The Self-Centered Woman Podcast

Self-Centering Session With Rachel- Preparing Ourselves For Clarity

November 12, 2023 Rachel Hart Episode 22
The Self-Centered Woman Podcast
Self-Centering Session With Rachel- Preparing Ourselves For Clarity
Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, Rachel shares about a chance meeting with her Uber driver, and how they showed up for one another at the perfect time.

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And welcome to this episode of The Self-Centered Woman Podcast.

I am your host, Rachel Hart, happy to be with you here.

Happy to be with you here once again.

I was excited to get on today. 11/11 is today when I'm recording.

I wonder if you guys have a thing with 11/11. My daughter always texts me when it's 11/11, whatever.

We always have these numbers that we see, if you've listened before, you know that mine is, 44 or four four four or some sort of um cluster of fours together but anyway a major occurrence happened yesterday that I couldn't wait to tell you about. All week long has been a real challenge.

Last weekend was marvelous. We went to the beach house, me, and fiancee, and the little babies, and we just had such a wonderful time.

We made Thanksgiving crafts and we walked to the beach and we walked to the bay and we made dinner at home cause all the food around there is crap in my opinion, and we make it better at home.

And then Sunday we were getting ready to go home, and I was cleaning up and I was holding the baby and thought that I could just quickly bend down and pick up one of his toys to put away. And what do you think happened? All of a sudden I was caught midair and heard a rip in my back and just like that I could barely walk. At first I didn't think it was so bad. I could kind of stretch my way out of it and even the car ride home wasn't so bad but when we got home, I could barely lay down to go to sleep.

I could not get into any comfortable position. That was Sunday night.

It's Saturday and I am just starting to feel like I can move around again. It has been so terrible and you know how it goes when you don't feel good at first you start to manage it and you think, okay I'm gonna get through this.

You do all the things to stay positive, and then midway through or towards the end of the turning point, you're like, I’m missing out on all the work that I'm supposed to be doing.

I'm just laying here, not able to do anything. Which in itself, is probably a message right, sit still Rachel, maybe you need to sit still.

How many of us get that message? Usually we go, go, go until we get sick, or until we throw our back out whatever it is and then we get the message that we need to sit still so um.

I got that message loud and clear and really there was nothing else I could do but lay in the bed and pray that this passes.

And time and ice and just being still is what helped.

Oh, and a massage from my lovely massage therapist, Allegra, who is amazing.

But anyway, in that time where my mental state started to suffer, I also had a daughter in her performance, and I had to go support her and didn't want to bring my poor mentality onto, um, the show debut, so I tried really hard not to let that happen.

When I got back from the show, it was an amazing show, I go and look and see that my car is leaking radiator fluid.

To add insult to injury, because if any of you know me, you know that my car is 17, yes, 17 years old, and I'm actually so proud of that fact. 340,000 miles on my car, I bought my car when I was six months pregnant with my third child and you know that I have six children and there were twelve years between the last two and number four so.

My car has seen it all, and I'm so proud of it and even I've had like you know the things breaks I've had a radiator in it before tires tires tires whatever all the things but.

It has, still been cheaper than a car payment and now I just want to see how long I can get that little baby girl to keep going.

I love it so much, it is my jam of that car, i'll be so sad when she goes so, but anyway, I still wasn't in the mood to drop $900 on a radiator which is what I had to do. So and it was the weekend so I had to call um right away and get in Friday so I could get it done because I'm also on call this weekend.

So here's the story; I drop the car off, I uber home, I wait all day.

I am not in a good mood. I have to spend money on this radiator.

My back is hurting, I haven't been able to work on my business. How I want to work on my business is up in the air, going back and forth.

Is it worth it? But I love it! But I don't have 5 billion followers. Am I ever gonna have 5 billion followers? Talking myself down, knowing that it's step by step by step. Anyway, you just want to know that you're making a grand impact.

We want things now, now, now.

And that's not the way it works. But my car was ready.

The mechanic called to say your car is ready and come pick it up, and pay me a thousand dollars.

So I called the Uber.

She comes and it's just me and this girl in the car and I don't know about you guys but I don't just not talk to another human being that's less than 2 ft away from me.

Do you guys get into Uber and stay silent? That's just not me.

I'm just like a talkative person. I wanna know about these people.

Like what's going on with you? How did you become an Uber driver?

I guess that's why I have The Self-Centered Woman Podcast, and I'm interviewing people, because I just really wanna know about people.

And so I'm in the car with her, I'm like how was your day today?

I didn't even really feel like talking today because I wasn't in the mood, but I still didn't wanna be a jerk, and I wanted to know how was her day and she said oh it's going pretty good, you know, it's okay. She mentioned that she left early from her other job today because she wasn't really feeling it and then she went home and she kind of got still and said well, I'll just go Uber the rest of the day I said what's your other job? And she told me that her other job is working for a brand who does promotions for grocery stores.

And so that got my wheels turning, because I like to see, how can The Self-Centered Woman Podcast, how can Reconnected to Life, join forces with any other movement to collaborate, um, when it comes to The Four Seeds of Self-Care, is there any way that we can talk about eating well?

Sleeping well, meditation or exercise together,  linked up with another company?

Always my wheels are turning about how can we market, how can we collaborate, But she has been working for this company that promotes in grocery stores for 15 years, and so she really enjoys it.

But that day she was not feeling it, and she told her boss, I need to go home And I then that led me to ask about mental health days, because I know that it's not uncommon.

I haven't been in a corporate setting in forever, so I'm kind of out of the loop when it comes to how many corporations or jobs really acknowledge a mental health day for their employees.

I would love your feedback if you work for one of them, let me know about that and how they accommodate you.

I know had another coaching client a while back who had a company that did wonderful things for their employees.

There was a gym on site, they had access to therapy, um, nutritionist, all the things self-care which is so amazing, and so maybe a lot of other companies are going that route now. Tell me, are they? She said that her company really

She said it's accessible to me if I want therapy, there's group sessions if I want to.

She's like, but I'm kind of a loner, I just wanted to go home.

I just wanted to be left, alone and be in my feelings for a little while, and then I can get back out and go Uber and make some money that way. I was like well if you are interested since you're in your car all the time Ubering would you be interested, I have this podcast. It’s called The Self Centered Woman Podcast, it it's all about self-care. Um sometimes I'm talking, sometimes I'm interviewing people but a lot of the interviews are about women who have overcome hardships based on um using The Four Seeds as tools for that and she's like.

Oh my gosh, this is so right up my alley, I’m gonna write this down, when we get done. She's like, I really needed that today. And she's like, just the fact that you called me to pick you up, when I saw your name on there I was like, oh my God I can't believe this is happening. And I was like

Why, tell me? And she said, my mom died a couple of years ago in 2021, and when I went home for the funeral, I reconnected, is her exact wording, with a cousin who I hadn't seen or spoken to in a long time, and we really hit it off, and we promised each other that we would stay in touch and that we would plan a visit and so we did and I she used the word reconnected two more times and so that alone was like oh my gosh I can't believe she's saying reconnected when she finds out that my company's called Reconnected to Life, she’s gonna die.

She told me that that cousin was scheduled to, come down, and visit her and on Friday she got the call that she had passed, and she that cousin had passed a while back and she was just finding out and that cousin's name was Rachel.

And we both, I said, do you want me to blow your mind even more?

So here's Rachel sitting in your car, who owns a company called Reconnected to Life.

And you keep saying how you and Rachel had reconnected. And I'm like, I don't know what it means, but it means something.

We were meant to cross paths today. And I told her about my company.

I told her, get connected. Join the newsletter because that's free,

Getting the weekly newsletter, Re-Centering your Wednesday: Because Life is About Much More Than Getting Over the Hump, and obviously that I have coaching sessions available, but that costs money.

But the newsletter is free, the social media is free, the podcast is free, so there's lots of things that she could do for her self-care to be a part of this movement without having to spend any money um, and and that be even more of a hardship for her and so she really was receptive to that.

Really enjoyed that, but the bigger thing was that I needed that in that moment, to be able to share what I do, and to hear somebody say, oh God, I really need that right now.

And here's why… And I can't believe that you're sitting in my car right now and here's why, Rachel.. Because my cousin Rachel passed and I was supposed to reconnect with her life.

The conversation lasted 10 min because that's how long it took to get from my house to my car at the mechanic’s office.

But before I got of the car I asked her if I could pray for her, pray with her.

Let me clarify. And she's like, oh yes.

And I told her, I don't do this, I’m not the person that just stops and prays with people, because I don't assume to know what you need, I met you 10 min ago.

But what I do hope that we can both sit still long enough and take notice of the fact that in this time and space, we needed each other.

And there's no coincidence.

And so I prayed with her in total gratitude that we were able to cross paths, that we could connect as human beings, that I was able to give her something that helped her, and that she was able to give me something that helped me, to move me forward, and what I'm doing to continue to believe in what I'm doing.

To be inspired by the people who need what I'm doing, and hopefully gained a new authentic follower from her experience with me.

And I bring it up, because if we pay attention, those little moments of coincidence, of pointing us in a direction that's telling us you're on the right path, will happen more and more if you believe that they will.

I was just talking to a friend of mine who was telling me all about how she had to make this huge decision, and that whenever she has to make any decision, she just sits with it, sits with it, sits with it, she doesn't make any moves forward until she feels like she gets a clarity about it.

Some sort of message about it, and she told me a whole story about it, which I will let her have her story, rather than tell hers, um, but this, for me, was that kind of clarity moment, because I didn't really know what I was gonna talk about today.

I have a million things written down to talk about, but I feel like I always need to have this inspiring moment, this thing that meant something to me to then be able to turn around and share it with you, and it wasn't until yesterday that that thing came and I'm so glad that I waited I didn't I wasn't able to record the podcast.

I usually would have recorded it a few days ago, but because my back has been so jacked up, I haven't been able to do it.

And then that happens, which is another thing that I encourage you to take notice of, when things hold you back, seemingly.

Maybe we can reframe that to a belief that the timing is perfect, and you're just waiting, you're being held for the perfect time, you're in the waiting room, until it's go time, until you get the green light, right, and I really believe that that's what happened to me with that meeting with that person So the

take-a-ways today..

You can make a difference in one single humans life, in ways that impact how they live the next few years, in the ways that they're gonna live the rest of their life, by just being authentically you, and by just being present, you have something to share that people need.

And there will be organic ways to do that.

Don't force it, because when you force it, it comes across forced, it feels forced for you, and you don't get the same joy out of it, and it's not received in the way that you're meant for people to get it.

And secondly, be alert, believe that there are moments pointing you in the direction that you ought to be going.

Believe that there will be help when it comes to making the decisions that you need to make if you just wait for it.

Go back to your fundamentals and be diligent with your practice of eating well, sleeping well, meditation and exercise.

When you are strong mentally, physically, emotionally, you are more receptive to those magical moments.

So go forth and expect the moments to come to you, because, they will. Be Self-Centered.