Oops! We Broke The Multiverse! Podcast
Are you getting a little bored with DND Podcasts? Yeah, us too. Oops! We Broke The Multiverse! is a crew of friends and special guests that explore the wonderful world of table top gaming through entertaining role play and exciting storytelling. Unlike other podcasts, we play various games and teach you the mechanics on how to play them as well. With Oops! We Broke The Multiverse!, you're going to experience all kinds of games, not just those played in dungeons! The OWBTM team will smash through your favorite table top role playing games along with special guest actors! Special Thanks To; -Major Powers And The Lo-Fi Sypmhony (Intro & Outro Music) Find them on Spotify -Shane Ivers (In Episode Music) https://www.silvermansound.com
Podcasting since 2021 • 53 episodes
Oops! We Broke The Multiverse! Podcast
Latest Episodes
Star Trek Wrap Up
Join us as we recap the season and chat about the game, Star Trek Adventures!
Season 3
Episode 11

Star Trek Episode 9 - Onward To The Stars
The epic conclusion to this seasons events! join Annmare, Shawn and the Anthonys as they confront the treasonous Captain Frank Wilder. Special guest- James Kelley. Music by Major Powers and the lo-fi Symphony. Support the show on patreon by goi...
Season 3
Episode 10

Star Trek Episode 8 - The Watcher Of Truth
The crew makes it back to earth after the horrendous events with Q. Admiral Sisko grants the team an all too short vacation before tossing them back to track to Captain John Wilder's father, Frank Wilder. Following Frank's trail to Meridian 6, ...
Season 3
Episode 9