Easier Movement, Happier Horses

Improve Your Movement by Changing How You Initiate It

• Mary Debono • Season 1 • Episode 39

Did you know that you can improve your movement simply by changing the very beginning of a movement? You can develop better body awareness and improve your coordination simply by pausing and changing the very BEGINNING of a movement. 

This applies to any movement that you do, including riding, leading your horse, taking hold of your steering wheel, walking or any other movement you do.  

This is a fun exercise that has applications to your horse was well. In fact, I teach students in my online group coaching program how to help their HORSES change how they initiate movement.  (That program is called Move with Your Horse. Click here to get on the wait list. There's  no obligation.)

Listen to this podcast episode to learn WHY changing how you initiate movement is a key element in being able to improve your movement. And get some tips on how to pout it into practice!

💥Want to get expert coaching on putting this into practice?💥

Go to https://www.marydebono.com/joinhorse to join the waitlist for our online group coaching program, Move with Your Horse.

Be among the first to know when we open our doors again. And qualify for valuable bonuses!

FREE resources:

Easily improve your movement and position in our FREE rider masterclass.
Feldenkrais® for Riders videos: https://www.marydebono.com/rider

Podcast show notes for this episode: https://www.marydebono.com/blog/h39

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