MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep #38: Abundance Joy Filter be Gone! Slayer's Private Mentor Session with Renee

July 23, 2021 Slayer

Wow, are these two are FUN together--and Slayer's Spirit Guides? Also fun! Lots of laughs and l learning as Slayer gives us a front row seat to her private coaching session with Spiritual Advisor and Law of Attraction mentor Renee Spears in this episode.  Not having intended to share this with the world, it's a raw and real mostly unedited session (much like how Slayer lives her life). Next week to share all of her learning moments from this session.
TOPICS: Future Self, Abundance, Believing, Becoming, Being, the cycle, Alignment and Flow.

April 23, 2021 Heartsing Podcast where Slayer talks about her first meeting with Renee and the "book":
Creating Life: Abundance, Synchronicities and Spirit Guides

Slayer & Renee Spears Light it up on her podcast, The Abundology Podcast.
YouTube podcast episode with Renee Spears of The Abundology Podcast
Audio Podcast here:

VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you, but you don't know how to uncover it. The Heartsing podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host, Addie B AKA Slayer of Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams.

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self discovery, and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Welcome to the Heartsing podcast. I'm Addie B a K Slayer of Namaslayer. And as always on this podcast, I am sharing how I am learning to create my life. Today. I am going to give you a front row seat to my private session with spiritual advisor and abundant energy expert,

Renee Spears, where we uncover, I have a joy filter, you know, I will do everything possible to remove this filter. I need more joy in my life. Don't you? I need more Heartsing I love watching people be coached. And while it was not my intention, when I met with Renee to air this session for you, it is just so good.

I had asked her if I could use clips from it and I just couldn't pick her choose because it all led up to the end of the story that I was going to sit in, tell you about in this podcast anyway. So I thought I'm just going to let you guys listen in to sit in that car with us. And there's so many learning moments.

Well, I was in the car just to be clear. I was on my way back from Colorado through Utah, back down to Phoenix and I was in Flagstaff and a whole foods parking lot. So you'll hear a joke about us laughing about that. So maybe that'll help make it make more sense. So I'm in a car. So I do apologize for the audio.

I also edited out quite a bit of cussing that was in our session. And I think I got it all. There are, is so much good stuff in here. And you guys know, I like to keep my episodes around 40 minutes, but this is going to run a little over. I am going to comment on this episode and next week's episode,

because I want you guys to hear all of it and kind of let it soak in and see if you can pick out the learning lessons yourself. And then when I come back on next week, I'm going to share all that I learned and everything that's happened since also, I did make a buy me coffee link. So you can support me in removing my joy filter and help me with abundance.

If you are so called, I am receiving money is joyful. It's all joyful. I am really working on this, creating this next version of myself in all aspects, mental, spiritual, physical abundance of financial freedom relationships. So whether whatever we want, whether it's the thinner body, the love financial freedom, it's all the same process. And we solidified it again in this session.

And just that I have some limiting beliefs to uncover in this area to give you guys some background. I had my first session with Renee a couple of months ago, and she didn't know me from Jack and Renee is a spiritual advisor, law of attraction and business and life mentor. In this first session I had with her, my guide said it was time for the book.

I did an episode on this podcast about creating life. It was an April 23rd. If you want to hear about that episode right after my first meeting with her and talking about my writing of my book, since then, I've been on Renee's podcast. They have button dollar podcasts, and I'll put that link below too. So if you want to get caught up on all of the little insights and the history between the two of us,

it is there, but you can absolutely just jump in this episode and sit along with us as we're in my session. So I'm in this whole foods. Parking lot is July 17th, 7 1 7, which was a powerful, spiritual number having to do with intuition. And it came up in the podcast with her. So I had booked on this date specifically, when you hear me refer in the podcast to the mat,

I am talking about the physical practice of yoga, Asana, yoga. I have this habit of saying, I'm going to the mat kind of like you're going in the mattresses, but this happens to be my yoga mat. So to help that, just give you a reference and maybe make a little sense. You guys have a listen. I hope you love it.

Let me know. I will be back next week to tell you my take on all of the lessons I learned in this session with Renee. I thought it might be fun for you to have a front row seat of how I learn on my journey and how having a conversation with an advisor or a guide, a mentor or coach can click one little thing for you.

Just like sometimes listening to a podcast can do, or like, as we bring in that knowledge and coaches, advisors, courses, these are ways we help make those connections within our brains. And I think you're going to see a lot of them happen in here. It's almost like you can hear my brain moving in this episode. So enjoy my witches in bitches.

I'll see you Shortly after that episode, man. How hard I'm good. How are You? Good. Just came back from beaver Creek with my aunt and just kind of explore and all over, taking my time and being by myself, you know? And not that I'm not always by myself. Isn't that weird? I think though, when you're out,

like in nature or you're on a trip or something it's different. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a vacation from yourself. That's a good way to put it. Yes, Totally was. Cause it was like, I couldn't do anything. I was just kind of like, let myself just explore and really just listen so much heart radiant, just so much connection and so much coming through me,

you know, reading. It was interesting while I was thinking about our call, I was like, well, I'm just going to have to ask the spirit guides. Like what if the book doesn't what if I'm not writing the book and everything in my body was like, well, of course you're writing a book. I'm like, yeah, but not in this time because my brain immediately starts thinking,

oh right, I need to make money. I need to survive. I need to teach meditation. There's women that want to come in these mean first things. And, and then slitter says, think of other possibilities. There's so many other ways I can make it all happen. So then my brain starts going on that million things. I could use like a kickstart.

I could just teach meditation. I could do a million other things, but I let myself get in the house, you know? Yes. Those pounds, every single time messed you up. Yes. I was feeling real uncomfortable for like a week there. And I kept getting these signs about my third eye chakra. Like everything, Renee, like all over the place.

I'm on the hunt for an amethyst necklace today because my chakra expert I'm like, all right, gypsy, what do I need? You know, she's like he needed Amazon's necklace and lots of lemons. All right, whatever I can do. So We're going to add one more sign. I just got a brand new phone. Look how pretty. So I turn it on for the first time it comes on at one 11 and your name pops up because you're my next appointment.

I just, I love that, That you can't write this stuff. So get this Renee, I'm riding along. I'm in the mountains. I'm like, you know, I should refresh myself on what 707 even really was in detail. I know it was about intuition and all of that. I'm like Google, what is 7 1 7? And I don't have service.

So I'm like, oh, it's probably on a podcast. I have of someone somewhere. So go into the podcast. And I was like, oh, it might be in my podcast. I'm going to go listen to my podcast. The first one I listened to wouldn't play because I didn't have service. And the next one that was up, it was exactly when I was telling everyone about 707.

Of course it was. And then, you know what happened right after that, I talked about going to your podcast and it being right where I needed it to be. It was a breath later. I just got lit up. That's so cool. Yes. Well, Okay. So one thing already, I ha I, I communicate with your guides before we start.

So your team's already here. You know, I like to show up already, but one of the things immediately that's coming through to tell you is, is to trust the universe as much as you do, Amazon is what they're saying. So you go on Amazon, you're going to buy something. You trust that Amazon is going to get it to you tomorrow.

When they say they're going to get it to you. Same exact thing with the universe. Like I'm doing my book by such and such a date. I don't remember the date now. Okay. October 12th. And then you're like, okay, universe. And then you expect it. You don't second. Guess Amazon, like, nothing like that. You just know it's going to be delivered to you.

And even when you have to call them in, they're so nice. And they just give you a refund. Totally. Oh, we're sorry. We didn't get it today. It'll be tomorrow by nine o'clock don't worry. Yes. Oh my God. Yes. And that's the other thing. I went back to listen about our first call. Cause I knew I had done an episode right after and I had forgotten all the things I talked about playing in the money game have come into my life and I'm not even paying for them.

I'm going to Hawaii for nothing. Portland is you guys, you guys into my podcast, just so you know. So you have to do it in person with me. That's fine. I'm happy to do that, But we can talk about that later. But I, it was just like, boom, boom, boom. And I totally forgot about that money game,

even though I was even playing it wrong. Right. You Were just playing it different, not wrong, but yes. You know what I mean? I'm worried about debt. And I, I feel that leaving me, I feel it leaving me. I feel that energy shifting yesterday, I was like, I'm just giving, you know? And I was talking with one of my people.

I was coaching and she was struggling, receiving a gift from her boyfriend. And I was like, oh, this is so me the receiving, I love to give. But in that, in the not setting myself up to receive, am I giving from lack, really understanding that now when people want to give gifts, me things, you know, and being set for that to happen.

Cause I'm not like people can't even give me money right now. Like I have a half of link tree somewhere in, in a coffee somewhere. And when you Don't receive, you're blocking the whole thing. It's like eating. You'd have to go in and it has to go out. So if it's not coming in, there's nothing going out and vice versa.

You have to receive that as part of abundance is the receiving graciously. Then knowing that you're receiving so much, that you're going to have so much to pass on to the next person. Yeah, yeah, Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, and it's, and it's like getting that whole concept in living in it. After having all of these limiting beliefs about money,

my whole life, this has been my big work. This year has been the abundance. I know I still have more of it. What can I do to practice receiving more other than receiving, you know, are there practices? Well, let's ask the guides because I have, you know, basic 3d ideas to tell you, which we, you probably already know,

but let's ask them, what's going to work the best for you. Okay. I just love your guys. I'm sorry to giggle, but they just, I just loved their bubbly energy. It's a good match for me. So they're saying that you need to practice receiving all day long. You're receiving the beautiful sunrise. You're receiving coffee into your body.

So it's just not about the things you're receiving and you're already to the spot it's just receiving all day long. And then you already are to the point where you're giving that out. You know, the giving part is no big deal, but you're not even aware that you're receiving. So it's, you know, it's all day long, every single thing I'm receiving breath,

I'm receiving Receiving energy. I'm receiving, you know, no cars in front of me. All of it. You are like one big, huge antenna right now. Just receiving all of the messages. Yeah. Fines. Yeah. And I, and I am, yeah, I am an antenna right now and the old guy and well, my antenna goes in and out,

right? Like it's, it's like, it gets, it gets fuzzy in there. That's really that's good guides. They are, they are a hoot aren't they? They Are. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And this is why I keep getting a kick in the message to go to the mat. I'm going to go do my yoga instructor certificate for me,

for my next, for my body at that body soul connection. I just have this knowing for me, this physical part of this connection to the yoga, to the, to, to all of those lambs, right. Which helped me practice the awareness Part of what they're your guides are saying is with the receiving comes this profound amount of, and so it's the joy of the receiving that you get to lit in.

So that's partially what's stopping you is the, from fully receiving everything is it's, it's so joyful. It feels so good that it's, it's overwhelming how good it feels. And that feels uncomfortable to be in that, you know, for a long period of time. So that is part of what's going on, you know? So the more that you can build up that joy muscle to the,

you know, to the point of, I, my kids laugh at me. Like you cry all day long, mom, like I'm just walking around and life is so great. Yeah. I have always said it was, it was harder for me to feel my positive emotions. Like I, I didn't know what to do with them. And I think a lot of my training has come with that.

I think I've been a bank I'm pretty good at the bad ones. Yeah, totally. Don't as hard, you know, for some reason. And I think because of how I grew up in the, there was a lot of focus on living in love and all of that stuff. But the, there was a lot of restriction in some other areas.

I had a great family. It wasn't like, you know, and we had money and stuff, but it was still doesn't grow on trees. You have to work hard, all of that stuff. And that I did throughout my career. Right. 16 hour days, and all of that until the ball of misery. Right. And I remember my daughter saying that when I first,

like I was two weeks into meditation, she was like cure a lot. And I was like, I know, I know that's why it's pits a lot of energy. Right. And therefore the mat Rene. Right. That's why that message is so, cause that helps me deal with that energy for me. Right. Because I'm kind of like half of me,

maybe we can ask these, these guys, but half of me feels like, oh, is this a noble obstacle investing in doing this for myself? I mean, I'm like enraptured with this guy's book. And he and I, and I was like, oh, I want meditation. I wonder, I'm thinking he teaches somewhere. Let me just see what that is.

Well, he's got this online course and they take payments. And like, it was exact amount that I was leaving self coaching scholars that I framed up. And I was like, I'm reading his book. I'm like, yes, this says this. I want to be spiritually connected on the same wavelength as someone else when I'm, when I'm learning that,

because it's not about, I'm going to go teach yoga classes. Although I think I want to bring yoga to women that are scared because of all the Lulu loving, clad BS that we in the Western world make yoga. So what is the question? Cause I'm happy to ask what exactly Is yoga teacher. Part of my path is that, you know,

is it a noble obstacle right now? So they're saying you can do whatever you want. So your, your path is where you take your path. I love you guys so much. You're just so good. So they're saying everything, everything that you're choosing to do is You don't have to learn anymore. What you're learning now is to be so, so if this helps you to be there,

they're funny to be or not to be anyway. Yes. So if this helps you to be, then anything that helps you to be is worth it because other people have to see you being, because people do not know how to be. We don't have to do all day long, but we don't know how to be. One of the gifts that you are bringing is showing people how you be.

And so in that regard, the yoga teacher, the yoga training, I mean my goodness, same thing with the meditation. Right, right, right. Walking the walk, they've got to see it. Yeah. You know, actually I had an idea come this morning about the book I wrote about, and I'm sure it was from these characters. Right.

But that it's a series it's believing in Slayer becoming Slayer in being flair. And I haven't yet written being Slayer. I am a writing being Slayer. And like we talked about, well, my tagline right. Become B and how to show people a path and to create a system. So that is where you are right now, is this being part.

And it goes, it goes back to that Amazon thing. And I want to go back to the Amazon delivery thing about money. We would order a package and we expect it to show up the same thing with money. Like, okay, I'm ordering $10,000, fine. You know, next Tuesday or whatever. And then we know that's the difference is we can Amazon more than we trust the universe.

What's up with that, you know? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah. And I do. And you're right. And I do, so I need to start expecting more. And this was where my visualization really came in. And I think we talked about the podcast, right? Like where the vision wasn't clear enough for me to even tell them what I was seeing and what I wanted and what I desired because it is all the things I do want to teach meditation.

I do want to help these women on their path and I want to write the book. And so they're all like these competing things, right. Because I can get stuck really easy in running my community. And I mean, I can make money like that. Right. I can just code, you know, Part of the thing that you are doing right now around abundance is yeah.

The universe is really good about getting us abundance, but I'd like to make it easy on them. So to have a path like, oh, I can make money doing yoga. Oh, I can make money teaching meditation, oh, I can make money doing the book, but you have to open these up and, and be really clear, okay,

here are seven different ways universe that you, that I am ready to receive money and we need to, and then we need to do it in the 3d world. We now need to make sure that the link trees all set up so people can pay, you know, that it's go at like, have it all dialed in, You know, all that tech stuff.

Renee part of me also knows it's bullshit. I just didn't finish it. Even if it was, half-assed stepping away from that perfectionism and finally got the meditation part dialed in and that's going to be the path. And I've got the path to me first ironed out. And all of that. That's the how though Renee, that's the, how that God man,

you know, the 20 different softwares, like doing that stuff that is harder. And I do feel such a reward at the end. And I know that I see myself thinking or thought that it's hard because it's really not. Once you sit down and do it. Right, right. I did change that to my social media. I do. Everything's just easy.

It is easy. Yes I was. And I was just going to say, this is much easier than it is in your you're in your head. I mean, literally you can hook up a credit card, payment thing in 30 seconds. This is easy. So let's start thinking, it's easy to make money. It's easy for me to set this up,

to make money. It's easy to open channels of abundance. Yeah. Yeah. Cause there is a little bit of a sticking point right now with you and it has to do with the receiving why I want to know why, just because I'm curious like that once again, it's this joy blocking thing. It's like a filter, like a joy filter. And part of the way you're going to feel joy is when somebody does give you all their money and it shows up in your account and then that is proof to you that you are on your path and you're doing it.

And then you got to feel it though. And so it's still that little bit of like, it feels so good. I don't know how to explain it. It just, it, it physically hurts here. Yeah, No, I get it. I get that feeling a lot, you know? And I, and I do get it with money too.

I totally get, I totally get that. And it feels good. It's like, there's probably something in there, right? Like it's not opening myself up. I know. It's not like I can't fail because I haven't, you know, I haven't like put it out there for anyone to reject to me. I can't fail. But then you also can't be ultra successful.

Right. So you're the failing part. That's we don't have to worry about that. It's the ultra successful part right now. That's being Okay. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Because I am pretty good at failing. I mean, that doesn't bother me, you know? Like that, that part of it, I've never really felt like now when my creations and stuff being like stepping away from perfect.

That's a different story. Cause I like to do things that I'm proud of. So I'm still like on this timeline for the book. Huh? What did we say the date was before October? I think it's written by then guides published. I mean, I guess it's possible if I get it written in August. Okay. So they're saying anything is possible.

There's no time malign on anything because the growth edge right now is you allowing yourself to do this because this, all of this stuff is pushing that Jew, having to feel the joy thing further and further away. So yeah, October, you could have it done and feel joy. Then you could also feel it in November or December or whenever you are ready to feel it.

So this is not all about you. I know that came through so clear to me when I was thinking about, look, how can you just write the book if you knew, because I go future self Slayer on myself. If you knew that this book was the catalyst to all the other dominoes falling, how quickly would you have that sucker done? And I'd be like,

I would move the right. I moved the planet. I'd just go sit somewhere and write, write, write. Cause I have the book it's at, first of all in my pages, it's all like, and I can go back and read those pages. Rene, I go refresh. And I, and I'm in that I'm in that 300 pound ball and misery,

I can share that through my writing and reach those women that are there too, and are going to start to believe and then become, and then be So here we are now I'm final chapter of being and the being part is they, you know, being present for it, the bad stuff, which we as Americans are pretty good about feeling the bad,

but the good stuff. Not just the good stuff, the amazing stuff. Yes. That is what the final part of this book is. The sooner that you feel that the sooner it gets done, once again, there's no pressure. There's no pressure. If this takes you till October, next year, it takes you to October next year. But you're the one that's postponing.

These really great things. And this really great stuff that happens after the book comes, You know why they gave me a deadline. Yeah. I know exactly why. So you get this shit done. Now Maybe you have this whole conversation with myself. Cause I knew I was going to come talk to you and them and be like, I'm not getting the book done.

Right. I was like, oh I can get that at gun. Right. And that's exactly. And then it shifted by a whole plan for the next like couple, it just started like reworking itself or why not? What's that look like and all Right. So from an energetic level easily, you can get this done on a, you know, in a 3d work every day way you get it done all day long.

The, the part of this that is the little bit of a barrier is the feeling okay about it, the feeling good about it, the allowing yourself to open this other huge channel of abundance, like what does it feel like? What is it gonna feel like when you sell a million copies? What's it going to feel like when you get that first,

you know, a hundred thousand dollars check, what's it good? You know, these are bigger. We're starting to go those bigger things out here now, which feels really uncomfortable. Like we don't know who we are. Who, who am I as a world, famous author. Who am I making all this money? How does that change me? Does it change me?

I don't know. So you have all this shit. That's going to go along with that too. Yeah. You know, I have this, I've been when I do my visualization in the morning, I've been having this moment from when I did glamp camp. I did this retreat on Camelback mountain, got this like bad-ass house. It was like, so bad-ass right.

And there was this little casita that I stayed in separately. And then I stayed later that day and I took a bunch of pictures and stuff. And I remember just standing there and looking out the window and was like this, like the whole weekend Renee, like leading the women and them leaving with their souls full. And me looking out over this huge valley in this house,

it just felt good. Cause it was like clear and clean and it didn't have any, it didn't have anything, you know, it was, there was no attachments to anything in it. It didn't, that didn't matter. It was this feeling of just, wow, I did it, you know, like I'm here. And so I, in my,

my future vision is that I see, I just keep seeing that over and over. And I get that feeling immediately when I, when I picture it. And that's the feeling, that's the feeling when I'm the author and I'm, they're here right now. Right. When, you know, when I'm, I am the author, you know, when I actually write the book,

get it done. Cause it's my, it is my path. It is calming. It's all coming like a freight train. I know what I want. I know what I want. I'm friggin talking to my guides. I mean, I always do. I feel it. So this is what, let me share this with you and with them while they're here with us,

you know, my whole dream was to build like a summer camp because that's where I like just, I was in nature in the, and the sisterhood and we learn and we grow and it was spiritual and we Portage canoes and it was an adventure. And you know, to build this place where women could go because when I was 300 pounds and I was at my mom's house,

I remember Googling. And I re I remember Googling. I just want to go somewhere and have them fix you. I just want to go somewhere and get connected. And I couldn't find anywhere. Now. I could probably find something, cause I know a little bit more cause I'm in the world. But also none of those people sung to me because it was so far out of my realm.

So that whole thing kind of coming together somehow. But I also know that it's not something I have to do all year. Right. Like I, a couple months, a year I run this center and then the rest of the time I'm traveling with the girls, I'm writing, I'm speaking, I'm doing workshops. And that's the part I love. I loved doing that camp when I do an online retreat.

I freaking love it because I see everyone get lit up and I'm a good leader in that environment. Hmm. That's good. Oh, you're recording this, right? Oh yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. That's yeah. So the book is the catalyst though, because it's like, the podcast was so brilliant because it did need to be done first.

I can see all of that now because it's given me the skill and the I can I'm capable now. Right. I believe, I know. I know. Right. I got past that part now. It's just the executing of it. Yeah. And you know, being in the business world, as long as you were, as this is just a project,

you know, it's a debt, my first deadlines here, I'll get it done. You know, this is just that part of it. Once we get past the, which we're breaking through today, this barrier of like, oh, when this gets done, this happens, you know? So that's, that's the energetic barrier, which right now, as we are talking,

we both are agreeing. We want that barrier just to be gone so that she can move forward easily with the book. It's like getting excited for vacation and putting all the pieces in place. Right. It's like, it's that same, like, you know, you're going to Disney and it's always better. Like they getting there, you know, I'm stuck in the joy out of the getting there.

Oh my gosh. Slayer. Yes. Getting there. And this is the thing that was too about it being a project. It needs to be a joyous project. It needs to be somewhere like where I was. And just sitting in that little town, sitting there and watching people and you know, and the smell of lavender and the bees around. And you know,

I think I needed to do that on my way up to Portland. I Think you do too. I think So, too. And it wasn't what I was going to do. And the vibration and energy of where you're sitting and where you're writing that is going to come through in the book. So, you know, you can't do it in a McDonald's parking lot.

It's that At least, Hopefully not McDonald's Oh my God. Her name. Yeah. Yeah. I think I need to universe. I think we need to figure that out, you know, and then it was funny because on the way back, I was like, well, you could go anywhere. You can go to California, spend this money and move the rig,

right. Spend this money and notice how that came up, move the rig and all of that. Oh, that came up too. I was listening to my meditation's from my bully Ralf that I'm going to go learn yoga from I'm listening to him. And he's like, what would you do if you had all the money in the world? I'm like,

wait, wait, wait, I'm the one that asked people that role. No, no, no. Right. That's like part of my stick. And so anyhow, I was like, Slayer, when's the last time you really asked yourself that, because last time I asked myself if I was doing it, I was like doing it because I was still becoming right.

So now I put them on pause. What would I do? I would just, I would just write the book. I would just be, I would just, I would just teach these women and let it just be so effortless and just beautiful. And you know, I would just, all of that, I would, I would do what I'm doing.

I would, I would do what I'm doing, but I would also do it with a relaxed joy is exactly what I need to chill out. ADI needs to catch a bus. So that's what they were talking about. As far as timeline. Like there's no pressure, you know, there's no, like you have to get it done by this date or the book's not going to be published.

Exactly. That's not happening at all. Let's talk about the, what if you had all the money in the world, how about we change that to, I do have all the money in the world because you know, the it as spiritual and connected and your excellent manifester as you are, why don't you be like me and use the universe as your bank account?

So it's never a doubt in my mind that I can't afford something because I got the universe. There's so much fucking money in the universe that I can do anything that I want. Yeah. So just a different way of thinking of it. Bank of America, I don't bank there, but bank of America could have my money and be my bank account or the fucking universe can be my bank account.

Yeah. Yeah. Well the universe is my bank account. Just a word clear universe. And I haven't worried about it. I haven't worried about, oh, that's not true. I mean, but like I've always, I always know I'm going to make it and I'm going to be taken care of and that I'm going to be okay. It was just like the last time,

the first time I go, I told me that I needed to build the runway that I needed to like take that time at corporate America. And I'm so glad I did because I found joy in that job. And I thought it was the job. And if I hadn't learned that lesson, if I hadn't stayed and learned that lesson, I wouldn't have probably become.

And the more I did, you know, the building the runway and now it's time to enjoy that. What I know. Right. And what's to come. Yeah. And the being in that, if I had, if I, because I have all the money in the world and I get to be like, starting that, like now, like this second,

not tomorrow. When I think about it again, if I had all the money, no, like I would joyously write the book. So today you joyously write the book, you know, I joyously help people. You are all ready there. It's that realization that you're already there. Yeah. Yeah. I think I should go back to spending money virtually.

I don't know. Is that going to serve me right now? Spending money virtually like, like in the money game, that part of doing That. Hold on, because I'm unclear about a couple things. I just want to get really clear before I pass on before I translate incorrectly as a whole different message. Okay. Once again, they're saying that you have all the knowledge,

it's the believing and the faith and the trust part. Yeah. So that's the part that you get to practice is anything that, that gets you to believing that it's going to show up just like Amazon delivers it, believing that you already have it, you know, so it's not going to hurt you at all to get that energy flowing again. So one of the things that they're saying is,

as you're learning, how to, how you're learning, how to open up to the energy, how to be, how to become all that. There's also the energy of abundance. It all works the same exact way. You don't have to learn a different way of doing it, but to know that it works exact same way. Yeah, yeah, Yeah.

Yeah. Cause you know, I got to have the how right. That's why they're telling me the how, Yeah. They're Telling me visualize. It's how I create a future self that's abundance as the same thing, the same, Same exact thing. When you're doing that future self stuff, you know, perhaps at some point you didn't include the money in that,

in that future self, you know, I, I look this way, I'm doing what I want, but there may be there wasn't thought to the abundance that came with that. Yeah. From now, when you're doing the future self stuff. Yeah. And that's why I keep getting things, but it's not financial. Right. Like I get them,

I get all the experiences I want. I just have my Colorado experience. I envisioned I'm going to Hawaii. Like I said was specifically in July and I'm going to Oregon, which I was talking about and all of this was in the money game I played. Yeah. So they are saying that that is helping you right now. Trick yourself in a little bit,

you know, like it's like a hack, it's like a hack until you get it, like get it Practicing. Right. Humans have to practice things Over and over, especially when we've had, you know, I know you're younger than me, but especially since we've had 50 years of seeing everybody else being told all this other way of this is how money works and the come out.

Oh, it doesn't really work like that. So we have to change some of those beliefs and thoughts and practice. Yeah. And practicing. Those are changing. Those are my thoughts too around it. And when I see it and look, I know when it's also easy, you know, and that's why I'm practiced that thought specifically every day. Right now though,

it's also easy because some days I'm like, yeah, it's all so easy. And I feel it and all my flow. And then other days I'm like, yeah, nothing I it's like. And not that I think it's hard. It's just like, I'm still like a little lost or a little disconnected. And usually goes back to my waking up early and do my yoga and my meditation,

like doing that full process for myself, my spiritual ritual, if you will. Right. Caring for, for me connecting. Right. And I still do the practices. Like I, you know, yeah. I'll admit sometimes I let it slide because I'm pretty dang good at manifesting. And when I want it, I'll just manifest it. But my work,

I still write down every single piece of abundance that comes to me every single day. For years, I have notebooks of abundance coming to me, reinforcing that every day I set up my funnel every day, that of my big funnel, funneling down all the money onto me every single day. So, you know, it's, it's not one of those things.

I think that just like our weight, it's not one of the things you get and then, oh yeah, I lost, I lost 50 pounds now. I'm good. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good point. I need to add some of those rituals and to my, my stack money, vision rituals, and I should make a separate notebook, a separate abundance notebook.

Right. Because I have it electronically. And when I did the game, when we played the game, I had it in like the back of my magic pages. I don't even know where that book is. Now. I'm going to get a special money notebook universe, and I'm going to start track it, all of this stuff, All of it.

Trip to Hawaii. But you $3,000. I don't even know. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yes. Because then you're putting your focus on what you attracting. And I go through the day, like thinking what's what am I going to write down in my book today? What's out here. What am I going to find completely different than I have bills to pay?

I never think about the bills. That's right. I don't want to do that. I want to think about what's showing up. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and I made the appointments to put the RV in the shop and to the, to my catalytic converter, which is like a couple of grand. And just, I'm like, it's,

it's going to come. I'm like, I'm just doing it because that R B and I are out of there in August. Cause it's, it's smushed in my soul. It's like you hot. I think if I was near a mountain, it would be a little different, but my body loves the desert too. Like for whatever reason, I'm, I'm supposed to be in the desert.

It doesn't like when I leave to too long of periods of time. So I'll have to come back, but, And I'm going to go back to Amazon. I, Amazon, I'm bringing my RV and for catalytic converter, it costs $2,000. Amazon. I expect you to deliver that on Thursday morning at nine o'clock, you know, before That, That takes some practice.

I do know that that's how I live when I spend money. Like I booked a reading with somebody else that I go to one time and it was, it was $170. Then I took my dog around the block. I said to Amazon universe, I'd like to, you know, this money to show up. You know, I took my dog around the block.

By the time I got back in literally 10 minutes later, somebody had booked an appointment with me, which was the exact same amount as what I had just spent. I like living like that. And I believe in it, but it takes practice for the belief that the doing it doesn't take anything. Yeah. You know what I mean? And I see that I am,

and it's like that it's a block for sure, because I don't yet believe it. And I know that and I want to, I want, I want to believe, I do believe. I don't, I don't know yet. I don't have the knowing yet. Right. So I think having the notebook where you write it down is going to be more it's proof.

It's proof that I'm in the flow and I just, you know, manifested a hundred dollars and a new bumper and a trip to Hawaii and you know, it's written down in a book, so it must be true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I mean, it's easy to just like write those things up. Right. And if I didn't keep talking about them,

they'd just be like, oh, oh, that was just something that was just given or, you know what I mean? Like to just hone it, We count it. The same thing that some people do with signs. I had the same thought at the same time, like totally not noticing our assigned the whole way here, by the way, pro hummingbird Crow,

hummingbird. And then there's a hummingbird painted on the side of a wall and it's like, it's like going through this, this death and rebirth, oh, this is interesting. I'm I'm in a year nine. Oh, of course you are. Right. And so I'm like, knowing that I'm like, I need to go to your astrologist friend. I really probably should look at my charts,

but it's like, okay, this next wave coming, this whole next creation of whatever is coming. What is that? What is it like nine years of that process of becoming even, even, you know, really shedding. I feel myself shutting this skin, you know, like the snake, just shedding that old layer and all the old things that didn't serve.

Although old habits that didn't serve me and people and things I would do to myself, you know, and tell myself, releasing all of those and just loving, but also not being in it. I can love those people. I can love whatever, but I don't have to be in it. Right. Exactly. I do find it interesting though. The believing in the becoming and the being,

I don't, I'm sorry. I don't know exactly what your words were, but it never ends, you know, it's, it's, it's constantly, we're up in our game. You know, now we're believing that the universe is my bank account. Okay. How does that look? How do I become that? And then how do I all that?

So, yeah. That's cool. Very cool. Yeah. And that was, that was really clear when I was like, realizing that my vision, I wasn't becoming the next version. I could see. I could, I realized that I was like, when I looked over at my vision board and I saw those travel pictures was like, that was the only thing.

And the little private jet she's walking in her white pants suit out to write those things like, and I had started that retreat thing and I like a lot that what a great way to see the world. Oh yeah, totally. Yeah. Totally. To be able to go, Hey, let's work. We're going to do the El Camino trail or whatever they call it thing.

Or we're going to go to like Glastonbury and like have a soul sister circle, you know, experience life through my creations, how I want to experience it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you're at this point right now where you're, you're up, you, you get the opportunity to up your game. You've been doing so great at so good. And what's next,

the what's next is now here thinking as if you already, cause we know you do have all the money in the world and you've already got, you've already done that experiment. You've already thought that through, oh, I would do this. So, so now we have joyous book writing. We have practicing living the joy in like everything, you know,

it's sunny, the hummingbird, you were so good at this already, but you know, even the people saying you're great, even what's it going to feel like when I went awards with the book, what's it going to feel like with this? So you're, you're just expanding your joy heart center. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I've been having bouts of that a lot lately.

Like just kind of over all of a sudden, just overcoming overcome with joy. Even like just driving now and like being open, like more of that unity connection, more and more. Yep. And then the being like, this is where people yeah. We get the, you know, believing becoming, but the being part to me is the main part of this book of how do we do this again?

Like how do you just be, so that's going to require you to continue doing your being. Yes. Yes. And, and becoming that, you know, that, that person and it's man, you know, it is just like, they don't make it easy for us to us to be in this human sack. I mean, it's a lie,

you know, I don't, I know she doesn't do all of them. You know, she doesn't, she doesn't drink, she doesn't eat the fatty foods. She doesn't because I'm less disconnected. I know my right for me, that's, it's key and it's love of myself and my body and myself and my gut health and my microbiome, like all of that stuff,

all of that learning stuff, even, you know, but that connects me on a higher level. And that's where my that's where my next journey is. And your financial self and your bundle itself. So you're, you got all the physical stuff in there, but let's remember like your guides are saying the money's the same thing. It's the same thing.

And having abundance and those beliefs and knowing how to manifest it also helps your physical health that we forget about that. Yeah. We can do the meditate we can eat. We can, you know, exercise all that. But you know what, also having money, being able to get a massage travel, take some time off. All of that is equally as important.

Yes, yes. Yeah. I mean it it's our currency. It's, it's how we experienced those things. Apparently you experienced them all without money. I do a lot of That too. Although massages, I'm going to have to work on that one. Right. I was still paying for those. I'm going to have to find a, someone on that.

I'm really good at manifesting people, giving me massage group gift certificates. Like clients will be really happy. They'll have to be like here, go get a massage today. Thank you. Yeah. Give me on a Fest like that. Yeah. If I could do it, you could do it. People used to send me gifts all the time. They might.

And I don't know it cause I don't really have an address. I'll do. I said open my mailbox and I'd have things like, you know, superhero journals and you know, stuff that people would see and make, make them think. I mean, I know something that this is just came to me. Something that I get often is people will randomly Venmo me money just randomly like,

you know, oh, somebody's been mowed you a hundred dollars. Okay. A gentleman he's a realtor and he sold a house. He listened to my podcast. And then he got an offer on a house that he had for sale, like half an hour later. And he's was convinced. It was because of that podcast, you know, the good energy of the podcast.

So he ended up then mowing me, you know, $150. It's like, I love it. People couldn't even find me on Venmo. Ah, see. So let's start over that. So that would be a good thing is let's set up some channels. So stuff can get to you. You need a Venmo, you need to have a link that you can always email people with that they can go in and pay you easily.

You know, PayPal, you know, Venmo credit card, All of it. Yeah. Joy, joy Receiving. Yes. All right. We have just a couple minutes left. Is there anything that you, anything else that you want to ask the guides since they're all here and they're all happy and I love them. I love you guys. Oh my gosh.

I really feel like we, I, I really feel like we nailed everything. So they're saying there is no pressure for your life. There's no hurry. There's no lack of time. They're calling that Hering lack of time. There's no lack. You choose to live. This now is up to you so you can choose. You can choose to take a slower road.

Totally fine. That might bring you more joy or you can choose to really step into the joy and the abundance and get it done by October. It's okay. It's whatever road you choose is okay. Yeah, you got, you totally got this. So there are timelines that people, when they make a decision, the timeline then I don't know creates,

I guess becomes. And so your timeline for this book is already there. So your timeline is there. It doesn't mean that's the months or the years, but it, this reality exists. You're already on the path of this reality. Now it's just up to you. How you want to live it, how you want to explore it, how you want to be it it's all up to you.

Okay. I love it. Well, thank you so much. And there'll be a lot more of you in my life. I know that for Sure. Thank you. Well, there you go. I hope you guys enjoyed being a fly on the wall. So to speak of that private session I had with Renee, I will see you next week to talk all about those learning moments.

Let me know what popped out for you. If you're in the Heartsing podcast, Facebook community, let's talk about it. If you're not in there yet, head on over, it's free. I'd love to see you. Don't forget. I have my buy coffee link done from my link tree that you heard us talk about. I'm going to put that below.

If you'd love to buy me some coffee, I would love it to pieces as much as I love all of you and for listening and being on this journey with me, it's just too magical and too fun to share. And are you meditating yet? You knew it was coming until next week. My witches and bitches, I will see you then while you're out,