Murder at Ryan's Run
Murder At Ryan's exposes the darkest, deepest secrets that lay just beneath the surface of The Move Organization's public perception. Within the groups ranks, members endured unspeakable abuse, victims of a cultic system created by leader Vincent Leaphart in 1972. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date story of MOVE told by the people who lived and survived it - ex-members known as AFRICAS and others with first hand accounts of bizarre beliefs, abuse, terror campaigns, violence, destruction, millions of dollars and the loss of more than a dozen lives including 7 children. FBI documents, internal cult communications, obtained audio tapes and photos on social media.
*This is a serialized podcast and Season 1 is produced with real time reporting coordinated with the cult escape of a young mother and her 5 children.
Warning: graphic discussion of violence, death, domestic abuse, child neglect and abuse. Please take care while listening.
If you have any information relevant to investigation please email: murderatryansrun@gmail.com or message us on social media. Hosted, reported, written, edited and Executive Produced by Beth McNamara. *All individuals referenced in this series are presumed innocent unless and until they are proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
Murder at Ryan's Run
Latest Episodes
MOVE loves Philly cheese steaks and not answering our questions about missing children.

Shaeida: the little girl who was disappeared in MOVE.


All About Ria, the other White "Africa"
Mumia Abu Jamal and the MOVE Minister of Confrontation, Pam Africa