Oops! We Broke The Multiverse! Podcast
Are you getting a little bored with DND Podcasts? Yeah, us too. Oops! We Broke The Multiverse! is a crew of friends and special guests that explore the wonderful world of table top gaming through entertaining role play and exciting storytelling. Unlike other podcasts, we play various games and teach you the mechanics on how to play them as well. With Oops! We Broke The Multiverse!, you're going to experience all kinds of games, not just those played in dungeons! The OWBTM team will smash through your favorite table top role playing games along with special guest actors! Special Thanks To; -Major Powers And The Lo-Fi Sypmhony (Intro & Outro Music) Find them on Spotify -Shane Ivers (In Episode Music) https://www.silvermansound.com
53 episodes
Star Trek Wrap Up
Join us as we recap the season and chat about the game, Star Trek Adventures!
Season 3
Episode 11

Star Trek Episode 9 - Onward To The Stars
The epic conclusion to this seasons events! join Annmare, Shawn and the Anthonys as they confront the treasonous Captain Frank Wilder. Special guest- James Kelley. Music by Major Powers and the lo-fi Symphony. Support the show on patreon by goi...
Season 3
Episode 10

Star Trek Episode 8 - The Watcher Of Truth
The crew makes it back to earth after the horrendous events with Q. Admiral Sisko grants the team an all too short vacation before tossing them back to track to Captain John Wilder's father, Frank Wilder. Following Frank's trail to Meridian 6, ...
Season 3
Episode 9

Star Trek Episode 7 - Dashing Through The Dread Halls - Part 1
The gang investigates a bunker on the strange planet and comes face to face with someone's worst nightmare. Not Kahl's, but someone's.
Season 3
Episode 7

Interview with David from Alexandria RPG Library at Dragonflight Con!
Season 9999
Episode 9999

Star Trek Episode 6 - A Tropical Q-Cation!
Everyone on the U.S.S. Maverick gets blasted across the universe by an accursed Q in the guise of... Commander Lorendis? Dun dun DDDUUUNNNNN!!!!!
Season 3
Episode 6

Of Wands and Warforged
Shawn Cruz is your DM as we play Dungeons & Dragons in this one shot! Join Stanley the “wizard” (played by Anthony Gabba) and Tooooot the war forged (played by Anthony O’Neall) in an adventure of ridiculous fortune telling and epic b...
Season 20
Episode 3

A Blessed Day - Part 2
Thanks for waiting, this is the final installment of "A Blessed Day!". Will the pig wizard turn back into a human? Will Stanley chill the fuck out? Will Castillon the Red do something besides pet piggies? Listen and find out!Stay tuned a...

Star Trek Episode 5 - The Favor
The crew embarks on their first mission aboard the Maverick. The local residents, the Ursani, plead with the crew to help avoid their planet smashing into another. Will they find a solution or bicker per usual? Also, does it smell like universa...
Season 3
Episode 5

Star Trek Episode 4 - Stolen Glory
On this episode, Ka'al meets THE FIRST ANDORIAN EVER on the crews new ship, The Maverick. Captain wilder also helps Ka'al out of his funk... by beating him up? What kind of wacky shenanigans are they up to this week? Listen to find out now!...
Season 3
Episode 4

Star Trek Episode 3 - Willow We See You Again?
Commander Laurendis tackles the crews insecurities (looking at you Chakaka), while trying to find her long lost BFF. Will the 2 reunite in a triumphant return or is gloom and doom hiding just around the corner??? Season 3 Tabletop ...
Season 3
Episode 3

Star Trek Episode 2 - Eastbound and Gagged
It might seem unsightly for commissioned Starfleet officers to get involved in back alley brawls and slap torture, but trust me, it was "totally necessary" (wink). Season 3 Tabletop RPG: Star Trek Adventures. Published ...
Season 3
Episode 2

Dragonflight GameCon In Bellevue Washington!!!!!!!!!!
Come see us at the Bellevue Washington Hilton for a 24hour gaming convention and a live show by yours truly!!When- August 26-28Where- Bellevue Washington Hilton - 300 112th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98004, USAWhat - Tabletop gami...
Season 9999
Episode 9999

Star Trek Episode 1 - The Bloodwine Blitz
Our journey begins with Starfleet sending their worst? Ensigns on a dangerous, off the books mission to find their 3 year lost captain. But every mission starts with a little intelligence gathering... and of course a drinking contest with a Kli...
Season 3
Episode 1

Star Trek Adventures - An Introduction
We want to talk to you about Star Trek Adventures! We played 2 episodes and that automatically makes us experts... Not really but we pretend we are anyway. The Oops! Gang gives you an overview of the game, mechanics, and even mini ...
Season 3
Episode 0

The Interdimensional Peoples Court - Episode 2
Court is now in session! Todays cases; Josh from Lowes VS the knights who say Ni. We also have Eggbert of TSR VS Josiah, representative of Christianity. Who will come out ahead? Who will suffer in disgrace? Find out right now on The Interdimens...

A Blessed Day - Part 1 (Patreon Bonus Episode)
SPECIAL EPISODE! A Blessed Day (part 1) is a bonus episode usually only available to the "Multiverse Mob", our community on Patreon. The gang plays Dungeons and Dragons with Shawn Cruz as DM. The characters arrive in a myster...

MotW - Wrap Up Episode
It's a little late but join us as we talk about season 2 and Monster of the Week!
Season 2
Episode 10

Interviews From The Multiverse! C3 GAMECON - Fellow Gamers Alex & Cheyenne
At C3 GameCon in Corvallis, Oregon we had a chance to talk to Alex & Cheyenne! They were fans just milling about so we pulled them in for a friendly chat!Intro Music - Major Powers & The Lo-Fi Symphony - Peas And PorridgeOut...
Season 9999
Episode 7

Interviews From The Multiverse! C3 GAMECON - Matt's Cavalcade
At C3 GameCon in Corvallis, Oregon we had a chance to talk to DJ from Matt's Cavalcade! Check out their facebook page link below!https://www.facebook.com/mattscavalcade/ Intro Music - Major Powers & The Lo-Fi Symphony -...
Season 9999
Episode 6

Interviews From The Multiverse! C3 GAMECON - Conundrum House
At C3 GameCon in Corvallis, Oregon we had a chance to talk to professional LARPer and proprietor of murder mystery plays, Adrienne Fritze from Condundrum House! Check out their website link below!https://conundrum.house/pages/conundrum-...
Season 9999
Episode 5

Interviews From The Multiverse! C3 GAMECON - Aaron Leach
At C3 GameCon in Corvallis, Oregon we had a chance to talk to Aaron Leach from WagonCon! Chek out the WagonCon website for updates. Link Below!https://wagoncon.com/Intro Music - Major Powers & The Lo-Fi Symphony - Peas And P...
Season 9999
Episode 4