The Catholic Sobriety Podcast

Ep 61: Connecting in Your Marriage without Alcohol with guests Jen and Logan Lirette

Christie Walker Episode 61

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Embarking on a marital adventure often means embracing the unexpected, and Jen and Logan Lirette from Surprised by Marriage are a testament to this truth. In a candid conversation, they share how they navigated the bittersweet symphony of life together—overcoming the anguish of pregnancy loss and the trials of infertility. Witness how they discovered the beauty of deepening their bond with prayer and creativity, showing how these elements can fortify the foundations of a loving, faith-filled partnership.

Imagine transforming your living room into a portal to another era or a scene from your favorite novel.  These at-home adventures evolved into a cherished practice, showcasing the power of creativity and intentionality in keeping love's flame alight. Through their story, we glean how even amidst the whirlwind of parenting, couples can still carve out moments of romance and whimsy, proving that it's not about grand gestures, but the heart and imagination you pour into time spent together.

And let's not forget the simple things that lay the groundwork for a thriving marriage. This episode also steers us through the joys of straightforward outings and the shared spiritual path that emerges from practices like praying the rosary.

 From engaging in faith-oriented activities to exploring Jen and Logan's digital resources—including Advent and Lent challenges designed to enrich your partnership—discovery and growth in love can be a constant journey. So gather 'round as we offer a palette of ideas for nurturing fun, faith, and connection in your marriage.

Surprised by Marriage -
Jen & Logan on Youtube -

If you have ever...

  • Struggled with the social pressures associated with alcohol use.
  • Felt isolated, alone, and unsure of how to break the cycle.
  • Experienced shame and frustration after drinking.
  • Told yourself, “I’ll never get this. It’s no use.”

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Catholic Subriety Podcast, the go-to resource for women seeking to have a deeper understanding of the role alcohol plays in their lives, women who are looking to drink less or not at all for any reason. I am your host, christy Walker. I'm a wife, mom and a Joyfield Catholic and I am the Catholic Subriety Coach and I am so glad you're here. So often I hear women over and over again saying Christy, if I stop drinking, I have no idea how my husband and I are going to connect. I have no idea what we're gonna do in the evenings.

Speaker 1:

During COVID, a lot of couples. They just made drinking together a really important part of their lives and inactivity. When they used to maybe only drink when they would go out or every once in a while, pretty soon they noticed an increase in the frequency and the amount that they are consuming and that's causing a concern. It may not be causing problems in their marriage, but it's causing a concern. And what also causes a concern is like well, what if we remove that? We've been doing it this way for so long Now. What do we do? So?

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited to have Jen and Logan Lorette here. They are founders of the ministry, surprised by Marriage and they are here to give some amazing tips and information about what couples can do and how you can connect in all different kinds of ways, and it's gonna be great. So I have followed Logan and Jen for a really long time. I love their creativity, I love their honesty about their marriage and how they just have such a heart for couples and want these couples to connect and have a great marriage. But they're also very honest. It's hard work and we all know that. So, jen and Logan, thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having us.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so to start with, can you just share a little bit about your journey as a couple and your family, and also how surprised by marriage came to be?

Speaker 3:

Right. So fun story. Jen and I have actually been going to school together since the first grade. However, it wasn't until we were juniors in high school that we really actually got to know each other, and that's when we started dating. And ironically, our relationship started in chemistry class of all the places. So today we had chemistry was From the very beginning. From the very beginning.

Speaker 2:

So we got married right after our college and so we have been married for 14 years now and we have four boys, from ages 11 down to two. And we just experienced so many surprises in those early years of marriage, like pregnancy loss, infertility, high-risk pregnancies Just so many surprises. So that's kind of partly the inspiration behind surprise by marriage. But then we're also surprised by how great and beautiful marriage can be when we keep God at the center of our relationship and we are both putting forth effort into our marriage. And so it's kind of like a double meaning Surprise by all the challenges but surprised by the beauty of the sacrament as well.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think a lot of us. We get into it and we have all of these ideals. This is how it's going to be, and even when you're dating, you just dream about what your evenings will be like and what things will be like. And then it is kind of a wake-up call, is like oh well, now we have a lot of things to figure out because we're a team and we have to figure out how to work together and live together, and it is. It's both beautiful and challenging. So what has been the most surprising aspect of your marriage and how have these surprises shaped your relationship?

Speaker 3:

Well, I guess you could say the one of the biggest surprises within our marriage started off really fresh once we got married. It wasn't long that, once we were married within our first couple of months, that we actually got pregnant right away.

Speaker 2:

Which we were not expecting, because I told that I might have a hard time.

Speaker 3:

Right. So we got married in summer and we had a second honeymoon or as Jen likes to say, a baby moon in the beginning of December. It went on a cruise and we just got into the Christmas season. We knew, we knew we were having a boy, we gave him a name already and about four days into the Christmas season is when we experienced something that we were not expecting to have to go through at any point in our marriage, especially so early where we experienced the loss of our son. So, having gone through that journey, it's shaped almost every facet that our marriage has grown and evolved of from because of that.

Speaker 2:

Right. It was that experience that we realized the importance of praying together, because I, honestly, we probably would not have survived to had it not been for the fact that we were already praying together and thankfully, logan kept us praying together because I was just really struggling. And then, years on down the line, we have realized the beauty of being vulnerable with each other and sharing our struggles, and just that has grown like led to increased intimacy just being vulnerable with each other in so many different ways.

Speaker 3:

Right, but a lot of that we wouldn't have gotten through, like Jen said, if we didn't already kind of try to build a foundation of praying together.

Speaker 2:

Right. So that is the foundation. We need, that spiritual foundation in order to grow and connect in other ways.

Speaker 3:

Right. So because of that, we've been surprised in a lot of good ways as well, and we have to go through the hard times right away, but we learned a lot from it.

Speaker 2:

It was worth it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll thank you so much for sharing that, because I'm sure that there's a lot of women out there that can relate to that and it is such a hardship. But that's the thing that God is so good, and that he allows us to learn lessons and equips us to be able to share our message and share our hurts with others so that they know that they're not the only ones. And I especially love that you brought up praying together, because that's something that, like my husband and I, have struggled a little bit with. I think sometimes couples feel like awkward, you know, whenever you start something like that, but something that he has learned and I want to share this because I think it would help a lot of couples out there.

Speaker 1:

He did a men's retreat at our parish and one of the speakers talked about praying in the morning with your spouse every day, so before he goes to work. Every day we pray and when we pray it's. I love it, because the first thing we do is we say all the things that we're thankful for. I know that he notices because he talks about it now as we're praying together, and he knows that I notice him in the little things that he does because we pray together and then we just pray for the day, and that was super awkward at first, but it has become like one of my favorite things.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. Yeah, I'm glad you said that, because we hear that all the time about just the struggle with it being awkward, but you just kind of have to jump in and do it and it eventually does. We've realized, because we pray together that is like a safe place for other stuff to come out. So a lot of things that I would normally have a hard time sharing with Logan, like it comes out in prayer, which is kind of beautiful.

Speaker 3:

It's funny because, like when we say awkward, it's funny to throw anything awkward within the marriage because, hello, you get to see each other in a very most vulnerable way at those times within your marriage. But it's really cool to understand and see well, man praying together. And including God within your marriage is really opening up an end of the marriage spectrum that should always be there but no one really deep into. And so what we got to remember when we get, when we say our vows, we're welcoming God in. It's not just Jen and I, and once we let him in, that opens the doors for so many more possibilities as far as connecting and understanding each other.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is so true and I'm so glad that you said that. So I've heard you say that you like to focus on the little things in your marriage and I and I see you anybody that's followed you just it's. You guys are so fun and I just love the chemistry that you guys have with each other, but just the fun that you guys have like lip syncing or like some of the really creative date night things that you do. But can you elaborate on some of just the little things that have really helped your marriage grow and really been that foundation to get you through the tough times?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we've I mean anyone if you've been married has realized how easy it could be to slowly drift apart without even realizing it. So we really try to focus on doing small acts of love. Basically, you focus on the little things, and one way we do that is to focus on each other's loving, which is because it was like probably a year into our marriage I learned about the love languages and we realized that we had completely opposite languages.

Speaker 2:

So, he has physical touch and words of affirmation, both of which do not come naturally to me at all. And then my love languages are acts of service and quality time, and so I mean just a random hug, I mean a pat on the butt like he loves that kind of thing.

Speaker 3:

Right, it doesn't take much, and then like for doing the dishes or vacuuming the house or doing the dishes again. You know, I'm pretty confident now that maybe her acts of service quote as one of her top love languages is just a way of me doing the chores around the house. But it's about those. So it's really about understanding to those small acts of love, understanding each other more. So we realized by doing that for each other, we're focusing on how to change ourselves for the other, Instead of just focusing on what speaks to us and what we want. I'm doing things for her because I know this is what, this is how she feels loved and she's doing the same with me. So it's really understanding that. And once we understood that, it's gone, it's good Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because if you're not focusing on the little things and you don't feel loved in the little ways, these big gestures won't mean as much.

Speaker 1:

Most of my listeners are women who are looking to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption and, as I said in the beginning, one of the things that most comes up is that fear of not being able to connect with their husband anymore or have fun anymore. Can you share some ideas or activities that couples can do that don't involve alcohol?

Speaker 2:

Oh, we have so many ideas, so our big thing is to just try new things. So if you follow us on Instagram or on YouTube, you've probably seen our Goodwill date, and that is where we go to Goodwill and we pick out each other's clothes and then we change into them and go eat somewhere. And it's a big trust exercise but it's really fun and, if you know me, I do not like to do new things at all, but I've come to really enjoy these dates.

Speaker 2:

And as he picks out amazing clothes for me and I never would have learned that I mean not gone on these dates.

Speaker 3:

And it's funny because we actually have a Goodwill date planned for a few days.

Speaker 2:

So now to do that again.

Speaker 3:

The whole concept of trying something new just a sidebar for a moment was because we had to think to ourselves so we're married, you can get in the rhythm of just doing the same thing over and over again and then drifting apart. When we were dating, all of these things were new to us and they were fun. So it was about tapping back into that. As far as how can we feel like we're almost dating each other over again by trying something new and just having these fun experiences together? That led us to come across the Goodwill date as one fun idea. And then you mentioned COVID earlier. As far as what couples did and what when the world shut down.

Speaker 3:

Well, what we were doing was we planned a date night in for ourselves, but I said, hey, what if we do that but make a twist on it? So what we did was came, come up with a bunch of different themes and put them in a basket, and what we would do is say, hey, we're going to have a date night in and we pick out a theme. The theme could be sports, 70s, musical, prom, anything that you could think of. And what we would do is we would center the date at our home around that theme, whether it be the food, the way we dress, just the whole atmosphere. I would get the living room together because that's where we would have it, and I would decorate because that's that's the thing that I like to do and set the mood in the zone, and Jen would prep the food.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it was something we look forward to every week. So every Friday we knew we'd pick out of the basket and then we had like the next 24 hours until Saturday night to plan our date. So we're like connecting while we're thinking of all the ideas and planning it, and he's amazing at decorating. So that was his part and then I would do my part and then it would just come together and we'd have this fun date every week and our kids got to like see us do this, which was kind of cool too.

Speaker 2:

But we still do it now, even though we can leave our house. Obviously now, when we are unable to first like if our kids are sick or something like that, we're like hey, let's do a date night in. So we've been doing it ever since.

Speaker 3:

The best part about the date night in stuff with a twist, as we like to say, and the good will of date is they're both cheap dates for us, like we're not trying to go and spend over $100 on a fancy dinner where we don't even know what we're going to talk about.

Speaker 2:

Right, Even during COVID you weren't like leaving to go to the store for a few of those months really. So we were trying to use what we had on hand and we really had to get creative, which kind of made it even more fun.

Speaker 3:

So, like just to recap, it really was just tapping into what was making it fun while we were first dating as a couple, and just coming up with those ideas was just the way that we were able to tap into that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, getting out of your comfort zone too is a big part of it, because I love Jane Austen and he does not. We did a Jane Austen date and it ended up being one of my favorite dates because he got out of his comfort zone a little bit.

Speaker 3:

Right Well yeah. We won't be doing that dating.

Speaker 1:

He's not like to talk about it? Not again. You only have to do it once, right, I've been trying to convince him to do it again.

Speaker 2:

It's fun.

Speaker 3:

But we like to think we're somewhat of a nice Catholic couple. But our first date together when we were dating was to go see Dawn of the Dead, which is a zombie movie. So just a circle back, when she did the Jane Austen date, we settled and there's a Jane Austen movie that every woman seems to know called Pride and Prejudice. But this was Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, so we brought it back to kind of our first date combo with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, that's awesome. You guys are so creative. I just love it. I actually have asked. I was telling my husband about the Goodwill date night and he was like no, we're not doing it. I don't think that he's worried about what I will pick out for him. I think he's worried that I will not like anything he picks out. But I'm not.

Speaker 2:

He never likes anything I pick out, so that is what it is.

Speaker 3:

I give Jen a bunch of options to choose from, so I just have to say, though, as for women, there's way too many options.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know how y'all do it.

Speaker 3:

There's way too many yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that's why I never pick anything good for him, because men are limited to begin with and then he's a smaller guy, so that makes it hard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I love the night in too, because you know, when we have littles at home and then you're, maybe you can't find a babysitter or don't want to have a babysitter, or you know, whatever it is, and you want to still be able to date. Because I know I also know a lot of women who are like my husband and I have not had a date in like months or since the kids were born or and I'm just like that's terrible, oh my goodness. So. But I know like we're very blessed.

Speaker 1:

My mom lives really close, so she's always had our boys and now we have teenagers. But before that I mean I had friends. That would just be like we can't go out. But these date night ends are such a beautiful idea and I love how creative you got and I'm sure your boys loved being able to like help find things and get it and get things decorated so and that just shows them how much you love each other and then that just builds so much confidence and, you know, shows them what it's what it means to be a husband and a couple.

Speaker 3:

Our boys are also excited about it because we usually set up a movie with popcorn and pizza in the room so they can. They can have their own little hang out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's great that's. It's fun for the whole family. It sounds like.

Speaker 2:

I do, because you mentioned about having like little kids and not always been able to find a baby center like we've been there, and so we definitely had to get creative. When our kids were really little, we used to just drive around until our kids fell asleep, and then we would get coffee and just talk in the car while our kids slept. So it's just finding what works for you at any given phase of your life.

Speaker 3:

Right, I think we're trying to. I think, as married couples, we need also to recognize and realize where we are in life and understand to. If we're going to put a label of date on it, let's redefine what a date necessarily needs to be.

Speaker 2:

Does it need to be going out to dinner to a fancy restaurant every single time?

Speaker 3:

We've grabbed lunch and gone to sit at the park.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we picked up Chick-fil-A once and went to a park and sat outside and it was amazing yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you think about, like when you're dating, that's something that you do, right, you're just like, hey, let's go get Chick-fil-A and go to the park, but for some reason, when we're married, we think that it has to be like this big production and it really really doesn't. It really really can be simple, like you said, just going and getting coffee. One of the things that I love, too, that I've seen you guys do, is when you go on these date night or not even date nights, but like during the day or whatever that you pray the rosary in the car together, and I just think that is such a great way to just start and embark on that time together.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that really sets. But it was a good way to start. Or even before COVID we were like in a really good routine of stopping at the chapel on the way home and it was just kind of like stop it and spend a time with Jesus and saying thank you for letting us have this date and it just. I mean, it doesn't need to take much. You don't need to spend like an hour in prayer together and just thanking God for a minute in prayer together really helps.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I think that that's so great and obviously you know faith is such a huge part of your marriage and everything you do. How has it specifically helped you through the ups and downs of your marriage?

Speaker 2:

Just knowing that it's not just us, because we wouldn't be able to do it with just us, and God is there helping us, and we have the saints who can pray for us and the Blessed Mother, I mean we need all the help we can get. Let's be real and so praying together. Obviously we talked a lot about that importance of having that spiritual foundation, but we also could not do marriage without the sacraments, especially like the Eucharist and Confession, and frequenting those sacraments often and getting those graces, because we are both sinful people and we're trying to get each other to heaven and we can't do it without the sacraments.

Speaker 3:

Right and holding each other accountable too, like when last week we had a kid that was sick, so it wasn't just one of us staying home with the kids while one went to Mass. I went to Mass earlier, then I would come home and then I would let her go to Mass, just so that we're making sure we're still doing those things as far as the sacraments are concerned. And just if it was confession, like understanding and recognizing hey, one of us hasn't been to confession in a while. You really usually me. So, general, kindly nudge me and remind me.

Speaker 2:

Like how long has it been? Gentle nudges yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I know that this isn't like something that you guys struggle with, but you, because you focus so much on marriage and you work with a lot of couples. Do you have any advice for couples on how to be supportive when one spouse is starting to make a change and that can be reducing alcohol consumption, giving up sweets like my husband right now is doing Exodus 90 and I am not, and so you know I'm trying to be very supportive of him and make those meatless meals and do all that but then also being able to still connect and spend time together?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just like what I had said about just gentle nudges towards holiness, but just also just realizing the power of focusing on what you need to be doing at any time. Because I know earlier in our marriage I want to say I nagged, but I definitely wasn't very charitable when it came to what I thought Logan needed to work on, and it wasn't until I really start focusing on myself and even if I thought that Logan had more work to be done, I focused on myself and then a lot of times when that happens, the other person notices and is inspired and encouraged and then starts to work on those things.

Speaker 3:

I remember, a long time ago I came across I don't know if it was something on TV or just something I read just regarding our faith, like just faith as in a whole, and it was the best way to get someone to follow your footsteps in the faith is to be an example of faith, meaning show them how happy you are and where you are in life, and they would want to desire that and come to you and say okay, how can I get that? Instead of just saying, hey, you need to change, you need to repent, but so, basically what Jen was saying, Actual speak louder than words, right.

Speaker 3:

It would work by trying to just show your spouse where you are, what you're doing, and then slow nudges and pushes toward it, and then hopefully you know, as a married couple you begin to flourish and understanding and being vulnerable with each other, to see each other not having to rely on things like alcohol or TV or anything that might distract you from each other.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's such good advice. I know, like when I, my husband, wasn't raised Catholic but when he was like coming back to the faith, and we were, well, I was coming back to the faith because I'm a revert. We had kids and I was like I want to take them to church and he was like I'll go because I don't want them to be like why is daddy not at church? But he but, and I never pushed him. I was never like when are you signing up for RCIA or any of that. But we would go and he saw me go and he would come, and then one day he was like I'm going to do RCIA and you know it's been this beautiful growth journey that we've taken together. But yeah, if I would have told him you are going to do this or you know, it would have been like like no way.

Speaker 1:

So those gentle nudges and being just being a joyful witness right Of whatever it is that you're doing, whether that's your faith or how you're living your life and growing closer to God, I think is a really, is really attractive and just trusting that God will, you know, help the other in the areas that they need.

Speaker 3:

And if we could just recap and just bring it back to something that we mentioned earlier that can't just go overstate it and overlooked is the power of praying together as a couple, because that really really can take you through all the times, both good, bad, mediocrity, like it'll get you through it, because again you're being vulnerable with your spouse in a way that you never imagined would feel that way, and so by doing that you're uncovering a side of your spouse that is freeing and you know each grows stronger together because you know that you are welcoming God in the center of it, the way God wants you to, and so if you have God in the center of your marriage through prayer like that, then he's gonna take care of everything that needs to be taken care of. That we can.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely Well said. So you guys have so many resources and do so many things, so I just wanna give you the floor and I want you to just share anything. I know you guys just wrapped up like an advent it was like an advent challenge and you have a Lent challenge that's coming up but just share where people can find you, what resources you have, and talk a little bit about that Lent challenge too, please.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so we have a website where you can find pretty much everything surprised by marriagecom, and so we're on YouTube, facebook, instagram, but you can find all those links on our website. And we do have some digital products, like the advent and Lent challenge, and those are basically inspired by us wanting to do small things and keeping our marriage first during, you know, busy seasons, because advent is always crazy and Lent is always really hard, and so those are two periods that it's really important to not push your marriage to the back burner.

Speaker 2:

So for those challenges, we basically give you one thing to do each day of advent and Lent. And so we have the Lent one up right now, and the challenges range from like spiritual to fun, to just a wide range of things. So it's just doing one simple thing each day for your marriage.

Speaker 3:

Right, and we also have the digital download that we came up with with regards to a date night guide for married couples. So a lot of the things that we may have just mentioned with the Goodwill dates in the theme date night, and we go over that in our guide as well as how to do it on the budget and not really to focus on things that might be getting in the way of doing dates.

Speaker 2:

So that's good resource that we kind of put our head together to do, and we also have something for the date nights and that we talked about as well, and since mostly women listen to this podcast, I'm assuming we also have something called 40 Days of Loving your Husband, and so it's similar to the Lent challenge, or the Advent challenge is like one thing you could do each day for your husband, so I just want to throw that out there too.

Speaker 3:

Right, and a lot of our stuff on YouTube which we've been lacking of getting on that.

Speaker 3:

Life is crazy Life is crazy, especially when you have little kids, but a lot of those topics. We wanted to just focus on things within marriage that may not get brought to the surface, and so we try to cover a lot of range of topics and hopefully can touch at least the life of one married couple, and we're always open to ideas as far as discussions are concerned. But I think it's important that we as a marriage, a vocation, and you and everybody that shares that vocation within marriage shares these things with each other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's important to have community, having other married couples who understand the struggles and everything. But I'm glad he mentioned the YouTube channel because, remembering some of our recent videos, we've been also having these discussion sheets that go along with it that you can download. It has questions and a prayer and it's an easy way to connect spiritually and emotionally and it's for free.

Speaker 3:

And lastly, if you do follow us on Instagram, like you mentioned earlier, we do these little things we call Lip Sync Saturdays, or.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, just a little small way to have fun where we really make ourselves vulnerable in front of the internet. We're like idiots, right, so we just make a song and we just lip sync to it because we always get a laugh out of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we did an in sync one and we did a little choreography thing in it which we had never done before, and that was really fun to practice.

Speaker 3:

That's just a little thing that we do on this platform. That's not anything. That's a thing.

Speaker 2:

It's not a thing, it's a way to change your marriage.

Speaker 3:

It's just a fun thing to do.

Speaker 1:

But I think what I love about it, though, is that it just shows the creativity in which you can just kind of step out of your comfort zone, step outside of the box, and, honestly, it's just such a beautiful witness, even if you guys are just singing silly songs or whatever and, by the way, I love it. I'm a sucker for lip syncing, so I think you guys do a great job but I think that it just is such a beautiful witness just to the sacrament of marriage, and I love how you again have been so honest about how different you guys are, but then, seeing how you, like Jen, you just say OK, logan, let's do this. That sounds crazy, but we're going to do this.

Speaker 2:

And then Logan's like OK, I'm a big introvert, so being on camera on YouTube is not something I ever thought I would do, and especially doing lip sync things on Instagram never, would have thought but here we are.

Speaker 3:

I'm the extrovert, she's the introvert, but you wouldn't know sometimes by looking at some of these things. So I guess that's a little bit of me wearing off and her wearing off and that's marriage, though you know, kind of helping each other grow and get out of your comfort zone. Right, and we learned a lot of these things about each other through doing all the things that we just discussed in this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I mean and you guys have known each other forever, so I mean, if you can still be learning about each other after knowing each other since first grade, I think the rest of us can take that as a shining example that we can also learn from ourselves About a lifelong process.

Speaker 3:

I will say for one last thing because of everything that we discussed, I'm loving my wife more now than I did on our wedding day, because of all the things that we've learned and been surprised at within our marriage, and it's just, it's fulfilling, and it's great each day that I get to wake up next year.

Speaker 2:

I completely agree.

Speaker 1:

You guys are so sweet. I love it. Thank you so much for being here. So everybody needs to go to your website. It's surprisebymarriagecom, right, and YouTube and Instagram are surprised by marriage also. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Everything's surprised by marriage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ok, so go check them out. You will not be disappointed. And take a chance and do some fun date night things that maybe you wouldn't have done before. Jen and Logan, thank you so much for being here.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Christy.

Speaker 1:

Well, that does it for this episode of the Catholic sobriety podcast. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I would invite you to share it with a friend, who might also get value from it as well, and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a thing. I am the Catholic sobriety coach, and if you would like to learn how to work with me or learn more about the coaching that I offer, visit my website, thecatholicsobrietycoachcom. Follow me on Instagram at theCatholic sobrietycoach. I look forward to speaking to you next time, and remember I am here for you, I am praying for you. You are not alone, are not alone. Amen, amen, music.

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