The Shift Health Coach

Biohacking with Wade Lightheart

Laura Timbrook Episode 125

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Have you ever wondered how you can personalize and enhance your own health for performance and vitality? In this episode, we are talking with biohacking expert Wade Lightheart on how you can do just that.

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Have you ever wondered how we can optimize our body for peak performance and longevity? That's exactly what we're going to be talking about today. When we discuss biohacking with Wade light heart is about how we can optimize ourselves for peak performance, health and longevity. And be sure to stay tuned so you can find out more about this special offer today. All the nutrition information out there today. Everything's conflicting, completely confusing. How are we supposed to be healthy if even the experts can agree? This is outspoken nutrition on your host, Laura Timbrook. And we're gonna break it all down. Hey everybody, welcome to the podcast. Today we're talking with biohacking expert, Wade light heart. Wade is a three time Canadian natural body building champion. He is one of the world's premier authorities on natural nutrition and training methods sought out by athletes and high performance oriented individuals for his advice on how to optimize their health and fitness levels. So I am so excited to welcome Wade to the podcast. Well, Wade, thank you so much for joining us on the outspoken nutrition Podcast. I am really excited to have you come on and talk to our listeners about bio hacking. I know this request actually came from a listener was interested in what bio hacking is what it means how can they start implementing some simple tips for bio hack. Welcome to the podcast. And can you give us a little background about yourself and what you do? Sure, thanks,

Wade Lightheart
Laura, I really appreciate being here. And it's one of my favorite topics. So for those who don't know, my name is Wade light heart and I am the president of what would many people call one of the leading biological optimization companies in the world, particularly focused on digestion, nervous system and brain health. But my background was I'm a grew up Canadian in a rural place and got interested in bodybuilding at 15 when my sister who had been recently diagnosed at that time with Hodgkin's disease, a form of cancer gave me a bodybuilding magazine and I saw this guy with muscles and pretty girls on and if I didn't have any of those girls or muscles, I thought, well, maybe I could do that. And I built the gym and my barn started training. And as my sister's health declined until her early demise at 22. I went into the university settings studied exercise physiology, sports nutrition and developed a career as a as a bodybuilder. And the ironic thing was, is that in it, I had no business being a bodybuilder. I didn't have the genetics for it, but I had a lot of passion for it. And bodybuilders are the original biohackers. And I'll explain that in a minute. But after 16 years, and I got the best coaching and I was able to win and go to the Mr. Universe contest for my country, which is a dream come true. I get out of that contest, and I gained 42 pounds of fat and water in 11 weeks. And I made the common assumption that so many people do and that is if you are fit, you're healthy. So as an athlete, I was running a performance program had a very low body fat level, I had great cardio, I had extraordinary muscle mass, and I was defined by the cosmetic ideas in the bodybuilding world of having what people would consider a perfected athletic physique or close to it. And yet my insides were a disaster. And unfortunately, I met a doctor by the name of Dr. Michael Bryan, in his late 70s, who was maybe one of the most vibrant people I ever met. I asked him at the end of the seminar I said, Dr. O'Brien, what have I done wrong here, I've got the best coach. I've got Spartan discipline. I've got a background in physiology and nutrition. I'm recognized the world over at the pinnacle of aesthetic ideas. And now I'm a total physical disaster. And he said something to me that changed my life and was the starting point of our company. And that was because we you've learned to build the body from the outside, and I'm going to teach you how to build the body from the inside out. That's really mind blowing. Exactly. And since that time, I'm just learning about microbiome and no one was talking about learned about enzymes and probiotics and leaky gut and the importance of mineralization and amino acid uptake and I met only they correct my physique. But in six months, I never felt better. I felt totally vibrant, healthy, I was able to get my physique back. But instead of before where I was dragging and in pain and in pain and suffering, which most links are to academics, and I didn't have all the things that my competitors have been in over the next four years. I coached myself and Matt Nye we started a company to help particularly athletes and people who are in this world avoid the mistakes that I coached over 15,000 people for four years during a four year span and kind of mastered these prints. people were looking to improve their health to optimize cognitive performance, or we're looking for an aesthetic ideal, which are the three principles in our company, might people get attacked, attached to it and I kind of made a comeback. I went back and did another world championship did better than I did before, didn't have the blow up. So I figured it out. And from that point, I started writing books and lecturing around the world teaching these principles. Years later, to go to your question, what is biohacking. There was a guy out there by the name of Dave Asprey, who was looking in the field, I would say, of people who are trying to overcome the common elements of dis ease, or the diseases of modern living. If you look at North America, the North American diet in particular, and what has happened since the advent of fast food, commercialized food products, and the heavy use of industrial chemical ionization

of our food production and distribution industry. We have created an epidemic of obesity, of brain fog, of cancer, of diabetes, of a host of hormonal conditions, which are plaguing the population. And we have really made we've extended our life expand, although that's now diminishing, but our disability adjusted life expectancy in the New England Journal medicine spend, we're spending 2030 years in payments. And so biohackers are people who are using technology to offset the consequences of the industrialization of society. And so I've been a bio hacker probably before it was coined. Dave coined the term I think it's oftentimes they call them the father of biohacking bio hackers are about us taking control of our own lives, our own health, our own things in developing, systematized and customized personalized programs for ourselves with our unique needs. That's about happiness.

Laura Timbrook
I love that you said it's personalized, because I think so many times that's what we're missing in the health and nutrition world is we think that if we eat this many carbs, this much fat this much, and everything is well, that's just how I should be eating it. And one of the things I think so many times we miss is that it's personalized. Everybody works a little bit differently. So a supplement a diet of food that might work for me may not work for you might not work for Suzy and HR, and everything's different and that was the one thing I did like about the whole biohacking because I do I follow Dave Asprey, his podcast, you know, you know, the whole nutrition nerd thing going on and just interested because I think there are so many tips that we can take that there are little things that we can learn around along the way from each and every, you know, kind of dietary theory or process. So that was one of the things I really liked. And one of the things you said that really blew my mind is that we're not Healing ourselves and creating ourselves from the inside out. And when I started in nutrition, I always thought sports nutrition was the pinnacle of health. And I have a lot of athletic friends. Some of them compete on world stages. And as I look at them and I've seen things that they were going through and you realize, okay, not necessarily when you get on that stage, are you the healthiest? You're no you're not right. You're the most optimized for that time. Maybe your fit. Exactly. And it was just I've seen it and My husband is a national ranked weightlifter. I've seen the struggles he has gone through when we've done his diet. So it's it's definitely interesting and that's really it. I heard about one of the biohacking conferences when you talked about weeding To start working from the inside out because you If our guts aren't good if our digestion isn't good if our mental Health is in good shape. seen that with Simone Biles, if that's not good, then We can't be at our ultimate healthy selves. Now when we're talking about biohacking and I know a lot of my listeners here today are hearing this for the first time if they're interested in starting to look into To biohacking. Where would you say that they should start?

Wade Lightheart
You know what we'll give a reference to our site will actually give you a free book which is called the blue Print for biological optimization And I will make a caveat bio hacking by its name. I find has little Little bit of a negative connotation to If I think of hackers, it's about looking at a system and how do I jump to get an X, a certain result that's very common in high performance sports. You're looking for edges to get over that but sometimes that has consequences. Biological optimization is about Using things in conjunction with your body that actually optimizes all facets performance, aesthetics and health simultaneously so it's a little bit more More sophisticated now. They can be used interchangeably but What you're going to look at for biohacking standards are I'll give you the standards What you're going to want to do so you're going to go get that book sent to you guys. It'll be fun and it's Good start to get an overview of the picture. Where to get started. And then I have a sequential series that I give away as well, which is five to 15 minute videos to walk you through all the things that I learned in 30 plus years. So you don't have to go you can watch it but your kids have gymnastics or soccer. And but all that to say is you start basically with a personalized assessment of yourself. And that would include genetics, subsequently, epi genetics and someone to interpret that we can talk about that a hormone profile, a gut map, so that you can actually look at your microbiome because your diet, it's not what you eat, it's what you digest, absorb and utilize, and the dietary habits of North Americans in particular, what I mentioned before, has so compromised our microbiome. Most people have to go on an elimination diet to start as well as a intestinal augmentation program. In other words, getting the right probiotics inside their system because most of us it's subjected to massive amounts of chemicals and antibiotics and things and and dietary dysbiosis. That's created proliferation of bad bacteria and under amount of good ones and so there's an adjustment period, probably a dexa scan so you get lean body mass, bone, muscle, bone, tissue, body fat. Test. And then from there and then a continuous blood sugar monitor. I'd like to know, and I'm just addressing all the big killers and then maybe you can get into a pulse test which would look at the damage to your heart or put into from that you're going to be able to look at himself and say, well guess what genetic I have a predisposition, let's say for heart disease or for cancer or for diabetes. So you want to identify that first. My dietary and my genetic ancestors say that I'll probably do on This type better on this type of diet as opposed to that one My microbiome says I have too many of these bacterias and not enough of these ones, and my hormones which are connected to all that are a result of all of those things. And by monitoring my blood sugar which is one of the most biggest hormone disrupting laters inside the system and of course leads to diabetes. Now I've got a whole working model out What's gonna work for me? What's not gonna work for me? Where do I start and by tracking these things periodically, you can see internal progress that might not necessarily show up in the bill. You might feel better and then you'll and that's enough motivation to get you heading in a direction till the other parts of the system start to kick back in. Then you become a master of your metabolism. you optimize your brain and you become one of these people that you You know, make you sick on the TV because they're 55 years old, and they look like they're 35 and they're running marathons and accompany and they feel and you're like, well, how did the person do that? Well, they went through a systemized process. Usually after a burnout, a breakdown and crisis. And that became the impetus to say I need to do something different and So that's usually where companies like myself step in and say hey, you know what? There options for you. oftentimes they're not available to your convention. No medicine doctor. We do With fun medics and doctors genetic experts And naturopathic doctors who are In the know and there are some medical doctors That you put together a team and Assemble as I call the Jedi Council and From there, you're able to make accurate use Form decisions on you and not get suede Buy what worked for your girlfriend down the street.

Laura Timbrook
And I think that is key. He because That is what happens when we're hearing our friend down the street. Oh, you know, this diet worked for me I lost 40 pounds or, you know you're reading the latest magazine you know Women's Health Men's Health and oh we got to be on this diet and you I've heard it so many times that I tried that I didn't feel good, or it ruined my digestion. I've heard that a few times where, you know, you tried a diet that didn't work and you're eating all this protein and maybe your body isn't breaking down protein real well. And now you just have this. I like to call it the rotten gut because it's just you know, it and it's just so I love the idea and I like the idea of what you're talking about is that baseline understanding where you're at because you can't fix something if you don't know What's wrong? You know, you can waste so much time, money and energy but if you don't know what's broken, how do you know what what supplements to take what to do? Do you know? It's I think understanding that baseline is is really key to a lot of this It is because

Wade Lightheart
The best result On the diet, you are currently using might be setting you Look for the biggest fail What a lot of people equate this is the biggest mistake. Let's face it It's worked. They wouldn't need to keep continuing on with new ones. Do I mean like, why did they keep Oh yeah, I haven't gotten new diets because they don't work for everyone but people have Understand is mastering your metabolism is what leads you to long term. Weight Management and and all optimal health and vitality and metabolism is very minimal. Understood because Anytime that you have Hey I need to do a diet you have to recognize that what you're doing is ultimately slowing your metabolism down and Further complicating the problems that like to make a diet in the first place and the all the scientific evidence demonstrates this Long Term dieters are in fact that piece. gain the most amount of weight. So why is that? Well because the die It's inappropriateness for you will Due to short term success, which you'll Double Down, triple down and eventually the wheel. Come off and you go back the other way and then you wind up heavier or more out of shape and often Time's getting to hormonal and gut dysbiosis and deregulation, and then you got a whole cascade of other areas and then now what happens you get to that position of the classic conversation of men and women who come to my door. I've tried everything I had success on this diet and five years ago and then that didn't work. And then three years ago, I did this and I did a little bit and then I gained out and then I had this kind of medical thing that happened and I went through a stressful With my kids or my spouse, and now I'm 50 pounds overweight. I feel like crap. I don't like who I look in the mirror and They want a quick fix. What's the next thing I need to do? I was thinking about going back to that diet. I was on the first time five years ago that worked so well that is a recipe for self destruction and the At the end my job as a biohacking expert is to use a term Susan Powell. Are you so? Well, years old, stop the insanity. Stop the diet program, get optimized, get your personalized data and build a routine that you can live with with systematized upgrades that makes sense that you can stay with for life and I plan on doing this program not for 12 weeks 10 weeks Six weeks 15 this needs to be something It's integrated into your lifestyle. overtime and so If you do that, then guess why Your success is guaranteed. If you don't do that, I will Say that your failure you Guaranteed.

Laura Timbrook
Yeah and you know so what many times is when we talk about going back Back to those diets Iowa. often think of them as relationships. We always say if a relationship leaves and ends for a reason it's ending for a reason. And yet how many people go back and it ends the same way or worse. And a lot of times die is the same things. And a lot of times what people are missing is that diet didn't work or it stopped working for a reason. And we didn't have Just that reason, and that's the biggest thing I know when we talk about biohacking is there's a giant being made. We're just not staying on the same thing. Constantly, we have to change. And I think that goes true for any diet that you're on is the moment we just try to stay the course and we're eating rice and broccoli or chicken and broccoli every day of our life at some point, guess what? Chicken and broccoli probably is not going to agree with our digestive system anymore. And it's so much of that, that we're not Changing and I think that is a big thing. Yeah, life is also dying. emic and you have to recognize is that Natural decline of The body is inevitable and There are things

Wade Lightheart
That will accelerate it and things That will slow that down and there's even things That can reverse that. But without under Standing what those days Lions are you're not able to To live positive trends You're not able to offset Negative trends Those which are inevitable With the aging process and we are on the Class of I think The greatest revolution in health ever. And bio hackers in particularly are on the bleeding edge of that the general population haven't caught on to this is the future of health in humanity to 100 Mb On and that's what we're mission. Our mission is our mission is To help people live healthily too often 100 and beyond. And that's not a statement. That's not a claim that is a viable reality as it is today. And I believe as we go over the next 10 to 20 years, it's going to be more of a commonplace for people who invest That's the time the effort and the energy in learning the systems and you're not Gotta find that on a magazine at the grocery store. Or you're not going to hear it from your GP and you probably won't hear it from your fitness trainer at the gym. You've got to get into the community that's leading the way in that direction. And, you know, this is where the real action is happening in the Hollywood celebrities and the people who are on the covers of these magazines and videos. That's what they're doing. Trust me, they're my clients. I know these people and I know who works with them and I know what they're doing. And the reality is is that's what they're doing.
Laura Timbrook
You said something before that was really important because I think a lot a large majority of the population And doesn't understand how important something As simple as knowing your Blood Sugar numbers are You know, we think about understanding Your blood sugar numbers for diabetes and pre diabetics, but even for the average person understanding how your body is breaking down certain foods I know from working with diabetics in the past I can't tell you how Many people couldn't have processed sugar But maybe honey, they were okay with in small amounts. And it was a perfect example of how our body breaks down things invert and yet we're getting them artificial sweeteners when they didn't need fake artificial sweeteners they just needed a little bit Honey and to learn to have less sugar in their overall diets, and I love the idea because biohackers have really been the one that had been bringing out these continuous glucose monitors. Because this is really I think is probably the biggest breakthrough we've seen for general population to be able to just Start. I mean, almost everybody today can go to CVS and get at least a prick blood glucose monitor. Now, if you Get your hands on a continuous glucose monitor even better, but you can do it as simple as going and buying yourself a little prick and understanding those numbers

Wade Lightheart
I A piece of this which is really important if you do a continuous glucose blood monitor monitor For two weeks and you track I don't think your numbers from the foods that You commonly but also How you see You'll be able to walk away after two weeks without the continuous glucose monitored First off, it's eye opening, you'll be shown After what happens but you'll also it will be To be able to correlate your blood sugar numbers with how you feel when it Really, really low when it's too high and you'll be able to track those biomarkers which you have you have certain feelings associated with immediately. So without the monitor Do you know what my blood Trigger smell. I'm at a stage right now I can walk into a room talk to people have a conversation for two minutes and I can probably guess where their numbers are. And that's because I've been doing this 20 plus years worth won't God I guess it's getting up to 30 years now it's getting up there, but The reality is is you learn these things over time your self observation is the biggest key there is beacons. connected with how you feel track how you feel whether it's in a journal or on a computer. And just do that for two weeks. What do we how you feel It will change your life just in that. That was the Regional biohacking stuff I did as a bodybuilder. 30 years ago, and from that, I began to trust my own observations and I would encourage people to trust your own observations, not necessarily what's been sold to you,

Laura Timbrook
you know, and I love the fact that you just gave us that gem of information because a lot of times we look at biohacking and we look at Oh it's gonna cost us this much for this test this month for this. It becomes expensive in the long run. It's cheaper than being sick but For a lot of people, they can't even get started and I love that gem of advice on, go to the dollar store, get yourself $1 journal and just begin to write it down. And just have an understanding on how food makes you feel because going back to You know, so many clients I have worked with and I can't tell you How many times I have heard Every morning after I eat oatmeal Don't feel good. light bulbs. meals healthy. So they keep Eating And it's gotten to the point where I need to start cream on the mountain effects doesn't make you feel good. Stop eating It I don't care who's telling you what Eat it. Your body is screwed. reaming at you I don't want it and we don't Listen well here

Wade Lightheart
Here's the thing, we've become addicted to outside authority to the peril of our society and there's no better authority on your health than you. What you need to do is be able to surround yourself with information and people that are supportive. In your own observations, for 30 years, I've had people come to me and tell They'll be like I'll say, well, how's your diet? Oh, it's it Pretty common. I'm like, okay, write that down for what you do for two weeks and how you feel two weeks well They came into my office a couple weeks later split Thinking in because they handle the journal They don't want to hand it to me or send email it to me And I look at it and the first thing is like I Don't eat as good as I thought I did. Oh Okay, great, guess what we've now established The bass line we blown out The self deception that I'm eating here because if you were eating Good that was right for you. We wouldn't be In the conversation about this and, and the thing is, is people have to recognize just because you're overweight or just because you're tired or you don't look like you did when you were 18 or prom doesn't mean that you're a less of a person. Send or not valuable or invest and we've attached so much self worth to the components that we've created a disassociate from ourselves in In a really bad way And what happened? happens it Is there becomes almost a murder Then that is Well I've sacrificed from my part Miracle from my family or from my Career Haven't Taking care of myself because of those reasons yet I I attached this martyr mentality that I do and then you know you're sitting with your girlfriends at the coffee shop one day and you have a break Now because you feel that your life is in crisis because you haven't taken the time to give to yourself and I want to speak to this because I think women today are under a disproportionate amount of pressure than ever any point in history. In the 1960s, we developed a birth control pill. So it's For the first time in billions of years of evolution on this planet Species female POC ulation was a To control the birth cycle that created a wealth of knowledge opportunities for women that they could control that they could do other things and And those are all wonderful. We Have not adapted or Develop The society that can support both, you know, being a mom and a wife and a career, woman and all these sorts of things and it may take us January to figure that out, like I don't know how long is it we're only like three jacket Generations into this this new experiment But when you change the birth cycle of of our species new chain species. So the reality is, is recognize where you are. That you're, you're not a victim, but you are the progenitor your circumstances and it's only you that can take control of that in these little elements, a continuous glucose monitor, journaling your stuff, getting assistance of a functional medicine doctor or a naturopathic doctor, someone understands his models and listening to that and getting comfortable with that. These are the steps of how as a as a woman in particular able to navigate this complex swirl mens a whole other issue. We won't even get into that one but I think this is the one because I've noticed once when Once the female in a family unit gets this part Integrated. The corollary benefits for the entire group are exponential, the husband, the kids, all these sort of things, they all start to turn as the mother And so I love doing these podcasts because I think women are the best ROC of our society and with gotta help them take care of themselves. Oh And above everybody else.

Laura Timbrook
Yeah And you know, I love the fact that we actually Went kind of in this direction natural Really because The podcast coming out before this episode, we're talking about mom tired because right now so many of us moms and dads too Depending on if you're the caretaker in the family, but you're you've been homeschooling You've been locked down you've been and it's we Had stress before This just expediting And even for the stress on our Children and moms and dads are taking that on to because they see their children getting stressed out. Now we're even more stressed out and you know Going back to the whole sugar thing, just monitoring yourself Your sugar at the time of sale. stress and seeing how Much that correlates is mind blowing. I know my husband will tell you so I have been hypoglycemic almost my whole life. My blood sugar is always on the low side and he Look at me and be like, go get something, just go eat something because he knows the moment my sugar drops before I even get that whole brain fog. stuttering is He's just like, just go and it's interesting because I know on day I'm stressed I feel like I'm constantly playing catch up with my sugar and It's just so amazing how Much that plays a role so If our sugars Going crazy cortisol is going crazy. Our hormones are going crazy. our body's not sure what the hell to do and it puts us in this just really shitty state.

Wade Lightheart
Yeah, people are what I call they're, they're they're wired and tired. They're wired up on stimulants because they're tired of whatever and, and sugar is a stimulant. Caffeine is a stimulant. So you got to get up in the morning, slam down that coffee, eat some sugar. Anything to get the engine going, get the kids off to whatever get things going. The husband's doing his thing and For men, I always say you know, you should take your Your wife's blood sugar as a major crisis that may Making sure her blood sugar is stable is the key to a happy and healthy relationship because keep in mind men are affected by this significantly, but a woman's hormonal cycle operates on a you know a basically a 28 day cycle you know give or take, depending on the individual but the hormone fluctuations within that cycle are extremely significant then if you get into women who are entering into premium menopause or menopausal stage. It's an amplified exponentially Because the variance is in there, and blood sugar stability is probably the first step in stabilizing one's health, their hormones and their happiness. First and foremost, and I can't tell you how many women I've seen that have been able to do that by just doing that. All of a sudden anxiety goes down. Stress goes down. They have options ready for them on those areas so that they don't get themselves into the into that the danger zone know those red line positions where you just like, lose it or can't handle it or have an emotional breakdown or whatever those things are, are biofeedback indicators that have developed over millions of years that are indicative of what you're currently doing isn't working. It's not that you're a failure. It's not that you can't get it right. It's not that you know, the ones of like, No, no, all you're getting is is a definitive emotional feedback loop that says what you're doing isn't working. So just take that as a message it's all it's all it is.
Laura Timbrook
I know and so many times we don't listen to it and that's the worst our bodies and your you've even said it Our bodies are our best idea of what's working what's not and we are ignoring them. You know, we'd I can't thank you enough for coming on. I love all the information you gave us. I love the fact that you know you gave us some great information. on how to get through all those checks and balances and start biohacking and if you can't even start there, start at journaling. So there is something a each and every person listening Here today can actually start doing it doesn't you don't require Oh, I gotta wait for my book And you got to wait to the next paycheck. No, everybody's got a piece of paper at home and a pen and everybody can write it down. If you don't have paper and pen, everybody's got a cell phone. I know everybody has a cell phone and we can start tracking That so you guys did send me some supplements and I have to say I am not a supplement person by any means. So when they came I was like, Well, I don't know. I have to say I tried your enzyme. And I was impressed because enzyme are one of those things I do take on an as needed basis when I know I ate something I shouldn't with maybe I had too much salads in the Day or maybe I had pizza and I knew that's not going to work out so well and so on. really did help move my digestion and my gut along So we'd go ahead and give us some information about bye optimizers how they can get in touch with you and how they Get that checklist.

Wade Lightheart
Yes. So we if you go to with that, you can get 10% on our discounts or any products but more importantly before we're in education first before supplements and what that means that we're probably have the leading education component and what I mean by that we're not just Giving you random tidbits of information. I created a whole course. And it's comprised of two things. One, there's the awesome health corporate Which is an acronym to how you live a healthy lifestyle based on cellular reality. air water exercise sunlight optimizers mental exam to education and coaching. And I created a series over 12 weeks of five to 15 minute videos, which you can watch on your phone. And I basically share all the things that are going to be able to turn a 15 minute a day program by the duration of it, and you'll be The biohacking super Queen forever. Okay. The other part is if you want to dive more into the nuances of biohacking, you can also get a copy Which will send to you for free, which is called the from sick to superhuman blueprint for biological optimization. And basically it's a step by step sequence where you will understand the entire world of this biohacking world what works, what doesn't work, the frameworks the understand and be able to implement this assemble your own team of things that you You can do in order to get yourself optimized If you do those things I think you're Be well set set on a good Rate journey for health and happiness. And we do have supplements that people might want to use, particularly the digestive health ones. That's where we're Best known are magnesium as well for sleep and feeling calm and relaxed as As a world, world renowned And then of course cognitive performance with our It's a brand new topia which is extraordinary for high performers. So all those products are there but more importantly get the education because I don't believe in randomly sub shotgunning supplements I believe on taking the right supplement at the right time for Right reasons and we've picked specific areas where we are the best in class. We do not produce products and we're the best in class. Everything is 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you're not totally blown away by the product experience education will give you a all your money back so we de risk it. For everyone, and that's why we're one of the premium companies out

Laura Timbrook
That is so great and I love the fact that you guys are promoting education because education is so important. It's why this podcast was found it was to give people you know, control over their own health choices and how they can choose to do things and I loved having you on And I am so We got to hear all About biohacking and how everybody can start today. So thank you so much for joining the podcast. My pleasure. Thank you. Hey everybody, thanks for joining the podcast. I hope you've got a ton of information and don't forget to go visit bio slash outspoken. To download your free blueprint for biohacking and also getting 10% off any supplements that you find you need for your own personal enhanced performance. As always, I will talk to you next week and don't forget to eat your effing veggies.

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