego. 

Each day I ask my future self what guidance she has for me. When I am working on a big goal, it’s key to try and find what thought my future self has. 

If you are the person that weighs 100 pounds less, or already has half a million dollars, what do you think? 

I am working to release my desire for food for example, so when I ask Namaslayer what thoughts she has about food they are more like, “I’m so grateful I feel so alive in my body.” I’m still developing this thought and it’s a work in progress as I evolve, and I will know I have the write thought and that I believe it when I have released the desire for food. 

This is a powerful exercise to ask the you in the future, or your alter ego if you are like so many of us and have a hard time envisioning being that person who is already at that goal—what do you think? What advice do you have for me? 

It can also help you to think of someone you know or a celebrity personality that you know has the goal—what would they think? What would it be like? 

So, to recap: As always—MEDITATE! In the stillness you will find your inner self and you can start to listen to that voice within—and see the field of unlimited possibilities where seeds are planted.

 Start to DREAM again—

do the 100 dreams exercise link in the show notes you can download a work sheet and see my 100-dream list. 

Create your future 

Make an alter ego You can use the Alter Ego course—infect if you make it to this part of the podcast, go to, Get Started tab, check out the alter ego and enter the code: FUTURE at check out and get 50% off the course price. 

Consult your alter ego, or your future self—what would you think? What would you do if you already WERE? 

If you could hop in a time travel machine and fast forward to the future to see you already had it and then come back—how would that change how you approach everything? If you new it was done? 

You would not only have some words of encouragement, but you would be able to courageously step into fear. You would get up over and over, and just KNOW that you did something along the way to get that outcome, not you just have to find out what it is. 

Here’s the deal- we never know the HOW. That’s in the failures, so start racking them up already and start to look at them as a badge of honor. Consult future you and your inner you. 

Figure out what you want to create in this world, what you are here for. What your too loud, too much, or too crazy is and unleash her!

The world is ready for your magic!

Let me know what you think of the 100 dreams and if you are all about your Alter Ego! Remember, enter FUTURE in the check out for the self-guided course and get 50% off! You will love this process—it’s fun and will uncover bits and pieces of you that have been buried. 

Let’s get her out and light this world up!
 Until next week my witches and bitches!


Slayer OUT!