MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep #49: Future Self Creation: Slayer and Renee Spears talk about Creating New at Midlife

October 01, 2021 Slayer

Do you dare to dream? Join future self master, Slayer and abundance guru, Renee Spears as they dish about creating their future selves in midlife coming off their girls weekend of fun. In addition to being Slayer's spirit guide source and spiritual coach, Renee is also a Law of Attraction mentor and you are sure to learn a lot about how to create a future no matter where you are in the journey. What do you want it to look like? Start to wonder and put it into action with this podcast!

Today's Guest
Renee is a Law of Attraction Coach & Mentor, Spiritual Guide, and Host of The Abundology Podcast. Abundology is the science of creating abundance. Renee helps you have more money, love, and happiness in your life! Contact Renee:
Renee Spears
The Abuondology Podcast

The History of Slayer and Montana Renee ;)
Prior episodes/links with Slayer and Renee

April 23, 2021 Heartsing Podcast "Slayer's post meeting DL with Renee-1st Meeting":
Creating Life: Abundance, Synchronicities and Spirit Guides

July 1, 2021 The Abundology Podcast "Slayer Guest on Renee's": Episode #144 - Spiritual Weight Loss with Addie Beall
YouTube: podcast episode  from July 1st with Renee Spears of The Abundology Podcast

July 23, 2021 Heartsing Podcast "Private Session":
Abundance Joy Filter be Gone! Slayer's Private Mentor Session with Renee

VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you, but you don't know how to uncover it. The Heartsing podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host, Addie B AKA Slayer of Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams.

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self discovery, and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Welcome back to the Heartsing podcast. Addie, be here, AKA Slayer of Namaslayer Heartsing podcasts listeners. My favorite, which has in bitches on the planet. I have a special treat for you today. We are talking all about future self.

I know you love this topic as much as I do, especially if you've been listening, because by now, you know, this entire podcast is pretty much about creating that future self and how we do it in vision and all of the tools that go into that. So give you a little bit of background heading into this episode. Last week, I talked about the heroine's journey and how our path is the heroine of our story.

We're writing it's about building community, having guides, friends, and sidekicks, and maybe even some familiars on our quest. It's not a solitary journey like the hero's journey. So this past weekend, what I'm going to share with you today has everything to do with this version of their journey, the heroine's journey, as, as people come into your path and come together,

I'm in Oregon, still with my friend, Babs that you heard in the power of sisterhood Heartsing podcast, episode and Babs, or Mary Rarik has been a key character on my path. And her role is ever evolving. If Babs were to have a label, it would simply be the connector. She has this gift to bring people together that need to connect at that moment in time.

For whatever reason, if Babs tells you to meet somebody or put someone in your path, you just go. This brings us around to this weekend. When a couple of other women wisely took Babs as connection, juice, and decided to join our girls trip at this beautiful house in the Oregon woods. And one of these women, you Heartsing podcast listeners know well,

she's my abundance guide, my spiritual mentor, if you will, Renee Spears. And she's also the host of the unbundled podcast. I had aired my private session with her here on the podcast where I consult with her and my spirit guides. Talk about some fun mentoring. So check that one out, too Renee. And I, of course, just when we met in person,

it was like we've known each other, our entire lives times this, by the way, is my experience with most women I met online and then in person, it will be the same when you and I meet some day. So Renee and I got talking about future self because she's building Montana. Renee, how fun is that as she heads into this next segment of her life?

Well, you know how I like to talk about some future self things. So here we are at today's topic, listen in to our conversation about creating our future selves. I will drop links for everything I just mentioned in about Renee and the show notes. So be able to check those out after you have a listen for your next steps and drop me a line to share your thoughts,

anytime Slayer at Namaslayer dot com. We recorded this episode for her podcast as well. So you will hear our conversation as we are both questioning each other. So enjoy without further ado, Montana, Renee and Slayer of Namaslayer. I am here today with one of my favorite hive. I've been people on the planet, Addie Beale, and we have been away.

The girls' weekend up in the story. Actually, you've been here longer than a weekend, but we're here with Mary and our friend, Katie, and we've had some really deep conversations. And one of the things that has lit me up that we've talked about is this future self work. And why I want to talk to you about it is because you are an expert at creating and have created this persona in a way or a future self.

I don't know what you would call it, but meaning your Slayer of Namaslayer. So I want to hear one, a little bit about how you came up with that, why you created it, why it's worked for you. Oh, the shizzle. So Getting to Montana, right? And then we're talking about Montana Renee. Oh boy, it's been one heck of a girls' weekend,

right? Like we did, we talked until like one last night and like deep, amazing conversation. And a lot of the future stuff, self stuff came up and Renee being so good at manifesting things too and creating your future. So we, I think had a lot of commonality there. So one of the things that I did in creating Slayer was really,

I was, I was so wrapped in my circumstances at the time that as I got into the future self work, it helps me to identify with this person that I couldn't even really imagine being like, it was kind of like a fictional fun thing for me to say, what would Slayer do? And I always joke now, Renee, because I'm like,

be careful what you name yourself, because even my kids call me Slayer and I'm, I'm sharing a hashtag with like an eighties hair band. Yeah. So it, you know, in the process of becoming now, I'm just Slayer. You know, I think I had heard lady Gaga talk about this on Oprah before, about how she created lady Gaga.

And now she is lady Gaga. And she's looking for that person in her life who, who loves her and lady Gaga because they are one. And I'm like, I so completely identify with that because I've become this alter ego I created. So it says process of helping me dream big dream beyond what my limiting possibilities were at the time, because you get caught,

we talk about the house a lot. We get caught in the house. So, and I think you've been, you've just kind of consistently done that through your life too. I would be curious how, how you did it. If I answered the question about creating Slayer and enough detail, like how, how do you go about creating your next version of you?

And that's why I wanted to talk to you about this. Because as you know, in 19 days, I'm moving to Bozeman, Montana. And so I, this is an opportunity at age 57 to like start all over, but not from a place of my life is so horrible. And this is my, you know, the pit of my life and I need to change it,

not from that place, but from a place of my life is great. And yes. Great. And, and so it's been easy for me. Like when you're talking about in your current circumstances, it's a little difficult for me to picture myself there. So I've created like you, this Montana, Rene, like what would Montana Renee, where, what would Montana and how her would her house be decorated?

You know, does she, she meditates every day, Montana, Renee eats healthy Montana. Renee gets lots of sleep. Montana. Renee is getting rid of 90% of her closet so she can, you know, refresh everything. So it's been an easy way for me to kind of create that, that new version of myself. Yeah. Yeah. And how we're always,

we got talking last night about always creating that next version. Like we're, we're not stopping and you know, that's exactly it, seeing those things. So now I ask myself, I'm like, what is Slayer at 1 62? Like my actual goal weight too, because I feel good here. I look good. And it's like really dialing into what is that version?

And it's so much wrapped in the spirituality and the abundance in these last like lessons. I have to learn on my way to that goal, which for me was weight loss, but it was tied to so many other things that I uncovered along the way. So I'm having this alter ego, first of all, it makes it fun, totally fun. I bought a new bag and I'm like,

Montana, Renee would have this. Yes. And you just start picking up those things, right? Like what does future Namaslayer have, you know, what does it look like? Where is she, what am I doing? And you know, my sitting on Oprah's couch with that best-selling book, right. Like really envisioning that and feeling it, like,

I feel it now, you know, like feeling in my body, the vibrations of those things I'm picturing and that's the difference, right. The difference. And so doing a lot of visualization, do you do that too? Yeah, Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And also when we're talking to energetically our vibe right now, what we're really doing is we're shifting our vibe from where we are now to a new vibe.

And we can do that incrementally, which most of the time we do a little change here and a little change there, but there's some times in life when you're just ready to be like, I want to jump over to there. And so for me identifying what that vibe looks like, so that I know that I know it and it's familiar when I get there is,

has been good. Yes. And I think, you know, that's what I feel like. I really, it's kind of my calling to help people like start to dream and identify those things again. Like, because so often we, I know I did, I reached 45 and here I was alone and I was like, okay, everything I was taught to do it's over.

And you know, then I had this big awakening and know there's this whole, what if, what if the next 50 years, what can I do with that? And so to help people start dreaming again, because we dream for our kids, we dream for our employees. We dream for everybody, but ourselves, you know, so that is step that's.

Like ground zero is the dreaming. Yeah. To awaken that, you know, and a lot of time as women too, we just put like, you're talking about all of our stuff on the back burner, not only the back burner, the burner and the fucking house next door. Yeah. So to be able to live into that, like, what do I want,

you know, what were my dreams? So you are super good at awakening people's dreams again. Oh yeah. I forgot. I wanted to do that. Oh yeah. I forgot about, Yeah. I like to say we're the perfect duo like that. Like you come, I CA I hope you awaken your dreams and then you know what you want to dream about,

and then she'll get rid of all your limiting beliefs. Right? Like it it's all that work. And that's the work I'm doing right now with Renee. So I, I got myself a couple packages because I'm like, I know I need to stay focused on this. And, you know, even though we have like this friendship to have that, where we show up and we talk with my guides and I talk with you in a professional level where I'm working on just me,

you know, when we show up as friends, it's different, it's different. It's not just you time and where you get to, you know, focus on yourself. And that's the other thing we don't do like so many people. And that's why the program I created is called me first. Yes. I love That. Just teaching People to put themselves first for how simple.

Right. And it's like the hardest thing for us to do because we were, it was modeled for, you know, there's all kinds of reasons behind that. But as women a lot, right. We, we fallen on the sword and getting back up and like putting ourselves first can be something else. And this time in our lives for a lot of us is amazing.

The kids are going off and we're like, oh my gosh, I can, this is about me. Now I'm going to be Montana Renee. So tell us about Montana, Renee. This is fun. Well, you know, I kind of wanted to go back. So when you created the last version in Portland, Renee. Yeah. So how do you feel like you've evolved in your future self creation from when you,

when you did Portland? Renee? Great question. Because Portland, Rene was honestly done out of necessity. I have kids that needed food, you know? Right. Exactly. And, and so I would, before that, I was more than California Renee. So I came during the California Renee didn't fit me anymore. Great version. And that's something I want to talk about too,

is these version of, I loved that version, that versions done. I love the Portland Rene version. I have had successful companies. I love beautiful hall, you know, all of the stuff. So I'm not coming from a place of lack. And so it's completely different this time coming from a place and creating from a place of balance, you know,

and, and, and no lack, you know, I don't need to make money to feed kids anymore. Right now. I don't need to provide for a home and, and all that. And I did create a business in Portland. So Portland has been so good to me to allow me to be myself, you know, and I actually kind of grew up kind of really matured here for the last 22 years.

Yeah. And so now it's on to this next segment. And so what are, what is, what are you looking to? What is this next journey for you? What is, what is to learn next? Ah, good question. You know, I'm like all of this, I'm learning about myself, so I know who I am in Portland.

Yeah. I'm not really sure who I am or who I can be in Montana. Renee. Yes. So it's, so this for me is like breaking through again, we talked about this last night in our deep conversations, breaking through any limiting beliefs and we all have the limiting beliefs. It doesn't matter how much work you've had. You've done. We still have limits of,

I only, this is my limit that in my upper limit problem. So for me this time, really looking at that and examining it and saying, no, no, no, I'm not accepting that limit anymore. Let's just see where I can score. This is going to be incredible. And you're going to take us on the journey with you, right.

On the journey. Like you, I want people to know, like, how do you do this? Right? Like how do you pick up and move somewhere where you don't know anybody? How do you leave your career, you know, and buy an RV and travel around and how do you do that? And it seems so easy. You just buy it and you do it,

but there's more to it than That. And so here's what happens. What I see happen with people on what we really work on in my groups is that like, when I had the RV thing going down, I was like, I was doing a live video back then. Right. And I would do these weekly white live videos. I was like,

all right, you guys, I'm going to get an RV and I'm going to come around and slay you guys, we're going to do like some fun camps and stuff. Right. And I was just kind of throwing it out there. And everyone's like, yeah, that's a great idea. And so everyone else jumps on the bandwagon. I'm like, you know what?

That is a really good idea. And then when my daughter's here from Hawaii can be adventure, mom and I of like, she can see America cause she lives in Hawaii and you don't see anything. So it was like double fold. Right? Not anticipating COVID of course. I mean, it was still epic. It was totally, I was raped,

set up how it was supposed to be, but what started happening, I was like, okay, what would I do if this did happen? I'm like, well, I guess I'd look at RVs. So then like literally I'm at working. How many jobs in Corp, how many hours in corporate America, I'm running this online business on the side.

And I would like sometimes the only time I'd have is in the bathroom, Googling something. And I'd be like RVs near me now, like, and look for RV shows. And like, then I would set an appointment and I text my friend, Aaron. I'm like, Hey, you want to go look at RVs with me? And then the juices get going.

So it's taken those actions, like My road trip to Montana to check out, to see where I fit. Yes, yes. To just get the vibe of different cities up there and see, you know, where it is that once again, we're creating that future self, these baby steps that don't seem like much Googling on the toilet are taking a road trip to,

I like the city or not, this isn't the one I want to keep going. Yeah, totally. And you know, that's kind of part of our being too. I look for somewhere, I can park my RV that I can walk to like a little small town. That's got, I love small town, coffee shops and ice cream shops, but that's another story.

So I'm like, you know, I'm working on the book. If you know anyone Renee's viewers are listening. I'm writing my book about my journey and my, my weight loss quest that turned into my spiritual awakening. And I'm running it from the heroine's journey viewpoint, which I am so excited about because I can't just write a book or name, you know,

my guides will tell you all day a lie. Yeah. They already knew. Right. So, so I look for, I love to go and write at a coffee shop. There's something about that. And this is writer Addy, you know that. So I have different personas for these different things. I do podcasting Addy, right. Or Addie speaking,

Yeti, they all kind of look differently. They even maybe have different attributes to them. They need different things for their body to recover. Yeah. It can get really, I guess I hadn't really thought about that until we're talking about it right now. Well, interesting to that. You brought up lady Gaga, you know, that version of her Beyonce,

Beyonce has that, you know, she's her, mild-mannered self she's out on that stage. And then Yeah. Well lady got us interview. I found fascinating. She was talking about that was born out of tragedy. She was like severely abused, dumped on the side of the road and to survive. She created this alternate persona. And so that's how she survived through this.

And she still goes through a lot of pain and helps, like I've learned so much in that interview. And now I have even grown. She had a beautiful voice, right. And now just an even greater respect as a human for her. But that's how she stepped away from her pain and created an alternate future for herself. And she just became her.

She became the super hero, right. Or the heroin, you know? And so you become, if you dare to step out, if you dare to step into the unknown, that nothing is impossible. It's so true. I know Channel, you guys check it out because it's going to be pretty hilarious. So we're in this little room that closet.

Yeah. Putting a podcast in a closet and you know, it, this is fucking magnificent. Absolutely. You know, to be able to talk, I go away for girls weekend, talk in the closet, do a podcast. So much fun, so much fun. A lot of times people, when they want to make changes in their life too,

they get into that beating themselves up for how they are right now. You know, like I am, you know, 40 pounds too much right now, or I am, I want this in my life and I don't have it. So they're focused on what is in, not instead of what is and what can be. And so that for me was an easier way to do Montana Renee.

I'm not even thinking about, you know, I meditate maybe four days a week now off and on just fit it in. And it works. It works for me, but I know I can be a better version if I'm doing of myself, if I'm doing it more on a regular basis. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I get that.

Totally. And it's always that level up, like we were talking, so here's the thing, you guys, you don't like the happy wasn't at the 110 pounds. I was right. That happy is in my continued growth in what I'm uncovering now. And as I realized, as I've stepped into owning my, my greatness and the potential of what could possibly be like,

oh my gosh, look at that. What hosts can I do? It's that wonder the sense of The sense of wonder? Yes we have. We're talking about putting ourselves first dreaming. What about wonder? Oh my God. To just wonder to sit and allow yourself to wonder each day gay Hendricks talks about that. He's like, that's such a powerful,

he's like, just go and see what comes up for you. I have to wrote myself in on it because now it's like, and then you just create, create, create, right? And so balancing that energy with the meditation and with other things like I want to want to bring into, We instinctively know what we need. If we're listening and we're paying attention and we're present,

no what's for our highest good. We just don't do it sometimes. So sometimes, often people don't do it. Right. So putting yourself first and taking charge, this is, it's the journey we've gone back about this. It's not the destination. It's not me. When I get to Montana, I'm enjoying this like dreaming of who I will be,

you know, dreaming. And they've done studies about people that go on vacation and you get just as much joy from planning and anticipating the vacation as you do on the actual vacation. So same way. Yeah. I couldn't wait to start my life until I get there. But screw that. I want all the joy that comes from anticipating the gym, doing the journey.

Yes. That's the shift getting, getting ourselves to make that shift from coming from the restriction and the negative. That's just been bred into us, you know, and things in school you're wrong, wrong, wrong, you know, don't, you dare get something wrong, right. Where failure is learning. When you can shift that mindset to where, you know,

w we're not perfect, it's an adventure, you know, and it's just an an, and it's fun and it should be fun. And what if, what if this is all just a stage, Right? Like taking yourself away from the, from the ego self, right. If we talk about the ego self and the soul and just being like,

okay, if I'm S my soul here on this ride, and I'm here to experience this epic life, I'm creating, look at the pressure that takes off when you just know your eternal life. It's so true. Yeah. And the confidence, there's confidence in that too. Like, oh, this isn't the end of the world. You know, I'll figure it out.

I'll move on. If, if something doesn't go the way you think it's supposed to go, although I am going to say that everything always turns out the way that it should, you know, for whatever learning that may be, or, yeah. Great. And so how do you think people move from through the creation part to, you know, how do we start to move from that restriction to the focusing on what we do want?

I think we hear this, that it's the journey. That's what I'm trying to say. So we hear this, it's the journey. And when you're in the journey, you're like, after this journey, Renee, right. Sometimes you are. And so what are some things you do to stay in that mindset of, you know, staying future focused and,

you know, staying in. Yeah. Because we also want the balance with being in the now too, you know, we don't want to go all future and forget and enjoy where we currently are. To me, it's a lot of visualizing. I'm not visualizing sounds like you're doing something that's just calm daydreaming. I'm laying on the couch, man. Daydream.

That's really what it is. Yeah. Yeah. And I do that every day, but it's not sometimes exercise or, or things that you need to do. It could feel like work. This does not feel like work. Right. This is like fun. Yeah. Yeah. So a lot of visualizing, and then I've done a lot of online shopping.

I don't buy that much, but to be lean. Cause I think I told you, I'm redoing my decor and doing my, you know yeah. But just to dream and try it on, Ooh, this be great in my living room. Is this Montana Rene and checking in on the vibe, does it fit me or did this fit feature in Montana or does it not and not,

oh, I think that's kind of how you pinpoint this energy because that's really what we're doing is moving into a new vibration, a new way of being. And if you don't know what that new way of being looks like, you have to figure it out. I, you don't even know how glad I am. You're saying this right now because, so I made the me first guide,

which is a planner, right. That my group uses. And there's a box in there for visioning. It's like a one minute challenge each day. Right. Because how much of a mind movie you can run in one minute? And especially if you're expanding that vision, you know? So we do a lot of vision work and like, you do not miss this box.

You guys. So like maybe the most important thing you do in this planner is visualizing one minute, a day. I love it. And it be, it's the creation of it. And it gets you in that vibe and it gets you, it gets you there. Yeah. That's a beautiful answer. And so I also know that my vibe is different where I'm going Montana,

Renee and my bag was hired there. So appreciation or cause go back to you. I know you've heard me say this 10,000 times appreciation, appreciating, this is the last time I'm going to go, you know, to the coast. And I don't know how long, maybe my entire life, the last time I'm getting my hair cut for my favorite haircut.

That's time. I'm going to restaurants that I love, but not in a sad way in a like how fortunate am I, that I had two decades of all of this great stuff you see, I'm even talking about it. My vibe is going up. So I want to set my new vibe in this appreciation energy versus, oh God, I'm going to miss this.

I'm going to miss out. I'm going to miss it. And then what's next. Yes. Yeah. And I want to offer everyone at home this too, because you know, a lot of people feel like they can't, they can't move like us or they can't. Right. Like just pick up and move like, oh, that's nice for you,

Slayer and Renee. But I can't like just take off and buying art. And by the way, I didn't think I could either, you know, I didn't think I could have this separation with my child in Hawaii and like leave my job. And you know, like, those were not things I thought I could do. Like my rational brain was like,

hell now. And my soul was like, Frick. Yeah. We're, we're saddling up, but it's not the moving. It's not the place. It's the mindset. Because you can create right where you are, whatever magic you want to create and whatever it looks like. And I tell you this, if you envision yourself in your Montana home or wherever you think your heart is really called to,

I have some women in my sister had their beach people. Right? Like see myself in the beach with Don. I'm like, we start building this vision. What does it look like? What would your next step be if that was really to happen? But what would you do Google where beach community is, right? Like even start figure out where and just kind of have fun with it.

Why not? As part of the journey. I think in our culture, we are, we're impatient. Like, you know, we decide something. I want it now. Right. You know, instead of let me just dream and Google and look at beach places for, I don't know, a while, let me enjoy that. And then let me enjoy getting on Zillow and see what my options are.

Let me enjoy that. Yes. So it's not to get to the next destination as fast as you possibly can. That is not it. No. Yeah. No. And when you get there, you already are, you know, so it's kind of like, I'm like, yeah, I am, you know, it was just kind of like when I left my job,

I couldn't believe it. It was, I just didn't even think about anymore. I already was Slater. I was already Namaslayer literally did not think about it unless someone reached out from work and I was like, oh yeah, I used to do that 25 years, you know, in this industry, not the same job, but like, that's kinda,

it was a big, like I looked back and I'm like, oh wow. Because I had done all that mind work I already was. And so now it's like, what is this next thing? And you've been helping me and guiding in my, talking to my guides and my guides, like on this next, this next part of my journey and how I'm to just enjoy right now.

Yes. Right. So I'm like, I write this in my planner each day. I'm like, I am joyously receiving all day long. And then my new thought is, holy shit. It's also easy. It's all So easy to Also easy. And some days that thought feels wrong and I write about it. Like, it doesn't feel good in my body.

Like, it feels like, oh, it's a lie or something. So what I do is I noticed that and I have this believe new thoughts process. And I go through and I get those thoughts out that are making me feel that, and then I'm able to talk myself from the positive future standpoint. Right. Because sometimes if we just ignore them and act like it act like we're just moving forward,

you know? And that's the work until you truly believe it. Right. Right. Until, until I'm like you and you know, dimes are dropping on my head as I turned the corner, you know what I mean? And it's not about everyone says it's not about the money. Right. But, but it is. But it's about the visualization of what,

what those things bring you. We were talking about that a little bit. Right? Like when I talked to my spirit guides, you guys, I think they, Renee came out and she said, well, you envisioned everything. Cause I get every, I get free trips to Hawaii, to Colorado here, Oregon. Like it just like I can manifests,

but apparently I forgot to manifest money. Oh yeah. See, cause this is the thing, like money doesn't look like something to me, it looks like experiences. Right. So for me, it's figuring out how to look at that money and really joyfully receive. So I can joyfully receive. And it not even need to be about joyfully giving. Like,

like my guide said, you got the given part down, right? Yeah. So it's, it's finding that, that balance in there. I think I segue from our future self, but I think it's all wrapped in. And because this is my future self journey right now is the, is the abundance like coming through to where? And it's helped so much recentering with you and my guides when we meet,

because it's, I'm joyfully receiving, you know, it just, it resets me to that joy vibe, no matter what is going on. So as you guys gather coaches, guides, mentors, friends, circles of women like this, isn't a solitary journey, right? It's a, it's a journey of men and women that are coming to help you when you're open So much about our conversation yesterday is we all four of us are in completely different places.

And to even to learn so much about where other people are in their journey, then just ma it's like, oh yeah, that makes sense. I'm going to utilize. Yes. Yeah. Yup. And different perspectives bring you different things. And other people have different roles too, you know? So it's kind of fun. It's not kind of fun.

It's totally. So open yourself up to accepting, help on your path. I mean, that was one of my hardest things I think, because I had so much of this, I needed to do it all myself and don't worry, I don't need anybody. You know, I can, I can survive. I don't need a man. I don't need like anything.

Right. I make my own money. I do all the things. And I was so I don't need anybody that I, I in part had isolated part of that myself. Right. And then I ended up in isolation and in my, I call it my 300 pound Boulder misery. Right. Like when I had started to have my awakening and to no,

just get up, there's something more, just get up. And when I started to listen to that little voice that I hadn't, because I was never stolen enough to drive, drive drive. Yes. Yeah. It's also good. Isn't it? Yeah. Could go on forever. Well, also for talking about the basic laws of manifesting, what you're really doing is attracting as we know the energy to you in order to do that,

you have to become the energy. So you attract it. And so part of this, then this looking on Google, looking on Zillow, looking online for new wardrobe and clothing and you know, all that kind of stuff, your identifying what that vibe is, you're in that vibe while you're doing it. And then that just makes it so much easier to manifest.

This is to me is the easiest way to manifest is to have fun with it. Let myself dream is where we kind of started with all of this dreaming stuff, you know? Yeah. Well, and that's what I did before that I was doing the money game in April and I was like, I looked up, okay, I'm going to go stay in Hawaii for this time.

And I looked up where I was going to stay and oh, I want to have a house. And so you guys, I ended up, one of my friends was here and she called and she was like, oh, Hey, you know, we're going to the mainland. Why don't you come watch our house in Hawaii for a few weeks? And you can use our car and everything.

And I was like, all right, cool. So I looked back and all of these things like go into Colorado. Like I had bought these things in the money game. I, so I was in those high vibes and I felt so good. Like just what you're talking about, like dreaming on the Google, you know, dreaming with the, in making that time to do that each day.

The very first time I did a vision board, we're talking email three decades. I did it with a girlfriend. And that a year later after we did the vision board, she calls me up and she's like, freaking out like Renee, R E Brittany, we got to talk. I'm thinking, oh my God, somebody died. We're getting know.

She's like, I pulled out that old vision board. And on the vision board, there was a picture refrigerator. Cause she wanted a new refrigerator. But on the refrigerator, there were pictures of certain things. And one of them was it like a guy walking, a dog and some other things on the refrigerator. So when she had the exact refrigerator that was in there,

she didn't know because she had put the vision board away in the closet, but she had attracted a new relationship. Th the man looked exactly like the man on the picture in the refrigerator. And he had the same exact sweater. She's like really works. So same thing with the game. Yes, it does. Yeah. I know. I've had a vision border forever too.

And I like attributed my beach house in Hawaii that I lived at. Right. I just had a beach and I didn't even know, like I ended up marrying a Hawaiian man. I didn't even know him or like any of that, I didn't even really know where Hawaii was honestly. Like when I made the vision board, I'm like that I want to be where there's like water and Palm trees.

Right. So, and I look back at that vision board, I'm like, all of those things came true and I even had another child and like all of that. Yeah. And so they are powerful. And so when I look at mine right now and I'm like, okay, what, what parts of this? I'm ready to move on to another vision board.

But there's parts of my other vision board that aren't yet complete. You know? So it's like, it's like closing a chapter as a, moving into a new chapter and allowing things to change. And sometimes it's so uncomfortable in that, like in my body, in those, in those spaces, you know, like through that in between period, becoming the,

becoming the becoming until we're being Like growing pains, you know, where teenagers in our bones are growing and all that, it's tough. It's uncomfortable. It hurts. It's uncomfortable. So there, you know, it's not all roses and unicorns and rainbows here, but man it's worth it. Totally. And you know, that's what I like really like to make sure I share is that,

you know, I wake up, have a good portion of the time. Not like feeling like I'm going to light the world up, you know? And then I finished my morning routine and I'm like, all right, let's do this baby. You know? And it's like take, because I take that time to self reflect. I meditate. I do a little bit yoga,

get in nature. Like when I do all of those things and do my plan, it's like, and my plan, isn't just, I'm like writing down where I'm going. You know, I do like I jock hard and get spiritual influction from it. You do that. I loved it. That's like one of my favorite part. And I asked myself,

where am I gonna get Heartsing today? That's gonna make my Heartsing, you know, where I'm going to get joy. And then I do like a lot of self reflection. So by the time I'm out of that, I'm like, okay, I'm the, I feel so abundant already. Yeah. And then I'm ready to start my day. So,

And not only that you're setting your foundational energy for the day. The thing that we do first thing in the morning is so important for how our day goes. You know, we're just setting our, if you're getting up and you're no brakes racing to work, you're late, you'd be grabbing something unhealthy to eat, man. I don't know how your day.

I don't know. Yeah. Look, I spent a good portion of my life that way. It's funny because I teach, I have a course and I'm like, okay, here's my habit stack in 2017. It's it's, it's hilarious. It's like alarm snooze, alarm make coffee, like run out the door. Right? Like, hurry, hurry,

hurry. Everything was a hurry. And now it's like, it's like 20 things long and I take five and I've created my life so I can spend more time in the morning. And when I was at corporate America, I'd just get up at four because I loved so much, but it expanded one tiny little habit at a time. So, but I love to show that contrast because it also directly relates to my weight loss.

You know, I can look at every 30 pounds and tell you a habit that I added in caused me. Yeah, that's really good. And we do have to remember that. Hurry is a form of lack. So if you are hurrying in the morning, you were setting or energy and lack energy for the rest of the day. It's that lack that there's not enough time.

Time where yes. Yes. So even if that's the only thing you changed and you woke up 15 minutes earlier, or even said five minutes earlier on, we were talking about something else, just to take the hurry out of your morning, shifting your energy for the whole entire day, that small little change can have a major effect on your life. Well,

you know, the other small little change, most of America needs to make us not having their phones in their room. Like don't let your cell phone be the first thing in your mind. Like if that's the first thing in your mind, that one habit right there, you change that. Why don't you change the cell phone into a, Hm. Wonder what magic I could create in the world.

That's good. Five minutes. You could do it in bed, even. What would it look like if I was living my best life dare to dream. That's good. That's really good. I love it. Should we end there? I mean, how do you beat that? I don't know. super fun. Right? I get, I always love conversing with you and you know,

I know my podcast listeners are all about you. They know like you're in, I talk about you in almost every episode, you know, when Renee and my guide said, cause my podcast has become like a blog of sorts, right? Like it's kind of like, I'm sharing my journey with people as I'm going through. And as I'm meeting my mentors or picking up,

you know, tools, I'm learning because I'm so passionate about helping others because you never know what that one little thing might be to help make. The shift is so true. It might be a guy as a session with you and their spirit guides. It might be getting the cell phone out of their room. Exactly, exactly. And that ultimately will lead to a session with you in the spirit guides.

So one of the things that I love about you and your podcast is you're so high vibing it's sometimes I don't find that people often that are high in vibe and like me, you know, that can meet my energy there. So when I, same thing, when I listened to your podcast and, and a couple of others that I listened to, like,

you can feel your energy rise, you know? So yeah. I will put a link to the Heartsing podcast in the show notes. Also Addie's website is Namaslayer dot com. She has a really fantastic free introduction. We love things free. Thank you. Abundance theory, introduction to meditation. So I Highly recommend that. Yeah. And that's actually anyone's pathway in through the rest of what I teach is through that intro to meditation.

So, but you leave with a meditation, you can go and practice and we practice together and yeah. It's like my favorite thing, for sure. So yeah. Check it out. And if you're listening on my end on, if you, if you haven't already booked a session with Renee, I don't know what you're waiting for. And if you haven't been in my free intro class and you're listening to the Heartsing podcast again,

get on it. What are you waiting for? So I'll make sure Renee's information again is below and, you know, share, share with everybody you guys, because the more of us gather and create our future selves and raise the vibration and just focus on the positivity of the world in our own lives. You know, it manifests everywhere, right? Words of wisdom right there.

So what is come? All right. Thank you everybody for listening. We'll talk to you again. Next time. Slayer here again with a couple after show comments. I hope you enjoyed this special edition of the podcast. I would love, love, love to hear any feedback you have either in a review, or you can email me at Slayer at Namaslayer dot com.

If you have something really specific, you'd like to share with me requests of things you'd like to hear on the podcast or just where you are in your journey. I love to hear your stories and the more stories we share, the more we get from each other. So please jump in the Heartsing podcast. Community, come to a free intro to meditation.

If you haven't been to one already, even if you have come again, the more the merrier and I will look forward to seeing you meeting you in one day, hopefully see you in person as well. All right, until next week, my witches images