MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep #62: Pump it Up Vision and Goal Mindset


Are you READY?! It's time to dream big and step into the unknown with Slayer this year! We are chartering a course for another new version of YOU. What will it look like? What will YOU look like? How will you take ownership and create a life you haven't even yet to imagine? Should you perhaps imagine it first? Join Slayer as she continues her quest and shares the process from the start in this end of year preparation to build a foundation for goals ahead.
Start the process this week with building your vision--dream it, see it, write it out, speak it. Dream BEYOND big, no restrictions. Then we work on goals...

See HOW to Dream Big HERE:
How to Dream BIG with Slayer

Mentioned in this Episode:
Jon Acuff: How to create fail-proof New Year's Goals

VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
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Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you, but you don't know how to uncover it. The Heartsing podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host, Addie B AKA Slayer of Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams.

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self discovery, and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Everybody Addy be here, AKA Slayer of Namaslayer. And I have been having the best time with my little one here from Hawaii and her sister here, we, the three of us have just been hanging out. We've been roller skating,

roller blading. I taught the youngest how to play some cards, did a little card, shark training and some shopping movies, all the things it's like pack every mom adventure you could into two weeks. And I have done my best to do it. In fact, we are getting ready to take off to the north pole. Yes, that's right. We are going on the polar express here in Northern Arizona,

just the three of us in our jammies on a train sipping hot cocoa. And this will be the end of our little holiday adventure together and brings us into the new year. The little one flies back to Hawaii on Friday, which is new year's Eve. I have planned for myself a little bit of downtime for that day, and then getting ready to slay 20, 22.

And I bet you guys are all feeling the energy too. Last week. I talked about kind of my year in review and looking for those wins lessons, gratitudes. And I had picked my word of the year and talked about that. And then I had a big synchronicity with that just this morning. I wanted to share with you. I was listening to the astrology hill forecast on Renee's podcast for 2022.

And of course the astrologer said that if there was a word to describe this year upcoming, it would be surrender. I'm like, you just can't make this stuff up. You just can't even write this stuff. You know, I've had that word picked for, well over a month. Now I had heard it on Michael Beckwith's life visioning, where he describes surrender as a yielding to excellence.

And I'm like, hi, just love that. And you've probably heard me ramble on about it and that I have decided is my year for the year. And apparently the stars and moons agree completely. So I'm interested to hear your word to please share around, share with me, share with your friends. I want to hear your intention for the year.

It's always great to set an intention. And as I've shared before, I like to take this to a minute in the moment level. Now, Abraham Hicks teaches about this as segment intention, where we are making an intention in the moment before it even happens before you even get on a phone call, what is the outcome you want out of that phone call,

taking it down to that level. And it's easier to start on a larger level and then you just get better and better as time goes, as you learn to set intentions and think ahead of time, how you want it to show up in, come into fruition. That will be a lot about what today's podcast is going to be about. And as always as promised in the intro to the Heartsing podcast,

I am turning over all the stones on my health quest and I continue to do so. And I'm seeking that something more inside of me, that magic light that's in there and how to get more and more of it, how to get more Heartsing and live in that space each and every day and sharing everything I'm learning as I go taking you on this ride with me,

the ups and downs, the joys, the heartbreaks, all of it. So thank you all for being along with me. And I am stoked to share with you today about what I've planned for this year on the podcast and with my spiritual weight loss journey. I am starting to feel that fire ignite in my gut again, and I love, love,

love this energy, because I know it can help light other fires, just like you can too. It's contagious. Our energy is contagious, and I love to be a radiator or one who is in your world and leave you with more energy than you came with. And hopefully not a drain where I would suck that energy from you. So this is an intention I set all the time I want to radiate.

And I also know that I can not fake or force this fire or this radiance that I need to be in alignment to do this and that I will have these spaces where I go through these lovely dark nights of the soul moments, the heartbreaks, the metamorphosis to get to my fire and my bloom. And I want to be sure to show you that as well and know that you're not alone when you're in the mud and to remind us that there's no Lotus without the mud.

It all comes from that process of transformation. But come on you guys, this, I know here, even if we're feeling some mud, how exciting is a new year? It's like this fresh bill, right? I love the new year. I always have a difference now is that I carry my new year process through the year and I actually execute.

And part of my plan with the pro podcasts this year is to show you how I do this with my goal setting and planning. And I've decided to start off each podcast this year with an update on my weight loss goal pro progress, and perhaps even drop in some midweek updates as things happen as like I started doing this journey, doing Facebook lives and showing everybody how I was doing it as I was losing the 110 pounds.

And I want these last 30 to be that way. And not only is this my accountability, because you know, that's how I do. But also it is commitment of the highest order to myself, to my highest self. To me saying, this is the year. This is the time. This is the time I rise. And I step into this final phase of becoming this version of me,

where I live in more and more alignment, body, mind, and soul. And I'm going to share next week and kick it off because we're planning in the sisterhood the week of the ninth. So I'm using the new moon energy from January 2nd, to help with the momentum of vision, which we're going to talk about on the podcast this week, because vision is so key.

It's everything. Every day when I do my assessment and I write to myself, what more could I do to level up? What could I do to get even better? It's every day I write to myself, work on my vision. I just think it's so important to really have a vision, that future, where you see yourself and yet you release and let it go.

And you live in the moment with your plans in the house, but you have this vision in this direction of where you want to go, that you feel and see in your body, mind, heart and soul. So next week I will start with my way in and my 90 day weight loss goals. I drive toward this impossible weight loss goal of 1 62,

that we're still on this warpath to, right? And I am not, I haven't been in a rush if you will, right? This has been a three, four year process for me, and I know how to lose weight and I could get to 1 62 in a heartbeat. And you say, well, why aren't you just doing that Slayer? Well,

I'm going to do that. And I'm going to show you, I've got the fire lit. And part of this for me has been this process of understanding how I've been becoming on each segment of this journey on each new habit I've added on each 20 pounds. I've lost each size. I've gone down how much more and more in alignment with my soul,

with my heart. I've become. And so I want to show you on this final, last leg and each week, I'm going to update you with this progress. Am I wait for the week, the data and more details about the weight loss goal itself and what I'm doing specifically with house. Now, if you are here for the Wu, for the internal aspect of this,

for the spirituality, for that dive inside that something more rest assured it's all tied in together and my why for doing that was all woo. And when I started, I just wanted to look hot in my jeans. And my reason now is that alignment so I can surrender. So the light can shine through me so I can create from that light space.

And I know that I do this when I'm healthy and when I'm in alignment and the weight, the number that's just data for me to gauge getting to that light where I am living in radiants bacon, Noma steak. When I am that person existing at 1 62, I won't be from some quick pill that I got there. It will be me radiating on a level we have yet seen me to radiate on.

And I see this happen with each new part in each new me. I build along this journey. And so this is the quest for that for allowing this surrender. And I'm going to be using a lot of the same mindset tools that I have used along this journey, but a huge focus on my spiritual journey and routine, which has also about my body as this portal and note.

Also, if your a reason is to look hot in your genes, that's a damn good reason. Don't be ashamed of your reason you guys, whatever it is that reason took 60 pounds off my body. It's important to be real with yourself about your reason it's key. And for me, I see these things all tie in together. My word of the year,

my reasons, my why's, my vision, how it can feel it in my body and the why must drive you. And you must feel it like literally be able to close your eyes and you can start to see yourself living in this future place, because you're going to create from that vibration and really be able to see it and start to identify with becoming that next version of you.

And then you start to actually do the habits and put them into place in the plans and all those other things we talk about here on the podcast, more details. I'm going to share with you this week on next week's podcast from this week. So just know as we kick off the new year, we're going to navigate this goal together. And I'm going to use the data to share with you as it unfolds.

And this will be the number on the scale, my Viome gut health test and whatever else I might assign the number to the cold, hard facts. And I hope you will follow up with me and work on your own goal too. And we're going to achieve this altogether as we do in this sisterhood, I'll be reporting it on the social media challenge channels too.

So stay tuned. Look in the show notes, look for a link when to get in the next opening of this sisterhood, join the Facebook community and start to put your stake in the ground. And let's take some action on these goals together in creating the future. We desire and back to this dreaming, okay? To this new year dreaming. Now that I know more about how to really create dream plan and manifest,

I get really excited. I get excited quarter. You guys, it's like a kid on Christmas morning, right? You get that new planner. And you're like, oh my gosh, what are all the things I can do? And I do the goal storming and the planning. And, but let's be real. The new year is special, right?

We have this renewed energy, the sense of optimism. This this'll be my year. We say, I can feel it. I'm going to make all the plans and do all the things. Are you with me so far? Maybe not, but maybe you're in that. I've just given up bucket. It's okay. My friend, if you're there, we've all been there to wherever you are on that spectrum.

You are not alone. If you're all like, yes, let's do this new year. You're like, Ugh. I just, I just can't either way. This process is going to help you get out of that space and into action. What we're going to be working through this for the next month into making life happen. Not letting it happen to you.

I was listening to John podcast and goals in I'll link it below. He gives behind the scenes like I do, and I love it. You guys, I love it. When people share with me how they're doing things, it gives me ideas and inspiration, which is why I do the podcast the way I do it. So you can see me navigating it.

Like how's it really being implemented in life. And Ackoff said he tweeted a poll, asking how many people do new year's resolutions. To me, this are the same as goal setting, right? I expected this number to be high, which so did he apparently. And he said only 20% of the respondents said they even do them. That they even bother with new year's goals.

You guys that's crazy, right? If you're on the 80% that doesn't even write goals down, I get it. Maybe after 30 years of doing and feeling each year, you're just like, forget it. I'm done with that. But we can change this writing dreams and goals down, puts them into motion. Even if you don't achieve all the things.

Even if all you do is write them down one time, it's better than no times. Just like one dip and meditation is better than no depths. You have one vote into the universe that you want these things. If you're writing them down, if you're not doing this is just perfectionism setting in anyhow, right? It's our fear of failure. Stats are out there.

You're anywhere, depending on where you read, what stat you go to anywhere from 33 to 50% more likely to achieve your goals. If you write them down, I would love a stat. How about you guys? Like a stat on just our progress on the goals. I want to see a study on that think, where are they about? Like,

maybe we didn't achieve the whole goal, but we made good progress on a goal and it wouldn't even have happen. Had we not written it down? Right. So often we just don't reach that goal. And we're like, oh, see, I just failed again. I just can't do it well. So what you may progress. When, when,

when, and again, this is your path at shore course. And in my experience, it's fluid. We have to be nimble and ready to shift as our worlds do as our business develops or your health does, or relationships, jobs change unexpectedly. These can affect how we approach our goal, how we approach our habits. So it's best to be ready for change,

but also be aware when it's our monkey brains wanting us to give up because a goal is getting a hard because our brain is trained to want the quick, fast rewards, right? To know the difference between, Hey, this isn't my path. And that's my brain just getting in their way. Learning the balance of that is a game in itself and when to truly trust.

And when it's coming from your heart and your intuition, and when it's just your monkey brain, trying to get quick rewards, that is something we can look at and practice and watch once we have goals or in down, once we have intention sentence set without it, we can't manage the mind. So just be aware, you cannot know the entire path and really what fun would that be?

But we can take action. We can start to put into motion, live in the now with this big vision of a future and take action. Now that will start to create that path for us and start to guide us on that path and start to change fundamentally who we are, which is how we transform. So as at cuffed schools, us, right?

Give yourself permission to not achieve all the goals in the world. Yep. Allow the failure, accept it as part of the process, just like we talked about last week, when we looked over the past year and when we look for the wins lessons, all of that among the failure, and there will be failure. If you are dreaming big daring to live a different life than you've been before,

you have to find your way, you don't yet know how to do it. You don't have the confidence of something you've done over and over again. So am I sad? I plan to lose way because I didn't reach my ultimate weight loss goal of 1 62. And I only lost 15 pounds this year. Hell no, I lost 15 more pounds. Right?

Taken me over that hundred mark over 110 pounds. I'm pretty happy with that. All right. Would I still be happy if I didn't lose any weight? Yeah, because I would have found something I learned and I learned from this, am I sad? I didn't finish writing my book, which was a big goal this year. And I made it a priority goal in Q4.

No, I am not sad. I started writing a book. You guys, I know so much more about what I need to do to actually write one. This lifelong dream is on the table and will get accomplished. I'm so much closer than I was before I wrote that goal down and started the process. So you're headed off into unchartered territory here.

Your course is going to be different from anyone else's because you are different. You get to dream and create whatever you want. And we're gearing up here to create this life. We haven't even imagined yet. And we know we haven't because it hasn't happened yet. You can create anything you desire. And so if you're starting to understand this truth in your life,

that you're taking ownership of this and you see your creative power, as you start to understand this, you can start to really affect the change in your life. Once we step away from that victim mentality, this has that mindset, that life is happening to us. And what does that look like for me? This was the Apollo of misery best shows us,

right? My 300 Ballout Pambula misery pack when it was all poor me. Although I didn't think I was thinking that I don't think people would've thought I came off that way or that I was feeling sorry for myself, for being a victim. You know, I was putting the smile on, I was going about doing all the things. And had you told me that I was being a victim?

I would've said like just told you you're an unkind fool to not see what was happening in my life. And how's a rockstar for managing it. I mean, come on, my mom was dying at a new, stressful career position that I was despising more and more on blaming for all my stress, by the way. And my youngest child was across the ocean and here I was like rocking it.

Right. I was doing all the things. I just couldn't do all the things. Right. I tell myself I couldn't handle it. Look what my life's come to here. I'm 46, all loan in stock. I mean, I have to work. I can't go back to Hawaii because my physical body hates it. My mom's dying here. I have my job here.

Now, all the things were happening. And I was just caught in that cycle that I felt like I couldn't get out of that. It was me just being trapped in this life that was going on around me. And I didn't feel like I could even affect it anymore. And that's when I heard that little voice that told me to get up and then I got up and I started creating it.

Wasn't right away. That's for sure. What are you telling yourself? What is it you're not taking ownership of in your life? Can you own it? So you can take action on it. It's like I owned the wine winch, not serving me if a few weeks ago, right. Take an ownership of it. So none of the situations changed when I started to rise right back when I,

as in the ball of misery, what changed though was how I dealt with stress, how I became the observer of myself, how I learned to create my life and not take the blows and the rewards, but to really create it too often, you know, doing so much less than I ever had working less than reaping more. That is so true.

I learned to meditate and I saw how it could see my thoughts. I finally understood I wasn't this ego. And then I started to learn how to manage my thoughts to life coaching. And I learned about my emotions and in the process, got really good at using my dreaming skills and planning and boom. I'm taking the same situation and creating the life of my dreams from that same situation,

all from shifting my perspective and owning my experience here on this planet, in this body. So how can you shift your perspective and create friggin magic this year? I, and I talk about this right now about this victim mentality, not to bring you down on our puppet up for the new year episode, but because if you're there, start now own it.

What in your life are you blaming for whatever circumstance you don't want, for whatever reason you think you're overweight or not pretty or not successful or not financially well off, what are you blaming for it? Write it down. Start with taking control of the creation of it so that your dreams and goals won't go to waste because you're still letting life happen to you and not creating life taken ownership of everything.

Yes, all the crap you created it. Stop BS in yourself and you can affect change in your life. Get out of your own way. I say this to myself all the time, get out of your own way. Slayer. It's always me in my own way, nobody else. And that is for all of you that need a little nudge to get up and make some goals and resolutions and take ownership at all.

Don't just listen, get that pen and paper out. And whether you are not feeling well, you have a broken heart. You're in mountains of debt, whatever the case is accepted, as it is, don't fight it. Don't judge it, accept it and create new don't dwell on the negative. What was me start to dream about what is possible.

For example, I started to not dwell on my mom being sick. I dwelt on the joy and love we had in those moments of what else I could create. How could show up as a better version of me and finally understand by putting me first, I could glorify her even more. I focused on how it could be the best mom from across the ocean for my child.

I didn't focus on the fact there was an ocean between us. I accepted the ocean, except the ocean, my friends, I, I accepted my job was going to be stressful, but that I could do it. And I was going to learn how to do it with joy and love because I made the decision. I was going to do it,

accept it and move on. All of these changes from accepting the now and asking what if, what if I can't change that thing? Or I don't want to change that thing. I chose not to leave my job I could have, but I said, you know what? This is the best way for me to get where I want to go. So how can I make it the most enjoyable experience ever?

How can I live in more love? How can I apply all these mind tool, these heart tools to this job that I think is causing all of it. So accepting the now and asking, what if, what could you possibly create this year and do not let your cert current circumstances color what you could create. This is where we restrict ourselves, right?

And I have to say, I think this is one of the things I do really well. And maybe I should rename myself as a dream coach, how to get out of your own way and dream beyond what you think is possible. What could you possibly create this year? That just gets me pumped saying that I know I have not even scratched the surface of dreaming really big.

And I think I dream big enough that most people may call me crazy. And if they don't, then I'm not, I'm definitely not dreaming big enough. So let's do this right. Great. Now, before we plan, before you get goals down, dream together, get some dreaming done. This is how the RV started. I thought it was nuts.

I was like, huh? How could be the coolest mom ever, how I could go around and do workshops and see all my sisters that I was meeting across the country, cook an RV, and then I could work on the road and we could see America. How fun would that be? Didn't really think I would do it. You guys, I thought that was nuts.

Who can do that? Who can leave their job and get an RV and travel the country and start a business. That's just crazy. And here we said, so what's that next level of nuts? Yeah. Just drummed with you guys in a podcast, not too long ago. And you guys, I do this all the time. I make time to think all the time.

Now, do you, do you make time to dream and think how big and crazy can you get? That's the homework for this week. Just get big and crazy with your dreams. And that is what we do before we even get to the goal. We want that vision. The seeing the dream you dare to think is not even possible. And we start to work on the plans to work us toward that vision.

One baby step at a time. But first you got to have that dream. You want to know where you're directing your compass and why something that really lights your fire. Dare you, let yourself go there. Dare you dream and include all aspects in this vision. Just like we would for goal setting your career path, your personal life, relationships, spiritual goals,

health, and wellness. What is your body look like while you move through all of this? What those things that body is doing? This is what really comes down into my transformations because I see myself when I'm this svelte 1 62, gorgeous knock out 50 year old powerhouse of a woman, right? Which I already am right. Or is still on the move baby.

But I can see her with her gorgeous gray hair and her body that is just so strong and nimble and all those, like I just move with the grace, like a feline grace, almost from all of the yoga. My limbs just feel powerful and stretched my hips. Don't ache. I get massages regularly. I hike. I have sun on my face.

I enjoy being, I get up in our right. I take time to think and reflect. And I coach people and help people. And I light up the world with my thoughts and my voice and what I'm learning, what I'm sharing, what I'm getting to put out there, but how can it get even bigger? How can I grow it even bigger?

How does that expand to all the people I touch and how can I see it expanding throughout the world. As I had into creating a vision this week, I invite you to do this with me. And next week, I'm going to talk about this vision about my goals, about the goals for this year upcoming. And we're going to lay it all out here,

right here on this podcast. And I am going to do it live with you. And I want you to do it with me, whatever your goals are and make no mistake. There's going to be plenty of time for dive in on the spiritual side, because that is, to me, what this whole process is about. Each time I peel back a layer on a goal,

I moving toward, I uncover another layer inside of me. I get closer to that heart space. And if you tuned in last week, you know, I was moving out of my, I moved out of this kind of heartbreak that was sin, you know, into action as I'm wanting to do, you know, I like, I like to be an action,

but I decided to keep a dedicated IMI emotions too. And I have Bernie Brown's book, Atlas of the heart queued up and ready for reading over the new year. So I'm sure you're going to be hearing more about that too. My emotional state is I'm really focusing this year on how to communicate my emotions more with myself and all of you and helping us all put a language to it.

Like when I named something like the wine winch, it makes it objective, right? It helps me separate myself from it. Not because I'm not that because I'm not that emotion rather that it's that feeling in my body, right? Just like, I'm not that urge to eat drink. I'm none of these things. I am me. I am the,

I am, I am this light force energy. I'm not these things. And it helps take the seriousness out of it because God forbid let's not forget to have some fun. So you guys, I want you to close your eyes and I want you to picture yourself a year from now. You have everything you've ever desired. All your dreams have come true and make them bigger than you could ever imagine.

Like if someone said you can just dream, however you want to dream. There's no restrictions. Don't even put people in the dream. Don't allow yourself to be restricted by anything. And you're just peaceful and content you trust yourself in the universe. Your search for meaning is complete and you feel confident about your future. So what does your life look like?

Take some time here. What are your relationships look like? How's your health? What are you doing for fun? How's your family? What about money? What's your bank account? Look like. Don't be like me and forget to manifest the money. Bernay told me, like, I get all the stuff. I get trips everywhere. And I always have something to like,

yeah, you might've just forgot to, you know, manifest the money. I'm like, oh yeah, that thing right now go five years into the future. What do those relationships look like? Do you have new ones? How about your health? What about fun? Family finances. And what about spiritual growth? You guys, and what do you want to learn?

We have to learn so often we hit the stage in life. When we stop a learning and that like, are we our gross seeking beings? Your being does not like to not learn. So if you don't plan new learning each week, if you are not reading a book or trying a class or looking for something new, maybe working on an everyday adventure list,

all of these things are learning. Learning. Doesn't have to be, you're sitting in a classroom, try something new. That's learning, change the way you work on building a vision or a goal. All these sayings. I can't wait to share more with you guys upcoming this year is I am slaying. Whatever I weigh in this Sunday, I weigh in on Sundays.

So I'm weighing in, I invite you to join me. And by next week I'll be doing my annual and long-term and short-term plans with the sisterhood, the weekend of the ninth. But by the podcast, I will have more information about the goal and going forward and how I am going to set it and monitor it and share with all of you, how I'm going through this process,

the ups and downs and the nitty gritty of getting the final 30 off. You know, it's been a long haul and who am I going to become in the process? And I'm telling you, I am going to be this light being radiant light. I might even be levitating over the grand canyon by the time I get there. Oh, who are we kidding?

That's gonna, that's at least the ten-year plan, but you know, it's on the agenda. All right. My fabulous, which is in bitches. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode of the Heartsing podcast. And please invite a friend who you think needs to be on this journey with me in this new year. And let's slay it together. Let's build these goals and dreams and visions together.

So don't forget your homework for this week to really see yourself in the future. I want to know what your body looks like, what your bank account looks like. What does your business look like? How about your family, your relationships, your health, what in your wildest dreams does it look like in dare you dream, even bigger than you ever thought was possible.

I'll be back with more next week until then my witch's indigenous Slayer out.