The Pelvic Floor Project

51. Postpartum recovery care: A bird’s-eye view with Gráinne Donnelly

August 15, 2022 Season 1 Episode 51

In this episode, fellow physiotherapist, Gráinne Donnelly and I discuss:

  • The big picture view of postpartum recovery care 
  • What others countries are doing?
  • Gaps in care 
  • What is being done to change this?
  • Current research being done in the field
  • Drawing parallels between rehabilitation of other musculoskeletal injuries and postpartum recovery
  • Resources available for those looking to take a proactive approach

Gráinne Donnelly is an Advanced Physiotherapist in Pelvic Health. More recently she has become a clinical researcher, undertaking research in the areas of perinatal exercise and diastasis recti. She is an honorary member of the Perinatal Physical Activity Research Team and is on the specialist advisory board of the Active Pregnancy Foundation. Her particular areas of interest include ultrasound imaging within pelvic health, diastasis rectus abdominis and perinatal exercise. 

Links mentioned:

Episode 22: Return to running postpartum

Reframing return-to-sport postpartum: the 6 Rs framework

Running During Pregnancy and Postpartum, Part A
Why Do Women Stop Running During Pregnancy and Not Return to Running in the Postpartum Period?

Running During Pregnancy and Postpartum Part B
How Does Running-Related Advice and Guidance Received During Pregnancy and Postpartum Affect Women's Running Habits?

Beyond the Musculoskeletal System: Considering Whole-Systems Readiness for Running Postpartum (Clinical Commentary)

Links to contact Gráinne:

Twitter: @ABSPhysio   
LinkedIn: Grainne Donnelly

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