The Pelvic Floor Project

14. Tips for the first 6 weeks after c-section with Kjersti Malinski

Season 1 Episode 14

In this episode, I sit down with fellow pelvic health physiotherapist and new mom Kjersti Malinski shortly after her 2nd c-section. 

The advice women are given after c-section is usually, “Don’t lift more than your baby and don’t drive”. 
Our goal for this episode is to help fill it the gaps in information and guidance. 

Here is what we discuss:

  • What Kjersti learned from her first c-section and what she did differently the 2nd time
  • Our #1 suggestion for the early days and weeks
  • Tips and tricks to help you move more comfortably
  • Support bands/belly bands 
  • How and when to start scar massage
  • Where to start with exercise
  • When can you start core/pelvic floor exercise
  • Do you actually need to wait 6 weeks to do any activity?
  • Silicone bandages for scar healing

Kjersti Malinski is pelvic health physiotherapist passionate about helping people from a whole body, whole person integrated approach. She completed her Bachelor’s of Human Kinetics and Masters of PT at UBC and has since completed post grad training in a multitude of pelvic Health topics. Currently on maternity leave with her second child, Kjersti loves spending time with family and doing anything outside.


Kjersti works at both: 

I’m here to help you achieve the pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience you imagine.

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