Marketing Espresso

Are filler words the worst thing we can do with Rebecca Saunders

Bec Chappell Season 1 Episode 119

"It's important not to compare your day one to someone's year ten. It's about being authentic to you and your message and who you are and just go for it."

How many times have you hated the video or audio you created because you said 'uhm' or 'you know' or 'like'?

Today I have Rebecca Saunders back on the show to chat through the uhms of video recordings.

But also how we can consciously become aware of it and also whether it is the worst thing to say.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. What are some filler words that people use in videos that they need to stop saying?
2. What are some tips for sounding more professional in videos?
3. Are filler words the worst thing?

This is Rebecca Saunders's story...

Described by her clients as a video ninja, Rebecca is a sought-after video expert who works with business leaders, course creators and speakers to ensure they make their impact on the world with video.
Everything she teaches, creates and offers has been designed to save you time, save you money and remove the stress when making video.

At the age of 22, Rebecca packed a small bag and booked a one-way ticket to Sydney with her laptop and just $500 in her pocket as she boarded that plane. She had a dream of living in Australia and building her own company to sponsor herself to stay here. Fast forward a decade and Rebecca has built a global production company, has a purpose built film studio in Sydney where she produces live virtual events and education content, and has a selection of online courses including her signature program "The Video Accelerator" to help make our video journey's just that little bit easier.
Rebecca Saunders is a sought-after video expert who works with business leaders, course creators and speakers to ensure they make their impact on the world. She has built a global production company, has a purpose built film studio in Sydney, and has a selection of online courses.

Socials: @therebeccasaunders
The Video Accelerator

Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:55] - Rebecca Saunders is back for the third episode of the Rebecca and Rebecca Show. Rebecca is a sought after video expert who works with business leaders, course creators and speakers to ensure they make their impact on the world. She has built a global production company, has a purpose built film studio in Sydney, and has a selection of online courses.

[00:02:35] - There are filler words that people use in their videos and they need to stop saying them. People need to be conscious of their mannerisms and let the flow of the conversation take over. Professional editing by professionals removes these filler words and makes the content sound more professional. It's important not to compare your day one to someone's year ten. It's about being authentic to you and your message and who you are


Instagram @bec_chappell
LinkedIn – Bec Chappell
If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.

How to work with me:
1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation
2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders
3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation
4. Get me on your podcast

This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative