The Shift Health Coach

Benefits of microgreens with ingarden

Episode 125

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In this week's episode, we're discussing all the cool benefits of Microgreens with Natalie Paterson, the co-founder of ingarden. ingarden is a smart, hydroponic growing system for microgreens. For more information about ingarden visit use promo code outspoken20 to save 20% off your order.

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Music by Alex Grohl and Pixabay click here to listen to learn more

Laura Timbrook  0:05  
Today's episode is sponsored by in garden, the hassle free indoor Smart Garden for growing microgreens. These mini greens having major nutritional impact, even more so than full grown veggies, which is perfect for reaching your health goals both organically and sustainably. To learn more, visit and use promo code, outspoken 20 to save 20% Get ready to discover how we can boost any meals nutritional value and easily eat our effing veggies. Today we're discussing the benefits of microgreens with Natalie Patterson, all the nutrition information out there today, everything's conflicting completely confusing, how are we supposed to be healthy if even the experts can agree this is outspoken nutrition on your host Laura Timbrook, and we're gonna break it all down, I'm really excited to have Natalie Patterson with us today. Natalie has a background in Nutritional Biochemistry and is currently pursuing her master's in food science, Natalie is also the co founder of in garden. I am so excited to have her with us today. Well, Natalie, thank you so much for joining the outspoken nutrition podcast, you guys in garden is one of our sponsors this month that I'm so excited to talk about microgreens and everything you guys have been doing, but can you tell us a little bit about your background Natalie

Natalie Paterson  1:23  
Yes, I'm happy to dive into that but first I just want to thank you, of course, for having me on your episode today and I'm just excited to, you know, nerd out with my fellow nutrition geeks. And, you know, bring as much value as possible to your listeners because at the end of the day, I think we're all looking for some golden nuggets or I guess in this context, some green nuggets. Anyways, so my passion for nutrition, you know, I have spent a lot of years, educating myself in the field and becoming an expert and only continue to do so because I think there are a lot of claims and individuals out there who aren't necessarily backed by evidence and backed by science and I think that is one way we can ensure more validity in our choices and have better confidence as consumers in what we're buying and especially with what we're putting into our body and food for me you know, I have always been a big foodie and love of understanding exactly what I'm putting into my body and what it's doing, like, you know, I think we've all heard say our parents tell us. We need your vegetables and fruits, but I always wanted to understand why, Like what, why are they so healthy for us, why are they beneficial, and that dove me into wanting to become an expert in the field but it all started because I actually grew up in New Zealand, and I have Modi heritage which is the island people of New Zealand and we have a saying in our culture thatMāori saying ‘he kai kei aku ringa’ which means food from my hands, and to me that strikes a chord because I feel in our modern urban society we are really disconnected from our food, and to me that saying of food for my hands just validates the importance of connecting with our food source. And so, to try to create a crossroads between our need in this modern world for conveniency for ease in this fast paced life we do live and also the desire to kind of bring in the old methods of growing our own food, of knowing where it comes from and really just high impact, nutrition and bringing ease and convenience and quality nutrition together was something I was so passionate about and that's, you know, in a nutshell, kind of how ingarden was born. You know,

Laura Timbrook  3:56  
that's awesome and I think so many times we forget that. A lot of times our love for food comes from. Our culture is how we grew up so many times you know I remember when I think back to, I come from an Italian heritage, I think back to my grandmother making sauce and chopping up the vegetables and food has memories food has this amazing way of bringing us together. So I love the fact that your background you're embracing that and bringing that forward and, you know, today we're going to be talking about microgreens which is really amazing. I can't believe it's been, we've had 130 episodes, and yet we have not talked about microgreens and we talk about vegetables, all the time. So you want to go ahead and give us a little bit of background of what a micro green is,

Natalie Paterson  4:44  
yes, I would absolutely love to do that because I think, you know, not enough of us are aware that microgreens all of this new hocus pocus strange food, but they are simply tiny versions mini versions of the vegetables and herb s, we are very familiar with, you know, each vegetable from red cabbage to broccoli or kale, you know, be ingarden, we provide those micro greens and they are, I suppose, you know, the babies of vegetables you're already familiar with. So, in the sense of we all know that we need to, as you would say, eat your effing veggies. It is time we apply that to microgreens as well, because it doesn't have to be a foreign concept, it can be a centerpiece in our diet and I, you know, I think we agree on something in the sense of when it comes to our diets, often today we think of what to subtract, but I like to put a positive spin, spin on it and so what more can we add. What more can I add to my diet that's going to give me a little healthy like push in the right direction and eating more fruits and vegetables is part of that and microgreens are a Whole Foods, they are a mini tiny version of vegetables and so knowing that and knowing that, you know, products out there, for example ingarden can allow us to eat microgreens with ease, I think, is really just the perfect combination of you know finding fun foods to add more nutrients and more nutrient density to our diet, and it doesn't have to be difficult.

Laura Timbrook  6:28  
Yeah, and one of the greatest things what microgreens I know is microgreens, I think a lot of times we think of kale and radishes as like peppery or bitter, but the baby versions are much more subdued and sweet. So a lot of times we're scared of these greens but micro greens are really the best way in my opinion, to ease yourself into the greens. No, I

Natalie Paterson  6:52  
like that I like I like that a lot because you know, when it comes to microgreens you'll often hear you know you'll hear me throughout the time throughout the episode and you'll hear it if you google it is nutrient dense and to simplify what on earth that means, it simply means more concentrated, So, when something's more concentrated, that technically means you don't necessarily have to eat as much as larger portions to get the same nutritional value to take one example and kind of I guess, quantify it, you know red cabbage microgreens we both talked before we started the recording that's our secret favorite, beautiful, powerful little delicate cute greens in terms of minerals and vitamin content so when you take a mature red cabbage in comparison to the same serving size of microgreens of red cabbage micro greens, we have 230% More of the vitamin A content 150% More of the folate content and then switching to minerals we have 88% More manganese, and wait for this 2,150% more phosphorus. These numbers are double, triple, quadruple digit numbers right and at first it might be too good to be true, however, back to what I was saying about evidence based claims here ingarden on micro greens have undergone a nutritional analysis to verify that the claims we make with the different minerals and vitamin content as well as, you know, phytonutrients plant nutrients are verified and our micro greens are delivering that to you. And, you know, kind of like okay cool you just learned that all these big numbers of these micronutrients, we need an vitamins and minerals, but what does that mean for you. Well, I always like to say that. Nutrition is a team sport, right, if you think of sport, the team needs to be strong, we're only as strong as our weakest link right so, as a team, nutrition, all these nutrients are working together in our body, to give our own body, the tools it needs to function optimally, so you know we could go on reading lists of what exactly does each micronutrient do, and it's fascinating, you know, to us, nutrition nuts. However, for the, you know, general persons trying to eat healthier, thinking about it in that way of this just beautiful dance between all these different micronutrients and how they are being used as the tools to allow our body to do what it does best and function at its best, so that means we feel good, right, we feel good, we look good, whatever it is, I listened to one of your episodes recently about the pillars of wellness, and I just love that kind of holistic approach of not only thinking about nutrition, but thinking about movement or nutrition or sleep, our relationships and just general like purpose and I think kind of tying all those together with my analogy of a team sport, right, with nutrients it all works together and so does everything else you do to create a better you.

Laura Timbrook  10:14  
Absolutely and you know, when we're starting to eat those microgreens and we're eating the radishes or the broccolis and the kale and the rubella, whatever. Once we have all of that is putting more, you know, gut bacteria, good gut bacteria improving our microbiome, because so often do we get used to eating the same vegetables over and over. I know many people that I know someone's listening, and they're gonna laugh at this, but I know somebody for the last 15 years is eating nothing but carrots and broccoli. And you know we were that's great, I'm glad they're eating vegetables, you're only getting that microbiome from those two vegetables so by being having the availability of different greens and putting them in really just expands I always talk about our microbiome as a garden. We had so many different flowers and plants in our garden so it's just two really easy, simple way to up our nutrients, improve our gut health, and expand our tastebuds on what vegetables can taste like, yeah, as I say. Variety is the spice of life,

Natalie Paterson  11:25  
and they come, you know, comes together as well with our nutrition and everything said right each, you know, they're even with microgreens like I have no here to tell you that is the magic silver bullet to public health, no, like, everything is additive, and it's about trying to find ways to make it convenient and easy for us to add more variety into our diet because when it does come down to eating habits we are creatures of habit and typically by the same things have you know the same taste or, you know, It's just kind of getting into this routine and that's fine. Well, I think what's great is when we can find products that actually kind of do the do the work for us do the do the thinking for us and give us that variety we need and make that transition to exploring more with our diet, easier and you know mentioning ingarden right, research has actually shown that when we connect with our food in the context of growing it or even in the context of making a recipe, you are touching you are mixing you are, you know sauteing you are with that food from start to finish and typically, you know if we have ventured in the kitchen and made a recipe, even if it didn't turn out perfectly. I think we kind of enjoy it more because we were connecting with it, and that happens with, you know, growing our food and having it indoors is even easier, we don't have to think about it much, and I know too that for children, having the ability to wake up, you know, from day one to day seven of watching the microgreens grow. That's exciting, You know it's like each day they probably

Unknown Speaker  13:16  

Natalie Paterson  13:19  
Not just kids but you know, it makes them want to like try it and have more curiosity and like these new flavors these new foods and I know you shared a fun story that you experienced this at the dinner table two

Laura Timbrook  13:33  
yes, so we have your unit that we've been playing and I can say at 41 I think watching them grow is pretty cool. I'm glad to hear. Yes and you know it's funny because all, everybody was like hey they're starting and it was like, within hours of them being wet, they were starting to crack and I was like, that is amazing it was so cool, because I think we plant things in the ground you don't often see the very beginning of the growing process, and you did with this but going back to what happened at the dinner table, so it was day seven we were ready to harvest, and I have two kids and I know we talked about it on the podcast before, two of my kids do not eat vegetables I know I say it every week and my own kids don't do it, but I was giving them their pasta and I just figured, you know what they've been watching this grow they've been a little bit interested in it. I'm going to take some microgreens and throw it on their pasta, and they ate it. And not only did they eat it, my youngest went back cut him off more, to put it on his pasta and continued eating, and he did, he tried, He tried one of the other ones and it was a little bit bitter and he's like, I don't like that one anyway back to the broccoli, now we're a big broccoli family here so that was, he I think he felt safe with broccoli Yeah, because he knew broccoli he understood broccoli, so it was interesting but one of the greatest things I'd like when we're talking about microgreens, even a lot of people will experience it in the summer when they're growing their own garden. It's so much easier to eat fruits and vegetables when they're available, and having the microgreens on your counter. You don't have to worry about last night was a crazy night we didn't have time for cooking so became chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. But I was able to throw in some greens on that so there was still a veggie. Yeah, and that's what's really key is that we don't get out of that process where veggies weren't important, whether it's baby carrots microgreens cucumber slices really having that ability to put them in, is really key when it comes with that. Exactly. No,

Natalie Paterson  15:49  
you make a great point because, you know, I'll admit, like, There are times I just can't even be bothered to wash the produce out of my fridge and like that's the smallest little barrier but like hey, sometimes we just run out of time or just too tired to make some small efforts, but if it's right then all you have to do is get your scissors out and come some off. It's so easy, like that, that is my biggest thing like as passionate as I am about, you know, nutrition and nourishing myself, I am fully aware of the need for convenience, like we, you know, I think sometimes try to ignore that in this space, but finding ways to bring both to the table is truly the way you're gonna start making changes and like, even, even the even the purchase of, you know something like an indoor garden at first might seem daunting, you know, I definitely know we've talked about that we are not necessarily the biggest green thumbs and have a tendency to kill beautiful pawns and plants,

Laura Timbrook  16:55  
all around.

Natalie Paterson  16:57  
You know we got to do what we got to do, you know, with something like you garden that is as autonomous, as it can be and all you have to do is add water, really is that to try to minimize all barriers possible because once we get some momentum, usually we're good to go. But it's that initial step is that initial jump that's kind of difficult and, you know, even when it comes to replacing your microgreens like that is why we have the subscription service so that you don't even have to think about buying the new greens right they're just going to come to your door, monthly and again back to what we were talking about variety, you know, we offer eight different microgreens right now and that's eight different vegetables sources that you're getting, and you didn't have to go anywhere. You didn't have to think about buying them they're coming straight to you. All you have to do is place the seed mats on your end garden, pour some tap water over them and press the ON button and that's it.

Laura Timbrook  17:58  
Yeah, it really cannot get easy, and you know, when we talk about nutrient density, you know, we get more bang for our buck from microgreens and I know a lot of us can only go by food shopping, once a week, that's all I do I go once a week but I know going through nutrition school, You started learning about how much nutrition is lost. Now, it's still healthier than a potato chip, and it's still what we want to do. But when we're talking about eating full grown vegetables and microgreens really adding them in because when those vegetables are sitting in your refrigerator, they're not as healthy as the day they were picked and I know you know a lot about this.

Natalie Paterson  18:40  
Yes, I do and like I really appreciate what you said in the sense of, this is a delicate thing to talk about because by no means are we saying microgreens are a replacement of your vegetables you're familiar with but again more of an addition to, and by no means am I saying, just because, yes, once a produce is picked it does begin to deteriorate it does begin to lose its nutritional value slowly. By day by day, but that doesn't mean that it's, you know, zero benefits zero, nutrition, that's not where we're saying so big disclaimer that, as you know, food scientist, as an industry, we do our best to preserve both the quality and the quality of the produce and how it looks and how it tastes, but also obviously the nutritional quality so big disclaimer is that But to answer your question, yes. Again, back to my heritage, connecting with our food from your hands right nutrition from source, that is the top, that is a top notch that as best you can get, and nutrition indoors, from your countertop it's all well, that's really bringing it to you, you know even say you have a garden, you might be like oh like I can't be bothered to go outside to the garden to walk through the garden to them pick the pick no right there on your countertop like, even as you mentioned, even the kids have free access to it right. This nutrition is convenient, but it is literally the best, you know, highest quantities of nutrients that you can get because you are picking it right, and eating it and you know, mentioning, going to the supermarket or say the farmers market you can find microgreens at your local farmers market and not all supermarkets because they're still like, I guess an undiscovered field they are the underdog, but we're bringing them, You know, to the, to the mainstage, you know, it's hard to find them but if you do like I, you know before in garden was, was born, I would buy microgreens from my local farmers market or supermarket and I will admit, they are so delicate and so do do that they do deteriorate faster than say, a hottie, you know, red cabbage or broccoli they do they will deteriorate faster once you hit because they're so baby and tiny and cute right, they need, they need that, I guess, extra protection that often. And so I you know I would buy them and they would go off at times or get a little slimy or too much condensation and that obviously one is food waste which none of us want to do and I obviously am out of the bank account too so that's not ideal. And so, just understanding that, really, there, there are now technology out there like this hydroponic system, or any other, you know, way, there's many products out there what depends on many products out there that do allow us to have top notch quality of nutrition. With that simplicity with that convenience that we all need and, you know, being able to know, again, knowing that England microgreens like we have done the nutritional analysis, what you are, what we're saying you're getting you are getting unit, you might not know exact no breakdown of the nutrients in the microgreens you buy from the farmers market or at the supermarket, I'm not saying they're depleted, but I'm just saying they will be less, because each day from the moment it's, you know cut off out of the ground in the soil or if it is growing hydroponically in the industry, how it's growing once it's cut, it will start losing its nutritional value it has to be transported from, you know wherever it's growing to the supermarket, maybe the supermarket doesn't put it on the shelf right away, maybe once you put it in the fridge, you know, I don't think all of us get to it, day one, either. So, these are things that should inhibit us from eating produce and enjoying it, it's, it's more so like okay, everything we do nutritionally, there is more optimal and there. So it's a sliding scale, It doesn't mean you know, bad or good, it's just how can we choose, and you know, create habits that push us on the side of more optimal instead of the other direction, and getting food straight from the source is one way we can do.

Laura Timbrook  23:21  
Absolutely and you know, when we talk about the grocery stores so we have where I live, we have a ton of farmers markets and much like you I used to go to the farmers markets and I used to buy my microgreens. And then, you know, life gets busy my kids got a little older, Saturdays became lacrosse games I couldn't make it to the farmers market so then I would buy the microgreens at the grocery store occasionally because most of the time you look at them in the grocery store and you're like, Nope, I'm not spending $4 For that, you know, they're only gonna last the day. Yeah, exactly. So then, you know, I know at one point, I, you know, just being a nutrition geek, I was like, I am going to grow my own microgreens now havea here, I cannot keep anything alive. I killed cactuses. I am probably the only person in my neighborhood that can kill mint. I mean if you need mint to die, send me over. But, and it's funny because I got the trays like my little metal trays and I put the dirt in and I got my seeds and I put them on. Now, granted, I'll tell you my seeds came from the dollar store so I can guarantee you they weren't organic or non GMO and nothing happened, They died, they got moldy, all because I either overwater them like underwater them and it basically just became Mom, what are you doing,

Natalie Paterson  24:45  
yes you know that like to go through that effort and then run into so many problems like I know that is disheartening and like, that's usually we'll, we'll have the courage and venture out and like, we're going to do this we're going to better ourselves, eat this healthy food, and then we run into problems that's pushing us, you know, one step forward and 10 steps back because then we're kind of like, ah, you know, like I tried, But this is the thing, I, you know, I think it's so important to recognize these pitfalls and that is why like I'm sure you've experienced What's great with ingarden system. One, the light right it our lighting system is actually optimized kind of talking about optimization again right it is optimized for the important you know plant growth cycle. And so you don't have to think about that you don't have to live in a sunny place or, you know, put it in your window, I can go anywhere because the light is handled for you, the watering system we're actually a patent pending with our watering technology and how the microgreens, you know, are able to, I suppose guaranteed growth is because the system we designed mimics nature's natural process of what's called transpiration of pole, which is how the roots of the microgreens pull water up through their stem and then to the staff leaves. And so what's so cool about that is you don't have to think about it you don't have to think you know am I watering too much or too little it's autonomous it's taken care of for you and you know, let's admit, like, we like to be pampered, in a sense, and this is why this is one way that we can make it more accessible, how about that like most of us don't think we have the time to be courageous like you and try to grow it ourselves, but I think we all want to better ourselves in some way, nutritionally and I think that both you and I share on the mission that it doesn't have to be complicated, it doesn't have to be a hassle like hassle free is my motto, like I want to like my mission is to strike people. You know, I suppose, empower people really that we really can become our healthiest, most vibrant selves, and it can be simple.

Laura Timbrook  27:13  
Yeah, and exactly and you know the crazy, you know, thing when we look at these we totally overcomplicate our health, most of the time and, you know, if you have a really green thumb and you can grow anything growing microgreens can be so easy because it literally is dirt, water, sunlight, exactly, but for us, that don't have the time, are busy, or just cannot keep a cactus alive. This is where your unit really was. I mean, amazing, there was no mold growing out of my things because I overwatered or didt water or I forgot the sun. you know, it was just it was so simple and one of the things I liked so much about your unit is when it was sent is one, everything was cardboard, there was no plastic, and I think I know sustainability is so important to ingarden and you that it was, that was the first thing I noticed taking this all, everything was wrapped in cardboard, you know, cut out, put into place, and bring out so the unit and I'm gonna have pictures up on Instagram but the unit. They gave me was a beautiful mint of green which perfectly matched my kitchen cabinets, and it was like a solid ceramic unit like, even if I wasn't growing microgreens, you could use this dish to put candles or rocks in. It is a beautiful ceramic dish, and then the light area that came up it was metal, there was no cheap plastic and a lot of times, I think, for any of us that knew about the old AeroGarden like you kind of hid that in like the corner of your house like it was there but it was like this big plastic unit. And this wasn't that this was like it is smack dab on my island because it really is aestically pleasing. It is a full on decor, that you can eat. No, I

Natalie Paterson  29:20  
absolutely love that you brought that up because I definitely, you know, had a vision for aesthetics and wanted something sweet, sophisticated, very, you know, simple though, at the same time and, you know, not only visually. Yeah, I guess, pleasing but also what you mentioned in terms of material choice like I think often when it comes to nutrition, we not intentionally, but we do focus inward, a lot, and like well how could we better ourselves and obviously the planet's health concerns in today's world because many things that we do aren't necessarily healthy. And so, as a company, as someone most interested in humans. That is incredible to the health level of our world. And so, ensuring that as you mentioned, no plastic we're actually prompted me to come in and the material quality. I think my, my parents share with me that back in the day, it used to be your name was on the product like people knew of you are the, you know you're the butcher or you're the scene trust or you're the construction, you know, making a wood, or whatever it might be and you took pride in the quality you were delivering in your product that you made. For me I wanted to bring that old mentality of, you know, join in, actually delivering something that is meaningful that can be used as you mentioned for more than one purpose like if you know you want, you can actually take the ngon in itself the ceramic bowl out of the light system and bring it to your table as if it's a dish on your table too and your dinner table. You can even use it like, wash it out obviously if you're not growing microgreens at one time and use it as a casserole dish it's dishwasher safe, right, like you can do whatever you want with this kind of like that will serve us and just understanding that, to change the world is about. It's about small things, you know, thinking about that in a boss, way as an individual to see possible, but it's a little, little things that we can do that really makes the big because you touch me. I taught you a listener told me friend like that is how we create positive change for our own nutrition, as well as that, for the planet and like those two kind of big goals is definitely something. As a team we want to push to hear that you recognize that just mean so much.

Laura Timbrook  32:12  
Well that's awesome and I know you guys are doing so much more. Even from the individual the sustainability you guys actually partnered with a really good organization, you want to tell us a little bit more about that. Yes, yes,

Natalie Paterson  32:27  
so I definitely, you know, as I mentioned, the individuals nutrition is obviously the hands on experience that consumers gonna get, and then, you know, next to that what you just mentioned, is we have joined forces with Share The Meal, which is actually under the World Food Program. So every ingarden that is, bought one meal is shared with a child in need and for me that addresses from individual, you know concerns of bettering our own health, to the global community will share the meal and providing nutrition for those who don't have access to something cool like ingarden, or just, you know, knowing where they're going to get fresh water in a day something as simple as that and I think by taking it from ourselves to the wider community to then you know our planet that's really just hitting all levels of how we can make a difference, and knowing that you're not only contributing to your own health, but another person's I think that's just, that's the personalization that sometimes we miss in today's fast paced world, is that kind of old sense of community and connection, and you know maybe directly you're not connected, obviously, but knowing, in a sense. You definitely are. I think that's just being able to make a difference again, without having to think about it, all you have to do is finding where you

Laura Timbrook  34:03  
like, and that's great, because I think so many of us that especially going through the past 18 months, if we've had school aged children, even though we've never known about hungry kids or maybe were directly affected with it. Everybody with a school aged children that this year was affected by it at some level, or at least it was known that this was an issue. Yeah, my kids have never had. They never had to worry about where their next meal is coming from, thank God, but they have realized when they came home from half days of school when they did have in person school, and they're bringing home a lunch that they're bringing home a lunch, because some people are going to have lunch, and they didn't want to make that person, you know, obvious that they didn't have lunch so everyone got the lunch, so it's so important now more than ever that we realize how much hunger has existed and that we do need to make a change. Yeah,

Natalie Paterson  35:04  
no I think you touched on something very important and that's gratitude, right. I think it's very easy to kind of hide criticize ourselves or what you know we're not eating healthy enough we shouldn't be this way I should be that way but again back to the positive spin on everything if we're grateful for, like, wow, like I get to nourish my buddy, I get to eat this apple I get to have one extra serving of broccoli, I get to add some vegetable confetti in the sense of microgreens on to my plate like that how much more enriching, would that make our experience with food you know in your episode recent episode about what is healthy. You talked a lot about sustainable mindsets when it comes to our relationship with food. And I think sometimes we get a little too caught up in the nitty gritty and forget that food is founded upon sharing founded culture like bringing people together and getting to do that through something like ingarden, it's just, it just makes my day,

Natalie Paterson  36:10  
every day.

Laura Timbrook  36:13  
And I love the way you call them vegetable confetti because it did. It's a fancy way help if you're having chicken nuggets and mac and cheese, you throw some microgreens on it and suddenly it looks like it came from a five star restaurant with some vegetable confetti. I mean it really is simple it's a way to kind of brighten that dish up what might be, you know, maybe you're just eating a quick warmed up, TV dinner. And what if you can sprinkle a little bit of confetti on it, and not even have to think about it because it's right there. I mean it's really about those small sustainable changes that are ultimately going to have a serious impact on our health, and I love everything you guys are doing. I know you guys have a special offer for the listeners want to fill them in on that,

Natalie Paterson  37:02  
yes, yes. So you special listeners you all get an awesome 20% Discount mentioning kind of the old adage, a picture is worth 1000 words. So, to all the listeners out there, go to the website, check it out, view it for yourself, like I mentioned to England isn't your supermarket they won't be as good but that sounds. Try them, try them go to it do, like, just take a baby step, whatever that baby step is for you, go for it just make that

Natalie Paterson  37:41  
push, and hopefully experience the benefits and excitement, just as you and I clearly have just chatting so that's

Laura Timbrook  37:53  
absolutely, we can go to your grocery store you can buy the microgreens, if you have that green from Grow Your Own microgreens and if you're not a new want super convenience. You have the hidden garden and I love everything about what you're talking about. So go to and use promo code, outspoken20, check them out, follow them on Instagram Natalie I know you have some really great videos and simplifies nutrition, much like what we do here at outspoken, and don't forget to use your promo code, outspoken20 to save 20% off and I want to thank you Natalie so much for coming on the podcast and talking with

Natalie Paterson  38:33  
us. Oh my goodness, it's an absolute pleasure and I honestly say I cannot wait to just continue to have these wonderful conversations with you because I think there are not enough people, kind of, I suppose, sifting through all the nutrition information out there quite as well as you do in just a very simplistic straightforward way, and I value that and I hope your listeners have taken away some good insights from our chat.

Laura Timbrook  39:05  
Awesome, well thank you so much. Thanks everybody for listening, I want to give a big thank you to in garden for sponsoring this show and having a great conversation with me. Don't forget to visit in Use promo code, outspoken20 And as always, don't forget to eat your effing veggies, I'll talk to you all next week.

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