The Integrative Palliative Podcast
Hosted by integrative palliative medicine physician, Dr. Delia Chiaramonte, The Integrative Palliative Podcast helps physicians and clinicians guide families facing serious illness to physical and emotional wellbeing. Listeners will find insights, skills and knowledge in evidence-supported integrative symptom management, as well as attention to their own self-care, because you can't pour from an empty cup!
Everyone who cares for seriously ill people will find something for themselves and their patients in this podcast. It is targeted not only to those who practice palliative care, but also to physicians and clinicians in oncology, radiation oncology, neurology, geriatrics, rheumatology, hospital medicine, intensive care, and more.
While the podcast is targeted to those who care for patients and clients, family caregivers will find many pearls to help them care for their ill or aging and loved one, while also caring for themself. All are welcome!
Visit The Institute for Integrative Palliative Medicine for more information on clinician and caregiver trainings and to book Dr. Chiaramonte as a speaker www.integrativepalliative.com
Advance Directive Dos and Don'ts: Key Advice for Your Patients, Your Family and Yourself
What is Holding You Back? Five Steps for Finally Doing What You've Been Avoiding
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How to Start the Conversation: 5 Tips for Initiating Talks About End-of-Life Wishes
From Cold Showers to Going Flat: Katie Duke's Empowering View of Breast Cancer From the Inside
The Tyranny of Expectations
Avoiding Regret: 4 Key Steps
Advance Directives & Emergency Medicine: Wisdom From the Front Lines with Dr. Dan Morhaim
Managing the Holidays When Someone Important is Missing
Coping When Faced with Deeply Upsetting Circumstances
The Basics of Gender Affirming Care: A Primer for Physicians and Clinicians
Supporting Blind Patients: From 'Pity Party' to 'Propel Party' with Sarah Freeman Smith
Eco-Friendly End-of-Life Options: Green Burials and Beyond
White Coat Crossroads: An Interview with Physician Career Coach Heather Fork, MD
Handling Angry Patients Without Losing Your Cool
Emotional Needs of the Dying: Four Key Concepts to Discuss with Your Patients
Mental Status Change in Hospice Patients: What to Do and Not to Do
When Patients with Cancer Pain Won't Take Opioids: 30 Reasons Why and What to Do About It
Ketamine: What It Is, Who Should Use It, And How the Palliative Population is Different
Dealing with Uncertainty in Health and Life: 4 Dos and 4 Don'ts
LovingKindness Meditation: An Experiential Episode to Feed Your Soul
Leave Your Heirs the Gift of Organization: How Adam Zuckerman's "Buried in Work" Simplifies Estate & End-of Life Planning
Dealing with Challenging Patients: The Power of Empathy Plus Boundaries
The Less Stress Doc: An Interview with Dr. Gary Sprouse