Stop Chasing Wellness

Let's PAUSE & take a deep BREATH

July 09, 2020 Kristin Season 2 Episode 5

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Join me, Kristin Peterson, HHC & my special guest, Ericka Brian, Meditation Coach & Yoga instructor as we explore the importance of deep breathing as it relates to our mental & physical health.  In a world where face masks have been mandated & stress levels are at an all time high taking a moment to focus on deep breathing can literally change everything.  Ericka walks us through some of the reasons why breathing is important & also guides us through a deep breathing exercise.  This is an episode you'll want to share with friends & listen to again & again.  

Stop Chasing Wellness is an online wellness coaching company founded by two Holistic Health Coaches, Gina and Kristin. Be sure to check out all of our offerings including our book, Stop Chasing Wellness; Create It, and our growing catalog of Hormone Specific coaching courses. All of our courses and offerings are designed to help you feel and live your best life in a simplified way that works for you. You can find Stop Chasing Wellness on Facebook and Instagram

Hello friends and welcome to the Stop Chasing Wellness podcast.
If you're here listening to the podcast, we believe it's because you value your health
and you may be looking for answers to help you live your healthiest life in a more simplified
You may be dealing with your own health struggles or trying to help a spouse or a child find
a better way to deal with theirs.
Maybe you've just lost your way or you've gone down that rabbit hole of confusing, conflicting
information that is swirling around you.
We've got you.
As certified holistic health coaches, Kristin and I, you have Coach Gina here today, focus
our health coaching on the belief that what we put on our plate is a direct reflection
of what's going on in our lives.
This ranges anywhere from the quality of your social life and personal relationships to
your level of physical activity and overall health of your spiritual practice, your career,
your finances, and even education.
The foods you put on your plate are just one piece of the wheel that we call the circle
of life.
Before we introduce our guest speaker, we invite you to check out our website,,
where you can learn more about the wellness coaching programs that we offer as well as
to purchase our book by the same name, Stop Chasing Wellness.
Our book is an overview of the pillars from which we teach.
We are so proud to share this with you and hope that you find it to be the catalyst that
you need to help point you in the right direction with your health and wellness goals.
And our online wellness coaching programs are done in a way that allow you to start
a program at the time that's convenient for you.
Our online wellness coaching programs are designed to teach you how and what you should
be feeding your body so that you take the guesswork out of healthy eating.
Basically, we teach you how to stop chasing wellness and learn to start creating it.
Or you can also find our three day hormone reset, which we absolutely love.
And we know you'll love our offerings as well.
And now I'm so excited to have the honor to introduce our very special guest, Marie Rubenaccio.
Marie is an intuitive wellness coach who helps her clients with long-term lifestyle health
by listening to the senses, the gut, and those chitchat guides.
She helps her clients listen to their own guides intuitively and helps them see just
how truly easy it is.
She is the author of Deliciously for You, which is a recipe book that covers all your
dietary needs.
Marie is also a certified integrative intuitive health coach.
She's a member of the International Alliance of Holistic Therapists, Certified Naturopathic
Nutrition, Ayurvedic Practitioners Association, the International Association of Coaching.
She's certified in eating psychology.
She's certified in the five elements theory of Chinese medicine.
She's a DNA wellness coach and also an intuitive wellness coach.
And on that note, let's meet Marie.
All right, here we go.
Welcome everyone.
I'm so excited to be here today.
We have Marie Rubenaccio with us, and I think we should just get right into it, Marie.
Tell us about what intuitive wellness coaching is.
So intuitive wellness coaching is mostly about what I can read from an individual that may
come to me with a certain goal, health goal.
So what I do is I meditate before the session, and then we talk along the way about the goals.
And I can hear some options that the person may not be picking up on.
So what I do is I dissect that along with the goals that they have in mind.
And so what we work towards slowly is one goal at a time.
So if the individual has three goals, we'll work on goal number one, and I will help assist
them intuitively to some type of, not some, but types of steps that they need to take
approach with, see, I'm getting some messages now, but the type of steps that they need
to take on their own.
Because a lot of times with coaching, we all know as being coaches that they depend on
us 150%.
And so for me, I give 200%, but I need to pull back a little bit, kind of like that
mother-child thing where you pull back a little bit, give them the rope so that they can do
it on their own.
And I help show them how they are as intuitive as I am.
Because we all hear chitchat, we all hear like, maybe I shouldn't do that, or maybe
I shouldn't eat that, or maybe I should take the supplement.
I don't know why I'm taking the supplement.
And so what I do is I dissect that all for them and show them how to use these skills
that when we're not working together anymore, which sometimes doesn't work, we're usually
friends forever, they usually call me up and say, hey, what's going on?
And I actually do pick up on certain clients, something's going on, and I'll touch base
with them.
And then I'm spot on with helping them achieve something that's happening with some goals
that may have gone south.
I just remembered something, Kristin, I never even asked you this, I just literally remembered
it just now.
Marie is the one who initially diagnosed my thyroid.
I'm not going to say diagnosed because we can't play that, but I know I picked up on
It's funny.
That's so funny.
Because, you know, she picked it up on me that I may possibly have a thyroid.
Yeah, we were in a hotel.
Where were we?
Were we in North Carolina?
Yeah, we were in North Carolina in a hotel room and she was telling me all about my thyroid.
And she was right.
Yeah, yeah.
That was about 10 years ago.
Yeah, it was.
How do you even know that was your thyroid, Gina?
And now I know.
That's so funny.
I love that.
Yeah, I do it all the time.
Sometimes I have to pull back a little bit, you know, I might not know the individual,
but I will reach out when I have that real, like that feeling in my stomach, you know,
that as we say, the gut feeling.
And so when I have that feeling, I can't hold back.
And I, you know, ask someone if they're open to that, you know, that this is what I'm picking
up on.
And it's usually no, no, no.
And then they call me or reach out and say, you know, do you think we could talk again?
When I say sure.
So I have to know, like, how did you know that I'm always so curious about people that
have that gift?
Like, how do you know that that's that you have this gift, but other people don't like,
how do you know that that's something different?
How do you pick up on that?
Were you a kid when you realized this or?
It wasn't so much when I was younger, it happened more in my 20s.
And then when I found out I had this gift, as they call it, it was about three months
before I met my husband.
And I was busy doing something, I call it busy meditation, and I was busy doing something.
And this message came to me.
And I said it out loud.
And I thought, well, that's crazy.
And the message was, you're going to be engaged by this time next year.
And I wasn't dating anyone.
And I thought, well, that's crazy.
And I met my husband three months later, and I was engaged at following year.
So I thought, okay, I got the gift.
I've seen it in my family members.
And so I thought, okay, let's see how this is going to work.
And then when I was in school, I was helping so many classmates with the intuitive information
that it actually helped them more than it helped me because I was busy doing intuitive
work and I wasn't even realizing what was happening until I would say about five years
I've been a coach for 10 years.
And about five years ago, I started incorporating more intuitive wellness coaching because it
was just spot on every single time, every single time.
So that is, I don't even know if I would know what to do with that.
So I think it's really cool when people have that gift and they're able to tune into it
and use it.
Like you said, you work with people to try to help them figure that out within themselves.
I think that we all have that to some level at least, but how do you tell us how you help
Like, so how would you help somebody like me?
Well, I don't feel like I'm into it.
Like, how do you help a client?
If I'm your client, how do you help me tune into that?
Well, some of the questions when I'm asking the client, especially towards their goals,
you know, I'll ask, well, you know, what have you been eating that you're, you know, that
you're feeling, you know, you're, you're not losing weight and you're eating right.
You're taking all your supplements, tell me a little, let's go down, you know, a couple
of days, tell me a couple of days, what are you doing?
And so as they're sharing, I can hear what they're not sharing.
So I usually say, okay, don't get upset, but have you been eating X?
And they'll say, how do you know that?
And I said, it's not going to change anything.
I still love you.
You're still my client.
I just want to help you understand that, you know, maybe not eat that or supplementation.
I'm very big on supplementation.
I'm very big on medication.
You know, everybody needs both.
At some point we could adjust things where you're maybe not on medication or maybe you're
not on your supplements anymore.
So I'll give them a laundry list, five supplements.
Have you taken your supplements?
Yes, I have.
Everything's great.
How are you feeling?
Not feeling so good.
You're taking your supplements?
No, you're not.
You haven't been taking your vitamin D. How do you know that?
You know, so there are things that I pick up on and intuitively I'm hearing they're
not doing this.
An example, I had a super healthy client, ate everything right, had had intestinal problems.
She ate everything right, everything.
And I heard, she's not telling you what she's doing, what she's eating.
And I said, well, tell me what you're eating.
She told me everything she ate.
I said, well, I'm sorry to tell you, but there's something you're drinking that's causing the
Oh, no.
This is 20 minutes.
Oh, no.
Do you drink kombucha?
She said, how did you know that?
That's what your problem is.
So it's kind of shocking for them sometimes.
And I just hope that they don't get upset because now I know they're a secret, so to
Cause a lot of clients don't want us to know, oh, I'm not going to tell her I had those
potato chips.
No, you just tell me.
It's like anything else.
You know, when you're working with a coach, we're here to help guide you.
You know, if you're not sharing something, we may suggest something that you do and you
don't really need to do that.
You know?
So it's like, oh, we'll drink more water, I'm retaining water.
You know, the biggest reason why people retain water and can't lose weight, water weight
is the salt that they're using.
It's incredible salt.
If you don't buy the correct salt, it has caking agents and lot of things in there that
that's going to retain water and cause heart problems too.
I wish that we could figure out, Gina and I just had a session yesterday with some clients
that were working together and we start and we're like, let's start with food journaling.
Just journal all your food.
We'll meet again in a couple of weeks.
And we're like, listen, don't, don't make it look all pretty.
Don't like only write down the good stuff and leave out the potato chips and the beer,
like write it all down.
We need to know because of that.
It's like, we're not judging you, but we need to see what you're doing so that we can help
That's the partnership.
That's the partnership.
We're in this together.
So when you have different different body types, right?
Like if you have two people and they're both, say you're working with a set of twins hypothetically
and they're both eating the same things and one of them isn't responding, or how do you
get to the bottom of that?
How do you coach them through that?
Well with twins, listen, you know, I do a lot of DNA coaching.
I did, I did the DNA 23andMe and I also work with Self Decoded, great company.
And they're just so advanced now when I signed up three years ago and the DNA for twins,
let's say, is the same, right?
So it could be a hormonal disturbance.
I mean one twin could have something, let's just use diabetes or type two or insulin resistant
because there's so many categories these days.
Let's just use insulin resistant and the other one is fine.
So we won't know that until maybe we do, yeah, we could do blood work and we could do saliva
testing and dry urine testing.
I think that's another one.
We can use those as guides to help us understand why Sally and Mary are twins, but yet, and
I have it in my family, one twin was always a little bit more heavier than the other twin.
I don't know if you've seen that with identicals, but you know, even though they're identical,
one has a little bit of a more of a weight issue.
So you know, I would go in and dissect those three important things.
And then along with stress, right, because we know that when someone is stressed, you
know, your hormones are going to be a little bit topsy turvy and depending on what age
you are, those hormones, if we want to talk hormones for a second, those hormones could
be depleted or elevated usually, it's usually when they're elevated is when there's a weight
We can take all that information and then help support Sarah and Mary because Mary might
not have a weight issue, but Sarah does.
But Mary may have a stress issue, right, because they're twins and they're going to connect
with some type of energies.
So we can help balance those things out.
And it would be great to work with twins because then they work together, you know, we can
have them partner up together and support each other's same issue, so to speak.
I also, if they're not twins, I also use the blood type.
I found it to be very helpful with your blood typing.
So you know, I mean, you can have two brothers and two sisters have different blood types.
My kids, one is O and the other one's AB.
They're totally different bodies as well.
One's got blue eyes, one's got brown eyes, but one's tall and lean and the other one's
a little bit shorter and he's not overweight, but he has a different body type.
So that's a scenario if you're working with twins, they're brothers, but they have different
DNA, they have different blood types.
And so I found that blood typing is very successful and a lot of people, they need a certain way.
I had a client that was strict vegetarian, wouldn't touch a piece of fish, nothing, overweight.
I finally convinced her, just eat fish, just try fish.
I know it has eyes, please just try a piece of fish.
And so she said, okay, because she was O blood type and once she started to eat protein,
the weight started to come off, but that was just the first step.
There's other facets to changing your eating habits.
I'm a big believer in the blood type, eating for your blood type as well.
A lot to be said for that.
There's so many different avenues that we can go as coaches and understanding that everybody,
like what one man's poison might be another man's, the magic pill.
So by individual, right?
So even though like you're thinking like, oh, I'm eating healthy, I'm going to be a
For everybody, some people I look at them like, dude, just eat a cheeseburger, man.
Well, you know, I mean, listen, today we're living in a society where a lot of people
are doing certain diets that are out there and it's not healthy for them and they don't
know that.
They just know that their girlfriend lost 20 pounds in three weeks not eating bread
or sugars or this or that.
What I've found, I also am insulin resistant.
I found that I need sugar.
I didn't realize that we need sugars to help the liver function.
I'm also certified in traditional Chinese medicine and I was very interested in doing
so because I was using medicinal mushrooms, reishi, not the psychedelic ones, but reishi
and chaga and all of those fabulous mushrooms and the Chinese, they treat the organs.
And so when I learned all about traditional Chinese medicine, I thought, this is fabulous.
I didn't know my liver wakes up between this time and that time.
So when Sally says, I'm up between this time and that time, intuitively, I know there's
more than her liver function or maybe she gets up between four and six.
Well, that's an intestinal function.
That's what's happening between four and six, but there's something else going on.
So it's not just one thing.
What I'd like to share today is that it's not just one thing.
It's not just your blood sugar.
It's not just your thyroid.
It's not just X, Y, and Z.
And so with educating others on these topics is more of an awakening moment for them to
say, oh, so it's not because I'm eating cheeseburgers and drinking Coca-Cola, just hypothetically.
I love fried chicken.
I'm Italian, but there's somewhere in there I'm Southern because I love fried chicken.
Is it good for me?
Not really, but I love it, but I'm not going to deprive myself.
And so I'll have that food.
So we're all stressing out and overworking our minds with food today.
And I think a lot of it is because it's out there on the internet and social media and
everybody and a lot of chefs now are showing us all these fabulous dishes.
And so it just stays in the brain.
But I believe that you should enjoy yourself on the weekends or you're going to a wedding.
Enjoy yourself.
Don't worry about what we've been doing for the last week or whatever, a few months.
So yeah, so it's not just one thing today.
It's not just the hamburgers.
It's not just people that eat salads.
I eat salads and chicken.
I can't lose any weight.
I'm going back to whatever.
Well, let's just see what else is going on because there's a lot of different facets
to supporting wellness, lifestyle wellness.
That's really what I coach.
I coach lifestyle wellness because it's a lifestyle.
It's not just six months.
Everything's connected and everything's connected.
It's really interesting what you were saying about the Chinese medicine.
I love Chinese medicine.
I represented a company and I went to China and it was the last place I ever thought I'd
ever find myself in and I just found it fascinating and I found it fascinating them using these
mushrooms for illnesses.
In China, I can say this, they're curing illnesses by using certain modalities and
certain foods and herbs and mushrooms and things like that.
So I love my mushroom coffee.
I still drink it, which is just mushrooms and coffee mixed together and I love mushrooms
It's great for immunity boosting and it's interesting that I just said that because
so they're telling me to use the immune word.
If your immunity is suppressed, everything is suppressed.
Your organs are suppressed, your hormones are suppressed, your brain is suppressed because
your immunity is low and so what I've learned about autoimmune issues is, okay, if it's
an autoimmune, how do I turn that around?
You boost your immune system and I work with a company that has organic mushrooms, reishi,
chaga, lion's tail, oh my god, lion's mane, not lion's tail, lion's mane, so many of them
that can boost your immune system to wellness and that's a great supplement, eating mushrooms
or even just drinking them.
So I found that drinking or liquid supplementation gets into the body in about 10 minutes versus
a supplementation that might take 30, 40, an hour to get into the system and sometimes
you lose the properties once it's digested in the gut.
You'll lose some of the potency of the supplement.
So drinking your supplements or liquid supplements are fabulous, yeah, gets in the body faster.
Yeah, we got mushroom powder in the shake mix that I'm drinking and yeah, mushroom powder
in there so we're getting it every day but I love that you're tying that all together
because you're saying it's not just one thing and we were talking a little bit before we
started recording about everybody wants just the weight loss piece, it's the weight loss
but what they're not thinking is weight loss is the side effect of something else.
The hormones are off but nobody's saying, maybe figure out why they just want to lose
the weight, they just want it to all be about weight loss and I think the three of us agree
as coaches, it's like I always tell people weight loss is a side effect of gaining health.
Let's figure out what's wrong at the root, fix that, it could be that there's a thyroid
issue or that there's an insulin issue.
So let's get to the root of that and figure that out and then the weight will come off.
I actually worked with a coach before I became a coach and it was funny when you were asking
me about my intuitive work when it came up and it came up big when I was working with
my coach.
It was a year before I went to IIN and when our call came, I thought, I'm going to ask
him about this, this and that.
If I do this, this and that, will I get a benefit from it?
And so we got on the call and he said, what do you want to talk about?
And I said, what do you think if I try this, this and that?
And he left and I said, oh no, I'm not good.
And he said, that's what I have on my sheet to talk to you about doing today.
I was like, oh, okay.
So clients today might say to me, they might say, what do you think if I did this, this
and that?
And I say, I think that's a great idea.
And so I was struggling with weight loss with him and he asked me where my scale was.
And I said, it's in my closet.
And he said, I want you to take your scale and go put it in the garage.
I said, what?
This is when I learned about stress because whenever I saw that scale, I got stressed.
So I took the scale, put it in the garage, never got on it because I just do the clothing
weight test.
And I lost five pounds.
Oh my God, this is crazy.
But I started to realize that hormone of ours that causes stress causes us to hold on.
I teach a lot of that about holding on to emotions and fears and all those things that
get us upset.
And I teach a lot of meditation as well, a lot of breathing.
I'm very much into the breathing.
What does Dr. Wilde say?
4-7-9, I think it is the breathe in for four, hold for seven, breathe out for nine.
And when I did that, I noticed that I felt calmer.
You might not be wanting to drink or eat something that you might have five minutes before that.
The biggest thing today with clients and folks I see is it's stress and it's also immunity
and the gut.
Everybody talks about the gut and there's a lot going on there.
And that's a 24-7 the rest of your life program because we're breathing in things, we're eating
things out, we're not being so great when we go out, it's just something that happens.
And I teach clients certain facets that they could use when they go out to eat and come
home and the next day you might not feel, the next day after you eat out, after you've
been eating clean, and then the next day you feel really bad.
I've used the curse word, you feel like shit the next day, you're like, oh my God, like,
ah, shit, did I drink too much, what did I eat, what was this?
So I found out something that you can take before you go to bed and wake up and you don't
feel like shit the next day.
So that really helps and it's all natural.
So that's my goal.
Well, you know what, Marie, that's part of the emotional piece of it too, is not depriving
yourself, right?
Like when you are going out and enjoy, don't deprive 24-7, stick to that 80-20 rule, but
everybody's enjoying something and you're sitting there with a bowl of lettuce.
What good is that?
It doesn't work that way.
I had a client that was a Weight Watcher client and we were working together and she was doing
great and she was, she's one of those people every weekend has something going on.
And she said, I have this, I'm going out to dinner with my friends, what do I eat?
I'm like, I don't know, what do you feel like, what are you going to feel like having on
It's Monday.
I don't know what you're going to feel like having.
She's like, can I text you?
And I said, okay.
So she texted me and then she texted me the menu and I said, what are you feeling pulled
And she said, well, I really want this, but it's not on plan.
And I said, just have it.
And so the next time we talked, I had to share with her that you're out, you're with your
If they're having wine, have wine.
If they're having a dessert, have dessert because the stress at that moment with your
friends and enjoying this long week, you're going to enjoy this night out.
Do such, do that, enjoy that.
And so you won't feel the pressure every time and the stress builds up and then, you know,
they make that big mistake on Monday morning to get on the scale and I'm like, don't get
on the scale on Monday.
That's the worst day to get on the scale.
I'll tell you what's the best day to get on the scale.
So she had to learn, you know, a couple of different things because everybody's programmed.
That's a, that's a big thing.
And as with, as coaches, many that I know of, we talk about how they're programmed.
And so we're here to help support you to get unprogrammed and be more, I'm sorry.
We assimilate, like if you're just going to eat a, you know, a gas station hot dog while
you're driving through traffic and you're stressed out because you're running late for
work, that's going to digest and assimilate so much differently in your body than if you're
at a ball game, having fun with friends and your, your stress levels are low.
Like you're going to digest it better.
You're not going to feel so good.
It's it's all just, there is so much mental that goes into the physical and the diet and
the food and yeah.
The surroundings, how, how relaxed we are, how calm we are.
And when we, we tell people like when they're eating out, like good, better, best, like
what sounds good to you, then what would be the better option?
Like maybe it's the cheeseburger, maybe without the bun kind of thing or yeah, the fries,
get the side salad to go with it.
Something like that.
Like just make the best, what sounds good, what would be a better choice?
What's my best option.
And also, you know, I, I share with my clients the day of, the night out, the day out, whatever,
do some mindful work in the morning, you know, getting grounded, things like that.
Even if it's just, just taking those deep breaths, because if you have a stressful morning
afternoon, and by the time you go out at night, they're ordering the menu, just asking
their husband, can I taste your food?
Because it's the stress factor again.
And balancing those things out takes time.
And as coaches, we know it's not a 30 day plan.
I don't care what it is.
You know, Weight Watchers has a lifetime membership for a reason, period.
And I told my friends, these companies have a lifetime membership for reasons.
Because we're going to fail.
We're going to have summertime.
We're going to have wintertime.
We're hyvating.
It's snowing.
I'm depressed.
I'm this.
I'm that.
You know, it's, it's, it's a life.
And that's why I call mine a wellness lifestyle.
You know, you're going to go off.
It's normal.
That's fine.
You can't put yourself over it.
You know, I've had clients got on the call and said, I had the worst week ever.
I'm like, it's okay.
We have this week.
It's okay.
You had a hiccup.
Now, if you have a hiccup for 30 days, then we have a problem.
But, but, you know, usually if you have a hiccup, that's what I call it.
If you have a hiccup, it's okay.
It's not, it's just something that happened and let's get past it.
And I think that once clients hear that they feel more relaxed and more comfortable with
working with coaches and say, you know what, I really enjoy working with coach Marie or
Gina or Kristen, you know, they made me understand, or they helped me understand certain things
about myself that I don't have to be so hard on myself for.
Because you're not going to let that one pick up define you.
It's like, that's not a bad weekend.
That's not who you are.
You know, and, and along the way, you know, they used to make fun, you know, Oh, she's
got a thyroid problem.
You know, she's overweight.
Oh, she's got that thyroid problem.
Well, you know what, that is part of a weight issue.
It's part of, it's just one facet.
You know, I know that because I studied hormones and I know that it's just not the thyroid
and if you know how the glands work, then it's coming, it originates from the hypothalamus.
It's coming from that first gland and then working its way down the body actually.
So when you understand all these things, then you're not so hard on yourself to say, well,
you know, people, you know, say, Oh, I have a thyroid problem.
That's why I'm overweight.
No, that's not why I'm overweight, could be genetics too.
But it is mostly hormones and we're, you know, I know we, you ladies talk about hormones
and it's, it's not just one hormone, there's many, many hormones that play a role in this.
I think when, when we decided to start the hormone certification thing, and when we tell
people that we're specializing in hormones, they automatically just go to like the, the
sex hormones, this way more than just testosterone and estrogen and progesterone.
This is from head to toe, it's all connected and yeah, intricate web.
And it's very intriguing and I just, I love what you do and love that you're tuning into
Thank you.
Thank you.
I mean, you know, I want to feel like I'm 20 again and sometimes I do, sometimes I feel
my age, but you know, and it's mindset, it's the mindset.
I wanted to talk about movement because movement is a really big deal.
You know, my one, I had a client that said, don't tell me to get on the treadmill and
run for 30 minutes.
I said, okay, I won't tell you to do that.
And don't tell me to go to the gym and do weights.
I won't tell you to do that, but can I ask you if you can walk one way for 15 minutes?
Oh, I could do that.
I said, oh, you can walk one way for 15 minutes.
I can do that.
Oh, great.
Do you think you could do it tomorrow?
She texted me back.
You didn't tell me it was 30 minutes, 15 one way, 15 back, but after the walk, I told
her to just sit for 15 minutes and do absolutely nothing.
That's what it's about.
That's movement.
Now, you know, eventually, you know, we're going to get the movement, you know, up to
walking more.
You want to ride a bike, but whatever you want to do, what, you know, I usually ask,
what did you like doing when you were young?
I love my, me personally, I love biking.
And so whenever I take my bike out, I go back to, you know, that, that age I was when I
first started riding bikes and having fun and driving, you know, riding in the neighborhood
and things like that.
So it's enjoyment.
So when you have enjoyment with your movement, then all your endorphins are going to be on
the high dopamine end.
It's not going to be in the other end.
So that's what it's about too, right?
Serotonin and dopamine, you know?
So yeah, so movement, you know, you don't have to be a bodybuilder and you don't have
to run and go crazy because a lot of times I did that.
I hired a trainer and after six weeks, he weighed me in after six weeks, I gained four
pounds and he said, there's something wrong with you and I can't figure it out.
He said, I worked you out so hard.
You should have lost 15 pounds.
It was stress.
My body was under stress.
So when you put that body under stress, it's going to cause an opposite reaction.
So just go for a light walk.
You know, if you happen to speed walk, you speed walk.
If you don't, you know, it's not a big deal.
You know, that's what a lot of my coaching is about.
It's how are you feeling?
How did that make you feel?
You know, all that kind of information goes through, but, you know, intuitively, you know,
I know there's other things that I need to share with them that they may not like, but
I just bring it on gently to them.
So Marie, before we, we've been on for a while and I don't want to miss this opportunity.
Talk to us about Deliciously for you.
Oh, I got the chills just now.
So while I was attending IIM, I had a food allergy test on because that's something else
that I chose to do to see what was wrong with weight loss department.
And I found that I had a sensitivity to, I have to remember how to run through the line.
It's had a sensitivity to dairy, wheat, gluten, eggs, nuts, sugar, something I'm missing.
And I thought, what the heck am I going to eat?
I'm Italian.
I got a can of cheese, a can of breadcrumb on my chicken cutlet.
So what I did was I was using substitutes and this is way before everything that's on
the market today.
And so when I came up with the substitute, I wrote Deliciously for you to have all your
favorite foods with the food substitution.
So I was all done and I was talking with a friend and she said, I think that's great,
but I probably won't buy your book.
I said, why?
And she said, well, I don't have those sensitivities.
I said, oh, okay.
So I went back up in my office and I changed the recipe to the food sensitivity ingredient
and the regular ingredient.
So if you had the sensitivity, you can use almond flour, gluten-free flour, or you could
use regular flour.
And I thought, ah, I got this.
I got recipes.
I'm like, okay, I got this.
I did it.
And I'm talking to a friend and she said, is it vegetarian too?
I was like, oh no.
I go, yeah, it's vegetarian.
I went back upstairs in my office and I wrote it as a vegetarian version.
So if it was chili, which I love my lentil chili.
If it was chili, you can use your ground beefs or you can use substitute for lentils.
So Deliciously for You came out with three different versions and one recipe.
And I was so proud of it.
And I actually broke, I got the chills again.
I actually broke the record for sales.
My first convention, it was in North Carolina, it was a gluten-free wellness convention.
And I broke the, I think it's 5% of sales and I wound up doing 20% of sales first time
out of the gate.
And I was so proud of myself and I love the book.
It's great also for families and there may be a child in the family that has a sensitivity
to eggs or cheese or gluten or can't have nuts and things like that.
So I can massage the recipe to where she can make it for her daughter and her son.
And it's pretty easy.
And I kept it really simple ingredients, no more than five.
I do have a couple of family recipes from my mom in there that has a little bit more
ingredients but I have the substitutions as well.
So I love my book and I love sharing it with others because there are a lot of books out
I go up and down the bookstore and I see them all and I'm just amazed.
But there are a lot of people that need some guidance with substituting, with the sensitivity.
So I actually did here in Florida, I actually did a wellness workshop for the Artistic Foundation
and I had a great time.
It was autism and Down syndrome folks and which I didn't know that Down syndrome folks
have a compromised gut.
So the book really does help with the food sensitivity so that they can help support
their gut as well.
And with autism, it's all about the brain function and their gut too.
So the book also helped that and I did great in sales with all the kids wanted to buy the
books and they actually just took the books and left.
And my friend said, oh my goodness, I said, don't worry about it.
Let's pay for the books later.
And they're like, we love your book and they just took it off the desk.
I thought that was pretty funny.
So yeah, so Deliciously for You is a great book to have on hand or a handbook.
We're going to have to get a copy of that for sure.
I'll send it to you.
And so Gina and I, same thing.
We felt like there was a need.
We wrote a book, like I said, last October it was released and it's the same name as
our company, our business called Stop Chasing Wellness and we like to ask our podcast guests
as the final question of our podcast, what does Stop Chasing Wellness mean to you, Marie?
That's a great question.
Stop Chasing Wellness.
You know, getting educated from you girls, Kristin and Gina, on the topic and myself,
because we know very well that wellness is just a word that people are using today, but
what's behind the word wellness?
It's mind, body, spirit.
That's the wellness part of it.
Do I want to chase wellness?
You bet I do.
You bet I do.
I want to be well enough to have a healthy mind and a healthy body and a healthy spirit
most of all, because a lot of folks are lacking spirit.
So if you want to chase wellness, you should go chase your spirit wellness.
And I think that that's what you ladies are doing and I appreciate that and I appreciate
you spreading the word on your podcast to show others that it's not just one thing,
Wellness is a combination of things.
So if I want to stop chasing the stigma of the word, yeah, I want to stop chasing that.
I want to chase something better than that.
And I think that that's what you ladies are preparing to do.
And I thank you for that.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you so much.
This is so great.
You're welcome.
Thank you for having me.
I'm thrilled.
I know Gina, we talked over 10 years and we've talked about wellness aspects, avenues in
the past, and if there's anything I can do to help along the way, then just please always
reach out to me.
I'm always here.
I drop the phone for anybody.
It's just how I am because I know someone is in need of something.
And so that was in my meditation today is to help me, have the universe help, have me
support others in need and be there for others because I think it's very important.
A lot of people are lacking others for support and help today.
I agree.
This was wonderful.
Gina, do you have any other questions before we wrap up?
I think this was really amazing.
Thank you, Marie.
Thank you for being here.
You're very welcome.
I thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
What a blessing.
Thank you so much.
You're very welcome.
Thank you.
Friends, thank you so, so much for joining us today.
We know this podcast was full of amazing information and our wish is that this blesses you in some
We would love for you to share this podcast with your friends and family so that others
may learn about Marie Rubenaccio and her amazing work as an intuitive health coach.
As you listen to this podcast, we know you were thinking about others that needed to
hear this.
We know other people came to mind and when you hear that calling, it's not accidental.
So please share this podcast with them.
We pray that this podcast will help more people to feel the confidence needed to begin their
healing journey and to take their health to the next level, to reach their health goals,
and to learn about nutrition and lifestyle choices so that we can all reach the goal
to live a long, healthy, and happy life.
We have been so blessed to have Marie Rubenaccio join us today to share this information.
You can contact Marie directly at email at
We'll also post the link for her email address directly in these podcast notes.
You can find her cookbook Deliciously for You by Marie Rubenaccio on Amazon.
And we'll also put the link for that directly in the podcast notes so you can find it there
as well.
And don't forget to follow health coach Gina and I, I'm health coach Kristin here, on Facebook
and Instagram at Stop Chasing Wellness.
And we invite you to read our book and check out the online wellness coaching programs
that we offer at
We thank you for spending your valuable time with us today.
God bless.