MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep #50: Holy Sh*t! It's all so EASY! Freedom, Soul and Spirit Guides

October 08, 2021 Slayer

Slayer said her soul highjacked this podcast, and you can feel it. What is that "something more" that we all say we are looking for? What is freedom and how do we get it? Spirit Guides? What are they?  Dive into this question and more as Slayer explores the path to goal and the benefits of living in uncertainty and her experience with these topics on her journey.  She also share the habits that help her get centered, to experience more joy in life and leave with some tools to help you get started, or amplify your journey. 

Heartsing Podcast Episodes mentioned here:
Game Changers (more about Magic Morning Pages)
Einstein Time "I AM Time" (take your power back from Time)

Books mentioned:
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
Sign up

Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you, but you don't know how to uncover it. The Heartsing podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host, Addie B AKA Slayer of Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams.

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self discovery, and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Welcome back to Heartsing podcast. Addie here, AKA Slayer of Namaslayer heads up, you guys, my soul hijacked the podcast today. I'm telling you that it's the truth. I started riding a fun, little witty number about my lessons learned on the road and the adventure RV,

AK the rig. And it took a dive into freedom of self and the spiritual law of detachment. I know it seems like quite a swerve, but ultimately today's podcast is about it all being so easy, whatever it is that seems not easy. It is. And we're just making it hard. So how do we get to this easy feeling like that?

Easy lax. And Monin you guys remember that song? I don't know how it goes. Any hell. I am working through this right now, myself. And as always, I like to share where I am in my journey as I'm going through it and learning, leaving you some practical action items that you can put in motion on your own journey. As you're seeking that something more,

we are all looking for in case that isn't juicy enough to get you to stick around for this one. We're also going to talk about spirit guides, habits, the spiritual law of success plans, and really run the gamut of all things that can possibly help you create the future self that you desire as always, my intention is to inspire you. Yes,

of course, to meditate, but also to dare, to dream, to step into this land of wonder and awe in question, what do you know what is really true? But first the scene setting, since I know a lot of you like to keep up with my travels on this adventure and do the do so here on the podcast, I figured I'd set the scene and of course you can check out the social channels for some pics.

I am at my October home having found the greatest little spot for the adventure RV to be hooked up for the month while I'm writing the book in this small fishing village on the coast of Oregon, I'm in a coffee shop right now, looking out over the river, watching fishing boats go as I go by, as I'm typing you and the sun is sparkling off the water in through the large windows that look out across this beautiful river,

over the wood or the table I'm at. And there's some umbrellas out here giving my view a very resort summertime feel here in fall in Oregon. And the coffee is fresh roasted, and it's just delightful on my way down here. As I was cruising down the Oregon coast highway, you know, wind blowing through my hair, see views around every bend,

my heart just like broke open and was singing. And I thought this feeling this freedom, I might even like, I'm sure I did a woo woo. Like one of those, right? And I even like twirled my arm around in the air. This is what I'm going to share with everyone this week, this feeling, but I didn't know how,

but I figured I'd just start typing out something about the RV and traveling. And of course the universe brought it full circle for me today. And this message is nothing like what I thought it would be, which oddly enough has also sort of the topic living in uncertainty. But I'll get there shortly after I traveled a few hours south, it was just me and the adventure RV.

And I had the destination, but I didn't really matter when, or even if I got there, I had planned it. So I could just enjoy this time. And so much of RV life can really be a hustle. If you don't have a plan that sound familiar, kind of like our lives. There was no one waiting to let me in.

And forest came to worse. Heck I could just pull over and sleep on the side of the road somewhere, right? This is the life I thought just singing a freedom, but why is it though? Why that feeling at that moment? It's not just because I'm an RV or because sometimes I'm RV and I sure don't feel free. Sometimes I get this feeling in the middle of being in a busy coffee shop as I'm writing or in a group of my sisters when I'm on a call or on a mountain in many other places.

So what is the common denominator and how do I get more of it? This feeling of pure being in the joy that surges from within this Heartsing where does it come from? Where the world just seems to come together for that moment in time, that stretch of highway or the beach or the yellow brick road that calls to you? Is it this freedom from fear of death?

Is that the ultimate freedom, right? Is it not to truly know that we're not material, but we're spiritual. Can, can you picture that freedom that you ultimately know that your body and self here in this form, don't really matter in the big scheme of the universe? Like we're playing a game and of course we matter, but if your soul doesn't die,

if the essence of your being is a terminal, can you see the freedom in that? I'm talking about that party view that when you're dead, they cut you open and they can't find where the Addie is in there and where they, that life force energy. It doesn't even weigh anything. It's just that energy. So this quest to know this energy,

my inner self at this level seemed ridiculous to me when I was younger, because I really never felt it. I learned this, but I didn't have the knowing, maybe some of it's aging and having mortality, Sarah, sit in the phase now. But what if this is the quest? That is something more, we all say at some point, there must be something more than this.

And if this is the quest. So after I started writing this, I had to take a break to lead my weekly meditation group. And we're working through the seven spiritual laws of success by Deepak Chopra. And today's lesson just happened to be lost six on detachment. Of course it was here's the opening to that lesson, check this out in detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty and the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past,

from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities. We surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe, that dance of the universe. You guys don't, you want to dance with the universe who's with me, can I get an amen Slayer? Let's dance?

Can we just have it fun? Let it be easy. This law shares with us that in order to acquire anything in this physical world, we have to relinquish our attachment to it. This doesn't mean we give up the intention or the desire. We still need goals and plans and all of that. However, learning to release the attachment of the outcome.

And the goals is where the magic lies. This has been my work for the better part of a year and a half on this journey. As I'm thrusting myself into the hands of the universe. When I sat out on my entrepreneurial RV adventure, having spent quite a while, building the runway and learning the lessons I needed to while still saying at my corporate job,

learning to love it there. But when it was time, there were no blocks. It was like a full on yes, yes, yes. From the universe where the first time I tried to leave for those of you that have been following along with my story, you know, there was like a lot of resistance the first time, just like the first time I went to write the book resistance,

resistance, and this time it was like, yes, yes, yes. Write the book from everywhere. So I love corporate America pretty much with the shirt on my back and this knowing inside of me that this is what I'm called to do. And lesson, I am not suggesting, this is what you do. And then someone wrote a review that it seemed like I was telling people to do this exact adventure.

And I'm not to be clear. This is my journey I'm sharing with you. And yours will be different in so many ways. I share my journey with you because the foundation of the uncertainty of it all and why that is a key ingredient in creating something new and magical in the uncertainty. We step away from our past conditioning when we can just learn to trust the path and not fight it,

that it's all turning out for our higher, good. There've been so many times on this journey that I have made it hard so many times still all the time times I get attached to the outcome instead of just creating, but I'm learning. And that's what it's about. How can we learn? I think what this journey is in so many ways is learning to let go to trust,

not only the universe, but ourselves and our bodies, some of us for the first time, in a very long time, before a society and all the rules started smashing our little soul's voice down, moving us into that box of what we're shown success is in taking us farther away from that voice inside that can guide us with the all-knowing. We follow the supposed path of success.

You guys know the one, right? And then when we get there or to some semblance of it, we have the house, the car, the kids, all the thing that is supposed to be we're a success in happy hour. Cause we're shown this over and over again. And media school guidance from parents and well-meaning loved ones. Teachers only sharing what they believe and know to be true.

We're not raised to question this what it, what is true or to ask our souls or what are we here to create? That seems though that's crazy, right? That's what is that crazy talk? We get all these things. And as we have this attachment to them, this fear of security of needing the 401ks and the money and the houses and retirement plans,

and we need more and more of this. So we have the security, the security of needing money and houses and retirement plans. What if this is driving us away from exploring the what ifs and creating more abundance, freedom and joy in our lives. Because we aren't living in fear. Fear of these things being taken away from us comes from restriction in not abundance.

And this is the work last six says this wealth consciousness is the ability to have anything you want. Anytime you want with the least effort to be grounded in this experience, you have to be grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty and this uncertainty, you will find the freedom to create anything you want. Wow. Right. And the uncertainty, you will find the freedom to create anything you want.

This is when I experienced the heart opening. Yes. In the moment in those spaces where I'm attached to nothing, when I'm just the experience are not concerned about an outcome. When I just create for the sake of creating, when I just write for the simple reason that I must write, I must put it on paper, get the words out and then carry on and let it go.

When I don't let it go, or I get caught up in the house or if you're going to like it or any of that, I make it hard. It doesn't hurt that. We're also not taught to listen to this navigation system that we're already equipped with. No. Right. We're in fact, we're taught to ignore this system that this is silly.

Women's intuition, right? Making it sound all lame. And that it's for the flighty and foolhardy. Yeah. That's where the magic sauce is in that intuition. That is what we're not supposed to listen to. Oh my gosh. Right. So instead we're told to what, sit in pews and be fearful of a vengeful God or not do this or that,

or go to hell or to not get bad grades. Cause you'll never amount to anything, all the things, depending on your upbringing, of course, it's going to vary for everybody. So instead we could be trained in hearing this voice in several ways, but that would make it too easy. Obviously in a journey, the journey would probably be there regardless.

But what I've learned so far is that we don't have to be brought to our knees in a ball of misery or a tragedy for knowing to occur as this awakening has happened. For many others, I've witnessed, I've seen it happen, not out of tragedy. And I'm seeing this freedom coming from this. So what happens, especially since it's so different for all of us and how do we start to hear the other us,

the observer, the one true self that really exists in of us. And we start to cast aside the doubts and we lean into trust her. And then we know, and then we are free and we can live in this land of uncertainty more and more. We release the attachment to these things that we think bring us security because we know we are already secure in our being.

And this is the thing that I think it's important that we listen to ourselves and know that we have that knowing for me, at least before I made a big leap, I think that was a big part of my journey. I had a sister asked me this week. If I see my guides, like my friend, Jenny Vestal does like visually, or if I just have Renee spear as my mentor channel.

And for me, and I told her from my perspective, I'm not so sure it's that simple, but there's so much, I don't know. And everyone's experience is different. So as with everything you hear on this podcast, take it for what it is my opinion from my experience. And as I worked on my new thought this morning, this is my new power habit.

The one habit I'm working on for the quarter and this to get into my habit stack and I add a new habit each quarter, that's going to move me toward a next higher version of myself. I don't intend to stop that practice at any point in my life either. I can't even tell you the amount of habits I've created. Well, actually I will.

I'll share those with you in a little bit. So as I'm working through this practicing, what I'll believe when I am this person living, the next version of me, I practice this thought, which is holy shit. It's also easy. Like I'm there already. I'm thinking in my head, oh my gosh, I can't believe how easy this is.

So at this bottom of this daily exercise, we do you write a note to yourself from your future self, after working through all my self doubts on this thought, as I do believe it to be true my head, but not yet in my body. So when, until it's a full body, yes, I write these thoughts out and I work through any lingering doubts in there.

I was writing in there about how we all have different experiences and there's no one way to this true understanding, I think. And so my future self wrote to me after I got through all those thought work, it said, Slayer, this right here, this work around trusting and believing in the laws of the universe is key on your journey to show others how to be,

keep sharing because it's coming in this switch will appear effortless and you must keep showing now. And then of course she said, great work, Slayer, XO, Namaslayer my future self. Right? So in retrospect, I would also add from my future self to trusting my body, the divine wisdom that is communicated through my body because this body has been my portal to understanding.

And I think it is to so many of us because we haven't been listening to it. Whether it's through food, booze, Netflix, reading, changing these habits to overcome what it is you do to cash out on feeling what your body is saying. It's in this that we can learn to hear and trust her again. And the stillness of course, but also in this awareness of mind of more conscious living.

And this leads us to this discovery that we are the one and we are all of them. So these guides to me, these are also the voice within me that has all this knowledge already. It's the future self that writes to me now, when I allow that to flow, those are my guides. It takes time to trust this process. I think for most of us,

I remember thinking people will think I'm crazy that I'm just making this up. I mean, I swear my pen is moving across the page. When I stepped away from caring though about what other people thought. And I allowed myself to dare to believe the magic started to happen. There was no mistaking, the guidance I've been given. And that has been leading me on this path to make my heart sing so crazy or not.

I listened to her and I actively watch for all my signs now, and there are many. And even when I hit a roadblock, I just know it's because there's something else in my path I am supposed to do. There is some other greater good. What is it? What is the lesson here? And I listened to her that one that knows where her true self is or what she is that is within her and her already.

These are my guides. It's the unity consciousness, right? Where the space where all the knowledge exists, that's accessed in these moments of open fluidity and Yas. I enjoy talking to Renee and my guides. It's fun to have confirmation from outside of me, what I already know inside. That's really kind of mind blowing to me. And while again, it's fun.

It also brings us into the field of uncertainty. And this is, as we know, is where we begin this dance with the universe. I don't, my guides are on some level of dance with the universe. I don't see images. When I chat with my guides. For me, it's experienced in my body and beyond my body and like an energy field.

I don't have a visual experience unless I think I'm having one or if I'm guided in a meditation, but they will right through me. And they're here with us today. So now I'm curious, it must ask Renee and Jenny, next time I see them what our spirit guides to them and are they different than their knowing their intuition, their voice, their,

I am inside. And I guess I would ask Renee too, when I see her about how, like she knows the different guides, right. Because I know we have access to everyone because we are all one. So that's just, that's interesting. So I won't get back with you on that information. So how about you? Have you gotten still enough to listen to that voice or have you heard it and you just chalk it up to your crazy?

What if you plunge into this field of uncertainty and dare to start the dance with the universe dare to see what doors just open or maybe you're increasing your dancing. I first had this awareness of knowing about my true self through my practice of meditation. It brought it on, I was on the mountain meditating and afterward just brought to my knees in gratitude of knowing.

I didn't know where I been or why I felt this relief almost this, yes, please. More of this and just this freedom. But I did. This happens to me frequently. Now when I'm practicing meditation or I'm on a mountain or somewhere out in nature, but it's through that practice of being still that I'm greater, more connected being in this place of wonder in being in awe and the feeling will start to come on.

Now, whenever I'm on the right path, I get this knowing in my body, when I'm speaking the truth from my soul, I get this feeling from within it spreads, warm through my body and explodes my heart and runs all the way to my fingertips. And that moment I it's clear. It's a right action. It's my body saying, yes,

this and I'm one with everything. It's with me. It's also clear I'm the ocean, the cloud, the sun, the stars, the ground, my feet knows no bounds. And the roots in the earth, I am her. This feeling is powerful and I can see how to exist in this feeling day in and day out can be glorious, but it also would take a lot of practice for my physical body to be able to have all this energy radiating through me,

having the experience was one thing, right? And then I went to seek more knowledge. I set out to find more of it and what I call Heartsing in many ways to five more of this vibration in my life and learn how to create it, which has led us here today. And many of the things had transpired since losing the 110 pounds, starting the business,

buying the RV and heading off into this life of uncertainty and leading this amazing group of women growing up in a very spiritual religion. I had some of the knowledge on a deep level about our spirituality, but I didn't have the experience of the body, this knowing what I didn't learn in religion and what I didn't learn in school, what was not taught to us was while a lot of things.

But one of the things, it was not how to close out the noise, how to truly be still in listen. Yes. That voice inside, but also our bodies. Why our bodies ignored? Why are they not the first thing we're taught about from emotional sexual mindful manner? Why is it all so secret? Like, Hey, Addie, here's how you feel an emotion that thought you had that has caused that feeling.

Can you see it? Let's look at your thoughts together. Not hide your thoughts and hide your emotions, right? Oh, good. You're angry. How does it feel in your body? Tell me about it. Can you imagine if we were brought up with that being our dialogue and then someone would say, oh, and let me teach you a way to be still.

This is really cool. And something we just do every day, we come and still in this to meet ourselves, not to bow to some deity or God outside yourself, but simply to meet yourself and to just be, you just be, it can just be easy. How about knowing our bodies on an intimate level about how they're communicating to us, that feeling it's coming from somewhere,

either a thought you're having some prior programming or just your intuition telling you it's right or wrong. How do you know what is, what I can tell you that I know when it's my intuition like? Yes, yes, yes. When it's my body saying, yes, I feel it all the way through, like I told you earlier through to my fingertips and it happened today as I was writing the podcast and often I'll sit down to write in a topical,

just roll off my tongue and onto the keyboard where I arrange it for you to hear in hopefully order. That makes sense later. Cause it usually doesn't today. As I started just writing to get out what I wanted to speak. It, it took a turn and again, a spiritual turn I wanted to go back. My ego self did wanted to go back to my original topic about RV life and just make it kind of fun and easy and light my body.

She wasn't having it. She was like, hell no, sister screech. The brakes were put on every time I tried to get back to a lesson I learned on the road, it was a full speed right on this topic. And I didn't even know what the topic was. I just said, okay, show me and let my fingers start going.

And then I had my group meditation scheduled rate is like in between. So I'd taken a break and I came back to finish this later. And of course the meditation was on this six spiritual law of detachment. Right. And of course there's the topic and answered my original question about freedom and this feeling. And I am in flow now so much so that I'm not even sure these are my words as I type them.

But I mean, of course they're my words, but I know I will keep them in, perform them for you tomorrow. And I will feel them in my body as I do now, but where they're really coming from, I don't really know. And the thought came into my head as I was typing that I don't even care if anyone likes it.

This is me. And this is a journey I'm meant to share. And I must put it out there that has the knowing and the releasing of their attachment to the outcome, creating for the sake of creating this. Of course, it's also the law of detachment writing because I love to write, I love to try and share all these connections that are firing off within me.

It's so exciting. And coming through me with this energy and I'm here to do this, but I do it to create. Now, when I see the thought, now that is wondering what people will think, how I just know that's a red flag. And most likely it means it really needs to be written or a smoke spoken that much more. I'm brought to tears by the way,

I'm sitting in this coffee shop just as I have dreamed my entire life writing, writing, writing, and it's easy. The words flow once I start. So what do you do that feels effortless once you get going and how has your, I am meant to be expressed in the world. How do you speak through what venue? I know I meant to write,

to speak, to inspire others, to find their creative center and support them doing so, but it comes in so many variety of ways. And I have to just keep trying and stepping into uncertainty until I get that all out. Yes. This, I also know to get to the space. I need to understand and do all of those things we talk about in the podcast,

all of the now and move things to the habit building. And most of all, the habits that love me here are what some of them, you may consider a woo, but they are essential to this feeling in me and in the me first guide group I brought through just now we spent two full weeks of our time together on habits and then more at our camp because without these habits,

you guys, I would still be back at corporate America, probably struggling with all the things, still awakening or not weight loss or not. I have become through my actions. I've increasingly acted from my intention with my goal in mind, but I have a long sense released a crazy idea that it'll look anything like I planned the bigger, longer term goal.

It is. It morphs as you go on their journey. And I like to stay nimble for whatever goodies the universe has put in my path, this path that is uncertain. So I can access this infinite field of possibilities has it's in the future that it's going to, if it's going to be different, it's not yet created one of the key habits in doing the vision work daily.

This is a check box in the guide because yes, we need to show the universe what we desire, right? We need to figure out what we even want. So I focus on this day every day and I plan to focus my intention. And then I act, and I let go of being concerned about the outcome of my actions. This action does a lot of things.

First of all, I make stepping into the uncertainty much easier because when you're an action, the fear doesn't exist. For example, with a vision, seeing myself at 1 62, knowing that it will happen because I will not stop and I'll get up each day and I'll make a plan. I'll probably eff up half of them, but that in my next lesson,

on the next 20 pounds waiting for me, the last 20 it's out there and guess where it is, it's in the uncertainty. Something I don't know or believe I'm not going back to what worked, I'm looking for that next nugget until I fully become her. So I'll keep seeking. I'll keep on with the vision making plans and doing these things that work so well.

But looking for this next nugget and not stop seeking and saying, I'm ready. Show me the freedom on the road in the RV. That is an experience that is also elusive to me without the habits, without the planning, meditation, yoga writing, without these things I do in this world to bring me to this place of freedom. I don't have that experience.

That is freedom. And it's because there's this uncertainty in my plans. It's built in there partially because of my lifestyle, but also because I've created it and I work at it. This has been my conundrum of what I've been working on for the past. Almost two years of a nomadic life, how to be, how to apply the law of least effort yielding to overcome.

Now, the law of least effort does not mean we lay around doing nothing or to vege out with Netflix, listening to spiritual books and it'll all come. It means doing less of the hustle and more of the things that put me first. And by me, I want it to be clear that I mean that I am inside of me. And some of that does involve being still and sitting around and doing nothing and just being,

but also this universe, this life force energy, the magic that awaits me each day to find, as I increase separations through all of these inputs coming at us, right? The email social media conversation shows books, all the things that I don't want to stop doing, but that I want to channel my inner self into so that I light this frigging world up with everything I've got each and every day.

So what does this look like for you, where you get centered, where you get to the space where you can yield to the universe, have you glimpsed it? Does it sound crazy? It would have to me a few years ago. And if you're there sister, hang in there, it's all possible. I promise you, let me share these habits and how I do it for myself,

but know that it didn't start all at once. This gradually built up over the years and those that I've been leading and watching, implementing these at rate, along beside me in the sisterhood and seeing the same benefits, but it starts small. And I want to share with you how I now tell my I am. She is important, my true self and how I help others do this.

I make time for her most days. And when I don't hope, boy, it's not half as magical. I don't dance with the universe. I'll tell you that. And your dance might look different than mine in many of us in the group have a variation of the dance. If you will. Here's what mine looks like in my Heartsing in full motion.

Morning looks like this. I wake up and I do a physical Assata yoga practice, a light one just to get limber and sit in meditation. And then I meditate for 35 minutes or so. And I include in there some pranayama, some breathing or shock rebalancing. Now I play with it as I play with my practice. And I like to try and make it fun.

When you start to see myself, get a little, you know, like mix it up, make it exciting for myself again. And then I had into the stillness. Then I write my magic morning pages and three pages every morning. I've had them since I started, this is going to be the premise of part of the book. And again, I play with my soul on the page this time where as Julia Cameron says,

I take her out for a walk and a cup of coffee. I just love that visual strolling out there with my soul and a cup of Joe. And usually while I'm doing this, I enjoy a cup of coffee myself. And I make my plan, which involves many avenues each morning that I do a little more self self-explanatory exploration, just little things.

I pull a card to reflect on and I ask myself how I'll get Heartsing this day. And it usually involves nature. Something like that. I'll look at what my mindset tools I'll need. I set up my habit stacks and now I practice my new thought and listen, my work plan is on a calendar. So those get things done. I put them there the week I had a time and I float into time into this plan.

This MEfirst guide is again about connecting with my inner voice. As I go through planning a wonderful intentional day in each of those different segments of my day, then nature. Hopefully if I was able to work that in my plan for the day I go outside and I walk and I just listen to the birds or get my feet in the earth, or maybe I listened to a book or a podcast I'm excited about.

I moved my body and it all gets connected together. This is currently what you'll hear me call my am habit stack, which, and I, this is the full stack when I get it all in and it started with none of this. The first habit I ever started with was meditation. It was like 20 minutes. And then I would get ready.

That was it. Now I can do all of that and an hour and a half if I need to, but I try to allow it to be and not look at my clock until I'm done most mornings. And now you're sitting there and say, and that's great for you Slayer, but I've got a job to get two things to do in your off gala van in your RV,

living the life part of that's true, but I did do this in corporate America. And there are plenty of people in the sisterhood that balanced this even much more than I do. And listen to the Einstein time on episode on how to create time. It takes a lot of trust and curiosity, but it can change everything in an instant start just by watching.

When you say you don't have time for that, watch any restriction around time and start to reward it, that you are not creating time for that take ownership of it. Don't give your power away, especially to something that doesn't even exist. Like time, make time for her, for you to get still with you and listen to what your inner I am has to say.

All right. That was a little squirrel in Einstein time. But you know, I love to talk about some Einstein time and I'm in flow and it's what you needed to hear this week. Apparently. So take it up with my soul. If you have any issue, how did I get all the way here from starting to tell you about my RV life?

Well, it looks to the world like RVU is this total life of freedom and adventure. And while it's true, in many ways, it has been my experience. That feeling of freedom comes also with having had a plan planning and the vision, the intention, all of it is key. And Depok tells us that in the law to attachment to that,

we don't give up on our desires. We don't give up on trying to live with intention, but we know that there's a field of infinite possibilities between the now in your vision. And in my experience, I create more time to live in this uncertainty of this unplanned joyous space that has these infinite possibilities. If I have a plan, sounds crazy, right?

It sounds like the opposite of what would happen, but even my spot nudity, like I described, when I driving down the coast where I stopped at will and just enjoyed it was planned in some manner, but not the places I stopped, but I had intentionally created the time to adventure and throw myself into this field of uncertainty and look for opportunities for fun and growth.

I had my day set to travel and adventure. I put my feet in the ocean. I stopped at a darling little farm and met amazing people and bought some local groceries and wandered through their cute little garden. I listened to podcasts at times and others, I just thought in absorbed the beauty around me. And again, don't tell yourself you can't create time to do things for just you or that something your life isn't making it possible.

Look at that for what it is and excuse, throw an excuse out the window and sit down and plan an artist's state for yourself or do one of these other things. I'm going to talk about to shake it up and wake it up. Sister, let's do this. Let's live in more uncertainty. You've made it this far in this episode, which means you're either already questioning what you know to be true.

You're on your path. You're already all the way in either way, grab a hold of some of these tools and put them to use or level up your practice in some way, if you, if you don't have one, so meditation, of course, it's going to be the first step, but seriously, this is access to that field of infinite possibilities.

And in that stillness, you do so many things. And that's one of them. If you're someone that thinks you can't meditate because you have too many thoughts, welcome to the club. Most everybody thinks that. And you've probably heard me say it a million times, but thoughts are natural. I was listening to Michael Beckwith this past weekend and he said a little nugget.

I wanted to share with you on meditation. He talked about thoughts being like your dirty clothes in the washing machine. As you, as the agitator is going around is kicking all that dirt up and you're getting more and more dirt out, but you don't want to stop the agitator because you want to get that dirt out and get your clothes clean. That's what meditation's like for your brain is just getting those thoughts out.

It's clearing it out and you don't want to stop it before it gets to the part where it's like agitating and rinsing. You don't want to stop before the rinse cycle. So you keep meditating. You keep meditating and you keep practicing your mantra. However, you're practicing your meditation. If you need to learn, join one of my free intro to meditation groups.

Who've got some coming up, check out the website of the calendar. I'll put the link below. I love, love, love to see you and teach you. So artists dates. This is another really cool way to live in uncertainty, right? Julia Cameron, my creativity hero. She talks about this, taking yourself out and what's called an artist, state,

the Stokes, your fire of creativity, but you know what else puts us in that field? The artist's date takes you somewhere. You can just be that you can experience being you. It could be anything from like a trip to a craft store or browsing to like looking for a new project or solo kayaking adventure. The rule is it's just you on this date,

you just are. You're just going to be, there is no phones, no interference with anything. You just go and be and see what it shakes up for you. The other couple of things I want to mention of writing, oh man, the power of those magic morning pages. I tell you, I did an episode called game chamber chairs on this podcast that has more about the morning pages in it.

Again, I'll, I'll put that in the show notes to link, but to get in touch with your soul each morning and to access this space right and had into this field of uncertainty with having touched your, your inner I am a little bit is really powerful. And of course, nature being intentional with your time, getting out in nature, doing a solo hiker,

being out in the, just you and mother earth, a whole range of things you can experience just being in nature. Next time you're out for a walk, leave the headphones home and turn off your phone. See what comes up in this field. And of course, practice releasing the outcome. Create for the sake of creating. We become the person that meditates,

right? We are the person that writes. We are the painter, the paint paints, the painter, the painter paints, the paint, the words create themselves through this opening, allowing and practicing this. We just create for their pure joy of creating start trying new things or do things you no longer do use to love to do and just do for the fun of it.

Open your creativity. If you're a creator already, are you always asking yourself what others will think about your creations or what your audience desires? If you hear that look for the red flag, try just speaking from your truth, allowing it to be, allow it from your I am and see how many people say, Hey, I like you're crazy. I hope I put this flow from my soul in a format today.

That makes enough sense to help you take some action on it is always important for me to give you a few action items. And I know it's kind of untangible things. We talk about living in uncertainty in the field of these infinite possibilities and all this jazz, but here's the bottom line, right? Dream, start to ask what we desire. What do I want?

We create a vision. We set some goals with intention and then we let it go. And we let the universe work, its magic and open those doors. And we watch from, and yet we take action and we work on the small day-to-day habits that create our future self and build that future vision. Give it a try. Me. What do you have to lose?

Just think about what you may gain. The possibilities are limitless. See what I did there. Thank you for listening to my crazy. And if you feel so called, please leave a review. Tell all your friends, if you didn't like my crazy, don't worry about it. It's all good. Now go forth and create with detachment. You bad-ass,

which is in benches. Don't be censoring yourself in any way, shape or form. Put your magic into the world like your voice speed. And until next week