Stop Chasing Wellness

No Whey Man!

Kristin Season 1 Episode 3

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What is whey protein powder & why are we convinced that we NEED it?  What are the risks & dangers of consuming whey & what are better, cleaner sources?  Listen to my podcast & find out more.  

Stop Chasing Wellness is an online wellness coaching company founded by two Holistic Health Coaches, Gina and Kristin. Be sure to check out all of our offerings including our book, Stop Chasing Wellness; Create It, and our growing catalog of Hormone Specific coaching courses. All of our courses and offerings are designed to help you feel and live your best life in a simplified way that works for you. You can find Stop Chasing Wellness on Facebook and Instagram

Well hello everyone, this is Kristen Peterson and welcome to the Common Sense Nutrition Podcast.
Today we're going to talk all about whey protein, in particular whey protein powder.
I'm so excited that you're here with me today and before I get started I do want to remind
you to go ahead and please check out my website at for more
information on what I do as a health coach.
Well let's go ahead and get started.
I'm going to talk all about whey.
It's a hot button for me.
I'm going to try to wrap up everything that I want to tell you in just a couple minutes.
I like to keep my podcasts short and sweet, full of lots of great information.
So I want to talk to you guys about first of all, what is whey?
Why do we think that we need whey?
What are the risks of consuming whey, in particular in the protein powders that are so popular
in the market?
And then I want to talk to you guys about some cleaner sources of protein powder, the
protein powder in particular, and clean sources of protein.
So basically when we think about whey, we think about whey coming in the form of these
protein powders, like I said, that are on the shelf.
These big buckets, everybody's wheeling out of the health food stores with these big buckets
of whey protein powder thinking that it's something healthy and that we've been told
that we need all of this protein and that we're going to bulk up or it's going to help
us build muscle, burn fat.
And while it has been shown to increase muscle mass, it also causes inflammation.
So whey is, it's made from the protein that is leftover in making cheese from cow's milk.
So think about that.
It's leftover protein in the process of making cheese.
This is something that used to be thrown away and then it gained popularity because manufacturers
figured out how to successfully market this and made it into protein powders.
It's really, really highly processed and a lot of manufacturers will tell you, they'll
brag about their clean sources of whey protein, that it's organic and that it's from grass-fed
cows or the cows have been fed grains that are non-GMO and they try to make it sound
all clean, but regardless of any of that, it's a milk-based protein.
So basically it's from an animal.
So if it's from an animal, that makes it highly acidic and this contributes to an acid condition
in the blood that can be linked to cancer, it can contribute to cancer.
Acidic diets, things that are high in acid-forming foods in your diet cause disease, flat out,
That's not me making this up.
This is science speaking.
So it causes, because it's from dairy, it's a mucus-forming food.
When I see people, just like I had talked previously in a dairy podcast about skin conditions
that you see, that's an outward sign of something going on inside the body and it's usually,
it's a mucus-forming food.
It's not good for your skin.
It clogs your pores, causes mucus, sinus congestion, chest congestion.
The same goes for whey protein.
It's an inflammatory food and it's aggravating the system.
And very honestly, it's just something that we do not need.
We can get protein from cleaner sources.
So basically when we talk about the risks, I think we covered it.
It's acid-forming.
It's going to lead to disease.
I think that we are all so misled into thinking that we need all of this protein, especially
as we're trying to be healthy and we're working out and we're exercising and then it's like,
go home and recover and eat protein.
We're not only drinking gluts of whey protein powder, but we're told that we need all this
lean animal protein from chicken and pork and whatever.
In reality, all plants have protein.
I think you've probably heard people talk about how a pound of kale has the same amount
of protein as a pound of steak.
I mean, granted, it would take a lot of chewing and a long time to eat an entire pound of
kale, but the point is that the plants have protein.
And the protein that we get from plants is clean.
It doesn't cause acid.
It actually does the opposite.
It causes our blood to be alkaline.
And when we do that, that is disease-fighting food.
We are setting our body up for health and wellness and putting things in balance and
helping our bodies be able to fight disease.
That is amazing.
I'm like, more power to the plants.
Believe me, I love animal protein.
I am definitely not a vegan, but I do eat a lot less animal protein than I used to in
years past, and I feel a lot better when I do that.
And I want to encourage you, when you're looking at protein powders in particular, you really
want to look for a plant-based protein powder.
And you want to look for one where you know how it is made.
It should be minimally processed.
The ingredients should be non-GMO, not genetically modified.
And you want to make sure that the process in which that protein powder has been made
has not been super-heated, because it's just going to cook the nutrients out, and then
you're just consuming empty calories.
You're spending a lot of money on something that really has no nutritional benefits.
There is a protein powder that I use.
There's a clean eating program that I do as a health coach, and it is a blend of five
different plant-based proteins.
They're all non-GMO, water-washed, minimally processed.
And it does contain soy, and the soy in here is similar to crushed edamame.
And there are a lot of people who think that they have an allergy to soy, or they try to
avoid soy.
It's gotten this really bad rap.
And as a health coach, I tell you that I encourage people to eat soy.
The isoflavones in the soy, they have been shown to fight cancer, and they're really
an integral part in some cutting-edge cancer therapies.
It's actually beneficial in helping to balance hormones in men and women.
So this protein powder that I use in this clean eating program that I do once a month,
we do a 10-day clean eating program, it also contains other plant sources besides the soy.
And it's also a product that the MD Anderson Cancer Research Center has found to be beneficial
in improving the protein status in cancer patients.
And there's a high amount of fiber, particularly insoluble fiber, which also helps to promote
a really healthy gut microbiome, which is amazing because I think our guts are struggling
for that in general, just with the foods that we eat.
And it's so low glycemic, I love this part, that people with...a friend of mine has a
daughter who's a type 1 diabetic that finds that she has to give her much less insulin
when she drinks a shake.
The glycemic index in this shake mix is similar to that of broccoli.
So it's very low glycemic, I love it.
But I think just the encouragement that I want to offer you is to look for a plant-based
protein powder, find one that you can learn more about how it is manufactured that's so
important just overall.
We need to understand everything that we're putting in our bodies.
So I'm just going to go ahead and wrap things up today.
I just wanted to touch on whey.
I want to bring this to your awareness.
I want you guys to start understanding why do we think that we need it when you are reaching
for a whey protein shake.
Ask yourself why and understand that this is causing an acid condition in your blood
that will contribute to cancer.
I feel like if you're going to eat animal protein, save it for a piece of chicken or
a piece of steak or a lean piece of pork or something instead of doing this in a shake
mix because we're getting more protein in our diets than we need.
And that is a podcast that I will cover at another time.
We will talk more in depth about protein because I think that's also a really important topic.
But I'm going to go ahead and wrap things up for us here today.
But I just wanted to give you guys a huge thank you for joining me and listening in.
And I hope you found this content to be of value.
And if you like what you hear, I really do hope that you'll share this with a friend.
And also, again, be sure to check out my website,
And when you're in there, feel free to shoot me a message.
Let me know what you'd like me to touch on in future podcasts because I will be reading
that and making sure that I'm staying on top of what it is that you guys want and need.
And while you're in there, also be sure to click on the Programs button to learn a little
bit more about the clean eating program that I lead each month.
I've taken my knowledge of holistic nutrition, health coaching, and preventive health, and
I combine that with my knowledge of different dietary theories.
And I use this to help coach you through this lifestyle program with a 10-day monthly jumpstart.
I'm so excited for you to check it out.
So message me through my website once again,, to get started.
And until next time, this is Kristen Peterson, and thank you for listening to my Common Sense
Nutrition Podcast.