
Teeny Weeny Tweaks for a Feel Good 2024: My Spin on the Crappery of Resolutions

January 04, 2024 Kyle Buchanan
Teeny Weeny Tweaks for a Feel Good 2024: My Spin on the Crappery of Resolutions
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Teeny Weeny Tweaks for a Feel Good 2024: My Spin on the Crappery of Resolutions
Jan 04, 2024
Kyle Buchanan

It's that first week back after the holidays. Maybe anxiety is a little high, or maybe the self-induced pressure is bubbling up, or maybe you're  getting overwhelmed by all of the marketing out there telling you how you can be a NEW YEAR NEW YOU. 🙄

Whether you are one to make resolutions or not, today's episode is for you. 

Rather than making huge goals, or no goals at all, today we're talking about the small changes that actually add up to more lasting change, without major overhauls. 

With any of these micro shifts/small changes/ teeny weeny tweaks, they all serve the purpose of helping you feel just a little gooder, so that it's easier to find the gumption to carry on and start stacking on a few new habits, bit by bit. 

We're covering:

  • hangovers as we get older 
  • two different kinds of people when it comes to resolutions 
  • small change concept 
  • 5 teenyweeny tweaks to consider 
  • today's feelgood thing 

The Key Moments in this episode are:

00:01:42 -  hangover trajectory 

00:04:12 - 2 kinds of people 

00:07:12 - weird benefits and drawbacks of these kinds of people 

00:10:50- teenyweeny tweak # 1

00:13:12 - mindset tweak 

00:15:45- variety thoughts 

00:21:10 - today's feelgood thing 

Show Notes Transcript

It's that first week back after the holidays. Maybe anxiety is a little high, or maybe the self-induced pressure is bubbling up, or maybe you're  getting overwhelmed by all of the marketing out there telling you how you can be a NEW YEAR NEW YOU. 🙄

Whether you are one to make resolutions or not, today's episode is for you. 

Rather than making huge goals, or no goals at all, today we're talking about the small changes that actually add up to more lasting change, without major overhauls. 

With any of these micro shifts/small changes/ teeny weeny tweaks, they all serve the purpose of helping you feel just a little gooder, so that it's easier to find the gumption to carry on and start stacking on a few new habits, bit by bit. 

We're covering:

  • hangovers as we get older 
  • two different kinds of people when it comes to resolutions 
  • small change concept 
  • 5 teenyweeny tweaks to consider 
  • today's feelgood thing 

The Key Moments in this episode are:

00:01:42 -  hangover trajectory 

00:04:12 - 2 kinds of people 

00:07:12 - weird benefits and drawbacks of these kinds of people 

00:10:50- teenyweeny tweak # 1

00:13:12 - mindset tweak 

00:15:45- variety thoughts 

00:21:10 - today's feelgood thing 

Welcome to feelgoodery, where we take the things that have the potential to make us feel like crap, let the air out of them, and leave feeling a little gooder. It’s the New Year And if there’s ONE thing that has the potential to make us feel shame or disappointment, it’s RESOLUTIONS and the pressure we can put on ourselves at this time of year. It’s a feelgoodery spin on the crappery of resolutions and what we can do instead. As always, feelgoodery is recorded in front of a live studio dog, sparkle coming up - here we go. 

Hello my friend, Happy 2024, it’s the first week of it. How’s the hangover doing? This is being released on the 4th so if you’re over the age of 30 you’re probably maybe JUST starting to feel like yourself if you partied hard on New Years. I mean we know this, but it is WILD how much worse hangovers get the older you get. When you were 20 you coud rage all night and still feel like yourself the next morning and get on with the day. Maybe you JOKED about being hungover to “fit in” with the adults but in all reality, you didn’t know what the hell you were talking about.

And then we get older, maybe 30, 35 and beyond and each year seems to add a DAY to the NUMBER of days the hangover takes to clear your system. LIke in your earlier twenties the hangover if any, last hours, but the older you get, it is DAYS until you feel like yourself again. 

And there’s normally a trajectory.

Day 1 of the hangover is the physical symptoms .. maybe you have a headache, or your nauseous . . for SURE you have that endless tired feeling because even though you slept last night, you didn’t really get that restorative sleep because that’s what alcohol does, it prevents you from properly sleeping. So you have that tired feeling all day.  Maybe there’s a little anxiety . . but the anxiety is trumped by how terrible you feel physically . .  

Day 2 of the hangover is ALL ABOUT the anxiety. Because you’ve had one good sleep you’re phycially feeling better, but this is where your MIND finally gets to come out and PLAY and bring up ALL the demons you THOUGHT you had dealt with years ago. So anxiety is HIGH on day 2. 

Day 3 is the day where anxiety is a little better BUT you’re brains just a little bit foggy.. Youre just not exactly yourself, maybe you’re a little anxious, maybe youre a little depressed who knows really but regarldess you don’t feel like YOU.

Day 4 hopefully is where things get back on track but maybe not. I know some people who don’t feel like themselves until after a week. But that really can be because of another issue entirely and MAYBE the liver needs some extra support. 

SO ALL this to say. I hope you are feeling GOOD today. I hope you are feeling like YOURSELF today. And I hope you’re not putting too much on yourself. 

Because this first week back can sometimes feel like a lot, we’re coming off the break, where we all slowed down, even if we were working, we all collectively understood that we are working on OUR time… and now it’s back to normal and there can be this resistance that we feel, we’re like the little kids that don’t want to come back inside from recess (BELL), and if we do, we’re doing it kicking and screaming. That’s this week.

This is also the time of year where everyone talks about RESOLUTIONS. New Year New Me or whatever marketing lingo is going around. And listen, there is nothing wrong with that. I want us to WANT things for ourselves. 

But . .  here’s the thing. And this is a HUGE generalization so please bear with me. But.. I propose that there are 2 kinds of people. 

ONE - the ones who go into the year with OPTIMISM and BIG GOALS. This is the year where I’m going to work out 7 days a week, I’m not going to eat any sugar I’m gonna cook my own food and oh my god I’m going to become wonderful… 

..**The caveat of this group, is that when you make goals that require MASSIVE lifestyle shifts, massive change, they become really hard to stick to . . and what can happen is that a week or two weeks or a month down the line those goals get DROPPED entirely and you go back to baseline. I mean we’ve all heard the statistics that most resolutions don’t make it to Febuary. Some esetimates say that 80% of resolution fail and only 8% of people stick to their resolutions all year. So there IS hope, but when HUGE resolutions are made that require massive change . . . it’s a steep hill to climb. 

So that’s the first type of person.

The second type of person is the one who HEARS about these stats on the news year after year, that most resolutions fail  . . so because of it, NEVER makes any resolutions at all. Maybe they used to in the past, maybe they didn’t. But whatever the reason. This second person, or this group of people, decide NOT to make any resolutions whatsoever.

Maybe it’s because they hear the stats and are discouraged, maybe it’s because they are scared of trying in the first place in case they fail, which would make them feel worse - which is absolutely fair, or maybe it’s because the idea of ANY change is just so absoultuey terrifying that it can’t be attempted. Which is also fair. Change can be immensely scary and we humans do not like change. 

Now like I said, this was a generalization. But I say it for a reason. Because there are those extremes this time of year. One one side, it’s NEW YEAR NEW ME, it’s time to do a complete overhaul and strip everything top to bottom, and on the other side, it’s the discouraged what’s the point of even trying side of things. And if you’re like me, maybe you’ve experienced BOTH of those sides depending on what your mood was like on a given year. 

And both sides have their own weird benefits, and their own weird drawbacks.

For the NEW YEAR NEW ME Side - the weird benefit is the hope that extreme change will bring extreme reward and you’ll be feeling the best youve perhaps ever felt, and the drawback is that when the goals are THAT HIGH, the FALL is that much further if those goals aren’t meant, with disappointment and discouragement being at the bottom of that drop.

For the NO resolution, what’s the point of even trying Side - the weird benefit is that nothing changes and you get to stay in your zone of comfort, which tends to be the place that is comfortable for us, but not necessarily GOOD for us because not a ton of growth happens here. And the DRAWBACK for this side, is that you don’t even TRY so you don’t even know the world in which you might feel just a little bit better. 

So with that . . . today I want to propose that we meet somewhere in the middle. Because it’s a shame NOT to TRY, and it’s also a shame when we set the bar SO high for ourselves that we set ourselves up for a loss out the gate. 

So rather than no goals at all, and rather than HUGE goals that require massive upheaval, we’re going to go over some small shifts to consider trying on for size, that when done consistently, add up to a lasting change for the better.

And there’s different terms for this small shift concept. Some call it microshifts, or incremental change . . it’s the idea of making tiny tweaks to your habits - little changes that are so doable they almost feel like second nature, and because of that, they are easier to stick to and because of that, lead to more successful long term outcomes.  So for example - instead of the drastic “I’ll work out for 2 hours every day” goal, a microshift could be committing to a 10-minute morning stretch routine. 

For me, a BIG reason I love the small change concept, is that they are subtle enough that they are easily doable, so you DO it. And when you do it, you feel a little better. You feel a little GOODER. And when you feel good, it’s easier to keep going, and easier to find the gumption to tackle bigger goals. When you feel good you do good, which is something I say a lot. Is it annoying to hear sometimes depending on your mood? YES. Does it make it wrong. NO. 

So call them what you will, small change, little change, microshift, nano-adjustment .. .  a pocket-sized tweak or bitty budge . . .whatever you need, that’s what it is. 

But for today -because microshifts and small changes sound so formal . . . and I’ve talked about literal POO on this show before, I’m going to lean away from formal and call these… TeenyWeenyTweaks, 

So I’m going to share 5 teenyweeny tweaks for your consideration. The goal is NOT to apply them all, but maybe choose 1 that you can see yourself trying on for size . . and then down the line, when that one’s running, choose another. The beauty is that they all help you feel good in differnet ways, they’re different ways in . . but when you feel good, you do good right… and it’s easier to add on more… 

So let’s get into it. TeenyWeenyTweaks for your consideration 

TeenyWeenyTweak #1: 12 Hour Fast between Dinner and Breakfast

We’re going to be doing another episode on intermittent fasting, but in general, one of the best things you can do for your gut, your sleep, your brain is by taking a decent break between dinner and breakfast. It’s really easy to have dinner, and then snack at night watching tv before going to bed, and then get up and eat and keep going. But by doing that, we don’t give our digestive system a huge break. So the teenyweeny tweak that can make a big difference is fasting for about 12 hours between dinner and breakfast. And it doesn’t have to be every night, but if you make this tweek a few nights a week, that really can go a long way. So for example, if you stop eating at 7, and don’t eat breakfast until 7 am the next morning - that’s a successful 12 hour fast.  

Now when you do this, a few  beneficial things take place. One, you support a better nights sleep. And the reason is that this fasting aligns with our body’s circadian rhythm, and can allow our body to rest and repair while we sleep, instead of digesting the food we ate right before bed. Two, the fasting period triggers the activation of something called our Migrating Motor Complex, which is essentially the housekeeper of our gut, which helps remove residual food particles, bacteria and other debris from our gut that shouldn’t be hanging around for too long. This electromechanical process  is  essential for a healthy gut and  only happens in the absence of food. And three - you give you digestive system a proper break, and also gives an opportunity for the body to regulate and diminish inflammatory markers, contributing to an overall reduction in inflammation. 

TeenyWeenyTweak #2: replace I “have to” with I “get to” 

This is a mindset shift that can sometimes really go a long way. Now I say this with love, but we humans, myself included, we love to bitch and complain. Love it. Ugh. I HAVE to go to work. I HAVE to work out. I HAVE to call Heather back. And honestly, when we preface what we are about to do with I HAVE to… it creates this natural drag  or burden and this natural resistance that ends up making the task more tedious.

But when you shift I have to with I get to, it introduces an element of gratitude and if there’s ONE THING WE KNOW, is that when it comes to a happy life, gratitude works. So by saying “I get to go to work”, it has an air that geez I’m really lucky to be employed and have money that enters my bank account, or “ I get to work out” , I’m lucky that I can move my body and sweat a little bit, or “I get to call Heather”- you have a friend you can connect with! Sure she’ll ream you out for making a scene at her wedding but she forgives you and we’re happy for that. 

But jokes asides, and cornyness aside because I know this tweak has the CORN-FLAKE meter flying . . making the switch from I have to, to “I get to”, even a couple of times… it really can help cultivate appreciation for the present moment and it also adds a little bit of empowerment, because you’re choosing to do this action , which in itself that contribute to a more optimistic and resilient outlook. 

TeenyWeenyTweak #3: Add Variety to the Diet When Possible 

One of the best things you can do to support your microbiome which impacts every other piece of your health, is to increase variety in the diet, largely in the form plants. The more variety you get, the more different types of fibres and polyphenols you get which work to feed your bacteria, who then start to produce beneficial substances for you. 

There’s support out there that shows that 30 different plants a week helps to foster the healthiest microbiomes. Now I know getting 30 different varieties is a lot, so the teenyweeny tweak here is just to add variety when and where you can. And here’s what variety can mean: It can mean:

Adding more spices and herbs to your cooking

Buying different kinds of your favourite staples. So if you normally buy fujis, maybe try red delicious or gala - even within the same category, variety can make a difference.

It can mean trying one new veggie a week

It can mean diving into more soups and stews where you’re able to throw a ton of different veggies into one large pot

There’s lot of ways to do it. So rather than focusing on a number, just start thinking of how you can change things up, and how you can add a touch of variety and novelty to your current diet. 

TeenyWeeny Tweak #4: Breathe Deep Before You Eat 

I’ve talked about this before, and we do hear it a lot - but it’s something most of us still don’t do. So for optimal health, we want to support our digestive system so it’s able to properly break down the food we eat and turn it into fuel for our cells. We know dis.

We also know, that we live in a stressed out  friggin world. Whether you feel like your stressed or not, the truth is we all lead busy lives, where we go from one thing to the next, go on social media, maybe get triggered.. And the reality is, this puts us in fight or flight mode more often than we think. And then we eat. But the LAST thing our body’s are worried about when we’re in a state of stress, is digesting our food. When we’re stressed, blood is shunted AWAY from our digestive system and into our extremities so we can face the threat at hand, and that threat normally isn’t an actual threat, it’s just our own minds being runaway anxious monsters. 

So, in order to put energy back into our digestive system so we properly digest our food, we need to eat in a calm state. We need to go from sympathetic fight or flight, to rest and digest. And although it’d be just great to be in a meditative state all day long so eating was just a calm part of it all, it is NOT.

So one way we can get around that, at BARE minimum - is taking time before we eat to do a few deep intentional breaths. 

I know it sounds goopy but guys, it makes a difference. 

TeenyWeeny Tweak #5: Add Protein to the first part of your day

Most people are under consuming protein as a whole, which can result in a whole host of different issues - from hormonal issues, to skin problems, to mood swings and anxiety to increased cravings. And if you look at a typical breakfast, lunch and dinner of a lot of us, breakfast or that first meal of the day is typically the meal with the LOWEST amount of protein. So because of this, the first meal of the day is NORMALLY the easiest one to teenyweeny tweak. NOW THE EASIEST way to do this WITHOUT changing what your currently doing is by adding something like a protein powder or collagen powder to your morning routine. Whether thats making a shake, or adding the powder to your oatmeal if youre an oatmeal person, or making a coffee frothy latte with the collagen powder. These typically tend to be the path of least resistance. But of course, you can add in eggs if you tolerate eggs, or consume leftover dinner which is higher in protien. However you want to do it, when you protein load your day - you tend to be more satiated and people who do this tend to experience fewer cravings later on in the day, largely in part because when you up the protein of your meals, you support more stable blood sugar levels which ressults in fewer cravings. 

Now I recognize that out of all of the teenyweeny tweaks we talked about today, this last one might seem like a bigger change. But i still wanted to include it because it is one of those changes that can really make a ripple impact on your overall health. 


That sound means time for the first feelgood thing of 2024, which are little things that might make us feel good that deserve a spot in the momentary spotlight so we can train our brains to seek out the good, because they are so good at finding the bad. 

Today’s feelgood thing is that slight glimmer of hope that even the most pessimistic of us feel in the New Year. Maybe it’s not huge, but come new years, there’s that little hope that this next year will be different, and better in some way. It’s that little feeling, that little glimmer of hope or excitement that finds its way in. Even if it’s fleeting. And even if we then try to shut it down because we’ve been burned too many times before. It’s that little spark that still comes back, and is worth appreciating. Because hope is never a bad thing. 


Alright my friend, we’ve covered 5 little changes, or teenyweeny tweaks which I’m sure was a fun term at first but now you’re sick of hearing, and by no means do you have to pick ANY of them. As always, take what you need and leave the rest. 

But maybe if none of them sounded like the right fit, you can think of one that works for you that you can try on for size. The trick is that they are small enough to be doable, but different enough that they add in SOMETHING new to your day. 

The thing is, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves at the best of times, and there’s a lot of things that we’ve failed at as grown ups. There’s habits we’ve wanted to start, but failed to keep up with. And that can make us feel discouraged, and disappointed, and that can easily lead to losing faith in ourselves. Where we stop believing we can do things. And that really, is the true shame of the whole thing. But we fall, so we can get back up. And try again. So my hope for all of this year, for myself, for you, for the people in your life. . . is that we don’t stop trying. And it doesn’t have to be the big stuff. Try for the little, try for the teenyweeny, and before you know it, that teenyweeny becomes a macrowidy (I dont know but I tried). Point is. Try. And before you know it, you might just feel a little gooder. I hope you have a wonderful day ahead, and I will see you next time on feelgoodery.

And now for the legal stuff. The information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please always consult with your health care provider.