On The Hard Days
If you're raising an out-of-the-box kid, you've likely struggled with doubt, guilt, and shame in your motherhood. "Am I crazy?" you've likely wondered. "What am I doing wrong?" You've probably never met another mother raising a neurodiverse child like yours, and truth be told, your mental health has suffered. Host Megan Champion gets it and has a mission to bring connection and support to mothers raising neurodiverse children. Each week, a brave and vulnerable mom shares her story to the world, in the hopes of helping listeners feel seen, heard, and validated. Whether your child has a diagnosis or not, if you feel lonely in your motherhood journey, On The Hard Days is for you. Follow Megan @on.the.hard.days on Instagram for personalized messages of hope and support (DMs are ALWAYS open!). Then subscribe to On The Hard Days and share the show with other moms in the trenches. No one knows our kids better than we do, and we are MEANT to be their mothers!
202 episodes
Ep.202 Mom Chantelle Stieghan on Facing Motherhood Struggles With Humor & Rolling With the (Literal) Punches
About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Chantelle. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are just some of the topics we discussed:-The lack of support when living in ...
Season 1
Episode 202
Ep.201 Mom Felicia Watkins on Stopping the Cycles of Self-Gaslighting and Judging How She Parents Her Neurodivergent Kids
About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Felicia. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are just some of the topics we discussed:-Raising multiple children with Autism...
Season 1
Episode 201
Ep.200!! Celebrating 200 Episodes With Megan Through Vulnerability & Validation
About This Episode: I'm celebrating 200 episodes today - join me as I reflect on how sharing stories brings us the crucial validation we need.** HUGE NEWS!! Our next Mothers Together "Open House" is coming up ...
Season 1
Episode 200
Ep.199 Mom Stephanie Fluger on Asking For Help: Learning to Let Go of Control, Shed Guilt & Anger, and Actually Take Care of Yourself
About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Stephanie. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are just some of the topics we discussed:-The hardships of raising a non-verb...
Season 1
Episode 199
Ep.198 Mom Cathy Shields on Acceptance & Understanding of a Neurodivergent Young Adult
About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Cathy. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Please shower Cathy with love and support by SHARING this episode with a mom who n...
Season 1
Episode 198
Ep.197 Dad Rob Gorski on the "Sudden Detour" of a Massive Regression & Parenting the Kid, Not the Diagnosis
About This Episode: Today's brand new episode features a dad!! I'm talking with Dad Rob Gorski. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are just some of the topics we discussed:-How challengin...
Season 1
Episode 197
Ep.196 Mom Taylor Alexander on Surviving & Prioritizing What's Important When Managing a Whole Family With ADHD
About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Taylor. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are just some of the topics we discussed:-How she received an ADHD diagnosis in ...
Season 1
Episode 196
Ep.195 On The Hard Days is BACK! Here's The Update!
After a hiatus, we're back, my friends! I'm thrilled to be pushing out new episodes to you starting TOMORROW and every Monday after that. **You're invited to the Mothers Together "Open House", a virtual gathering to give you a taste ...
Season 1
Episode 195
Ep.194 (Replay): Dad Brent Nohl on How Therapy & Meds For YOU Help Your Neurodivergent Kids Become the Best Versions of Themselves
About This Episode: Dad Bren was the first in a series of dads to join me on the show. He was so vulnerable in sharing what it's like from a dad's perspective to raise a neurodivergent child with challenging behaviors. I'm so excited to ...
Season 1
Episode 194
Ep.193 Mom Courtney Welsh on How Working Through Post-Natal Depression Helped Shape a Positive Mindset to Raise Her Neurodivergent Child
"I could only find people talking about all the negatives or all the positives. There was no middle ground."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Courtney. I loved this whole conv...
Season 1
Episode 193
Ep.192 Mom Hannah Mira on How Learning About & Understanding *Herself* Through a Late Autism Diagnosis & Therapy Has Changed How She Parents Her Neurodivergent Kid
"It's not about being a perfect parent - it's about being a reflective parent."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Hannah. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will to...
Season 1
Episode 192
Ep.191 Mom Caroline on Adjusting Your Expectations as a Military Spouse & Facing Your Own Mental Health Diagnosis as a Mental Health Professional
"I could do it all, but I deserve to not have to."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Caroline. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are just some of th...
Season 1
Episode 191
Ep.190 Mom Vanessa Dittman on Living a Life of Daily Triage & Trauma With a Medically Complex, Neurodivergent Child With Behavioral Challenges (Even With the Support of a Service Dog)
"He gets into almost life-ending harm often...there's a whole list of behaviors that are just really scary."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Vanessa. I loved this whole conve...
Season 1
Episode 190
Ep.189 Mom Brittney Smith on Managing Her Stress Levels In Helping Her Child With Extreme Sensory Needs & Food Struggles
"You have to look for the joy....it is there, it can be found. But you have to look for it - it's easy to miss if you don't."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Brittney. I love...
Season 1
Episode 189
Ep.188 Mama Monday: Mom Jeannie Ewing On Shifting Expectations, Accepting Regressions, And Riding The Rollercoaster Of Emotions As A Parent Of Neurodivergent Kids
"I had to grieve the loss of the life I thought we were going to have."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Jeannie. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here...
Season 1
Episode 188
Ep.187 Mama Monday: Mom Whitney Price on How Finding The Right Community, Educational Fit, and Therapies Make All The DIfference in Raising a Neurodivergent Child
"There's going to be a lot of negative...you have to find your own positive."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Whitney. I loved this whole conversation and I know you wi...
Season 1
Episode 187
Ep.186 Mama Monday: Mom Lisa Candera on "Sanity Management" and Redirecting Our Brains Away from Worrying & Catastrophizing About Our Neurodivergent Kids
"Our brains will always find the junk aisle of thoughts." About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Lisa. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are just some ...
Season 1
Episode 186
Ep.185 Mama Monday: Mom Lauren Goeke on the Brokenness of the Educational & Medical Systems, Lack of Holistic Approaches to Treating Neurodivergent Kids, and How This Motivates Her to Keep Going
"Safety cannot be the reason why a place is not a good fit."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Lauren. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are just so...
Season 1
Episode 185
Ep.184 Mother's Day Special: It's Okay To Grieve & Feel Disappointed In This Day
About This Episode: Happy Belated Mother's Day, my friends. This is a different sort of episode - in fact, it's taken from my Sunday Night Share Instagram Live, which turned into a bit of a therapy session for all of us. If Mother's Day ...
Season 1
Episode 184
Ep.183 Mama Monday: Mom Breanna Akers on Taking Care of Your Mental Health & Staying True to Your Identity When Homeschooling Neurodivergent Kids
"We have to really know what's important, and what not to add in."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Breanna. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here are ...
Season 1
Episode 183
Ep.182 Mama Monday: Mom Lahren Rogers on How Standing Your Ground, Setting Boundaries, AND Cultivating Relationships Are the Keys to Successfully Advocating For Your Neurodivergent Child
"Everything my children have been diagnosed with has been me going to a doctor and saying, 'This is what's going on. And I need you to confirm it.'"About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking wi...
Season 1
Episode 182
Ep.181 Mama Monday: Mom Brittney on Managing the Mental Load Of Meeting Your Kids' Needs While Finding Your Own Voice At The Same Time
"Let them write their story. Let them decide who they're going to be."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Brittney. I loved this whole conversation and I know you will too! Here...
Season 1
Episode 181
Ep.180 Mama Monday: Mom Christie Dilks on Learning How to Advocate, Not Just For Your Neurodivergent Child, But For Their Siblings & Yourself
"It's not what they want, it's what they need. And that's what it's about at the end of the day."*Click the link to sign up for my free webinar "Struggling to Rais...
Season 1
Episode 180
Ep.179 Mama Monday: Mom Melissa Schoenherr on Her Rock-Bottom Parenting Moment With Her Neurodivergent Child and What She Learned About *Herself* From It
"You can be upset and having a hard day and still be a good mom."*Sign up for my free webinar "Struggling to Raise a Neurodivergent Kid? The #1 Way to Put Yo...
Season 1
Episode 179
Ep.178 Mama Monday: Mom Molly Kellogg on Managing Anger & Emotional Intensity With an Intellectually Gifted Child
"I feel like I want to make t-shirts that say, 'Don't poke the bear'."About This Episode: It's Mama Monday! This week, I'm talking with mom Molly. I loved this whole conversation and found it so relatable. I thi...
Season 1
Episode 178