Elev8 Your Life
Sheryl Morley & Paul Kroto will help you Elev8 all 8 areas of your life. The acronym they use is B.E.S.T. L.I.F.E. which stands for Body, Emotions, Spirit, Thoughts, Loving Relationships, Incredible Finances, Fantastic Plan, and Exceptional Preparation. If you want to reach your true potential in any of these 8 areas then this is the podcast for you!
Elev8 Your Life
#167-Being in a Peak State: Unleashing Your Full Potential
Being in a Peak State: Unleashing Your Full Potential
A peak state is an optimal condition for spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional performance, characterized by high energy, focus, and productivity. Achieving this state involves nurturing the spirit through practices like prayer and gratitude, maintaining physical health with exercise and proper nutrition, and fostering a positive mindset through meditation and journaling. Staying in a peak state enhances performance, decision-making, resilience, and positively influences others. Key strategies include establishing morning rituals, engaging in a power hour, using state interrupts for low moments, and surrounding oneself with positivity. Ultimately, controlling one's emotional state is crucial for improving life quality and unlocking true potential.
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